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World War I Practice Regents
Instructions: This is an exam that contains WWI regents questions from the years
1998-2009. If you would like the answers please print the sheet and bring it to me in
class or email me for the answers.
1. During World War II, the Allied invasion of France on D-Day (June 6, 1944) was
significant because it
1. demonstrated the power of the atomic 3. led to the immediate surrender
of German and Italian forces
2. resulted in a successful German revolt 4. forced Germans to fight a twoagainst Hitler and the Nazi Party
front war
2. A major cause of World War I was
1. a decline in the policy of
3. an increase in acts of aggression by
2. the existence of opposing
4. the spread of communism throughout
3. During World War II, which geographic features contributed most to the Soviet
Union's defense against the German invasion?
1. deposits of many natural
3. Atlantic ports and rivers
2. size and climate
4. mountainous territory and desert
4. In Russia, the events of Bloody Sunday, the heavy casualties during World War I,
and the ineffective leadership of the czar led directly to the
1. Revolution of 1917
3. signing of the Munich Pact
2. institution of perestroika
4. creation of the Warsaw Pact
5. Which situation contributed to the success of Mohandas Gandhi's campaign of
civil disobedience in India?
1. Pakistan and Bangladesh were involved
in civil wars.
3. Sikhs and Muslims wanted to
create a new nation.
2. The United States came to Gandhi's aid 4. Great Britain was weakened by
with food and clothing.
World War II.
6. Base your answer on the accompanying telegram and on your knowledge of social
Which war is most closely associated with the telegram Nicholas II sent to Wilhelm
1. the Franco-Prussian War
3. World War I
2. the Russo-Japanese War
4. World War II
7. At the end of World War II, the British decided to partition the Indian
subcontinent into the nations of India and Pakistan. What was a primary reason for
this division?
1. India had adopted a policy of
3. Most of India's valuable resources
were located in the south.
2. Religious differences had led to
4. British India's Muslim minority
conflicts between Hindus and Muslims. controlled most of India's banking
8. Base your answer on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
. . . A weary, exhausted, nerve-racked group of men it was indeed that, about noon
November 1, assembled in a gully north of Sommerance [France] to rest and dig in for
the night. The artillery was still firing furiously, but the enemy's barrage
[bombardment] had ceased very suddenly about 10:00 a.m. and now only occasional
shells from long-range rifles would explode in the vicinity. The weather was gloomy
and the moist air chilled one to the bones. Yet it was with that meticulous
[methodical] care that is characteristic of worn-out men, that we prepared our
foxholes, carrying boards and iron sheeting from abandoned machine-gunners'
dugouts in order to make our "houses" as comfortable as possible, even though only
for one night. . . .
Source: William L. Langer, Gas and Flame in
World War I, Knopf/Borzoi
Which means of warfare is described in this passage?
guerilla biological
4. trench
9. Which region was described as "the powder keg of Europe" prior to World War I?
1. Iberian Peninsula
3. Balkan Peninsula
2. British Isles
4. Scandinavia
10. "Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Form Triple Alliance"
"Serbian Nationalism Grows in Balkans"
"Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated in Bosnia"
The events in these headlines contributed most directly to the
1. beginning of World War I
3. development of communist rule in Europe
2. outbreak of the Cold War
4. strengthening of European monarchies
11. Base your answer on the accompanying map and on your knowledge of social
Which time period in German history is most accurately represented in this map?
1. between World War I and World
War II
3. immediately after the Congress of
2. just after the Berlin Conference
4. during unification under Bismarck
12. Which United States foreign policy was used to maintain the independence of
Greece and Turkey after World War II?
