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(Some wars may not be typed in this document.)
Era of Ancient Greece
1200 BC
0499 - 0479 BC
0431 - 0404 BC
0334 - 0323 BC
0300’s BC -
Trojan War (believed by many historians to be a mythical
Persian Wars
Peloponnesian War
Wars of Alexander the Great
Samnite Wars between Rome and Samnium
Era of the Roman Empire
0264 - 0241 BC
0218 - 0202 BC
0149 - 0146 BC
0215 BC -0197 BC
0091 - 0088 BC 0082 - 0081 BC
0073 - 0071 BC
0058 - 0050 BC
0049 - 0045 BC
0048 BC 0043 BC - 0031 BC
0031 BC 0043 0220 - 0265
0291 - 0306
0533 - 0534
First Punic War
Second Punic War
Third Punic War
168 BC Macedonian Wars
Social War
Sulla's civil war
The Spartacist Rebellion
Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars
Caesar's civil war
Battle of Pharsalus
Roman Civil War
Battle of Actium
Roman invasion of Britain
War of Three Kingdoms in China
War of the Eight Princes in China
Vandal Wars
Middle Ages
1066 1096 - 1291
1096 - 1099
1101 1147 - 1149
1187 - 1191
1202 - 1204
1209 - 1229
1212 1217 - 1221
1228 1248 - 1254
1270 1271 - 1291
1293 - 1323
Norman Conquest
First Crusade
Crusade of 1101
Second Crusade
Third Crusade
Fourth Crusade
Albigensian Crusade
Children's Crusade (Often believed to be just a story)
Fifth Crusade
Sixth Crusade
Seventh Crusade
Eighth Crusade
Ninth Crusade
War between Sweden and Novgorod ended up with Treaty
of Nöteborg
1296 - 1328
1332 - 1333
1337 - 1453
1341 - 1364
1420 - 1436
1454 - 1466
1455 - 1485
1474 - 1477
1478 -
Pike and Shot era
1494 - 1559
1494 - 1498
1499 - 1500
1500 - 1502
1502 - 1505
1508 - 1510
1510 - 1513
1511 - 1514
1513 1515 - 1516
1521 - 1525
1521 - 1525
1526 - 1529
1536 - 1538
1542 - 1544
1542 - 1546
1542 - 1550
1549 - 1550
1552 - 1559
1557 - 1559
1495 - 1497
1499 - 1503
1509 - 1513
1514 - 1516
1516 - 1517
1521 - 1523
1521 - 1523
1521 - 1526
1522 1522 1524 - 1525
1526 - 1528
First War of Scottish Independence
Second War of Scottish Independence
Hundred Years' War
Breton War of Succession
Hussite Wars
Thirteen Years' War. Between Poland and Teutonic
Knights, which finally broke the power of the latter.
Wars of the Roses
War between the Duchy of Burgundy and the Swiss
War between the Principality of Moscow and the
Republic of Novgorod. The latter was conquered.
Italian Wars
Charles VIII's Italian War
Louis XII's war with Milan
Franco-Spanish Conquest of Naples
Franco-Spanish War over Naples
War of the League of Cambrai
War of the Holy League
Anglo-French War
Anglo-Scottish War (Battle of Flodden)
Francis I's first Italian war
First war of Francis and Charles V
Anglo-French War
War of the League of Cognac
Third War of Francis and Charles
Last War of Francis and Charles
Anglo-French War
Anglo-Scottish War
Anglo-French War
Last Italian War
Anglo-French War
Russo-Swedish War
Turkish-Venetian War
Ottoman Civil War
Ottoman-Safavid War
Ottoman-Mamluk War
The Swedish War of Liberation
Uprising of the Comuneros in Castile
Ottoman-Hungarian War
Ottoman Conquest of Rhodes
The Knights' War in Germany
The Peasants' War in Germany
Hungarian Civil War
1526 - 1555
1528 - 1533
1531 1532 - 1546
1533 - 1536
1537 - 1544
1546 - 1547
1551 - 1562
1551 - 1581
1552 - 1555
1554 - 1557
1557 - 1571
1559 - 1560
1562 - 1598
1562 - 1563
1567 - 1568
1568 - 1570
1572 - 1573
1575 - 1576
1576 - 1577
1580 1585 - 1598
1589 - 1598
1562 - 1568
1563 - 1570
1566 (or 1568) - 1648
1566 (or 1568) - 1609
1621 - 1648
1567 - 1573
1568 - 1571
1570 - 1595
1577 - 1582
1577 - 1590
1580 - 1583
1585 - 1604
1590 - 1606
1594 - 1603
1596 - 1597
1600 - 1611
1602 - 1612
1609 - 1618
1609 - 1775
Ottoman-Safavid War
Ottoman-Habsburg War in Hungary
Swiss Civil War between Zurich and the Catholic cantons
