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Welcome to the Cambridge Skin Clinic
Whatever your thoughts might be on cosmetic medicine, we feel, at Cambridge Skin Clinic, that
it demonstrates where science and art combine well.
The Science being the understanding of how the texture and quality of our skin is changing over
time, and what techniques and products are best placed to reverse or slow this down.
The Art being the fusion of this with the vision and creativity of the practitioner to make peoples'
aspirations for their appearance a reality.
Ageing is inevitable
Looking your age is optional
Did you know?
It takes 200,000 muscle contractions to create 1 frown line
only 1 set of muscle relaxing injections to remove it!
Last year,
1600 cosmetic procedures per day were carried out on British people, that's 577,000 over
the year
Practice Address and Contact Details
If you are seeking advice or would like to make a booking or have an enquiry please complete
the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Cambridge Skin Clinic
Cambridge Skin Clinic
Harston Surgery
11 Church Street
CB22 7NP
07807 245389
Nurse Practitioners
Specialist Nurses
Health Practitioners
Healthcare Assistants
Practice Management
Community Midwives
Community Nurses
Health Visitors
Macmillan Nurses
Attached Staff
Muscle Relaxing Injections
Muscle Relaxing Injections
Every time we frown, squint or smile the skin is creased in the
areas of greatest use. The more expressive you are the deeper the lines become. These
expression lines include crow's feet, worry lines and frown lines. As we age, collagen production
slows down and the problem accelerates as we are less able to repair the damage.
How does it work?
Botox® temporarily blocks the nerve endings to the facial muscles relaxing them. By reducing
muscle movement, the skin stops being creased and is allowed to recover, causing the lines to
soften and fade away. Over time the patient can retrain the facial muscles to be less expressive
by breaking the habit of subconscious overuse.
Is it safe?
The cosmetic benefits of Botox® were discovered in 1990 and it has been used effectively and
safely ever since.
What happens during treatment?
The treatment involves injecting very small doses of Botox® via an extremely fine needle into
the appropriate area. This sometimes causes a brief stinging sensation. Discomfort is so mild
that anaesthesia is not required. Normal activity can be resumed immediately after the
Are there any side-effects?
No serious side effects have ever been reported, when using Botox® for cosmetic treatments.
Minor side effects occur in a small number of patients and are always fully reversible within a
few days to a few weeks. Immediately after the injection there may be mild swelling and redness
which subsides within a few days.
Bruising at the injection site may occur, this can be covered with makeup if needed. Rarely a
temporary drooping of the eye lid may occur, this resolves within a few weeks. Very rarely
following repeated injections the patient may develop antibodies to Botox®. This makes
subsequent treatments ineffective.
Chemical Peels
Chemical Peeling is exactly what it says - peeling of the skin using a chemical. A chemical peel
removes the outer layers of the skin. This freshens the skin, removes some sunspots and rough
scaly patches, and reduces freckles and irregular pigmentation.It also reduces fine wrinkles.
There is some evidence that it may reduce the risk of skin cancer. It is safest and most effective
on the face. Hands can be peeled but the risk of scarring is higher and the results less
Cleopatra and the ancient Romans used various food acids to peel their skin. In the early
1900s, European and Americal women underwent 'non-medical' peels in salons with secret
formulae, which were probably mild acids. In the early 1950s, the phenol peel was developed.
This was a fierce deep peel that could remove years of wrinkles, but also gave peeling a
reputation for complications - pigmentation, depigmentation, scarring and even abnormal heart
rhythms due to absorption of the chemicals. However, when done under controlled conditions
by an experienced physician phenol peeling is safe and effective. Trichloroacetic acid, being a
more gentle acid, has made a comeback in popularity because although it will not make a 50
year old look 25 again, it rejuvenates the skin without the risk of serious side effects. Other
agents used include combination peels and pyruvic acid.
Fine wrinkling can be reduced, though deeper lines will remain, (some of which can be
improved by other methods) with chemical peeling. Most brown marks, freckles and
pigmentation can be removed or lessened, especially age and liver spots (lentigines). However,
pigment changes can be caused by a peel in people prone to this complication due to their skin
type. Those known to develop brown discolouration after injury such as a mild burn should have
a test area peeled first before undergoing a full face chemical peel. Scaly patches and rough
skin (keratoses) can be removed. Very thick keratoses may need additional treatment for
complete removal. Skin that is thin and fragile eg sun-damaged skin, bald scalpskin, can be
significantly rejuvenated. Chemical peeling is not a substitute for a facelift. It does not tighten
sagging skin, stimulate collagen production or remove broken capillaries. Chemical peeling is
not appropriate for people who will continue to have excessive sun exposure.
Scarring can occur with strong acids, but is unusual with weaker ones. The most common
causes of scarring are infection, and pulling off the skin before it is ready to peel. Both of these
are avoidable. Cold sores can be activated in those prone to this kind of condition. Anti viral
medication can prevent this. Increased pigmentation may occur, and resolves with time. It can
be largely prevented by religious use of sunscreen for three months after the peel.
The skin may have had preparation with Vitamin A, Alpha Hydroxy Acid or other preparations.
