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ACP Semester 2 Final Review
Directions: Write all definitions on a separate piece of paper. Use flashcards if
desired. I have left this in word format so you can put your answers on the page,
add lines, widen spaces or make it your own.
Physical Science
Ch. 9 Motion
9.1 Describing and Measuring Motion
Define the following:
reference point
centiInternational System of Units
kiloScientists around the world use the ________________________, a system of
measurement based on the number ten.
An object is in ________________________ when its distance from a(n)
________________________ is changing.
The prefix that means “one hundredth” is ________________________.
A meter is a little longer than a ________________________.
The basic SI unit of length is the ________________________.
9.2 Speed and Velocity
Define the following:
average speed
instantaneous speed
9.3 Acceleration
Define the following:
1. What kind of motion does acceleration refer to?
2. How is acceleration calculated?
3. What graphs can be used to analyze the motion of an accelerating object?
4. Members of a track club are running a 1.5 km race. What is this distance in meters?
5. Your father is driving to the beach. He drives at one speed for two hours. He drives at a
different speed for another two hours and a third speed for the final hour. How would you
find his average speed for all five hours?
6. Two objects traveling at the same speed have different velocities if they…
7. An object used as a reference point to determine motion should be…
8. A change in position with respect to a reference point is called…?
9. You do not know an object’s velocity until you know its…?
10. If you know a car travels 30 km in 20 minutes, you can find its…?
11. Acceleration is a change in speed or…?
12. The rate at which velocity changes is called…?
13. What is the SI unit for acceleration?
14. What does the slope on a speed-versus-time graph represent?
15. A passenger walks toward the rear of a moving train. Describe her motion as seen
from a reference point on the train. Then describe it from a reference point on the ground.
16. Which has a greater speed, a heron that travels 600 m in 60 seconds or a duck that
travels 60 m in 5 seconds? Explain.
17. You have a motion graph for an object that shows distance and time. How does the
slope of the graph relate to the object’s speed?
18. An insect lands on a compact disc that is put into a player. If the insect spins with the
disc, is the insect accelerating? Why or why not?
19. Convert 119 cm to meters.
20. Convert 22.4 km to meters.
21. During a slap shot, a hockey puck takes 0.5 second to reach the goal. It started from
rest and reached a final speed of 35 m/s. What is the puck’s average acceleration?
Ch. 10 Forces
10.1 The Nature of Force
Define the following:
Net Force
Unbalanced Forces
balanced forces
10.2 Friction and Gravity
Define the following:
static friction
sliding friction
rolling friction
Fluid friction
Free fall
air resistance
terminal velocity
10.3 Newton’s First and Second Laws
Define the following:
Newton’s 1st Law
10.4 Newton’s Third Law
Define the following:
Newton’s 3rd Law
Newton’s 2nd Law
law of conservation of momentum
10.5 Rockets and Satellites
Centripetal force
22. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, what is the overall force?
23. Air resistance is what type of friction?
24. What is an example of a projectile?
25. The resistance of an object to any change in its motion is called what?
26. What is the formula for momentum?
27. Draw a picture of balanced and unbalanced forces.
28. Four children pull on the same toy at the same time, yet there is no net force on the
toy. How is that possible?
29. Why do slippery fluids such as oil reduce sliding friction?
30. Will a flat sheet of paper dropped from a height of 2 m accelerate at the same rate as a
piece of paper crumpled into a ball? Why or why not?
31. Explain how force, mass, and acceleration are related by Newton’s second law of
32. Suppose you are an astronaut making a space walk outside your space station when
your jet pack runs out of fuel. How can you use your empty jet pack to get you back to
the station?
33. Draw a diagram showing the motion of a satellite around Earth. Label the forces
acting on the satellite. Is the satellite accelerating?
34. Four children pull on the same toy at the same time, yet there is no net force on the
toy. How is that possible?
35. Why do slippery fluids such as oil reduce sliding friction?
36. Will a flat sheet of paper dropped from a height of 2 m accelerate at the same rate as a
piece of paper crumpled into a ball? Why or why not?
37.Explain how force, mass, and acceleration are related by Newton’s second law of
38. Suppose you are an astronaut making a space walk outside your space station when
your jet pack runs out of fuel. How can you use your empty jet pack to get you back to
the station?
39. Draw a diagram showing the motion of a satellite around Earth. Label the forces
acting on the satellite. Is the satellite accelerating?
40. What kind of friction allows you to walk without slipping?
41. You are moving fast on a skateboard when your wheel gets stuck in a crack on the
sidewalk. Using the term inertia, explain what happens.
42. Look at the diagram below of two students pulling a bag of volleyball equipment. The
friction force between the bag and the floor is 15 N. What is the net force acting on the
bag? What is the acceleration of the bag?
