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Recommended CER Experiments
to accompany
Whitten, Davis, Peck, and Stanley, General Chemistry, 7th Edition
The table below matches sections from the book with recommended CER labs. Click on the experiment title to view a PDF of each lab. Go to to search the complete CER database and to learn more about customizing your lab manual through CER. To access
password-protected material, like instructor’s resources and printable review copies on this site, contact Rebecca Heider for a password.
Chapter Title
Chapter Section
Recommended Experiment(s) from CER
TECH 600: Practicing Safety in the Chemistry Laboratory
1-4: Chemical and
Physical Changes
1. The Foundations
of Chemistry
1-5: Mixtures,
Compounds, and
1-8: Use of Numbers
1-9: Unit Factor Method
1-11: Density and
Specific Gravity
PROP 627: Observing Some Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter (1.5-2 hr)
REAC 604: Observing Signs of Chemical Reaction (1.5-2 hr)
PROP 621: Isolating the Components of a Three-Component Mixture (2 hr)
ANAL 904: Separating the Components of Beach Sand (2.5-3 hr)
PROP 518: Separating the Recovering the Components of a Ternary Mixture (2.5 hr)
MISC 490: Using Exponential Notation and Significant Figures
MISC 486: Dimensional Analysis
MISC 521: Using Statistics to Analyze Experimental Data (2 hr)
PROP 516: Identifying a Solid by Its Density (1.5 hr)
PROP 602: Determining Density (1.5 hr)
2-6: The Mole
2. Chemical
Formulas and
STOI 514: Calculating Avogadro’s Number by Comparing Atoms and Oranges (1.5 hr)
STOI 606: Determining the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide (1-1.5 hr)
2-9: Derivation of
Formulas from
Elemental Composition
STOI 525: Determining the Empirical Formula of Zinc Chloride (1.5 hr)
ANAL 605: Determining the Percent Water in an Unknown Hydrate (1.5-2 hr)
ANAL 517: Determining the Water Content of an Ionic Hydrate (3 hr)
STOI 633: Determining the Empirical Formula of a Compound Containing Copper and Chlorine (1.5-2 hr)
3-1: Chemical
MISC 614: Writing, Interpreting, and Balancing Chemical Equations
3. Chemical
Equations and
3-2: Calculations Based
on Chemical Equations
3-3: Limiting Reactant
MISC 636: Solving Stoichiometric Problems
SYNT 452: Synthesizing Alum and Observing Some Chemistry of Aluminum (2.5 hr)
SYNT 341: Synthesis of Strontium Iodate Monohydrate (2 hr)
SYNT 907: Applying the Concept of a Limiting Reactant to the Synthesis of Aspirin (3 hr)
4-5: Naming Binary
MISC 629: Naming Inorganic Chemical Substances
4-6: Naming Ternary
Acids and Their Salts
4. Some Types of
4-8: Combination
4-9: Decomposition
REAC 613: Classifying Some Chemical Reactions (1.5 hr)
REAC 611: Observing Some Double Replacement Reactions (1-1.5 hr)
REAC 610: Observing Single Replacement Reactions (1-1.5 hr)
4-10: Displacement
4-11: Metathesis
5. The Electronic
Structures of
6. Chemical
7. Chemical
5-12: Atomic Spectra
and the Bohr Atom
STRC 345: The Visible Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen (2 hr)
6-1: More About the
Periodic Table
REAC 635: Discovering Some Periodic properties of Elements (1.5 hr)
6-8: Oxygen and the
REAC 413: Preparing and Studying Oxygen and Some of Its Compounds (2 hr)
7-4: Lewis Formulas for
Molecules and
Polyatomic Ions
STRC 449: Determining Atomic Emission by Spectroscopy (2 hr)
STRC 631: Visualizing Chemical Structures Using Lewis Models
9. Molecular
Orbitals in
STRC 409: Molecular Geometry and Bonding
11-2: Titrations
ANAL 618: Standardizing a Sodium Hydroxide Solution (1-1.5 hr)
ANAL 619: Titrating the Acetic Acid in Vinegar (1-1.5 hr)