Ottoman-Habsburg War in the Mediterranean
The Counts' War in Denmark
Renewed Ottoman-Habsburg War in Hungary
Schmalkaldic War
Ottoman-Habsburg War in Hungary
Ottoman-Habsburg War in the Mediterranean (Battle of
Lepanto (1571))
Charles V's war with Maurice of Saxony
Great Russian War
Livonian War
Scottish Rebellion against the French
Wars of Religion in France, also called War of the Three
Henries or Huguenot Wars
First War of Religion
Second War of Religion
Third War of Religion
Fourth War of Religion
Fifth War of Religion
Sixth War of Religion
Seventh War of Religion (Lovers' War)
Eighth War of Religion
Franco-Spanish War
Ottoman-Habsburg War in Hungary
Northern Seven Years' War also known as Dano-Swedish
Eighty Years' War (war of Dutch independence)
First Phase
Second Phase
Scottish Civil War
Morisco Revolt in Spain
Twenty-five Years' War between Sweden and Russia
Livonian War (Poland vs. Russia)
Turkish-Persian War
Portuguese Civil War
Anglo-Spanish War (Spanish Armada, 1588)
"Long War" between the Empire and the Turks
Tyrone Rebellion in Ireland
The Cudgel War in Finland
Polish-Swedish War
Turkish-Persian War
Russo-Polish War
USA - A series of wars involving the colonizing European
powers of England, France, Spain, the Netherlands and
1610 - 1617
1611 - 1613
1613 - 1617
1614 - 1621
1616 - 1618
1617 - 1629
1618 - 1648
1618 - 1625
1618 - 1629
1625 - 1629
1625 - 1630
1626 - 1630
1627 - 1631
1630 - 1635
1635 - 1648
1635 - 1659
1645 1623 - 1638
1625 - 1629
1632 - 1634
1634 1637 1639 - 1652
1639 1640 1641 - 1650
1642 - 1646
1648 1650 - 1652
1640 - 1656
1640 - 1668
1645 - 1670
1648 - 1653
1648 - 1649
1650 - 1653
1648 - 1660
1648 - 1654
1652 - 1654
1654 - 1656
1655 - 1656
Sweden and their colonists against the native tribes of
North America.
Ingrian War between Sweden and Russia
War of Kalmar between Sweden and Denmark
Russo-Swedish War
Polish-Turkish War
Turkish-Persian War
Polish-Swedish War
Thirty Years' War across Europe, ends with the Peace of
Bohemian/Palatine Phase
Austro-Transylvanian War
Danish Phase
Anglo-Spanish War
Anglo-French War
War of the Mantuan Succession
Swedish Phase
French Phase
Franco-Spanish War (ending with the Treaty of the
Renewed Austro-Transylvanian War
Turkish-Persian War
Huguenot Uprising in France
Russo-Polish War
Polish-Swedish War
Pequot War
English Civil War
First Bishops' War
Second Bishops' War
Irish War
First Civil War
Second Civil War
Scottish Uprising
Catalan Revolt
Portuguese War of Independence
Turkish-Venetian War
The Fronde
First Fronde
Second Fronde
The Deluge/Northern Wars, A series of wars involving
Poland, Sweden, Brandenburg, Russia and Transylvania
and Denmark
Cossack Revolt against Poland
Anglo-Dutch War
Russo-Polish War
Swedish-Brandenburg War
1655 - 1660
1656 - 1658
1656 - 1660
1657 - 1660
1658 - 1667
1652 - 1654
1656 - 1659
1657 - 1662
1662 - 1664
1664 - 1667
1665 - 1667
1667 - 1668
1671 - 1676
1672 - 1678
1672 - 1674
1672 - 1679
1675 - 1679
1675 - 1676
1678 - 1681
1682 - 1699
1685 1688 - 1697
1689 - 1691
1689 - 1697
1695 - 1700
1702 - 1712
1700 - 1721
1710 - 1711
1715 - 1717
1701 - 1714
1702 - 1713
1703 - 1711
1714 - 1718
Polish-Swedish War
Russo-Swedish War
Danish-Swedish War
Dutch-Swedish War
Russo-Polish War
First Anglo-Dutch War
Anglo-Spanish War
Turkish-Transylvanian War
Austro-Turkish War
Anglo-Dutch War
Second Anglo-Dutch War preceded by the capture of New
Amsterdam, renamed New York City
War of Devolution
Polish-Turkish War
Anglo-Dutch War
Third Anglo-Dutch War
War between Brandenburg and Sweden
Scanian War between Sweden and Denmark
King Philip's War
Russo-Turkish War
War of the Holy League (Austria, Venice, and Poland vs.
