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Unit 203 Establish and maintain effective working relationships with others
Why are good working relationships important?
Getting on with your fellow employees is important; this does not mean that you have
to like them but that you are able to work effectively with them. This will
Promote a better more enjoyable working environment (better staff morale)
Ensure the team is effective (more gets done with less effort)
Increase work output and profitability of the organisation.
Promotes a culture of trust within the team
Prevent arguments
How can you help to maintain good working relationships
This can be done by
 Good communication
 Helping your colleagues when required
 Giving advice when required
 Trying not to be rude etc. (try to treat others, as you like to be treated
How can you improve the effectiveness of the way you work with others
can be done by
Compromising on disagreements
Communicating information clearly and in good time
Offering help when required
Pulling your own weight when working in the team.
How should you deal with disagreements at work
This will be different at every place of work but it is likely to be as follows
1. Discuss the issue and try to come to a compromise with the person.
2. It a compromise is not possible discuss with a colleague
3. If this does not help seek advice from your line manager
What is your responsibility with regard to dealing with disagreements?
Recognise and define the problem, avoid making the problem worse gather
information to help solve the problem. Help agree a solution and ensure it is carried
Why effective communication is important at work
Effective communication is important as it
a. Avoids misunderstandings and mistakes
b. Saves time and money
c. Makes for a better working environment
Methods of effective communication
Effective verbal communication, for the best results you should remember
a. Communication is a two way process, you should be prepared to listen to what is
been said to you and if you are not clear what is been said ask questions to
b. In order to ensure you have been understood you could ask the person to repeat
back to you the information you have just given them.
c. The use of hands is very helpful when giving information; hands can indicate size,
shape, direction etc.
d. Good communicators will engage eye contact with the person they are speaking to,
this automatically helps ensure they listen to you.
e. Try not to speak too quickly when giving information or instructions
f. Ensure the listener can see your face and lips when you are talking
g. Body language can help aid understanding
h. The tone of your voice can also aid understanding
Effective written conversation
We often have to leave messages or memos while at work, apart from normal factors
such as writing clearly etc., all written communication should contain the following
Who the information is from (your name)
The name of the person you are giving to information to
The date
The subject (the facts which should be concise and to the point so information can
be quickly assessed).
Telephone messages
Often messages are relayed by phone and the way in which you record this
information can make life much easier for those you work with, when dealing with
telephone calls remember to
Record the name of the person calling
Record the subject matter (what the call was about)
The date and time of the call
The persons telephone number
The best time to get in contact with them if a return call is required.
To avoid annoying those you work with always ensure you pass information on as
soon as possible. Its best to write things down as you may forget vital parts of the
message if you don’t.