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Study Guide for Social Studies Mid-Term
Topic: Rev. War Wrap Up and Treaty of Paris
The two sides that fought against each other in the Revolutionary War were…
Answer: 13 colonies/Patriots and British/Britain
The last major battle of the war and site of where the British and Gen. Charles Cornwallis surrendered…
Answer: The Battle of Yorktown (hint: in Virginia,1781)
The job that George Washington had during the Revolutionary War
Answer: He was the head General of the Continental Army (Patriots)
The year the Treaty of Paris was signed?
Answer: 1783
The new western border of the United States after the Treaty of Paris was signed
Answer: Mississippi River
Three results/outcomes of the Treaty of Paris were….
1. recognized the U.S. as a free and independent nation
2. set new boundaries for the nation; west to Mississippi River, north to Canada, South to Spanish Florida
3. officially ended the war between British and the 13 Colonies (now the United States of America)
The winners of the American Revolution were… The United States of America (13 Original States)
Topic: Shays’ Rebellion
The state where Shays’ Rebellion took place in was… Massachusetts
The leader of the rebellion was D aniel S hays (first and last name)
Shays’ Rebellion was an example of two distinct groups in American life, Rich vs. Poor
The outcome of Shays’ Rebellion was a “wake-up” call; the United States needed a better, stronger,
system of government than we had under the Articles of Confederation
The two groups of people involved in the rebellion?
A – eastern politicians(Boston) and poor farmers (Western, Massachusetts)
Topic: The Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Convention was held in the city, Philadelphia in the year, 1787
The person who came out of retirement to lead the convention was George Washington
The reason why the convention was held was to come up with a plan for a better, stronger system of
government than we had under the Articles of Confederation
The name of the first written national constitution which gave most of the power to the individual states
was called the Articles of Confederation
The Constitutional Convention lasted approximately 4-5 months.
A gathering of people who share a common purpose is called a Convention (Constitutional Convention)
The “Great Compromise” at the Constitutional Convention created our current Congress where the one
part, the Senate, there is equal representation and in the House of Representatives; representation is based
on a given state’s population .
Q – What was the name given to the compromise that dealt with the issue of slavery and whether or not
slaves should be counted in a state’s population for representation purposes?
Answer: Three-Fifths Compromise
Representation in the Senate is equal (the same for each state)
Representation in the House of Rep. is determined by the population of each state
John Locke (the English philosopher) believed all people have natural rights; the right to life, liberty and
The plan voted on by the delegates to work off of in forming a new government was the Virginia Plan,
mostly worked on and developed by delegate James Madison
Topic: The Constitution
The movement that influenced the writing of the Constitution was the Enlightenment period
The U.S. Constitution is a written plan/document of how the government works
Q – What is the name given to the opening paragraph that states the purposes of the Constitution and
begins with the words, “We the People”?
a. The Preamble
b. Introduction
c. The Body
d. The Federal Paragraph
To ratify a document means to approve it.
Q – Who is known as “The Father of the Constitution”? (first and last name)
Answer: James Madison ( hint: “man with the plan”)
The person whose views on natural rights are reflected in the Constitution is John Locke
A written plan of how a government works is called a C onstitution.
The number of branches that the new document called, the Constitution had. 3 branches.
The English Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were two documents that served as models for
the U.S. Constitution (p. 194-195)
Q – What was the advantage of having a three-branched system of government?
Answer: the power is divided equally among the three branches so that no one branch get too much power
The concept of federalism is the sharing of power between the federal government and the state
governments (p. 195)
People who supported a strong government and implied powers were known as Federalists
People who believed in states’ rights and would not support the Constitution without a Bill of Rights were
known as Anti - Federalists.
Topic: Branches of Government
The branch in our government is responsible for carrying out and enforcing the laws is…
Anwer: Executive (p. 197)
Q – What branch in our government is responsible for writing/making the laws?
Answer: Legislative (p. 197)
Q – Who was responsible for coming up with the idea of a three branched system of government? (hint:
he was the person who studied the history of democracies prior to the constitutional convention )
Answer: James Madison
Q – What is the function of the Judicial Branch?
