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EdTPA General Lesson Plan Template
[Note: Delete all of the writing in italics as you complete each section]
[Note: All words and phrases in RED can be found in the EdTPA Glossary]
Grade Level: 3
Number of Students: 24
Instructional Location: MLK
Date: 10/1/14
Lesson Goals
Central Focus of Lesson:
What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?
The big idea of the lesson is money. It is an introduction to money.
Standard(s) Addressed:
What IL Learning Standards (Common Core, NGSS, etc.) will be addressed during the lesson? (List number and text)
2.MD. 8. Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and ¢ symbols
appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Lesson Objectives and Demands
Content Objectives:
What will the students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? (use observable language with measurable verbs)
Students will understand how much a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter is worth.
Students will understand how many cents are in a dollar and 5 dollars.
Students will be able to do simple addition and subtraction problems with money. This is word and standard algorithm problems.
Language Objectives:
What language will students be expected to utilize when illustrating their understanding?
Students will know the units that go with money and be able to explain how many cents are in a dollar as well as explain different
amounts of money made of different coins.
Key Vocabulary in Lesson:
Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Dollar, Cents, Dollar sign, change
Lesson Considerations
Coin Manipulatives
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills:
This will be an introduction to money so the prior knowledge of students is not very important. Students should know how to add and
subtract which is important. Students can have a general knowledge of money but nothing specific is essential. Student must be
able to read a math word problem and solve it. It will use basic addition language and money language.
Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts addressed in this lesson
Students may get the value of the currency mixed up. This is important to make sure they have a firm grasp on what the value of
each coin or dollar is.
Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key
transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could
understand them well enough to use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each
lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines. Note: The italicized statements and scaffolding questions are meant to guide your
thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete them before typing your
lesson outline.
Lesson Introduction - “Before”: Setting the stage, activate and build background knowledge, introduce and explain
How will you set a purpose and help students learn why today’s lesson is important to them as readers/writers/learners?
Students use money every day. Students will have money anywhere for the rest of their lives. Knowing how money is organized
in the United States is important to them and it will be relevant to ask the students questions about money.
How will you pique interest and/or curiosity regarding today’s topic?
Students will like to learn about relevant topics that are in their everyday life.
How will you activate and build on prior knowledge and experiences related to the topic?
I plan on asking questions and having students work in groups to use their prior knowledge in order to develop their knowledge
on what the worth of certain coins are and what they look like.
How will you introduce and explain this strategy/skill so that students will understand the how and why?
Students will work together in order to determine what the value of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter is. They will have to place
a penny by the 1 cent number, the nickel by the five cent number, and so on.
Learning Activities - “During”: Active engagement in meaning making, explicit instruction, and practice (you should be checking for
understanding throughout the lesson)
How will you engage students in active meaning making of key concepts and ideas?
The students will be given a worksheet which will go along with the activity they just performed. The students will have to
perform addition with coins in pictures as well as in word problems. The students will be expected to know the worth of each coin
and be able to add them individually. This practice will allow them to have a teacher around in order to help them if they are
having trouble. They will get homework that has to do with adding coins and this will make sure they understand it before they
have to do it completely on their own. The worksheet will consist of three problems where the students have to add up pictures
of coins three times and there is one word problem they have to answer at the end. This is designed to be a little challenging for
the students and if they do not get it right it is not a big deal.
The students with special needs will have an aid. As for the rest of the students there will be two teachers around to answer
questions and help the students along with their work.
Closure - “After”: Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding
The students completing the worksheet well will show that they have comprehended the content they need to know. This is only the
second lesson on money the students will be seeing therefore there are a lot of other practices and opportunities to help them if it is
noticed that students are having a hard time. Students will have homework that is related to the lesson in math and they would be able
to try the practice on their own outside the classroom to show whether or not they really understand the value of money. Students will be
extending their learning into dollar bills and higher amounts of money later in the lessons for the unit.
How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
How will you restate the teaching point and clarify key concepts?
How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as readers/writers/learners?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
Extension: How could you extend this lesson if time permits?
The word problem at the end of the individual practice is meant to be a challenge for the students that finish quickly. This problem will
not be directly modeled or addressed and the students will be encourages to just attempt the problem and It will be discussed whole
class if time permits.
NOTE: Attach any Relevant handouts, activities, templates, PPT slides, etc. that are referenced and utilized in this lesson.
Lesson Plan Appendix and Commentary Section
[Note: Complete the Sections Below Indicated by your Course Instructor]
Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making progress toward
your learning goal(s) and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and
justify at least 2 formal or informal assessment strategies that occur in your detailed plan above.
Assessment Strategy #1:
Alignment with Objectives:
Students are going to be given a worksheet that they will fill out
This will show the recognition of a certain coin and its value. It
with their table. The students will be given change and then they will also show the students know how to add up coins.
will have to create the different change given with the money they
Evidence of Student Understanding:
The teacher will call on a student representative for each group
to verbally tell the combination of coins they used.
Assessment Strategy #2:
The students will be given a worksheet with make change where
they are given the amount ans they much shade it in. There will
also be questions where the students have a word problem with
a picture of the change they word problem has made and they
have to write numerically what the amount of change is
Student Feedback:
Students will get individual or group feedback from the
supervising teacher and student teacher. This will happen as
they are creating the change. This correction or feedback can
also happen when the student representative gives a wrong
Alignment with Objectives:
This gets students making change and looking at word problems
which is one for the standards that are trying to be met
Evidence of Student Understanding:
The students are showing their knowledge and learning through
the written answers on the worksheet.
Student Feedback:
Student work will be looked at and graded as complete or
incomplete. The students that really struggle will be given more
help during math instruction the following day.
Note: Add more assessment strategy boxes here if needed.
Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
All of the students have used money, seen money, or talked about money before. Especially change it is all over and it is very
prevalent in the world. Although currency is different all over the world it is still important to know the concept of value of money
especially the money system that the students are living in.
Grouping Strategies:
Students will work with the classmates at their tables. The students are in groups of 4 or 5 and they will also have to work on
worksheets by themselves.
Planned Supports:
For the students that have IEPs there is an aid in the classroom. She would take these students in a group on their own.
There are also students that may have a hard time with the content or not know the content therefore I and the supervising teacher
will be walking around the room to clarify questions and help groups who are struggling or not agreeing.
Supporting Literacy Development
Essential Literacy Strategies:
Having students have a pictorial representation as well as the word and the number that goes with each coin will help the students
really drive home the idea number with the word and picture. This will create a concrete knowledge and foundation for the students.
Requisite Skills:
Students will develop their number sense and counting skills. They will be counting by ones, tens, fives and even twenty-fives. The
students will also practice and develop their addition skills.
Reading/Writing Connections:
Mostly this lesson will be about the vocabulary and the students will have to be able to read basic sentences and know how to read
and decode a word problem.
Supporting Literacy Development through Language
Identify a Language Function:
Students will interpret a math word problem where they are creating change and they will have to solve the word problem based on
the information given.
Key Learning Task:
Students will be expected to complete word problems with the math language and math content in them.
Additional Language Demands:
Student must be able to read the word problem and they will have to translate it into a math sentence they can solve.
Language Supports:
Students who cannot read the problem have an aid in the classroom and she will read the problems to them and help translate them
for them in order to for them to still complete the important math content involved in the lesson.