1. containment
3. nonalignment
2. neutrality
4. militarism
13. Heavy military losses in WWI, food and fuel shortages, and opposition to the
czar led to the
1. French Revolution
3. Chinese Revolution
2. Russian Revolution
4. Cuban Revolution
14. One reason for the outbreak of World War II was the
1. ineffectiveness of the League of
3. conflict between the Hapsburg
and the Romanov families
2. growing tension between the United 4. refusal of the German government
States and the Soviet Union
to sign the Treaty of Versailles
15. Which title would best complete this partial outline?
I. ______________________________________
A. Formation of secret alliances
B. Conflict over colonies in Africa
C. Military buildup of European armies and navies
D. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
1. Scramble for Africa
3. Results of World War II
2. Causes of World War I
4. Reasons for the United Nations
16. A major result of the Nuremberg trials after World War II was that
1. Germany was divided into
four zones of occupation
3. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) was established to stop the spread
of communism
2. the United Nations was
formed to prevent future acts
of genocide
4. Nazi political and military leaders were
held accountable for their actions
17. After World War II, the Soviet Union maintained control of many Eastern
European nations mainly because these nations were
1. a source of new technology and
skilled labor
3. extensions of communist power
2. near warm-water ports on the
Mediterranean Sea
4. members of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO)
18. The harsh terms included in the treaties ending World War I have been used to
explain the
1. Fascist Revolution in Spain
3. rise of Nazism in Germany
2. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia
4. Armenian massacre in Turkey
19. The formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the division
of Germany into East Germany and West Germany, and the Korean War were
immediate reactions to
1. Japanese military aggression in
the 1930s
3. ethnic conflict and civil war in
Africa in the 1950s
2. the rise of German nationalism
after World War I
4. communist expansion after
World War II
20. "Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated!"
"Germany Declares War on Russia and France!"
"Peace Treaty Signed at Versailles!"
Which event is referred to in these headlines?
1. Franco-Prussian War
3. World War I
2. Crimean War
4. Cold War
21. Since the end of World War II, the nations of Western Europe have improved
their economic position by
1. increasing communication and
cooperation in the region
3. isolating themselves from the
rest of the world
2. colonizing African and Asian nations
4. rejecting membership in the
United Nations
22. The Balkans were referred to as the "Powder Keg of Europe" in the period
before World War I because of their
1. manufacturing ability
3. nationalistic rivalries
2. stockpiles of weapons
4. economic strength
23. Which statement explains the decline in unemployment rates in Britain between
1914 and 1918?
1. World War I generated jobs at 3. Assembly-line production of consumer
home in England and in the military. goods required more workers.
2. Many new jobs were available in
Britain's African colonies.
4. The British were buying huge amounts
of war materials from the United States.
24. The Treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic collapse of Germany after
World War I by
1. mandating economic reforms in
3. placing a quota on goods exported
from Germany
2. requiring that Germany pay for
war damages
4. devaluing German currency
25. During World War II, which event occurred last?
1. German invasion of Poland 3. United States bombing of Hiroshima and
2. Russian defense of
4. Japanese invasion of Manchuria
26. After World War II, the United States provided financial aid to West Germany,
Turkey, and Greece because these nations were
1. beginning their industrial
3. newly independent
2. facing possible communist
4. major military partners of the
United States
27. Which statement describes the economic history of Japan since World War II?
1. Japan has been limited in
industrial development by the
occupation of the United States.
3. Japan has withdrawn from the world
economic community and has practiced
economic self-sufficiency.
2. Japan has developed a strong
4. Japan has concentrated on rebuilding
economic base built on the export of its defense industries.
manufactured goods.
28. During World War I, which group of people were victims of genocide?
1. Arabs in Egypt
3. Algerians in France
2. Palestinians in Syria
4. Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
29. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany for its role in World War I by
