Download Severe Weather Brochure Project (Due 12/21)

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Weather Brochure Project (Due 10/9)
Using your notebook (pg. 18 – 25) you will create an informational brochure on
weather. Due Fri. Oct. 9th.
Weather topics to include in your:
Air Masses
 Tornadoes
 Hurricanes
 Winter Storms
 Thunderstorms
The cover: Write a title for your brochure. Include a picture of weather. If the picture is not your own,
make sure you cite (explain) where it is from.
Inside left cover: Wind
1.) What is wind?
2.) Explain how winds form (either in words or draw a picture).
3.) What effect does the Coriolis effect have on wind?
4.) What directions do the prevailing westerlies and jet stream blow?
Inside middle panel: Air Masses
1.) Air masses depend on what two characteristics?
2.) What controls the movement of air masses in the United States?
3.) Give the meaning of: Tropical, Polar, Maritime, and Continental.
4.) Give the definition of a Tropical Continental, Tropical Maritime, Polar Continental, Polar Maritime.
Inside right panel: Fronts
1.) Define the following fronts: Cold Front, Warm Front, Stationary Front, Occluded Front.
2.) Describe associated weather for the following fronts: Cold Front, Warm Front, Stationary Front,
Occluded Front.
3.) Draw a picture of the following fronts: Cold Front, Warm Front, Stationary Front, Occluded Front.
Back left panel: Thunderstorms & Tornadoes
1.) Define each storm.
2.) Explain how each storm forms.
3.) Describe some dangers of each storm.
4.) Describe some safety precautions people should take during each storm.
Back middle: Hurricanes and Winter Storms
1.) Define each storm.
2.) Explain how each storm forms.
3.) Describe some dangers of each storm.
4.) Describe some safety precautions people should take during each storm.
1.) What is wind?
2.) Explain how
winds form (either in
words or draw a
3.) What effect does
the Coriolis effect
have on wind?
4.) What directions do
the prevailing
westerlies and jet
stream blow?
1.) Define each storm.
2.) Explain how each storm
3.) Describe some dangers
of each storm.
4.) Describe some safety
precautions people should
take during each storm.
1.) Air masses depend on
what two characteristics?
2.) What controls the
movement of air masses in
the United States?
3.) Give the meaning of:
Tropical, Polar, Maritime,
and Continental.
4.) Give the definition of a
Tropical Continental,
Tropical Maritime, Polar
Continental, Polar Maritime.
1.) Define each storm.
2.) Explain how each storm
3.) Describe some dangers of
each storm.
4.) Describe some safety
precautions people should
take during each storm.
1.) Define the following
fronts: Cold Front, Warm
Front, Stationary Front,
Occluded Front.
2.) Describe associated
weather for the following
fronts: Cold Front, Warm
Front, Stationary Front,
Occluded Front.
3.) Draw a picture of the
following fronts: Cold
Front, Warm Front,
Stationary Front,
Occluded Front.
Write a title for your
brochure. Include a
picture of weather. If
the picture is not your
own, make sure you cite
(explain) where it is
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