ANAL 625: Estimating the Acid Content of Fruit Juices (1.5 hr)
11. Reactions in
Solutions II:
12. Gases and the
ANAL 638: Determining the Acid-Neutralizing Capacity of Common Antacids (1.5 hr)
11-4: Equivalent
Weights and Normality
ANAL 424: Standardizing a Sodium Hydroxide Solution with Oxalic Acid (3 hr)
ANAL 425: Titrating Hydrochloric Acid Solution with a Standard Sodium Hydroxide Solution (3 hr)
11-6: Adding H , OH , or
H20 to Balance
Oxygen or Hydrogen
11-7: Stoichiometry of
Redox Reactions
MISC 457: Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations Using the Oxidation Number Method
12-4: Boyle’s Law: The
PROP 410: Studying Boyle’s Law (2 hr)
12-5: Charles’ Law: The
PROP 524: Studying the Volume-Temperature Relationship of a Gas (2-3 hr)
12-8: Avogadro’s Law
and the Standard
Molar Volume
12-10: Determination of
Molecular Weights
and Molecular
Formulas of Gaseous
MISC 458: Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations Using the Ion-Electron Method
ANAL 622: Analyzing the Vitamin C in Fruit Juices (1.5 hr)
ANAL 501: Determining the Effects of Cooking on the Vitamin C Content of Green Pepper (3 hr)
PROP 632: Studying Charles’ Law (2 hr)
PROP 608: Calculating the Molar Volume of Carbon Dioxide (1-1.5 hr)
PROP 481: Determining the Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid by the Dumas Method (2.5-3 hr)
PROP 522: Determining the Molar Mass of CO2 (1.5 hr)
13. Liquids and
12-12: Mass-Volume
Relationships in
Reactions Involving
ANAL 378: Determining the Percent Composition of an Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (2-3 hr)
12-14: Diffusion and
Effusion of Gases
PROP 412: Diffusion of Gases and Graham’s Law (2 hr)
13-15: Structure of
14-2, 14-3: Dissolution
of Liquids in Liquids
14-6: Effect of
Temperature on
14. Solutions
14-13: Determination of
Molecular Weight by
Freezing Point
Depression or Boiling
Point Elevation
14-15: Osmotic
STOI 906: Determining Hydrogen Peroxide Content by Gas Stoichiometry (2 hr)
STRC 351: Models and the Crystalline State
PROP 615: Studying Some Aspects of Solubility (1-1.5 hr)
PROP 421: Determining the Solubility of an Unknown Salt at Various Temperatures (3 hr)
PROP 500: Determining Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression (3 hr)
PROP 507: Determining Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression in Naphthalene (3 hr)
PROP 454: Osmosis and Dialysis (2 hr)
THER 609: Estimating a Heat of Neutralization (1-1.5 hr)
15. Chemical
15-4: Calorimetry
THER 901: Temperature Change, Heat of Reaction, and Enthalpy Change of Neutralization Reactions
(2.5-3 hr)
THER 623: Estimating the Calorie Content of Peanuts (1.5 hr)
16. Chemical
16-3: Concentrations of
Reactants: The RateLaw Expression
KINE 504: Determining the Rate Law for the Crystal Violet-Hydroxide Ion Reaction (1.5 hr)
KINE 505: Studying the Rate of Reaction (2.5-3 hr)
KINE 508: Studying the Kinetics of a Chemical Reaction (3-4 hr)
17. Chemical
17.2: The Equilibrium
EQUL 441: Evaluating the Equilibrium Constant for the Reaction of Iron(III) Ion with Thiocyanate Ion (2.53)
18. Ionic Equilibria
I: Acids and
17-6: Disturbing a
System at Equilibrium
EQUL 616: Introducing Chemical Equilibrium (1-1.5 hr)
18-4: Ionization
Constants for Weak
Monoprotic Acids and
EQUL 376: Evaluating the Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid Using pH Measurements (3 hr)
19-1: Common Ion
Effect and Buffer
19. Ionic Equilibria
II: Buffers and
Titration Curves
EQUL 453: Determining the Equivalent Mass and Dissociation Constant of an Unknown Weak Acid by