Firstly the skin is thoroughly cleansed with acetone or other cleanser. The acid is then painted
onto the face and monitored. A stinging or mild burning sensation may be experienced. Usually
the first treatment will last only a few minutes. Subsequent peels are usually carried out at 2
weekly intervals until the desired effect is reached.
The skin will redden and there may be some mild swelling over the next 24 hours. Once the
initial burning has worn off it is not painful, but feels tight. Over the next few days the skin dries
but you will be prescribed a regular moisturizer and night cream to offset this. Water will do no
harm but soap should be avoided. Depending on the intensity and type of peel chosen the skin
will begin to peel between 2 and 5 days later, and must be left to come off at its own pace. As
soon as the skin has healed, make up may be applied over the new, pink skin.
Sunscreen is mandatory for at least three months, and moisturisers are helpful. Deep chemical
peels will achieve quicker results but at the expense of some 'downtime'. It can be repeated
after three months, but this is not usually necessary. It can also be repeated at any time in the
future and will not harm the skin. The habitual use of sunscreen will prevent further sun damage
and therefore maintain the improved skin quality. Additionally, the use of vitamin creams, AHA
creams or enzyme creams can continue to improve the skin texture and reverse some of the
effects caused by years of sun exposure.
Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers are injectable treatments used to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Collagen was the first in 1976 and is still widely used. However it was derived from the skin of
cattle so there is a significant demand for alternatives that are non animal sourced and longer
Products containing hyaluronic acid such as Restylane®, Perlane® and Juvederm® have
become available over the last 5-6 years and proved highly popular. Most contain cross-links
that stabalise the product once injected so that the effect is longer lasting. Topical anaesthetic
cream is often applied to the treatment area prior to injection to make the procedure as
comfortable as possible. Dental blocks are also used for work on and around the lip area as this
is a very sensitive area of the face. There will be a degree of post injection swelling but this
usually resolves in 24hrs. There may also be some bruising following work on the lips which
may take longer to settle.
Results depend on:
the part of the face which is treated
how much movement there is in the treated area
the condition of the skin
the experience and skill of the person performing the treatment.
Dermal fillers must be administered only by doctors and nurses. It is a simple procedure, done
in the doctor's office, and not usually requiring time off work.
Dermal fillers can be used to improve:
acne scars
depressions or pockmarks in the skin due to injury or disease, for example, chickenpox
unevenness in the skin after surgery or skin grafting
Many people have been treated with dermal fillers for:
deep 'smile lines' which run from the side of the nose to the corners of the mouth
'crows feet' at the corner of the eyes
'frown lines' between the eyebrows
'smokers lines' which are vertical lines on the top lip
'marionette lines' at the corner of the mouth
'worry lines' which run across the forehead
the definition of the lip border
other facial lines.
Some defects can be difficult to improve with the first treatment and although you may notice
some improvement, more treatments may be needed to get the best results. Treatment with
dermal fillers is not going to be successful for every person, and results and duration are
variable. In some people wanting treatment of deep facial fines other treatment may be required
first, followed by 'fine tuning' with dermal fillers.
Restylane - A natural beauty lift
The resilience and youthful contours of your skin - its
ability to counter the effects of time, wind and weather - owes much to hyaluronic acid. It exists
in all living things and its most important function is to bear and bind water.
In Restylane, stabilized, hyaluronic acid, in the form of a crystal-clear gel, smoothes wrinkles
and folds, or gives contour. A natural beauty lift.
Impressions of beauty change over time, as do our faces as we age. Yet each of us has good
natural lines that can be emphasized and improved. Restylane gives you a long-lasting and
natural enhancement.
Gentle and safe from Sweden
Restylane has a long record of success with many satisfied users. More than 1,500,000
treatments have been carried out in more than 60 countries around the world. The products are
made under stringent control and come to you from a nation known for health, nature and
beauty. Each Restylane product is based on the same hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is one of
very few substances that is identical in all species and tissue types and therefore it can be used
in many medical applications. In Restylane it restores youthful resilience to your skin by simply
adding to your natural supply.
We are the only company to offer NASHA, or Non-Animal, Stabilized, Hyaluronic Acid. NASHA
is the first stable, bio-degradable, non-animal hyaluronic acid available and is produced under
carefully controlled conditions in our patented process. The results is three choices of gels
which can be used individually or in combination.
After injection, the gel binds water and generally remains for many months. Non-stabilized
hyaluronic acid products, by comparison, last only a few days or several weeks at most. As a
totally non-animal product, there is no risk of transmitting disease or eliciting allergic reaction in
patients who are sensitive to common foods, such as beef, chicken and eggs.
The Tissue Tailored Concept
Each of the three choices in the Restylane product range are specially designed for different
purposes and effects, from eliminating tiny lines to enhancing facial contours and sculpting lips
to perfection.
RESTYLANE for wrinkle correction and lip enhancements.
RESTYLANE Touch for correcting thin, superficial lines, for example around the eyes and
mouth, forehead lines and smile lines.
RESTYLANE Perlane for shaping facial contours, such as cheeks and chin, correcting deep
folds, and volume augmentation of the lips
It's our "Tissue Tailored Concept" - all based on NASHA-products and their unique benefits.
