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District 23
1:1 Implementation Plan
April 2015
Table of Contents
Members of the Teaching Learning and Technology Team
Vision and Purpose of 1:1
Building the Digital Environment
Teaching and Learning
Professional Development
Sustainable Financing
Policies and Procedures
Engaging the Community
District 23’s Tech Plan 2.0 identifies five goal areas for implementation between 2014
and 2019:
1. Provide ongoing, embedded and differentiated professional development to
increase use of technology as a tool to transform instruction.
2. Identify and articulate workflow enhancements to support technology integration
and efficiency.
3. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional software and tools to
support instruction and interventions for use with students, including at-risk,
English Language, and Special Education students.
4. Establish an educationally responsive device replacement cycle for faculty and
classroom devices utilizing updated parameters.
5. Implement a developmentally responsive 1:1 device program to provide access
to technology to all students.
This 1:1 Implementation Plan articulates the components of our strategy for
bringing this goal to fruition. Because of the fluid nature of technology
enhancements and the student/faculty centered nature of our work, this plan should
be considered open-ended and flexible.
To accomplish our goals, there are a number of components to be addressed: TLT
Team, Vision, Digital Environment, Teaching and Learning, Professional
Development, Sustainable Financing, Policy Implications, and Community
Each section articulates our current plan to address the identified critical questions.
We believe this plan will serve as a guide for further discussions and investigations
and as a benchmark for future planning.
This plan should ALWAYS be viewed as a flexible and adaptable process, as
many decisions are budget dependent and subject to Board of Education
formal action.
Members of the Teaching Learning and
Technology Team
Broad participation has been sought throughout the visioning and planning phases
of this project to ensure varied perspectives, input and insights. Multiple modalities
were also used to engage and inform our stakeholders: Committee meetings,
Community and Teacher forums, PTO meetings, surveys, newsletter articles,
website pages, and social media postings.
As the plan is implemented over the next four years, we will continue to share
information in a transparent way and seek ongoing feedback from our community of
students, parents, and faculty about the impact and needs of the 1:1
implementation. We are fortunate to have a collaborative and shared vision for
enhancing the use of instructional technology and believe that fostering ongoing
dialogue will ensure responsive and responsible plan implementation.
The following groups and individuals have been instrumental in the development of this
Faculty representatives
Parent Representatives
Stacy Balla, Ike
Mark Atkinson, MacArthur
Larry Czarkowski, Ike
Kristen Bearwald, MacArthur
Administration Team
Kayleen Fahey, Ike
Aliaa Ibrahim, MacArthur
Chris Alms, Asst. Principal
Paula Goldberg, Ike
Maggie Leja, MacArthur
Don Angelaccio, Asst. Supt.
Kristen Herzog, Ike
Mary Beth McWilliams, MacArthur
Craig Curtis, Principal
Carly Sullivan, Ike
Susan Peckworth, MacArthur
Debbie Gardiner, Principal
Bonnie Zbararz, Ike
Luann Kolstad, CBO
Gail Anderson, Ross
Technology Department
Luke Lambatos, Principal
Cyndy Donohue, Ross
Maria Stavropoulos, TLT Coordinator
Steve Lee, Principal
Sara Duytschaver, Ross
Carolyn Ranieri, Senior TIS
Chrys Sroka, SpEd Director
Melissa Mariconda, Ross
Gorman Christian, Network Manager
Deb Wilson, Superintendent
Allison Mass, Ross
Christine Akdeniz, TIS
Julie Murray, Ross
Board of Education
Lia Czarnik, Sullivan
MacArthur Students
Kelly Funk, Sullivan
Kristene Ganek, Sullivan
Tara MacTavish, Sullivan ePTO and MacArthur PTO
Cory Sobczak, Sullivan
Betsy Yager, Sullivan
Vision and Purpose of 1:1
Critical Questions:
● What is the vision of the District 23 Technology Plan?
● Why do we believe that 1:1 is the appropriate step to take to move
instruction forward?
In the 21st Century, the role and purpose of technology has dramatically shifted toward a fully integrated
and seamless presence. Technology devices have become essential tools for teachers, just as they have
for other professionals and in the business world. For our students, they have become the equalizer that
provides access to information, the ability to collaborate, create, and connect with people throughout the
world, and the opportunity for differentiation and personalization of education. District 23’s Tech Plan 2.0
articulates the following vision for technology Implementation:
To increase and enhance the use of technology as a tool to improve engagement,
elevate rigor, and transform instructional practices in the classroom and at home.
Specific to 1:1 device implementation, the following timeline has been articulated:
In 2015-16, grade 6-8 students will bring devices home on a daily basis.
