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Fresh fruits and vegetables are crucial for the body to prevent disease and
maintain a healthy weight. The USDA, the American Cancer Society, the
National Cancer Institute, and the National Academy of Sciences all agree that we
need up to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day to help reduce risk and
maintain good health.
A recent study showed that only 11% of the population gets the recommended
amount of fruits and vegetables daily.
A recent study shows that the average family of 4 would have to spend 40% of
their food budget on fruits and vegetables to get the minimum requirements.
The nutritional value of fruits and vegetables is only a fraction of what it was
many years ago due to soil depletion, farming techniques, shipping, and shelf life.
This means that the level of vitamins and minerals is greatly decreased. For
example, a bowl of spinach used to contain 150mg of iron. Today that same bowl
of spinach contains about 2mg.
Fruits and vegetables are not convenient in today’s fast-paced, fast-food society.
People do not like many of the most important vegetables for health.
People are concerned about the carbohydrates in fruits.
Vitamins and Minerals are involved in every function in the body.
U.S. Government study involving 21,000 people showed that not one of the
21,000 obtained the daily values needed for the 10 most important vitamins and
minerals from their food.
Supplementing for the right nutrients can be confusing, leaving most people
unsure what to take.
Store bought supplements are full of fillers, preservatives, and cheaper
ingredients, to off-set high distribution and advertising costs, and allow the
product to “live” on a shelf for years. These ingredients are difficult for the body
to digest and use.
Many people don’t like to take a lot of pills, and to supplement with the higher
quality products requires mixing and matching of many products, meaning lots of
pills. Traditional store bought multi-vitamin and mineral products are of little
The USDA, the American Academy of Sciences and the American Cancer
Institute all agree that our daily intake of fiber should be between 25 and 35
grams. Yet, most people get less than 10 grams per day.
Fiber is important in removing toxins from the body, including the chemicals in
many of the foods we eat.
Fiber is important in proper elimination. 7 out 10 people have irregular
Fiber binds and reduces the absorption of dietary fat, which can help in weight
The New England Journal of Medicine in a study of 88,000 women found that a
diet high in fiber helps the heart in addition to the colon.
Fiber comes from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which the average person does not
eat enough of.
Antioxidants neutralize the effect of oxygen free radicals.
Free Radicals come from air pollution, water pollution, smoking, chemicals in
foods, chemicals in households, and metabolism.
Free Radicals cause everything form rust on your car to cancer, heart disease, and
auto-immune diseases.
RDA levels for antioxidants were established decades ago to ward off deficiency
diseases such as Scurvy.
Levels required for today’s health crises are dramatically higher.
Antioxidants are things like Vitamins C, E, A, OPC, and the mineral Selenium,
among others.
Food supply is woefully short of antioxidants.
Shortage of antioxidants is a major factor in the explosion of health problems.
The Surgeon General as far back as 1988 reported that an estimated 67% of all deaths
were associated with diet. Things have not improved in the last 20 years as evidenced by
the following statistics.
Current state of U.S. health based on Government and Medical Statistics:
Over 100 million people have elevated cholesterol.
Over 100 million people have digestive problems.
1 out of 4 people have allergies and asthma.
Over 70 million people have high blood pressure.
The number one killer is heart disease-36%.
The number two killer is cancer.
1 out of 2 will get some form of cancer in their lifetime.
10 million people have Osteoporosis.
34 million people have Osteopenia, the last stop before the train gets to
40 million people have Arthritis.
10 million people have auto-immune diseases like Lupus and Fibromyalgia.
21 million people have Diabetes. Up to 40 million people are at high risk to have
it soon.
90% of Diabetic cases are Type-2 which is primarily from lifestyle choices.
Here are the results of a survey done years ago on products to meet the challenges that
are leading to the problems above. The prices are probably higher now. In order to buy
the products to help position someone to give their body the best chance to stay healthy
someone could use:
The All-In-One Liquid: 27 vitamins and minerals
Calcium/Magnesium to get up to the required level
Ultra Mega Greens (Vegetables and super greens)
Ultra Colon (Fiber)
Basic Antioxidant Product
This is by no means complete, just a good start.
Or someone could take Daily BioBasics and get:
100% of the daily values of all essential vitamins and minerals including calcium
and magnesium.
Half the daily need for fiber.
35 concentrated fruits and vegetables.
17 concentrated herbs.
Concentrated sea vegetables.
Special greens including Spirulina and Chlorella
35 different Antioxidants.
Consider this: One serving a BioBasics is like getting the vitamin/mineral equivalent of:
5 oranges, 10 ounces of Brussels sprouts, 11 ounces of almonds, 9 cups of mushrooms, 8
mangos, 8 cups of carrots, 8 cups of cabbage, 8 cups of broccoli, 70 ounces of walnuts,
12 ounces of strawberries, etc.
All for the price of a good cup of coffee per day (1.60) and without swallowing any pills.
It’s no wonder that the people who use Daily BioBasics feel good, don’t get sick very
often, have a very regular system, and say their hair, skin and nails are better!