1. forcing Germany to accept blame for
the war and to pay reparations
3. supporting economic sanctions
by the United Nations
2. dividing Germany into four occupied
4. taking away German territory
in the Balkans and Spain
30. The violence and destruction that occurred during World War II led to the
1. expansion of colonial empires in Africa 3. signing of the Versailles Treaty
2. formation of the United Nations
4. unification of Germany
31. In the late 1990¿s, international demands to conduct trials for war crimes
similar to those conducted at Nuremberg after World War II are responses to war
crimes taking place in
1. Bosnia
3. Poland
2. the Czech Republic
4. Russia
32. A major factor in the economic recoveries of Japan and West Germany after
World War II was their
1. desire to avoid an invasion from
3. ability to produce nuclear
2. acceptance into the United States
4. need to replace destroyed
33. After World War II, India and many other developing nations sought to avoid
being dominated by the superpowers by following a policy of
1. containment
3. militarism
2. nonalignment
4. isolationism
34. Both alliances shown on the map were formed after World War II primarily to
1. increase military defense
3. compete in the global economy
2. promote democracy in Europe
4. expand trade between the members
35. A. Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
B. Allies invade Europe on D-Day.
C. Germany invades Poland.
D. Japanese attack Pearl Harbor.
Which sequence shows the correct chronological order of these World War II
events, from earliest to latest?
1. A --> B --> C --> D
3. C --> D --> B --> A
2. B --> A --> D --> C
4. D --> C --> A --> B
36. Base your answer on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies.
This excerpt is taken from a poem written about World War I.
"If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England's, breathing English air,
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. . . .
--Rupert Brooke, "The Soldier"
Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from Brooke's poem?
1. pacifism
3. nationalism
2. neutrality
4. anarchy
37. Base your answer on the maps (see image) and on your knowledge of social
Which factor was the most significant force in causing the changes between 1914
and 1919 as shown on the two maps?
1. worldwide depression
3. rise of Mussolini
2. treaties signed at the end of World
War I
4. dissatisfaction of the German
38. Base your answer on the diagram shown and on your knowledge of social studies.
Based on the information provided by the diagram, which statement is a valid
conclusion about the 1930s?
1. The United States led
international peacekeeping efforts.
3. The actions of Italy, Germany, and
Japan united Europe.
2. Aggression led to the start of
World War II.
4. Economic and social upheaval led to
the rise of democracy in Asia.
39. The main reason Japan invaded Southeast Asia during World War II was to
1. recruit more men for its
3. satisfy the Japanese people's need for
2. acquire supplies of oil and
4. prevent the United States from entering
the war
40. Which set of events is in the correct chronological order?
1. Renaissance --> Middle Ages --> 3. Reformation --> Crusades --> European
Roman Empire
exploration of the Americas
2. Treaty of Versailles --> World
War II --> Korean War
4. Bolshevik Revolution --> French
Revolution --> American Revolution
41. Many historians believe that the harsh terms found in the Treaty of Versailles
helped lead to
1. Italy's unification
3. revolutions in Russia
2. Turkey's modernization
4. World War II
42. One reason the Japanese followed a policy of expansionism before World War II
was to gain
1. warm-water ports
3. additional natural resources
2. control of Tibet
4. control of the Suez Canal
43. What was a direct result of World War I?
1. Nicholas II was named czar
of Russia.
3. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was
assassinated by a terrorist.
2. Germany lost its colonies in
Africa and Asia.
4. The Ottoman Empire expanded.
44. "Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, handgrenades — words, words, but they hold the horror of the world."
— Erich Maria Remarque,
All Quiet on the Western Front
This quotation best describes the effects of the
1. technological developments
used during World War I
3. tension between the superpowers
during the Cold War
2. formation of alliances in World 4. protests against reforms during the
War II
Indian independence movement
45. Which group was accused of violating human rights in the city of Nanjing during
World War II?
1. Americans
3. Japanese
2. Chinese
4. Germans
46. Base your answer on the cartoon (see image) and on your knowledge of social
The cartoon illustrates the tension that led to which war?
