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Ch 27 Study Guide
1. Which of the following best characterized American foreign policy during the 1920s and
A) strict isolationism
B) cooperative internationalism
C) limited internationalism
D) moral internationalism
2. The series of treaties signed at the Washington Conference of 1921 to 1922 dealt with three of
the following. Which is the exception?
A) The limitation of land forces
B) The limitation of naval armaments
C) The reaffirmation of the Open Door in China
D) Mutual respect between the four powers for territorial possessions in the Pacific
3. The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 pledged the signatory nations to:
A) join the League of Nations
B) respect the Open Door policy in China
C) renounce war as an instrument of national policy
D) establish a binding regional-security military alliance with one another
4. The Dawes Plan:
A) allowed the U.S. to forgive German war debts from World War I
B) gave Germany American loans so it could pay its war debts to France and England
C) forced Germany to pay its reparations to the U.S. on a quicker schedule
D) significantly improved the economic problems in Europe
5. How did the Hoover administration respond to the Japanese conquest of Manchuria?
A) It supported the Japanese action
B) It imposed economic sanctions on the Japanese
C) It refused to grant diplomatic recognition to the new Japanese territories
D) It ordered the Pacific fleet to stand by off the China coast
6. Official recognition of the Soviet Union regime in Russia by the American government in
1933 resulted in:
A) increased understanding and appreciation of the theories of communism by most Americans
B) plans by which the Soviet Union and the United States intended to contain expansion by
fascist governments
C) significantly increased sales of American manufactured goods inside the Soviet Union
D) relatively little change in the mutual mistrust which had characterized Soviet-American
relations in the past
7. With regard to Latin America, Herbert Hoover:
A) relied on “dollar diplomacy” as William H. Taft had
B) returned to military intervention as Woodrow Wilson had
C) renounced the Monroe Doctrine and encouraged western European intervention
D) repudiated the Roosevelt corollary and refused to send in U.S. troops when Caribbean nations
got into debt problem and political instability
8. President Roosevelt’s international monetary policy:
A) emphasized international currency stability
B) continued President Hoover’s policy of settling the issue of war debts through international
C) focused on improving the United States’ position in world trade
D) emphasized the reinforcement of the gold standard
9. The Good Neighbor policy of Franklin D. Roosevelt applied specifically to:
A) Canada
B) Great Britain
C) Latin American
D) the Philippines
10. The Nye committee reached the conclusion that an important factor leading the United States
into war in 1917 was the:
A) threat to the balance of power in Europe
B) power vacuum created by the decline of Turkey
C) need to protect American bank loans to the Allies
D) need to protect American overseas colonial possessions
11. The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States couls
stay out of war by:
A) ending the Depression
B) freeing all American colonies
C) staying out of the League of Nations
D) banning arms sales to continue at war
12. Which of the following place names readily brings to mind appeasement of the Nazis?
A) Dunkirk
B) Munich
C) Stockholm
D) Warsaw
13. In 1933, the United States finally recognized the government of communist Russia, in part
because the:
A) United States hopes for substantial trade with Russia
B) Soviet Union completely abandoned support of the Comintern
C) communists had established their legitimacy through free election
D) United States felt it needed a new ally against Hitler
14. The diplomatic strategy behind the Lend-Lease program was to:
A) continue American neutrality at all costs during World War II
B) support non-Communist nations at the close of World War II
C) stimulate the growth of Third World nations’ economies
D) aid American business interests in Latin America
E) support England’s war efforts against Germany without the U.S. entering World War II
15. The America First Committee:
A) pushed for more aid to England and France in order to defend America
B) urged an immediate declaration of war in Germany
C) argued that a Nazi victory in Europe would pose no threat to American national security
D) drew most of its support from the East and West Coasts and the South
16. Which statement best represents the United States’ response to reports of the German
persecution of Jews?
