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United States History
Unit #3 - Bare Bones
Industrialization & the Gilded Age (1865—1914)
Chapters 13-16
Grade = ____
Directions: Complete the following questions from each of the “standards” on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure
to write or type out the questions (in bold) and write your answers out in full sentences or bulleted points.
Each question is worth three points each.
TOTAL Points =______ / 100
Content Domain III: Industrialization, Reform, & Imperialism (1877—1914)
SSUSH11 a-d
1. Define the term big business. How did it affect
society following Reconstruction?
2. What impact did the use of the railroad have on
American westward expansion in the mid-to-late
nineteenth century?
3. What was the significance of Chinese labor in the
late nineteenth century?
4. What site was selected to connect the Central
Pacific Railroad with the Union Pacific Railroad?
When and where was the first transcontinental
railroad completed?
Explain the growth of the steel industry led by
Scottish immigrant Andrew Carnegie.
Explain the growth of the oil industry led by John
D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil Company.
Define trust and monopoly.
How did the inventions of Thomas Edison change
the dynamics of technological advances in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
Name three of Thomas Edison’s inventions.
SSUSH12 a-d
10. Identify how industrialization, immigration, and
urbanization are linked and led to the tremendous
growth of the United States by the end of the
nineteenth century.
11. Identify Sitting Bull as a leader of the Sioux in the
northern Great Plains.
12. What was the significance of Wounded Knee
13. Explain the differences between Old Immigrants
and New Immigrants?
14. What is the significance of Ellis Island Immigrant
Station in New York Harbor?
15. Explain the significance of the American
Federation of Labor important (AFL) and its leader
Samuel Gompers.
16. Why was the Pullman Strike in 1894 important?
SSUSH13 a-f
17. What were Jim Crow laws?
18. What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy
v. Ferguson (1896) case involving segregation?
19. What were two goals surrounding the creation of
the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)?
SSUSH14 a-c
20. How did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
demonstrate the anti-immigrant sentiment found
in the United States during the 1880s?
United States History
Unit #3- Bare Bones
Imperialism, Progressivism, & WWI (1867—1920)
Chapters 17-19
Directions: Complete the following questions from each of the “standards” on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure
to write or type out the questions (in bold) and write your answers out in full sentences or bulleted points.
Each question is worth three points each.
Content Domain III: Industrialization, Reform, & Imperialism (1877—1914)
SSUSH13 a-f
21. Explain the significance of the Progressive
Movement (1901—1920).
22. Define the term muckraker?
23. Who was Upton Sinclair? What was the
significance of his book The Jungle?
24. What was the primary goal of Ida Tarbell as a
25. Identify progressive reforms in the following areas
of society:
 consumer rights
 worker rights
 conservation of natural resources
 regulation of business
 child labor laws
 improvement of urban living conditions
SSUSH14 a-c
30. What were the causes of the United States
entry into the Spanish-American War (1898)?
What was the result of the war on American
expansionism at the beginning of the
twentieth century?
31. What was the significance of the PhilippinesAmerican War?
26. Identify Jane Addams as the leader of the
settlement house movement. What was the
significance of Hull House in Chicago?
27. Identify progressive reforms in the political
 initiative
 recall
 referendum
28. Identify the significance of the Sixteenth
Amendment and Seventeenth Amendment.
29. Describe the conservation movement under
President Teddy Roosevelt.
32. Explain the debate over United States
actions in Latin America and the use of
the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
33. For what reasons did President Teddy
Roosevelt want to secure the Panama
Canal Zone for the United States?