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Honors World History
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World Religions
Directions: Visit the website on World Religions and
answer the questions that follow.
Click on the Islam:
What are followers of Islam called?
What is the Islamic belief about God?
Click on Islam at a Glance:
How many followers does Islam have?
According to Muslims, God sent a number of prophets to mankind to teach them how to live
according to His law – who were 4 of those prophets?
What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?
Go back to Homepage: Click on Hinduism:
Click on Hinduism at a glance:
Where is Hinduism prominent?
How many followers does it have?
What other religions is Hinduism closely related to?
What is unique about Hinduism?
Click on Concepts:
What is Dharma?
What is varna?
What is samsara?
Go back to homepage and click on Buddhism:
Click on Buddhism at a glance:
What is it? What does it teach?
How many followers are there?
Click on Beliefs:
What are the 4 Noble Truths?
Read closely about the 4th noble truth and describe the Eightfold Path.
Go back to the Homepage and click on Taoism:
Click on Taoism at a glance:
Where did Taoism originate?
What is the Tao (how is it translated)?
Click on Beliefs: Concepts within Taoism:
What is Wu Wei?
What is the Yin Yang symbol?
How does it relate to Taoism?
Go back to the Homepage and click on Judaism:
Click on Judaism at a glance:
How many Jewish people were in the world in 2007 and where did most of them live?
How many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust?
Click on Beliefs: Jewish Beliefs
Briefly summarize their relationship with God.
Go back to the Homepage and click on Christianity:
How many Christians are there in the world?
Click on Christianity at a Glance:
Describe two important Christian beliefs.
Go back and Click on History then Click on the basics of Christian history:
Which emperor legalized Christianity?
What was the Great Schism?