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Civil War Take-Home Activity
1. What year did the Civil War begin?
2. What was the Triangle Trade?
3. Did the war have black soldiers on both sides?
4. The Northwest Territory - 265,000 sq. miles was ceded to the United States in 1783 by
5. Who said the Union must be preserved - and it will now be tested - by the support I get
by the people. I will die for the Union?
6. How many clashes were actually recorded between the North and South?
7. What did the Louisiana Purchase have to do with the Civil War?
8. What was a Columbiad?
9. What year did a group of free blacks present Congress with a petition condemning
slavery, the slave trade and the Fugitive Slave act?
10. Who were the first Abolitionists?
11. What was the Missouri Compromise?
12. What was the Genius of Universal Emancipation?
13. What state called for the death penalty for anyone publishing material that incites a
slave rebellion?
14. What year did England abolish slavery?
15. What did the war with Mexico have to do with the Civil War?
16. What did the potato blight in Ireland have to do with the Civil War?
17. What was the Freedom Line or Underground Railroad?
18. What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
19. What year did the Free Soilers and slaveholders clash in Kansas?
20. Who was Dred Scott?
21. What famous antislavery person attempted to start a riot at Harper's Ferry?
22. What U.S. President said states have no right to secede but the Federal Government
can do nothing to prevent such action?
23. What factors separated the Confederacy from the Union?
24. Who elected Jefferson Davis to be President of the Confederacy?
25. Who was Fort Sumter named after?
26. How many troops did Abe Lincoln call for to put down the rebellion of the Civil
27. The Confederate Congress meeting in Montgomery, Alabama passed a constitution
which was identical or nearly identical to the U.S. Constitution, n’est pas?
28. August 5, 1861, saw the passing of what famous law in the U.S. Congress?
29. Who was Pierre G.T. Beauregard?
30. Who said," Abraham Lincoln, a reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your
soil. All that is dear to man, your honor and that of your wives and daughters,- your
fortunes and your lives are involved in this monumental contest?"
31. It is said both the Confederacy and the Union had their Napoleons. Who were they?
32. Major A.M. Lea, part of a Confederate boarding party captured the U.S.S. Harriet
Lane off Galveston, Texas. Who did he discover dying on the deck?
33. Willie, Abe Lincoln’s young son died of typhoid. What probably caused this?
34. What famous general once ignored Lincoln's home visit and went to bed?
35. What state was the Confederacy's first currency printed?
36. After Shiloh - Beauregard abandoned Corinth, Mississippi - a Confederate
stronghold. Why?
37. Who was called the Beast of New Orleans? What else was he called?
38. Who was nicknamed Black Davis because he organized a black regiment without
39. What Union General first ordered food taken from Virginia farms and ordered young
Confederates and civilian sympathizers to be hung?
40. Horace Greeley, famous journalist and advocate of emancipation, founded what
famous national newspaper?
41. Who said the primary objective is to save the Union and not either to save or destroy
42. Did Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation free all slaves?
43. Who said, "The hen is the wisest of all animal creation, because she never cackles
until the egg is laid? What was he referring to?
44. What date did the Bread Riots of Richmond occur?
45. What famous battle is the unnamed setting for Stephen Cranes "Red Badge of
46. How many civilians died accidentally during the Battle of Gettysburg?
47. Supplies were being sent by family and friends to Union prisoners held in the South.
Who stopped this practice?
48. What happened to Col. Robert Gould Shaw, the famous commander in charge of the
all black 54th Massachusetts regiment at Battery Wagner?
49. What unusual fact separated Confederate General Forrest from other commanders?
50. Who said, "I proposed to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer?" Where was
he talking about?
51. Grant's Wilderness campaign cost him 50000 casualties. How many were replaced by
the Northern government?
52. What personal tragedy did Confederate Jefferson Davis suffer during the war?
53. What act occurred to finance the war on June 30, 1864?
54. What was the first income tax rate during the Civil War?
55. What did the Confederates do to help finance their war costs?
56. What city did Sherman give to Abe Lincoln as a Christmas gift on Dec. 22, 1864?
57. What was unusual about Lincoln's opposition in his campaign for re-election?
58. Sherman said after the war he never ordered fires at Columbia but that he never shed
any tears over it either - true or false?
59. Lee received a note from Grant asking that he surrender and Lee passed it to an
officer who said, "Not yet." Who was this officer?
60. In proportion - and given today's population - the number killed in the Civil War
would be how many?
61. Grant said the U.S. Constitution did not authorize rebellion yet it made no provision
against it. Was this true or false?
62. Grant once said President Abe Lincoln could have proven to be the best friend the
South ever had! True or False?
63. Grant once stated Hooker was a dangerous man - not subordinate to his superiors and
caring nothing for the rights of others. True or False?
64. Who said the days before rapid transportation - i.e. railroads, each state was a
separate nationality?
65. Who said the hostilities of England toward the U.S. during the war was not so much
real as it was apparent?
66. In the end - it was General Robert E. Lee who refused to resort to guerrilla warfare
that could only lead to the deaths of more Southerners. True or False?
67. Two years before the war, Maj. Gen. Daniel Sickles shot and killed a man. What was
the dead man's name?
68. Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain - famous for his actions at Little Round Top,
Gettysburg, was what kind of a professor at Bowdoin College?
69. What Southern commander did actually succeed at Gettysburg by raising the
Confederate colors above Cemetery Ridge but the colors were soon cut down or
70. How much time did it take Abe Lincoln to deliver the Gettysburg Address?
71. During the New York Draft Riots - July 1863 - who made up the bulk of these
72. Approximately how many African Americans were commissioned as officers in the
Civil War?
73. How long did segregation of military forces last in the US?
74. Who was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor in the Civil War?
75. What was the nickname for Union General William Starke Rosecrans?
76. What famous battle still has a standing, functional Inn where the battle actually
77. Who was hailed as the Rock of Chickamauga?
78. What is inscribed on the rear of the Thomas medal ordered by loyalist legislature of
postwar Tennessee?
79. What is the largest Civil War battlefield in the National Park system?
80. How tall was the prominence at Lookout Mountain guarding Chattanooga which
Union soldiers assaulted and carried the day?
81. What Union army actually scaled Lookout Mountain and routed the Confederates?
82. After his third year - why was U.S. Grant summoned to Washington?
83. What role did Grant give Sherman?
84. What was expected of Sherman?
85. How many prisoners did Grant's army capture and parole?
86. Which had the highest mortality rate for prisoners? Andersonville or Salisbury -N.C?
87. Why was the South called a one party political machine after the war?
88. How many presidents were assassinated in the US before 1865?
89. Andrew Johnson - 17th president of the U.S. - had an unusual occupation for a
president. What was it?
90. What was the Freedman's Bureau Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1866 about?
91. What was the most famous reconstruction act to have an impact on citizens in the
U.S. and perhaps to never again allow slavery?
92. What were Carpetbaggers and Scalawags? 46. How many civilians died accidentally
during the Battle of Gettysburg?