Monmouth's Rebellion
War of the Grand Alliance
Irish Jacobite Uprising
USA - King William's War-Known in Europe as the War of
the League of Augsburg AND as the War of the Grand
Alliance and in North America as King William's War.
Russo-Turkish War
USA - Queen Anne's War- Known in Europe as the War of
the Spanish Succession, in North America as Queen Anne's
War and in India as the First Carnatic War. This conflict
also included the Second Abnaki War. The Abnaki Indian
tribe allied itself with the French against the English
colonists in North America.
Great Northern War between a coalition of
Denmark/Norway, Russia and Saxony/Poland on one side
and Sweden on the other side
Russo-Turkish War, 1710-11, a part of the Great Northern
Polish revolt against King Augustus II
War of Spanish Succession
Queen Anne's War The North American part of the War of
Spanish Succession
Hungarian Revolt
Turko-Venetian War
1715 - 1716
1716 - 1718
1718 - 1720
1722 - 1723
1722 - 1727
1727 - 1729
1730 - 1736
1733 - 1738
1736 - 1739
1737 - 1739
1740 - 1748
1739 - 1748
1739 - 1748
1740 - 1742
1741 - 1743
1744 - 1748
1744 - 1745
1744 - 1748
1745 - 1746
1743 - 1747
1749 - 1754
1775 - 1783
1756 - 1763
1761 - 1763
1763 - 1766
1768 - 1774
1768 - 1776
1773 - 1774
1774 - 1783
1755 - 1763
1775 - 1783
1778 - 1783
1779 - 1783
1777 - 1779
1779 - 1783
1785 - 1787
1786 - 1787
1787 - 1791
1787 - 1792
Jacobite Rebellion also known as "The Fifteen"
Austro-Turkish War
War of the Quadruple Alliance
Russo-Persian War 1722-1723
Turco-Persian War
largely bloodless Spanish war with England and France
Turco-Persian War
War of the Polish Succession
Russo-Turkish War
Austro-Turkish War
War of the Austrian Succession
Anglo-Spanish War
USA - War of Jenkins' Ear )-Fought between Britain and
1st Silesian War
Hats' Russian War between Sweden and Russia
USA - King George's War The North American part of the
War of Austrian Succession
2nd Silesian War
First Carnatic War
"The Forty-five"
Turco-Persian War
Second Carnatic War
American Revolution- Also involved France, Spain and the
Netherlands against Britain. The first Anglo-American
Seven Years' War, known as the French and Indian War in
the United States, and also 3rd Silesian War
Spanish-Portuguese War
Pontiac's Rebellion
Russo-Turkish War
War of the Confederation of Bar in Poland
Pugachev's Rebellion
First Anglo-Maratha War
French and Indian War
USA - American Revolutionary War
Anglo-French War
Anglo-Spanish War
War of the Bavarian Succession
Anglo-Dutch War - A part of the largerAmerican
Revolution. Also involved Spain, the United States and
France against Britain.
Dutch Civil War
USA - Shay's Rebellion
Austro-Turkish War
Russo-Turkish War
1788 - 1790
1791 - 1804
1792 1792 - 1802
1792 - 1797
1792 - 1795
1792 - 1797
1793 - 1795
1793 - 1795
1793 - 1802
1794 1798 - 1801
1798 - 1799
1799 - 1801
1798 - 1801
1794 1795 - 1798
1798 - 1800
1799 Age of Rifles
1800 - 1865
1801 1801 - 1805
1803 - 1805
1803 - 1815
1805 1806 - 1807
1807 - 1814
1809 1802 - 1805
1812 1813 - 1814
1815 1815 1815 -
1804 - 1806
1804 - 1810
Gustav III's Russian War also known as Russo-Swedish
Haiti Revolutionary War
War in defence of the constitution in Poland
French Revolutionary Wars
War of the First Coalition
Franco-Prussian War
Franco-Austrian War
Franco-Spanish War
Franco-Dutch War
Franco-British War
The Whiskey Rebellion
War of the Second Coalition
Franco-Russian War
Franco-Austrian War
Quasi War
Kosciuszko Uprising in Poland
United Irishmen Revolt
USA - Quasi-War with France
USA - Fries's Rebellion "The Hot Water War"
USA. - Tripolitanian War
USA. Slave Rebellions
War of the Oranges
First Barbary War- a series of (largely) naval conflicts
between the young United States of America and several of
the Muslim nations on the coast of North Africa in the early
First Kandyan War
Napoleonic Wars
War of the Third Coalition
War of the Fourth Coalition
Peninsular War
War of the Fifth Coalition
Second Anglo-Maratha War
Franco-Russian War
War of the Sixth Coalition
War of the Seventh Coalition also known as the Hundred
Days War
Neapolitan War
USA - The Second Barbary War, also known as the
Algerine War, was a short conflict in 1815 against the
Barbary State of Algiers.