Titrimetry (6 hr – includes standardization of titrant)
MISC 457: Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations Using the Oxidation Number Method
MISC 458: Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Equations Using the Ion-Electron Method
EQUL 443: Studying the Effects of Buffering on the Resistance of a Solution to pH Change (3 hr)
EQUL 499: Studying the pH of Strong Acid, Weak Acid, Salt, and Buffer Solutions (3 hr)
19-4: Acid-Base
19-5, 19-6: Titration
EQUL 617: Estimating the pH of Some Solutions Using Visual Indicators (1-1.5 hr)
EQUL 519: Determining the pKa of an Acid-Base Indicator (3 hr)
EQUL 494: Monitoring Acid-Base Titrations with a pH Meter (2-3 hr)
EQUL 342: Determination of the Solubility Product Constant of a Salt (2 hr)
20. Ionic Equilibria
III: The Solubility
Product Principle
20-2: Determination of
Solubility Product
EQUL 400: Estimating the Solubility Product Constant of Strontium Iodate Using Microscale Techniques (2
EQUL 487: Determining the Common Ion Effect on the Solubility of Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate (2 hr)
THER 512: The Thermodynamics of KNO3 Dissolving in Water (1.5-2 hr)
21-16: Standard
Electrode Potentials
for Other Half
ELEC 419: Studying Electrochemistry and Establishing the Relative Reactivity of a Series of Metals (3 hr)
ELEC 450: Studying Electrochemical Half-Cells and Half-Reactions (1-2 hr)
ELEC 905: Devising a Reduction Potential Table (2-2.5 hr)
21-21: Relationship of
Eocell to Go and K
22-6: Aluminum
22. Metals I:
ELEC 418: Studying Electrochemical Cells and Reduction Potentials (3 hr)
ELEC 510: Studying the Temperature Dependence and Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells (2-2.5
SYNT 612: Preparing Alum (2 hr)
SYNT 452: Synthesizing Alum and Observing Some Chemistry of Aluminum (2.5 hr)
22-8: Copper
REAC 480: A Sequence of Chemical Reactions: Transforming Copper (2.5-3 hr)
REAC 482: Copper From Start to Finish: A Sequence of Chemical Reactions (2-2.5 hr)
24. Some
Nonmetals and
25. Coordination
24-5: Reactions of the
Free Halogens
25-1: Coordination
REAC 502: Establishing the Relative Reactivity of Halogen and Halide Ions (2.5 hr)
ANAL 436: Determining Water Hardness by EDTA Titration (3 hr)
ANAL 437: Evaluating the Calcium Ion Content in Commercial Dried Milk Powers (3 hr)
SYNT 431: Preparing Tris(2,4-Pentanedionato)Iron(III), an Iron Coordination Complex (3 hr)
SYNT 432: Preparing Tetraaminecopper(II) Sulfate Monohydrate (3 hr)
26-4: Radioactive Decay MISC 468: Radioactivity
26. Nuclear
27-2: Naming Saturated STRC 467: Structural and cis-trans Isomerism in Carbon Compounds
27. Organic
Chemistry I:
Formulas, Names,
27-9: Alcohols and
PROP 240: Structure and Properties of Alcohols (1.5 hr)
and Properties
28. Organic
Chemistry II:
Shapes, Selected
Reactions, and
28-2: Stereoisomers
STRC 473: Molecular Structure and Optical Isomerism in Carbon Compounds
28-6: Formation of
Carboxylic Acid
28-7: Hydrolysis of
28-8: Carbohydrates
SYNT 470: Preparation and Identification of Esters (1.5-2 hr)
PROP 506: Fats, Oils, Soaps, and Detergents (2-2.5 hr)
REAC 446: Qualitative Testing for Carbohydrates (2.5-3 hr)
ANAL 239: Classifying Carbohydrates (2-2.5 hr)
28-9: Polypeptides and
28-10: Nucleic Acids
REAC 448: Qualitative Tests for Amino Acids and Proteins (2.5-3 hr)
ANAL 242: DNA Extraction (1-1.5 hr)
Note: The time given in parenthesis after the name of an experiment refers to the estimated bench time students will require to complete the procedural part of an
experiment. Experiments marked no bench time listed do not require laboratory time.