Tentative: In 2016-17, grade 4-5 students will carry devices between classes, and typically store
devices at school, with optional use at home.
Tentative: In 2017-18, grade 1-3 classrooms will have sets of devices maintained in each instructional
space for student access and use throughout the day.
Tentative: In 2017-18, EC and Kindergarten teachers will share access to carts of devices with
availability to bring into the classroom for small or whole group instruction as appropriate.
Further rationale for device selection is shared in the “Sustainable Financing” section, but our
1:1 Implementation Plan identifies the Apple iPad Air 2 as the tool for use in District 23.
The iPad allows for a personalized learning experience, with over 80,000 educational apps and
books geared to any level or subject. Teachers and students can develop interactive materials
with iBooks Author, along with organizing and delivering lessons via iTunes. We believe this
device empowers our teachers and students to engage in the creation of content with
maximum flexibility for future growth.
Before describing “what” our technology plan includes, we believe it is important to articulate
“WHY” we believe technology integration is an essential component of 21st Century
To transform what the classroom is and what we can DO in the classroom.
To use technology as a TOOL to improve and enhance teaching and learning.
To prepare students for THEIR future, not ours.
To empower students take ownership of their learning.
To engage students in creating content, collaboration with others, and making
To remove constraints of traditional classroom and schools - time, location,
To provide meaningful and authentic learning experiences for students and
To facilitate home/school communication and connections
Building the Digital
Critical Questions:
● What is the current status of device allocation and network
● What physical plant or environmental issues may impact the
implementation of the 1:1 plan?
● How will devices be managed?
● What is the procedure for registering and distributing the devices?
In order for our 1:1 implementation plan to reach its full potential, we must also plan for and address
infrastructure and “back-end” issues. These broad Digital Environment issues create the space in which the
Teaching and Learning enhancements can grow and are critical to the success of the plan.
This area has been reviewed and addressed over the past two years. Our district has invested
in the infrastructure to provide appropriate bandwidth* and access points throughout the
district. Our previous Technology plan goals have been met and provide a solid foundation of
current device allocations upon which we can build for the future:
* total shared bandwidth increased to 500Mb/s in 2014
Current device allocation description:
All certified faculty have a MacBook laptop, ages ranging from 2010-2014 purchase; an iPad, ages ranging
from 2011-2014; an Interactive White Board and compatible software, ages ranging from 2009-2014
purchase. These are in alignment with the prior technology plan ratio.
Additionally, other devices may be available to support instruction. Desktop and laptop computers have been
provided in the form of library labs and mobile carts of laptops. These are devices intended for student use,
but have limited access. Use of this technology is dependent upon teacher direction and availability.
Assistive technology devices are also available to students with identified Special Education needs as
prescribed in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These devices are supported by our Assistive
Technology coaches and consultants from NSSEO.
Current device allocations and location vary by building based upon space, budget variances, student needs,
and teacher/administrative preference. It is our goal to make device availability more uniform and
standardized across the district. Technology has become, and will increasingly become, a standard tool for
instructional use. In this spirit, our planning and conceptualization of technology must also shift to meet this
changing role.
Physical Plant:
All current physical plant needs are being met at this time. Additional devices will increase draw on electrical
supply. Storage and charging carts will be equipped with a two tier alternate level charging unit to minimize
impact on voltage draw. Circuit load may also be impacted with increased devices. This is an area that will
require monitoring of impact.
Managing Devices:
Training and software will be purchased from Apple as a component of our initial roll-out, and an annual per
device charge will be included in the purchase price. Casper JAMF will be utilized as the device
management system for our 1:1 implementation. Additional staffing is required to support the increased
workload. Our Network Manager will be responsible for coordinating all device enrollment and management
Device Registration and Distribution:
Procedures for registration and distribution of iPads will be developed to meet the needs of students and
families and ensure that the devices will be properly initialized and prepared for use. These procedures will
include: Registration, Apple ID creation, Acceptable Use parameters, Accidental Protection plan, Security,
and Responsible use.
Teaching and Learning
Critical Questions:
● How will we frame the changes in teaching and learning?
● What best practices in pedagogy will be used to move teaching and
learning forward?
● What are the expected outcomes for implementing 1:1?
The heart of the 1:1 Implementation Plan is Teaching and Learning: the ways that technology can be
used as a tool to improve and enhance our instruction. Some shifts will be subtle while others,
perhaps more overt. District 23 has a long record of strong student performance and growth. This plan
is intended to bridge that outstanding performance into the 21st century by updating the tools and
methodology used to engage our students, elevate rigor and transform our instruction.