Serbian Revolt in Ottoman Empire
Fulani War in Nigeria
1804 - 1813
1805 - 1811
1806 - 1807
1806 - 1812
1808 - 1809
1809 - 1825
1810 - 1816
1810 - 1811
1810 - 1818
1810 - 1821
1811 1811 1811 - 1818
1811 - 1825
1811 - 1812
1812 - 1814
1813 - 1814
1815 - 1816
1816 - 1817
1819 1819 - 1820
1821 1822 1824 - 1825
1812 - 1814
1813 - 1814
1814 - 1816
1814 - 1816
1814 - 1824
1815 1815 1817 - 1818
1817 - 1818
1817 - 1818
1817 - 1819
1817 - 1858
1817 - 1818
1835 - 1842
1855 - 1858
1820 - 1823
1821 - 1829
1821 - 1823
1821 - 1825
1821 - 1837
Russo-Persian War, 1804-13
Egyptian Revolution
Ashanti-Fante War
Russo-Turkish War, 1806-12
The Finnish War between Russia and Sweden wherein
Sweden cedes Finland to Russia
Bolivian Independence War
Argentine War of Independence
Anglo-Dutch Java War
Tukulor War
Mexican War of Independence
Tecumseh's War
Ga-Fante War
Egyptian-Wahhabi War
Bolívar's War
Venezuelan War of Independence
USA - War of 1812 - The second Anglo-American War.
Bolívar in Venezuela 1813-14
Spanish Invasion of New Granada
Bolívar in Venezuela 1816-18
USA - Andrew Jackson seized Florida from Spain.
Bolívar in New Granada
Bolívar in Venezuela 1821
Republican Campaign in Ecuador
Republican Campaign in Bolivia
War of 1812 fought between the United States and Britain,
and part of the greater war between Britain and France
The Creek War
The Gurkha War
Ashanti Invasion of the Gold Coast
San Martin's War
Second Kandyan War
Second Barbary War
Chilean War of Independence
Third Anglo-Maratha War
Uva Rebellion
Zulu Civil War
Seminole Wars
First Seminole War
Second Seminole War
Third Seminole War
Spanish Civil War, 1820-1823
Greek War of Independence
Turko-Persian War
Brazilian War of Independence
Padri War in Indonesia
1823 - 1826
1828 - 1829
1830 1830 - 1831
1830 - 1839
1835 1835 - 1836
1838 1839 - 1842
1839 - 1842
1843 - 1872
1843 1845 - 1846
1846 1846 - 1847
1847 1855 - 1860
1859 -
1860 - 1861
1863 - 1864
1864 1864 - 1866
1865 - 1868
1868 - 1869
1868 - 1872
1846 - 1848
1848 - 1866
1848 - 1849
1859 1866 1848 - 1849
1848 - 1851
1850 - 1865
1852 -
First Anglo-Burmese War
Russo-Turkish War, 1828-29
July Revolution in France
Polish-Russian war following November Uprising
Belgian War of Independence
Toledo War between US territory of Michigan and the US
state of Ohio
Texan War of Independence
Pastry War between France and Mexico
First Anglo-Afghan War
First Opium War
Several Maori Land Wars in New Zealand
Wairau Massacre
First Maori War also known as Flagstaff War
Hutt Valley Campaign
USA - Mexican War - The United States invaded Mexico
and forced the Mexicans to cede the northern half of the
country and also to give up any claim to Texas.
Wanganui Campaign
Kansas Civil War "Bleeding Kansas" - Guerilla warfare
between pro and anti slavery forces.
USA - Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry - Anti-slavery
militant John Brown's attempt to jump start a slave
First Taranaki War
USA - Civil War
Invasion of the Waikato
Tauranga Campaign
Second Taranaki War
East Cape War
Titokowaru's War
Te Kooti's War
Mexican-American War between the United States and
Italian Independence wars
First Italian Independence War, Kingdom of Sardinia allied
with other Italian states against Austria
Second Italian Independence War, Sardinia and France
against Austria
Third Italian Independence War, Unified Italy against
Hungarian Revolt of 1848 waged by Hungary against
Austria and later Russia
First war of Schleswig
Taiping Rebellion
Second Anglo-Burmese War
1853 - 1856
1856 - 1860
1857 - 1858
1857 - 1858
1857 - 1901
1861 - 1865
1864 1864 - 1870
1866 1866 - 1868
1870 - 1871
1872 - 1873
1876 - 1877
1877 - 1878
1878 - 1880
1879 1879 - 1884
1880 - 1881
1881 – 1885
1885 - 1886
1887 - 1889
1893 1890 1894 - 1895
1895 - 1896
1896 – 1899
1897 1897 - 1900
1898 - 1899
Crimean War.