43. When you drop a golf ball to the pavement, it bounces up. Is a force needed to make
it bounce up? If so, what exerts the force?
44. A 7.3-kg bowling ball accelerates at a rate of 3.7 m/s2. What force acts on the
bowling ball?
45. A 240-kg snow-mobile travels at 16 m/s. The mass of the driver is 75 kg. What is the
momentum of the snowmobile and driver?
46. Use the formula for momentum to find the momentum of each ball before and after
the collision. Assume the mass of each ball is 0.4 kg.
47. Find the total momentum before and after collision. Is the law of conservation of
momentum satisfied in this collision? Explain.
48. The table below shows the mass and velocity of four animals. Which animal has the
greatest momentum?
Life Science
Ch. 17 Respiration and Excretion
17.1 The Respiratory System
Define the following:
vocal cords
17.2 Smoking and Your Health
Define the following:
Carbon monoxide
lung cancer
49. What is the process by which your body processes glucose and oxygen?
50. The trachea divides into two tubes called what?
51. What is your voice produced by? (not the voice box)
If the statement is true, write true. If it is false, change the underlined word or words to
make the statement true.
52. Dust particles trapped in mucus are swept away by tiny, hair like alveoli.
53. Clusters of air sacs in the lungs are bronchi.
54. Tar is a chemical in tobacco smoke that makes the heart beat faster.
Relationships between body systems
55. What is blood’s role in the digestive process?
56. In what ways does the circulatory system interact with the respiratory system?
57. What happens in our bones that helps the circulatory system
58. What are the chambers of the heart and what are their jobs/functions
59. Another word for High Blood Pressure. What is normal blood pressure?
60. What do fats do to the circulatory system?
61. What is caused by fat/cholesterol build up in the arteries called?
62. What does hemoglobin do?
63. What do arteries and veins do? What are their differences?
64. What are the 6 nutrients?
65. What are the substances in food that provide the raw materials and energy the
body needs to carry out its essential processes
66. Major source of energy for the body
67. What is a calorie? How many are in 1 pound of fat
68. What are the folded structures in the small intestines that aide in the absorption
of nutrients?
69. There are two main substances that wash over the food as it enters the small
intestines, what are they?
70. What is taken out in the large intestines
71. What are the small hair like structures in the trachea?
72. What is the substance that is not working when someone has diabetes
73. What are the characteristics of type II diabetes?
74. What are some characteristics of type I diabetes?
75. What is the one thing type II diabetes does not need in every person?
76. How does diabetes harm the body?
A glucose tolerance test can check for diabetes. A doctor gives a patient a sugar drink and
measures the blood glucose level over a 2 hour period. The graph below shows the results
of this test for two people
77. What was each person’s glucose level at the start of the test?
78. Which person’s blood glucose level rose more quickly during the first 30 minutes?
79. Which person’s blood glucose level returned to near the starting level after 2 hours?
Which person’s blood glucose level remained elevated after 2 hours?
80. Which person may have diabetes? Explain your answer.
81. The leading cause of cancer death is
82. Another name for a Cancer Causing Compound is
83. What is the job of the nasal and oral cavities?
84. A tumor is a mass of cancer cells.
85. What are the two types of tumors? Which is cancerous
86. What is the term for the breaking off and spreading of cancer?
87. What are the two tests for COPD and emphysema?
88. What is involved in cellular respiration?
89. How many joints are in the human body enabling _______ bones to move
90. What are the differences between tendons and ligaments
91. What are the differences between rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
92. What does osteoporosis do?
93. How many muscles are in the human body?
94. What are the 3 types of muscle? What are their characteristics?
95. What part of the body does MD affect?
96. What are the 5 underlying causes of almost all of our body issues…heart
disease, diabetes, heart attack…
97. In what ways do the digestive system and circulatory system interact?
98. What happens in the alveoli? What happens when carbon monoxide is present
such as that in cigarette smoke? How does this affect the body?
99. Explain what happens during a heart attack
What does diabetes do to the body? Explain what happens in the blood
vessels. Think about why there is a loss of circulation.
There will be a couple questions that I would like to get your feedback on. These will not
be graded. I want your honest answers to better help me as a teacher. This will be
separate from the final and not affect your grade and only if there is time. This does not
just cover he second semester, it covers the whole year. Every teacher can improve what
they are currently doing to make the class better. Please consider:
1. What was your favorite thing you learned about this year
2. What did I make most interesting
3. What was a waste of time… explain please…(be honest please)
4. What would your message to my future students be?
You will all be missed. I have never had a group of students so talented and dedicated to
school. You made my transition to Erie amazing. Have a great summer break… and yes
Barin, I know you cannot have a summer