As educators focus on Teaching and Learning, we must begin
this investigation with two questions:
- What are the skills of the 21st Century?
- How can we use technology as a tool to help us
transform Teaching and Learning?
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a consortium of
educators and business professionals, has developed a
framework or vision to answer these questions. This
framework is widely utilized by school districts to guide their
transformation. The following link provides more information
about the P21 framework:
• Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving • Innovation and Creativity
• Inquiry
• Communication
• Collaboration
• Information and Media Literacy
• Technology Skills
• Self-Directed Learning
• Global Awareness
The 3 Rs of education - Reading, writin’, and ‘rithmatic are still fundamental skills and basic elements in our
curriculum. But they take on a new shape when viewed
through a 21st century lens. Education has always
evolved and grown over time to reflect new information,
pedagogy and tools. Framing our instructional
transformation around the P21 skills provides themes for
professional development and pedagogical shifts. In the
21st Century we need students to use the “3 Rs” to:
Think Critically
Communicate Clearly
Work Collaboratively
Embrace Culture
Develop Creativity
and Utilize
Best Practices:
Our instructional practices continue to be soundly based in current research. Ongoing professional
development in the following areas will align our practices to best engage students and elevate rigor:
Inquiry Based Instruction
Project and Problem Based Learning
Authentic Audience
Real-Life Applications
Collaborative Learning
Increased Choice and student ownership
Differentiated Instruction and personalized learning
Formative and Summative assessment
These best practices are reflected in School Improvement Goals and professional reflection guided by
building administration.
Expected Outcomes:
Articulating specific and quantifiable outcomes is quite difficult in the educational setting given the
interconnectedness of the myriad of factors that contribute to student growth and development. Current
research on 1:1 device implementation plans suggests that the following positive results are likely to be
To improve the quality of teaching and learning
To improve equity of access to technology
To enhance formative assessment
To enhance differentiation of instruction
To improve students’ ability to become self-directed learners
To prepare students for the world of work and THEIR future
The following educational success measures have been documented as improvements following a 1:1
implementation: decreased disciplinary action rate, improved high-stakes test scores, reduced papercopying expenses, improved student and teacher attendance, reduced dropout rate, increased student
engagement, collaboration, and communication.
We will continue to closely monitor student growth and performance, as well as identify instructional
strengths and needs in our curriculum planning cycle.
Professional Development
Critical Questions:
● Is professional development based on a culture of learning, risktaking, and learning from mistakes?
● Are professional development goals explicit?
● Is there appropriate follow-up, coaching, and support?
● How will we measure teacher growth?
In Districts where 1:1 implementation plans have failed, professional development is often the key
missing factor. As we developed this plan, we have been keenly aware that supporting our teachers
and administrators as they learn new skills, approaches, and techniques is a fundamental element to
the success of this plan. We believe that professional development needs to be embedded and
ongoing to provide “on-demand” coaching and resources. This will require thorough planning and
differentiation of our professional development offerings as well as the development and use of new
tools and strategies.
Culture of Learning and Risk-Taking:
Implementing a 1:1 plan will require stepping out of our comfort zones and
into new and innovative places. We must foster a culture of collaborative
learning and sustained support. Through our professional development we
need to encourage “risk-taking” so that our faculty feel comfortable exploring
and implementing new ways of learning through the use of devices. We need
to guide this process of problem identification, solution selection, trial and
reflection to support professional learning.
Explicit Professional Development Goals:
To enhance our professional learning, we all need to be clear and explicit in
articulating professional development goals based on our differentiated
needs. Using the current evaluation process and goal setting format,
administrators and teachers will set personal technology goals, using the
Technology Integration Specialists for technical assistance and as resources
for support.
Appropriate Coaching, Follow-up and Support:
The district has created a coaching/technology position, Technology Integration
Specialists, to support the staff through personalized professional development.
Through appropriate needs assessment surveys the Technology Integration
Specialists will evaluate each school’s professional development needs and
implement accordingly. Long-term support for these positions is critical to the
embedded and ongoing professional development needs of this plan.
Measuring Teacher Growth:
The SAMR model articulates the steps in transforming instruction. Using a survey
tool, pre and post implementation data will be collected to measure teacher growth.
Within the span of the current Tech Plan 2.0, it is our target to help ALL District 23
teachers increase their comfort with and application of technology integration so
that they teach “above the line”. Professional development offerings will be directed
at differentiated levels of SAMR integration to target and support teachers and
administrators along this path of transformation. It is our intention to “SAMRize”
District 23 over the next four years!
