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Year 3 Number Assessment Ladder: Working Towards
Year 3 Number Assessment Ladder: Mostly Achieved
Year 3 Number Assessment Ladder: Achieved
Y3: Place Value- Working Towards
Y3: Place Value- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Place Value- Achieved
I’m beginning to read numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words.
I can read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words.
I can solve number problems, working with numbers up to 1000 and
in different units of measurement.
I know what each digit means in Hundred Tens and Unit numbers
such as 204.
I can count from 0 in steps of 4, 8.
I can find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.
I can compare and order numbers up to 1000.
I can count from 0 in steps of 50 and 100.
I‘m beginning to solve number problems, working with numbers up
to 1000.
Y3: Addition & Subtraction- Working Towards
Y3: Addition & Subtraction- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Addition & Subtraction- Achieved
I can add and subtract numbers in my head, including questions
such as 432 - 7.
I can add and subtract numbers in my head, including questions
such as 432 - 300.
I can add and subtract numbers in my head, including questions
such as 432 - 70.
I’m beginning to estimate the answer to a question before I work it
out and then use inverse operations to check the answer when I
have finished.
I can use written methods (+ compact column/-partitioning) to add
or subtract two three-digit numbers, including adding and
subtracting amounts of money.
I solve problems such as missing numbers (for example, 452 - ? =
122) using my knowledge of number facts and methods of addition
and subtraction.
I can estimate the answer to a question before I work it out and
then use inverse operations to check the answer when I have
I can work on money problems, adding and subtracting amounts of
money and working out how much change is left. I use both £ and p
in my problems.
I beginning to use written methods (using Singapore Bar Model,
solving with partitioning begin + expanded column/- number line)
to add or subtract two three-digit numbers.
Y3: Multiplication & Division- Working Towards
Y3: Multiplication & Division- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Multiplication & Division- Achieved
I know my 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
I can use my x/÷ facts to solve longer x problem e.g. 17x5= (5x10 +
I’m beginning to solve longer multiplication sums using the written
methods (x compact grid method/÷ number line with remainders up to 3-digit by1-digit).
I can answer problems involving ÷ using my x/÷number facts e.g. 45
chn got into 5 groups, how many were in each group?
I can solve more complex problems and missing number questions
involving multiplication and division.
I can answer multiplication and division questions such as 16 x 5 or
45 divided by 9 using the appropriate mental or written method (÷
I understand that x/÷ is linked and can show this in a number
sentence e.g. 7x5=35/5x7=35/35÷7=5/35÷5=7.
I’m beginning to use written methods to show what happens when
you multiply and divide a 2-digit by 1-digit number (x arrays and
expanded grid method/÷ number line)
Y3: Fractions- Working Towards
Y3: Fractions- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Fractions- Achieved
I know that tenths can be found by dividing an object or shape into
ten equal parts or by dividing numbers by 10.
I can count up and down in tenths.
I can find a fraction (such as 2/5 or 3/4) of a number or set of
I can compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same
I can show that some fractions have the same value - such as 1/2,
3/6 and 5/10 or 1/3 and 3/9.
I can add and subtract fractions with the same denominator [for
example, 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7].
I solve problems that finding, ordering or comparing fractions.
I know how to find fractions of a shape - such as 3/5, 1/4 or 4/6.
Y3 Number - Working Towards Mastery:
Y3 Number - Mostly Achieved Mastery:
Y3 Number - Achieved Mastery:
I can easily recognise the HTU of 3 digit numbers. I am able to
solve simple +/- in my head but can clearly explain how I have
done this and can apply the same thinking to my developing
written methods. My knowledge of number extends to
understanding smaller parts of number- tenths
My knowledge of number extends to 1000 and I can explain how
these numbers are ordered in the number system and along a
number line. I use this understanding to count in jumps and
estimate my answers. I understand how calculations are
associated to each other and can explain using both verbal and
written explanations how this can be sued to solve problems
including problems involving fractions.
I confidently solve a range of problems and apply different
operations as needed. I am able to clearly explain how I solve
them showing a logical way of working and using estimates and
inverse checks for accuracy.
Y3 Measure, Geometry & Statistics Assessment
Ladder: Working Towards
Y3 Measure, Geometry & Statistics Assessment
Ladder: Mostly Achieved
Y3 Measure, Geometry & Statistics Assessment
Ladder: Achieved
Y3: Measure- Working Towards
Y3: Measure- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Measure- Achieved
I can identify and estimate numbers in different units such as length
(mm and m) and weight (g and kg).
I know and use vocabulary such as o'clock, a.m./p.m., morning,
afternoon, noon and midnight in my maths work.
I know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in
each month, year and leap year.
I’m can to tell and write the time from a clock with numbers or
Roman numerals or using 12 and 24 hour clocks.
I can measure in these units: lengths (m,cm,mm), weight (kg,g) and
capacity (l,ml).
I can measure the perimeter of a 2-D shape such as a square or
I can tell and write the time from a clock with numbers or Roman
numerals or using 12 and 24 hour clocks.
I can measure and compare in these units: lengths (m,cm,mm),
weight (kg,g) and capacity (l,ml).
I can tell the time accurately to the nearest minute.
Y3: Shape- Working Towards
I recognise and can describe 3-D shapes.
I draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials.
I know an angle is used to measure how far something turns. An
angle is also the point in a 2-D shape.
I can measure and record time passing in seconds, minutes and
I can calculate how long an event or task took to complete.
Y3: Shape- Mostly Achieved
I recognise and can describe 3-D shapes even when they have been
turned about in different ways.
I know what a right angle is and I know that two right angles make
a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four right
angles make a complete turn.
I know when a line is horizontal or vertical.
Y3: Shape- Achieved
I can tell whether an angle is greater than or less than a right angle.
I know when two lines are perpendicular or parallel.
Y3: Statistics- Working Towards
Y3: Statistics- Mostly Achieved
Y3: Statistics- Achieved
I can make my own bar charts, pictograms and tables.
I can make my own bar charts, pictograms and tables and can
answer questions about them.
I can answer maths problems such as 'How many more?' and 'How
many fewer?' by finding the information in bar charts, pictograms
and tables.
Y3 Measure- Working Towards Mastery:
Y3 Measure- Mostly Achieved Mastery:
Y3 Measure- Achieved Mastery:
I am confident at knowing what unit is needed to measure things
around me and can confidently recall measurement facts relating
to time and 2D shapes. I understand how data is presented and
can select my own, appropriate chart/table to present data.
I can accurately measure and (discuss the process for measuring)
a variety of objects. I find examples of 3D shapes in my
environment and discuss their features to demonstrate my
knowledge of them. I can read charts/tables to find information.
I can accurately tell you the time whenever you ask me and can
use this knowledge to measure time passing. I accurately use
technical language related shape by discussing their lines and
Version 2-Updated: May 2016