The difference is the gel particle size. For optimal results combinations of our products are often
used. Your practitioner chooses the product that matches the tissue structure at various levels
of skin depth.
Natural beauty for as long as you like One of the great advantages of the Restylane products is
that it is long-lasting but not permanent.
How long a treatment holds its effect is very individual. This depends on many factors, such as
your age, skin type, life style and muscle activity as well as on the injection technique. The gel
particles in Restylane are absorbed so slowly that you have ample time for maintenance
treatments. As the gel breaks down, water takes its place. The less concentrated the gel
becomes, the more water it is able to bind. These facts are the main reasons that treatments
with Restylane products last so long.
When totally absorbed the gel disappears unnoticed from the body. Most patients choose to
have a follow-up treatment six to twelve months after an initial treatment of wrinkles or facial
contouring. After lip treatments, a follow-up is normally needed after about six months. You
always have the choice to continue or change the combination of treatments, and the procedure
can be repeated as often as you like You are always in charge of your looks. Restylane gives
you that all-important flexibility
Treatment facts and what you may be wondering
Restylane is an effective and long-lasting alternative. Gaining the look you desire is as easy as
it is quick. And the results are instantaneous. No pre-testing is needed and a session often
takes less than 30 minutes.
Depending on the effects desired, an initial treatment is usually maintained with occasional
follow-up treatments. For wrinkle treatments no pain relief is generally necessary, however it
can be easily arranged at your request. When enhancing the lips, pain relief in the form of a
local anaesthetic is often used. During treatment the crystal-clear gel is injected into the skin in
tiny amounts with a very thin needle. The gel then gives natural volume and smoothes the
The ability of Restylane products to integrate with adjacent tissues allows the free passage of
vital nutritive elements like oxygen and hormones to pass between fragments of the gel. The
result is healthy, natural looking skin.
After the treatment some common injection-related reactions may occur, such as swelling,
redness, pain, itching, discoloration and tenderness at the implant site. These typically resolve
spontaneously within one to two days after injection into the skin and within a week after
injection into the lips.
Other types of reactions are very rare, but about 1 in 2000 treated patients have experienced
localized reactions thought to be of a hypersensitivity nature. These have usually consisted of
swelling at the implant site, sometimes affecting the surrounding tissues. Redness, tenderness
and rarely acne-like formations have also been reported. These reactions have either started a
few days after injection or after a delay of two to four weeks, and have generally been described
as mild to moderate and self-limiting with an average duration of two weeks.
About Skin
The skin is the body's largest organ. In addition to serving as a protective shield against heat,
light, injury and infection, the skin also regulates body temperature, stores water, fat and
vitamiin D and senses pain.
It is made up of 3 layers - epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous - each layer performing specific
A child's skin looks so healthy because the epidermis is highly translucent and because it works
very efficiently and easily retains water. As we age, the collagen in the dermis of our skin
gradually loses water, causing the skin to lose elasticity. This process is compounded by the
decreasing activity of the oil producing sebaceous glands and the water producing sweat
These factors, along with the loss of fat from the subcutaneous layer, results in the formation of
lines and wrinkles. This process is further aggravated by environmental stress factors and
lifestyle, such as nutrition, smoking, sun damage and pollution, which cause inflammation.
Inflammation causes the skin function to become impaired and inturn leads to common skin
complaints such as acne, pigmentation, melasma and rosacea as well as premature ageing.
Collagen has re-entered the medical aesthetics market in the form of EVOLENCE and
EVOLENCE Breeze. Collagen has been used as an injectable cosmetic material for more than
2 decades. However, up until now the major disadvantage of collagen based fillers was limited
duration, with 2-3 injections required per year. EVOLENCE has set a new standard for the
longevity of collagen treatments and provides results lasting up to 12 months.
EVOLENCE is a natural product that is able to mimic the natural properties of the collagen
found in your skin. Therefore, although an allergic reaction is theoretically possible, it is
extremely rare. Pre-testing is not a prerequisite to treatment with EVOLENCE. Patients with a
history of hypersensitivity, particularly known allergies to collagen, should consult their doctor.
The treatment process is the same as for other dermal fillers with the EVOLENCE introduced
via needle just below the skin surface. The treatment should only take between 30 and 60
minutes, and the results are visible immediately.
For more information, and examples of 'before' and 'after' treatment, please visit
Primary axillary (armpit) hyperhidrosis can be a disabling condition, affecting the occupational
and social activities of patients and is associated substantially with reduced quality of life. It
affects between approximately 0.5% and 2.5% of the population. The mechanism of
hyperhidrosis is thought to be hyperstimulation of the eccrine sweat glands.
In hyperhidrosis, Botox® acts by targeting these glands to block sweat production.
Studies have demonstrated the effect of one set of injections can reduce sweat production by
upto 80% within 4 weeks and the treatment is effective for 7-10 months depending on doses
used. Long term safety and efficacy has been demonstrated in a number of studies.
Furthermore treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis with Botox® results in significant improvement
of quality of life measures.
The cost of this procedure is £375.