Second Opium War
Indian Mutiny also known as the First War Of Indian
Utah War
Caste War of Yucatán
American Civil War in the United States
Second war of Schleswig
War of the Triple Alliance; Paraguay against Argentina,
Uruguay and Brazil
Austro-Prussian War (aka Seven Weeks War)
Red Cloud's War between the Lakota and the United States
Franco-Prussian War
Modoc War between the Modoc and the United States
Black Hills War between the Lakota and the United States
Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78
Second Anglo-Afghan War
Anglo-Zulu War
War of the Pacific between Chile and the joint forces of
Bolivia and Peru
First Boer War in South Africa
North Africa - First Sudanese War of 1881-1885
Third Anglo-Burmese War
First Italo-Abyssinian War
USA - Intervention in Hawaiian Revolution
Dog Tax War in New Zealand
First Sino-Japanese War
First Italo-Abyssinian War
North Africa - Second Sudanese War, Britain and Egypt vs.
the Mahdist "dervish" Army of Khalifa Abdullah. Britain
decided to re-conquer the Sudan from the Mahdist cult that
had defeated Britain's General "Chinese" Gordon in the
First Sudanese War of 1881-1885. One of the driving
forces in the timing of this offensive was the interest of
Italy, Belgium and, most of all, France in the Sudan region.
The Anglo-Egyptian army commanded by Lord Kitchener
defeated the Mahdists at the Battle of Omdurman on
September 2, 1898. On November 24, 1899, Khalifa
Abdullah and the remainder of his army were wiped out
and the Sudan fell under Anglo-Egyptian rule.
First Greco-Turkish War
Boxer Rebellion in China
USA Intervention in Samoan Civil War (1898-1899) with
U.S. and British Naval Bombardment of Samoa --A
resumption of past civil wars in which Samoan chief
Mataafa seized power following the death of his rival, King
1897 – 1914
1898 ?- 1899?
1898 1899 - 1902
1899 - 1902
1899 – 1905
1899 - 1913
1900 -
1903 -
World Wars era
1904 - 1905
1905 1911 - 1912
Malietoa Laupepa, who had defeated him in the last
Samoan Civil War (1893-1894). Fighting ensued, which
was complicated by the long-standing rivalry between the
U.S., Britain and Germany for de facto control over the
Samoan Islands. On March 15, 1899, warships of the
American and British Navies bombarded the Samoan city
of Apia to intimidate the reigning Samoan king, who was
allied with the Germans. An Anglo-American landing force
took control of Apia, but were not able to pacify the
interior. All sides agreed to cease fighting on May 13,
1899. Later that year, the three Western nations signed a
treaty dividing Samoa between them. This whole conflict
was part of a wider Samoan civil war.
North Africa - French Conquest of Chad
East Africa - Ugandan Uprisings Native Ugandan troops
mutinied against their colonial British officers, causing
difficulty for British forces fighting Mahdist forces in the
USA - Spanish-American War
Second Boer War in South Africa
The war of thousand days in Colombia
Horn of Africa - Somali "Mad Mullah" Jihad, Somali
tribesmen led by religious leader Muhammad ibn Abd
Allah Hasan waged a desert guerrilla war against Britain,
Italy and Ethiopia. Following repeated defeats by the
Somalis, the colonial powers offered him territory in Italian
Somaliland in exchange for peace. He resumed his war in
1908 and harassed the occupiers of his country until 1920.
Philippine-American War
USA - Boxer Rebellion - Also involved Britain, France,
Germany, Russia, Japan, Italy, Austria-Hungary against
"Boxer" rebels in China as well as the Chinese government.
USA - The Moro Wars - Guerilla warfare against U.S.
forces by the Moro Muslims of the southern Philippines.
Can be seen as a continuation of the Philippine-American
USA Intervention in Panamanian Revolution - The U.S.
landed troops in Panama to prevent Columbia from
crushing the separatist Panamanian government.
Russo-Japanese War
Revolution of 1905 in Russia
Turco-Italian War fought over Libya
1912 - 1913
1914 1914 - 1918
1916 1916-1917
1917 - 1918
1917 - 1920
1918 -
1918 - 1922
1918 1918 1918 - 1919
1918 - 1919
1919 1919 1919 1919 - 1921
1919 - 1921
1919 - 1922
1920 - 1922
1920 1921 1922 - 1923
1932 - 1935
1934 - 1936
1935 - 1936
1936 - 1939
1937 - 1945
1939 - 1945
1939 - 1940
1941 - 1944
1944 - 1945
1941 - 1945
Two Balkan Wars are fought for control of the European
territories of the Ottoman Empire
USA Occupation of Vera Cruz - The U.S. landed troops in
Vera Cruz, Mexico.