A – To hear cases about the law , settle disputes about the law , and decide whether laws agree or
disagree with the United States Constitution (whether they are constitutional or unconstitutional)
The branch in our government that includes the Congress is… Legislative Branch (p.197)
The power to declare war is a function of the Legislative Branch.
Which branch in our government includes the presidential cabinet members?
a. Judicial
b. Senate
c. Legislative
d. Executive
The president of the United States is part of this branch. Answer: Executive (p. 197)
The system of Checks and Balances separates the powers of the federal government so that no one
branch gets all of the power.
The branch in the U.S. government that has the ability to declare war is the Legislative Branch
Study the part of the two-sided government worksheet that talk about the powers of the Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial Branches in our government.
Federal Powers: print money, regulate foreign trade, maintain the armed forces, create federal courts
State Powers: create schools, pass marriage and divorce laws
Shared Powers(concurrent powers) both the state and federal government can do these things:
tax the people, borrow money,
Topic: Bill of Rights and Amendments
Which amendment talks about the freedom of religion, speech, the press, and the right to gather
peacefully and protest the government? (p. 232)
a. 2nd
b. 3rd
c. 4th
d. 6th
e. none of these (it is the 1st amendment)
The Bill of Rights includes the first ______ amendments to the Constitution. (p. 209)
a. five
b. seven
c. 10
d. 27
Q – Which amendment gives American citizens the right to a fair trail and a lawyer? (p. 232-233)
a. 1st
b. 3rd
c. 4th
d. 6th
The 8th Amendment states that people accused of a crime are protected from unusually high bail,
excessively high fines, and cruel or unusual punishment (p. 233)
Q – What is an amendment? (p. 198-199)
Answer: Any change , correction, or addition made to a document .
Q – Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? (p. 198)
a. the anti-federalists wanted something in the constitution that protected the rights and liberties of the
individual people living in the nation
b. The Senate asked that it be added
c. The founders were worried about Britain taking control again
d. None of these
Topic: Key Vocabulary
Q – What is a cabinet? (p. 247)
Answer: a group of advisors who help the President in the Executive Branch to do his job
Q – What is a democracy?
A type of government where people make political decisions by voting and the majority rules
Q – What is a civilian?
Answer: A person…who lives in a country but is not part of the military (armed forces)
Q – What is a republic?(pg. 177)
A – A type of government where the people elect leaders to represent them.
Q – What is a compromise? (p. 190) Where each sides gives up some of their demands in order to reach
an agreement ( similar to a negotiation)
What does the term bi-cameral mean? Having two , separate lawmaking parts/chambers (p. 177)
A special condition in a formal, written document is known as a clause
Q – What is a political party?
a. group of people with similar goals who work together to gain power/influence in the government.
b. a celebration of the members of Congress
c. a part of our government that handles judicial review
d. none of these
Precedents (traditions) created by George Washington included:
- Having a presidential cabinet
- Calling the president, “Mr. President”
- Serving only two terms as president
- Inauguration ceremony
- Creation of political parties
An inauguration is the official swearing in ceremony of the President
Popular Sovereignty is the belief that government is subject to the will of the people. (pg. 206)
Q – What does the word ratify mean? Answer: to approve
The process of becoming a citizen is known as naturalization (pg. 214-215)
To favor a person or group/faction of people is said to be partisan
Equal Protection is the fair application of the law regardless of a person’s race, religion, political beliefs,
or other qualities (pg. 214)
First Amendment rights include: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right
to gather peacefully and protest the government
Topic: Miscellaneous
The number of Senators in each state in our country. Answer: Two (per state)
Q – What was the name of the chunk of land found north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi
River that the individual states were fighting for control of? (hint: eventually, five states were carved out
of it)
Answer: Northwest Territory
Q – What practice was accepted in the South as part of their way of life but looked upon as unacceptable
in the North?
Answer: slavery
Q – What part of Congress has representation based on a state’s population?
a. The House of Representatives
b. Judiciary
c. Senate
d. none of these
The United States government is an example of a democracy, a type of government where the people
voice their opinion by voting and the majority rules.
The two major political parties in our government today are Democratic Party and Republican Party
The first president of the United States was George Washington
The first vice-president of the United States was John Adams
The second president of the United States was John Adams