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Cell Review Sheet
1. What are organelles?
Structures/parts that perform specific functions within the cell
2. Compare an animal cell and a plant cell. What are their
differences? What do they share in common?
Plant only has chloroplasts and cell wall
Both have nucleus, vacuole, cell membrane, golgi apparatus, rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoskeleton, lysosomes, mitochondria, cytoplasm
3. What does the cell wall do? Is it found in both plant and
animal cells? If no, where is it found?
Support, protection No
only plant
4. What does the cell membrane do?
Acts as a barrier/ gate that allows things to move in and out of cell
5. What is chloroplast? What type of cell are they found in?
Uses sunlight to form energy for the cell
Plant cell
6. What do Ribosome’s do? Where are they found in the cell?
Do both plant and animal cells have them?
Makes protein
around the nucleus or rough endoplasmic reticulum yes
7. What does Mitochondrion do?
Power house of the cell
8. What is a vacuole? Do both plant and animal cells have
Storage for cell- waste or nutrients (water)
9. What does the endoplasmic reticulum do? What two types do
you have?
Makes lipids and packages proteins
Rough and smooth
What produces ribosomes?
What do Lysosomes do?
Clean-up crew- digests old cell parts, food, waste
12. Describe cytoplasm. Where is it located in the cell? What does
it contain?
Gel like fluid. Inside the cell. Contains the organelles
13. What does the nucleus do?
Brain of the cell
14. What are chromosomes? Why are they so important to a cell?
Omit- do not study
15. What is the shape of a plant cell?
16. Where is the cell membrane located in the animal and plant
cell? Animal around the outside of the cell Plant- inside the cell wall
17. What gives plant cells a firm regular shape?
Cell wall
18. ER without ribosomes looks __________ under the
19. ER with ribosomes looks __________ under the microscope.
20. What is the strong substance that makes up the cell wall?