World War I, initially in Europe, then worldwide
Easter Rising rebellion in Ireland
USA - Pershing's Raid into Mexico - The U.S. landed
troops in Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Russian Revolution
Estonian Liberation War
Finnish Civil War, fought between "the reds" (rebellious
Socialists) and "the whites" (anti-Socialists) in the
aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Germany
intervened on the side of the Whites.
Russian Civil War, fought between "the reds"
(Communists) and "the whites" (tsarists) directly after the
Bolshevist Revolution. US, France and Britain also
intervened on the side of the whites.
Polish-Czech war in Teschen Silesia
Viena expedition
Poland and Lwow against Westukrainian Republic
Great Poland Uprising, Provinz Posen against Germany
Third Anglo-Afghan War
First Silesian Uprising
Aunus expedition
Polish-Soviet war Poland and Ukrainian Peoples Republic
against Soviets
Anglo-Irish War also known as the Irish War of
"Turkish War of Independence"
Second Greco-Turkish War
Second Silesian Uprising Silesian Poles against Germany
Third Silesian Uprising Silesian Poles against Germany
Irish Civil War
Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay
Northern Expedition by Kuomintang
Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Spanish Civil War
Second Sino-Japanese War
World War II
Winter War; Part of WW II, Finland against Soviet Union
Continuation War; Part of WW II, Finland against Soviet
Lapland War; Part of WW II, Finland against Germany
Pacific War; Part of WW II, Japan against Australia and the
United States
1941 - 1942
Cold War era
1944 - 1949
1945 - 1949
1945 - 1991
1946 - 1954
1947 - 1949
1948 1948 - 1949
1948 - 1960
1950 - 1953
1952 - 1960
1954 - 1962
1954 - 1964
1954? - Present
1955 - 1972
1956 1956-1975
1956 - 1959
1958 1960? - 1975
1960 - 1996
1960 – 1963
1960's – 1986
1961 1961-1964
1961 - 1975
1962 - 1963
1962 – 1991
1963 – 1974
Border war between Ecuador and Peru
Greek Civil War
Chinese Civil War
The Cold War
First Indochina War
First Kashmir War between India and Pakistan
India - Liberation of Hyderabad - Also known in India as
"Operation Polo."
First Arab-Israeli War
Malayan Emergency
USA - Korean War (UN-led coalition vs. North Korea)
Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya
Algerian War of Independence
Vietnamese Civil War
India - Naga Rebellion
First Sudanese Civil War
Suez Crisis (Second Arab-Israeli War) - Also involved
Britain and France.
USA - Second Indochina War
Cuban Revolution
USA - Intervention in Lebanon
USA - Laotian Civil War
Guatemalan Civil War
West Africa - Cameroon Rebellion - Rebellion against the
newly independent government of Cameroon by the
Cameroon People's Union, a pro-Communist group. French
forces aided the government in defeating the rebels.
West Africa - Mali-Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta)
Dispute -Several instances of armed clashes, the most
serious being a four-day battle in Dec. 1985. The World
Court mediated and divided the 100 mile-long, 12-mile
wide Agacher Strip.
Bay of Pigs Invasion (CIA-sponsored invasion attempt by
Cuban Nationals)
Liberation of Goa - India contributed troops to the UN
army which undertook offensive action against rebels in the
Angolan War of Independence
Sino-Indian War
Horn of Africa - Eritrean War of Independence, Fought
against Ethiopia. Also considered to be the First EritreanEthiopian War.
West Africa - Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands War
of Independence, Fought against Portugal.
1964 1964 - Present
1964 – 1967
1964 - 1973
1964 - 1975
1965 1965-1966?)
1965 - 1996
1966 1966 - 1988
1967 1967 - 1970
1967 - 1975
1969 Nov. 1970 -
1970 - 1975
1971 1973 1973? – Present
1974 - 1991
1975 - 1989
1975 - 1991
1975 - 1998
1975 – Present
1977 – 1978
1979 1979 -
1979 - 1992
1980 - 1988
1980's - Present
Zanzibar Uprising
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Somali Border Wars with Ethiopia and Kenya
USA - Vietnam War between the U.S.-led coalition
(including the government of South Vietnam) and the
National Liberation Front (NLF), backed by North Vietnam
Mozambique's War of Independence
Second Kashmir War (Second Indo-Pakistani War)
USA - Dominican Intervention
Chad Civil War
Buganda Separatist Revolt
Namibian War of Independence
Six-Day War (Third Arab-Israeli War)
Biafra War in Nigeria
Cambodian Civil War
Football War between Honduras and El Salvador.