1. Franco-Prussian War
3. World War II
2. World War I
4. Cold War
47. The success of the women¿s suffrage movement in 20th-century Europe
resulted in part from women
1. holding high political offices
3. being encouraged to have large
2. working in factories during
World War I
4. serving in combat positions during
World War I
48. What was the immediate cause of World War I in Europe?
1. start of the civil war in 3. assassination of the heir to the throne of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire
2. sinking of the British
liner, Lusitania
4. attack on Poland by the German army
French intent to recolonize Indo-China after World War II
United States desire to prevent the spread of communism
United States support for the French in SoutheastAsia
These ideas are most closely associated with the
1. causes of the conflict in Vietnam
3. factors that led to the
Korean War
2. reasons for the Nationalist settlement
of Taiwan
4. results of the Marshall Plan
50. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente contributed to the start of World
War I by
1. failing to include Germany and
France as members
3. allowing Japanese aggression in
2. threatening countries in the
Western Hemisphere
4. increasing tensions between
European countries
51. World War II was a turning point for many European colonies in Africa and Asia
because the war led to
1. the occupation of most European
colonies by United Nations troops
3. the expansion of European
2. increased efforts by these colonies
to gain independence
4. decreased friction between the
Europeans and their colonies
52. The purpose of the Marshall Plan after World War II was to
1. promote the spread of militarism
3. rebuild national economies to
stabilize governments
2. force the losing nations to help areas 4. strengthen the alliances that had
destroyed in the war
won the war
53. A study of Japan's economy since World War II would lead to the conclusion
1. government support of technological
advances can improve a nation's
economic position
3. a Communist system leads to
economic prosperity
2. imperialism is necessary for the
economic development of a nation
4. the feudal system is more
economically productive than the
market system
54. World War II is often considered to be a turning point in history because
1. the League of Nations demonstrated
that an international organization could
3. European domination of the
world began to weaken as
maintain world peace
nationalism in colonies increased
2. the war brought an end to
dictatorship as a form of government
4. religious and ethnic differences
were no longer a source of conflict
between nations
55. Since World War II, the reason the Persian Gulf region has become increasingly
important to many industrialized nations is that
1. Egypt has undergone rapid
3. Western nations have refused to
trade with the Middle East
2. Israel has given economic
assistance to Syria and Saudi Arabia
4. the economic strength of the oilproducing nations have increased
56. The treatment of intellectuals under the rule of Khmer Rouge, of the Jews in
Europe during World War II, and the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire are examples
1. cultural diffusion
3. modernization
2. fundamentalism
4. genocide
57. After World War I, Japan attempted to solve some of its economic problems by
1. establishing extensive trade with the
Soviet Union
3. practicing the principles of
2. expanding its influence in Asia
4. refusing to rely on Western
58. Between the Meiji Restoration and World War II, Japan tried to solve the
problem of its scarcity of natural resources by
1. exporting agricultural products in
exchange for new technology
3. building nuclear power plants
2. establishing a policy of imperialism
4. cooperating with the Soviet Union
to gain needed resources
59. The desire for self-determination in African nations became a powerful force
for change immediately after
1. World War II
3. revolutions in Russia and France
2. the Boer War
4. the end of the Cold War
60. The imperialist policies followed by Japan after World War I were based on a
desire to
1. convert people to Shinto
3. compete with Chinese trade policies
2. acquire markets for its oil
4. obtain natural resources for
61. Since the end of World War II, military rearmament in Japan has been limited
1. specific restrictions in Japan's
3. the United Nations refusal to sell
weapons to the Japanese
2. Japan's refusal to sign a nuclear
nonproliferation treaty
4. a scarcity of technology and
resources in Japan
62. Since WWII, what action have many Latin American nations taken to improve
their economies?
1. reinforcing traditional farming methods
3. adopting protectionist
2. encouraging citizens to emigrate to
other nations
4. encouraging industrial
63. Why was the Balkan region referred to as the "Powder Keg of Europe" prior to
World War I?
1. The aggression of the Ottoman
3. Nationalistic and imperialistic
Empire was disrupting the balance of rivalries were increasing.
2. Yugoslavia was invading its
neighboring countries.
4. The area was the leading supplier of
military equipment to the rest of the
64. Which nation lost the most territory as a result of World War I?
1. Belgium
3. Austria-Hungary
2. France
4. Germany
65. Which situation was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities
committed by the Nazis during World War II?
1. development of the Cold
3. formation of the League of Nations
2. war crimes trials in
4. separation of Germany into Eastern and
Western zones