Sustainable Financing
Critical Questions:
● Which device are we recommending?
● How will the 1:1 plan be sustainably financed?
● What are the long-term financial impacts
of the 1:1??
As part of our 1:1 implementation plan we needed to select the right device for our district. Through
this selection process we took into consideration our current student and staff population,
implementation challenges, software availability before making the hardware decision. Upon
completion of this process we are recommending the iPad Air 2 as the 1:1 device across the district.
The implementation will begin in grades 6-8 for the school year 2015-16, then continue with grades 45 in 2016-2017, and conclude with EC-3 grades for the 2017-2018 school year.
Of equal importance to the device itself, is the planning for sustainable financing so that this initiative
can be carried forward over time and not reliant upon a “point-in-time” expenditure. We believe that
technology integration must be a fixed component in the long term budgeting of the District.
Device comparison and selection:
iPad Air 2 vs Lenovo Yoga Chromebook
As the images on the previous slide display, we compared and contrasted a number of different devices
during our investigation. The benefits, limitations, strengths and weaknesses of each device was
considered through pilots, vendor demonstrations, and consultation with other districts. Visits to CDW and
Apple provided hands-on exposure to a wide array of devices and platforms.
Further, consideration was given to the feedback from our teachers, educational colleagues, and our
parent/community forums. In the end, all of the devices that we investigated had strengths and
weaknesses and our decision came down to the following:
The iPad Air 2 provides:
● Most immediate instructional benefit due to our familiarity with the device and platform.
● Enhanced ability for creation of content
● Greatest access to applications, tools, and professional development support through Apple.
● Additional access to Google Apps and the Chrome browser.
● Alignment to District 214 Apple iPad initiative - supports transition to high school
● Highest residual value in device after purchase
● Comfortable price point for current and long range budgeting
Sustainable Financing:
The long term success of the 1:1 implementation plan relies on sustainable funding. In many Districts where
1:1 has been unsuccessful, one time purchases from reserves or business partners were used to jump start
the plan. Over time, however, these districts were unable to allocate the necessary levels of funds and the
plans ended as failures. From our initial planning stages, we knew that sustainable financing would be key
to the District 23 1:1 implementation plan.
In collaboration with Dr. Wilson and Ms. Kolstad, we have identified the following strategies to be utilized in
this 1:1 implementation plan:
● Capitalized leasing option through Apple
● Gradual implementation over four years (projected timeline):
○ 6-8 Lease 2015-18
○ 4-5 Lease 2016-19
○ EC-3 Lease 2017-2020
● Shared cost of purchase with families through increased technology fee
● Self-insured repair and replacement program funded through user fee
● Modified device replacement parameters
● Reuse and repurpose of existing devices
● Savings through technology enhancements that reduce costs in other curricular areas
Long-term Financial Impacts:
The instructional shifts from print to digital materials, open source software improvements, and changing
formats for professional development are a few of the key elements of the long-term financial impact of 1:1
implementation. Though very difficult to draw any direct or precise correlations between the technology
enhancements and long term budget, we do know that the following areas will need continued monitoring
for long-term financial impact:
● Staffing - Technology Integration Specialists, IT support and other staffing is required for the
successful implementation of the plan and will be monitored for future needs.
● Capital equipment vs. Supply - Allocations in these two areas of the tech budget will need to be
monitored to reflect the shifting costs of devices. We will likely see a significant decrease in capital
equipment and an increase in supply.
● Applications and Software - Budget allocations for instructional software will need to be modified to
include iPad Apps and other digital tools. Apple’s Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) will be utilized
to select, provide and manage applications.
● Professional Development - Maintaining an appropriate budget allocation for ongoing professional
development is critical to a successful 1:1 plan. Different methodologies of providing professional
development continue to be investigated to offset increased PD needs.
● Infrastructure - Infrastructure upgrades have been completed to accommodate current and future
predicted requirements of the 1:1 initiative. It is a topic that needs to be monitored for additional
upgrades, and replacements on a yearly basis.
● Student Fees - An area of ongoing evaluation should be the appropriate and reasonable request for
student fees. We need to share some of the cost for increased technology with families, without
overburdening or unreasonably collecting fees.
Policies and Procedures
Critical Questions:
● What is the process for revising or modifying policies and
● What policies and procedures do we need to put in place with this
Policy is established by BOE subcommittee with input from legal, administration and staff
representatives. These policies provide the legal framework for decision and actions related to
students, staff, and programming. Procedures are developed to articulate the process of enacting the
policy and provide guidance for correct steps to take to ensure compliance. While our policies and
procedures are already well established, implementing a 1:1 plan will require a review of these areas
to provide direction and guidance for new questions and decisions.