West Africa - "Mercenary" Invasion of Guinea Mercenaries supported by Portugal attacked the Guinea
government. Nigeria and United Arab Republic (Egypt)
sent troops to help Guinea.
USA - Cambodian Civil War
The Pakistani Civil War that becomes the Third IndoPakistani War
Yom Kippur War (Fourth Arab-Israeli War)
Oromo Insurgency [Ethiopia]
Ethiopian Civil War
Angolan Civil War
Lebanese Civil War
War of Indepence in East Timor
West Africa - Saharan War, Morocco and Mauritania
against the Polisario Front. Mauritania left the war in 1978.
Ogaden War, Ethiopia against Somalia and Somali rebels
in the Ogaden desert area. The Soviet Union and Cuba also
involved on Ethiopia's side. Can be considered a part of the
Cold War.
Sino-Vietnamese War
Uganda-Tanzania War Began as a border conflict in which
Uganda's dictator, Idi Amin Dada, tried seizing Tanzanian
territory. Tanzania counter-attacked and entered Uganda.
Amin fled the country and his rule ended. Ugandan rebel
forces accompanied the Tanzanian army. Amin's allies
included troops from Libya and Palestinian fighters.
El Salvador Civil War
India - Assam-Nagaland border dispute
Iran-Iraq War
Burma - Chin <Chin National Front [CNF]> Rebellion
1980's – Present
1981 1981 -
1982 1982 1982 - 1984
1983 1983 - 2000
1984 – 1989
1984 - 1989
Dec. 1987-1993
1990 – Present
1989 - 1991?
1991 - 1998
West Africa - Casamance Rebellion in Senegal
Border war between Ecuador and Peru
West Africa - Gambian Marxist Coup Attempt, Insurgents
seized the capital in July. Order restored with the aid of
troops from Senegal.
Falklands War between United Kingdom and Argentina
Lebanon War
Mozambique's Civil War
USA - Lebanese Intervention
Operation Urgent Fury, U.S.-sponsored invasion of
Civil War in Sri Lanka
Guinea-Bissau-Senegal Dispute, Border dispute erupted
into armed clashes in April and May, 1990. Each side
supported neighbor's rebel movements.
Punjab Insurgency - A rebellion in the Sikh-dominated
Punjab region culminated in the bloody Battle at the
Golden Temple in June of 1984. Follow-up operations in
the countryside continued into 1989. India claims the Sikh
rebels were backed by Pakistan.
Israeli-Lebanese Border War - Also involved Syria , the
PLO and Lebanese militia's such as Hezbollah.
The Siachen Glacier is one of the highest glaciers in the
world, and it sits astride the demarcation line between
India's and Pakistan's claims in Jammu and Kashmir. Since
the mid-'80's, artillery and infantry battles have broken out
along this stretch of the border. These battles are related to
the ongoing Kashmir Revolt
The First Intifada - An uprising by the Palestinians in the
territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 War. This conflict
concluded with the Oslo Accords, which set up a timetable
for Palestinian nationhood and called for the establishment
of the Palestinian Authority, with PLO Chairman Yassir
Arafat as President.
Indian Intervention in Sri Lankan Civil War - India
intervened in the bloody Sri Lankan Civil War (which
continues into 2000) in support of the Sinhalese majoritydominated government. After suffering heavy casualties
and realizing that this was a conflict best left to the Sri
Lankans, India removed her troops in 1990.
Horn of Africa - Somali Civil War
West Africa - Sierra Leone Civil War
West Africa - Southern Black Rebellion in Mauritania
Liberian Civil War, Also involved Senegal and GuineaConakry.
1991 – 1998
Post-Cold War era
1988 - 1994
1989 - 1990
- 1991
1990 - 1991
1990 - 1992
1991 - 2001
1991 1991-2003
1991 - 1995
1992 - 1995
1998 - 1999
1998 – 1999
Sept. 2000 - Present
2001 1991 - 1993
1991 - 1992
Nigeria-Cameroon Dispute, Border dispute over the oil-rich
Bakassi region. A cease-fire agreement was signed in 1996,
but each side accuses the other of numerous violations. In
1998, 221 prisoners of war were repatriated. In 2002, the
World Court awarded the land to Cameroon.