A) Americans overwhelmingly supported legislation to admit twenty thousand German refugee
B) the United States expressed sympathy for the plight of the Jews, and liberalized its restrictive
immigrations laws
C) the United States sponsored the ship St. Louis to rescue 900 Jews for resettlement in America
D) the United States expressed sympathy for the plight of the Jews, but refused to liberalize its
restrictive immigration laws
17. The purpose of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech was to:
A) obtain a congressional declaration of war against Germany
B) obtain a congressional declaration of war against Japan
C) gain support for his Lend-Lease program
D) assert complete American neutrality in the war in Europe
E) set forth the terms under which Germany’s surrender would be accepted
18. Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor policy toward Latin America included:
A) a substantial program of American economic aid for Latin American countries
B) a renunciation of American intervention in Mexico or elsewhere n the region
C) an American military presence to block German influence in Argentina and Brazil
D) an American pledge to transfer the Panama Canal to Panama by the year 2000
19. The policy of appeasing the Fascist dictators reached its low point in 1938 when Britain and
France sold out Czechoslovakia to Hitler in the conference at
A) Geneva
B) Versailles
C) Munich
D) Prague
20. The “cash-and-carry” Neutrality Act of 1939 was cleverly designed to
A) guarantee that American policy would not benefit either side in World War II
B) enable American merchants to provide loans and ships to the Allies
C) prepare America for involvement in the war
D) help Britain and France by letting them buy supplies and munitions in the United States
21. The “destroyers-for-bases” deal of 1940 provided that
A) the United States would give Britain fifty American destroyers in exchange for eight British
B) the United States would give Britain new bases in North America in exchange for fifty British
C) if America entered the war it would receive eight bases in Britain in exchange for American
D) the British would transfer captured French destroyers to the United States in exchange for the
use of American bases in East Asia
22. The twin events that precipitated the reversal of American policy from neutrality to active,
though nonbelligerent, support of the Allies cause were:
A) the Munich Conference and the invasion of Poland
B) the fall of France and the Battle of Britain
C) the fall of Poland and the invasion of Norway
D) the invasion of the Soviet union and the German submarine attacks on American shipping
23. In the campaign of 1940, the Republican nominee Willkie essentially agreed with Roosevelt
on the issue of:
A) the New Deal
B) the third term
C) Roosevelt’s use of power in office
D) foreign policy
24. The Lend-Lease Act clearly marked
A) the end of isolationist opposition to Roosevelt’s foreign policy
B) an end to the pretense of American neutrality between Britain and Germany
C) a secret Roosevelt plan to involve the United States in war with Japan
D) the beginning of opposition in Congress to Roosevelt’s foreign policy
25. The provision of the Atlantic Charter signed by Roosevelt and Churchill in 1941 included
A) self-determination for oppressed peoples and a new international peacekeeping organization
B) a permanent alliance between Britain , the United States, and the Soviet Union
C) a pledge to rid the world of dictators and to establish democratic governments in Germany
and Italy
D) an agreement to oppose Soviet communism, but only after Hitler was defeated
_____ Cordell Hull
_____ Adolph Hitler
_____ Benito Mussolini
_____ Francisco Franco
_____ Ethiopia
_____ Czechoslovakia
_____ Poland
_____ France
_____ Charles A. Lindbergh
_____ Wendell Willkie
_____ Winston Churchill
_____ Joseph Stalin
_____ Iceland
_____ Hawaii
A. Courageous prime minister who led Britain’s lonely
resistance to Hitler
B. Leader of the “America First” organization and chief
spokesman for U.S. isolationism
C. African nation invaded by an Italian dictator in 1935
D. Dynamic dark horse Republican presidential nominee who
attacked FDR only on domestic policy
E. Fanatical Fascist leader of Germany whose aggressions
forced the United States to abandon its neutrality
F. Nations who sudden fall to Hitler in 1940 pushed the
United States closer to direct aid to Britain
G. Site of a naval base where Japan launched a devastating
surprise attack on the United States
H. North Atlantic nation near whose waters U.S. destroyers
came under Nazi submarine attack
I. Small East European democracy betrayed into Hitler’s
hands at Munich
J. The lesser partner of the Rome-Berlin Axis who invaded
Ethiopia and joined the war against France and Britain
K. FDR’s secretary of state, who promoted reciprocal trade
agreements, especially with Latin America
L. Russian dictator who helped Hitler destroy Poland before
becoming a victim of Nazi aggression in 1941
M. East European nation whose September 1939 invasion by
Hitler set off World War II in Europe
N. Fascist rebel against the Spanish Loyalist government
1. FDR’s repudiation of Theodore Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe
Doctrine, stating his intention to work cooperatively with Latin
American nations
2. Conflict between the rebel Fascist forces of General Francisco Franco
and the Loyalist government that severely tested U.S. neutrality
3. Roosevelt’s 1937 speech that proposed strong U.S. measures against
overseas aggressors
4. European diplomatic conference in 1938 where Britain and France
conceded to Hitler’s demands for Czechoslovakia
5. Term for the British-French policy of attempting to prevent war by
granting German demands
6. Leading isolationist group advocating that America focus on
continental defense and non-involvement with the European war
7. Controversial 1941 law that made America the “arsenal of
democracy” by providing supposedly temporary military material
assistance to Britain
8. U.S.-British agreement of August 1941 to promote democracy and
establish a new-international organization for peace
9. Major American Pacific naval base devastated in a surprise attack in
December 1941