Review Process:
The TLT committee will include a subcommittee of representatives to review current policy
against the landscape of our new practices. The subcommittee will prepare
recommendations for review by our attorneys and approval by BOE. Practices and
procedures are similarly impacted and will be reviewed. This standing committee will review
key decisions and work with the Superintendent and Board to update policy, administrative
procedures, and handbooks as necessary.
Key Policy and Procedure issues:
Prior to a 1:1 deployment it is critical to evaluate current policies and procedures
to verify that we meet the requirements. Both short-term (immediate) and long-term
(planning) issues need to be reviewed. Key items for immediate attention include: the Acceptable Use
Policy (AUP), filtering requirements, COPPA/CIPA compliance, status of Social Media, use of student
email, safety and security measures.
Procedures for safe and appropriate care of devices, insurance claims for damaged or lost devices,
expected safeguards for use at home, access to unfiltered materials and other items need to be developed
prior to the 1:1 deployment at MacArthur.
Engaging the Community
Critical Questions:
● What are the goals and expectations for use of technology at home?
● What support is needed for parents to assist their children at home?
● What parent or community issues need to be addressed to support
full implementation of the 1:1 plan?
While the 1:1 implementation plan will obviously have significant and direct impact on the students’
experience at school, it will also require a partnership with our parents and community members.
Representatives from our PTOs, Board of Education, parents and community members have been
involved in the visioning and planning for this 1:1 plan and will certainly continue to play an important
role during the implementation and use phases of the plan.
Goals and Expectations:
Educating our students has always been a shared responsibility between home and school. This critical
partnership is a fundamental component of a student’s growth and development. As we transform
instruction in the classroom, we will need parents to continue to support and nurture learning at home.
When students take their 1:1 device home, we will need parents to monitor and support student use. When
students work on devices at school, they may need increased access to online resources and tools at
home. In ALL cases, parents need to understand the shifts in our instructional approaches, be informed
about curricular tools and programs, and engage in open communication with teachers and administration.
Goals for our continued partnership include:
● To model, teach, and monitor safe and appropriate use of devices at home.
● To inform school personnel of issues with, concerns about, and/or damage to devices.
● Timely and responsible payment of fees and completion of paperwork.
● To provide ongoing transparency to and training for parents related to curricular and instructional
changes in District 23.
Home Support:
Our parents, just like our students and staff, have varied needs for support. In order for our students to
maximize their learning using these devices, we will need the continued support of their parents. Through
conversations with parent representatives, we have identified key areas that we will offer as ongoing areas of
training to assist parents:
● Orientation: Device set-up, introduction, and basic features
● Policies and procedures: Acceptable Use, Insurance, and Parent/Student Handbook
● IT Troubleshooting: I can’t get this stupid thing to work!
● Safety and Security: Content filtering, internet safety, and monitoring use
● Curriculum resources: Overview of District approved online materials
● Instructional Shifts: How to help my 21st Century Student?
We will also offer a wide range of methods for parents to access this support. While some face to face will be
required, we will provide online resources and recorded webinars for on-demand support.
Parent and Community Issues:
There are sure to be many issues that arise as we implement the 1:1 plan that will need to be addressed. To
ensure equitable access, we will need to support families in obtaining low cost internet access at home,
provide additional time and space for access on school grounds, and continue our partnership with District
214 and our neighbors to encourage technology integration across all community settings.
Apple, (2015, February). Strategic 1:1 Planning.
Prospect Heights, IL: Apple
District Consultation: Aptakisic 102; Gurnee 56
Education Elements (2013). Hardware Analysis
for School Districts. www.edelements.
Edutopia, (2015, January 27). Why Technology
into the Curriculum? The Reasons Are Many.
eSchool News, (2014, October 8). Quick
Guide to Launching Your First 1:1 Program.
Fullan, M., Donnelly, K. (2013, July). ALIVE
IN THE SWAMP: Assessing Digital
Innovations in Education. http://www.nesta.
Project Red: Revolutionizing Education.
References continued:
Partnership for 21st Century Skills, (2015,
February 2). Framework for 21st Century
Schrock, K. (2015). Kathy Schrock’s Guide To
The 6 C’s of Education for the 21st Century,
(2014, March). Flipped 4 Science. http:
THE Journal: Transforming Education through
Technology, (February 2015) http://thejournal.
Wilson, L. (2014, December). 1:1 Computing:
A Guidebook to Help You Make The Right
Decisions. (Amplify)