Nagorno-Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan
Operation Just Cause, United States invades Panama
West Africa - Tuareg Rebellion in Mali
Persian Gulf War between Iraq and UN-led coalition
Rwanda Civil War
Kashmir Border Conflict/Kargil War
Yugoslav Wars
Slovenian War
“The No-Fly Zone War” (U.S./U.K.-Iraq Conflict)
USA - The "No-Fly Zone War" pitted the air and naval
forces of the United States and the United Kingdom (also
referred to as "Great Britain"), against the air defenses of
Iraq. This conflict proved to be largely ignored by the
media and the public in both the U.S. and in the U.K.,
though it impacted the military and the citizens of Iraq on
an almost weekly basis, especially since the intense "Desert
Fox" bombing campaign of 1998. The roots of this conflict
are quite simple to trace: the inconclusive and vague ceasefire agreement ending the Gulf War of 1990-1991. This
agreement called on the Iraqi government to allow United
Nations weapons inspectors to search for prohibited
weapons in Iraq, and, perhaps more importantly, allowed
the Coalition Allies (originally the U.S., the U.K. and
France), to enforce what came to be called "No-Fly Zones"
over northern and southern Iraq.
Croatian War
USA - Somalia Intervention
Bosnian War
Kosovo War
West Africa - Guinea-Bissau Civil War, also involved the
Nigerian-led ECOMOG peacekeeping force.
The Second Intifada - An urban guerrilla/terrorist conflict
between the Palestinians and Israel. Marked by suicide
bombings, recurring Israeli invasions of Palestinian cities
and Palestinian guerrilla attacks on Isreaeli settlements and
military targets.
Macedonian War
Georgian civil wars
South Ossetian war
1992 - 1994
1993 1991 - 1997
1993 - 1999
1994 1994 - 1996
1994 - Present
1994 – Present
1995 -
1995 1996 -`
1996 - 1997
1998 - 2000
1999 -
1999 1999 2002 -
2003 2003 -
2004 -
Abkhazian War
Georgian civil war, western Georgia
Sierra Leone Civil War
Burundi Civil War
Yemen Civil War
First Chechen War
USA - Occupation of Haiti
Mexico - Chiapas Uprising - A rebel group calling itself the
Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) began a revolt
on New Year's Day 1994. Little fighting has taken place
since 1994. The government and the Zapatistas engage in
negotiations and public relations battles rather than combat,
though several massacres have occurred.
USA - Bosnian War - The U.S. and NATO engaged in air
strikes to force the Bosnian Serb forces to negotiate a peace
agreement. Also known as Operation Deliberate Force.
U.S. airpower contributed 65.9% of the NATO air sorties.
Cenepa War between Peru and Ecuador
Horn of Africa - Yemen-Eritrea Border Conflict
Liberian Civil War
Horn of Africa – Second Yemen-Eritrea Border Conflict
USA - bin Laden's War - Terrorist conflict between the
United States and irregular forces led by Osama bin Laden.
The violence has also involved Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan
and Afghanistan.
Border war between Ethiopia and Eritrea
West Africa - Liberian Civil War, Rebels launched an
invasion of Liberia from neighboring Guinea. Civil war
resumed in Liberia after this attack.
Kargil Conflict
USA - Kosovo War
West Africa - Ivory Coast Civil War, Rebels from the
army, mostly Muslim, launched an attempted coup in
September, 2002. The government survived the initial
attacks, though subsequent fighting left the mostly Muslim
northern part of the country in rebel hands.
Second Liberian Civil War
USA - The Third Persian Gulf War : "Operation Iraqi
Freedom" - The second major war between the United
States-led coalition and the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq.
Military members of the coalition also include the United
Kingdom and Australia.
Intervention in Haiti - Intervention to prevent civil
war/anarchy in Haiti following the Gonsalves Rebellion
against the Haitian government.
2006 -
Ongoing wars
1966 1977 1978 1978 1978 1979 1992 1994 2001 1983 1992 1994 1995 1996 1999 2001 2003 2003 2004 2006 2006 – Present
Lebanon War between Israel and the Hezbollah
(organization in Southern Lebanon)
Colombian Civil War
Somalian Civil War
Afghanistan Civil War
Communist coup of 1978
1992 Civil war between Mujahideen and Democratic
Republic of Afghanistan
1989 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1993 Civil War between different tribal military forces
2001 Civil War between Taliban movement and Northern
United States war in Afghanistan
Second Sudanese Civil War
Civil War in Algeria
Zapatista Revolution in Mexico
Second Ugandan Civil War
Civil War in Nepal
Second Chechen War
Civil War in Côte d'Ivoire
Invasion of Iraq1
Darfur conflict, Sudan
Haiti rebellion
Israel-Lebanon/Hezbollah War
Ethiopian Intervention in Somali Civil War
Notes About some disputed conflicts
1Coalition announced end of major combat operations on May 1 2003. Military
operations and resistance have continued until present day.
For more information, see U.S.-led occupation of Iraq
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