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CBA Study Guide
Name: Answer Key
1. Define each word for FITT
Frequency- How often you work out (How many times an individual exercises each week)
Intensity- How hard you work out
Time- How long you work out
Type- What kind of activity/exercise you are performing
2. What is the Maximum Heart Rate Formula? 220 – Your Age =
3. Circle – True or False: When stretching it is important to hold the stretch for a period of time. (If
false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
4. Matching the following nutrients to their specific role
Helps repair and build muscle tissue
Hydrates the body
Primary source of energy
Long-term energy source
5a. Circle – True or False: An activity is aerobic if your heart rate is in your target heart rate zone and
takes place for at least 20 minutes. (If false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
5b. List 3 benefits of aerobic fitness.
1) Longer life span
2) Relieves stress
3) Helps maintain a healthy weight
Also: Prevents obesity, Lowered heart rate, Healthier cardiorespiratory system, Increased
lung capacity, Boosts confidence
6. What are 3 Safety Considerations (we went over in class) when riding a bicycle?
1. Wear a helmet
2. Wear proper clothing
3. Ride with traffic (right side of the road)
Also: Look both ways before crossing a street, Make sure bike is in good working condition,
Wear reflective gear
7. The following chart displays three individuals and their scores on four of the five fitness assessments.
On the far right of the chart are the Minimum Health Related Standards.
-For Brian, Jesse and Chad, circle the scores that need improvement according to the standards
Minimum Health
Related Standards
Sit & Reach
8. Put the four parts to a workout in the correct order; also, circle the one that would take the most
Stretching//Cool down//Warm up//Physical activity
1. Warm-up
2. Stretching
3. Physical Activity
4. Cool down
9. Which answer best describes how your heart and lungs deliver oxygen to your working muscles?
-A. You breathe oxygen into your lungs; blood mixes with the oxygen in your lungs and brings it to your
heart, because it is the only “working” muscle in your body.
-B. You breathe oxygen into your heart; the blood carries the oxygen to your lungs so you can breathe
-C. You breathe oxygen into your lungs, blood mixes with the oxygen in your lungs and the heart pumps
the blood to the working muscles.
10. Circle – True or False: Analyzing the nutrients in your food is the best way to maintain a healthy diet.
(If false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
11. Circle the correct benefits of cooling down and underline the correct benefit of warming up:
Slowly increases heart rate
Prevents lightheadedness
Increases ROM
Slowly decreases heart rate
Prevents muscle soreness
Prevents injury
*What are some examples of warm-ups for a sports-related activity?
12. List one way an individual can improve their scores on each of the following fitness assessments.
Curl ups: Practice more abdominal work outs, Do more curl-ups during exercises
Push-ups: Practice more chest and tricep work outs, Do more push-ups during exercises
Mile Run: Practice running the mile more and increase my intensity each time
Sit & Reach: Try to stretch farther each day to improve range of motion
13. Circle - True or False: A nutrition label would the most reliable source of information to determine
the amount of sugar in a food product. (If false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
14. When determining an individual’s body composition you look at the ratio between body fat
percentage and….
A) Weight
B) Height
C) Lean Mass
15. Circle – True or False: The lungs are part of the muscular system. (If false, rewrite the statement to
make it true!)
16. Put the following sets of body components in the correct order for oxygen transportation to
working muscles.
Arteries//Heart//Working Muscles//Lungs
1. Lungs
2. Heart
3. Arteries
4. Working Muscles
by weight/mass
17. Circle – True or False: The amount of the ingredients on a nutrition label are listed in alphabetical
order. (If false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
18. List the 5 Fitness Components and one assessment that measures each component.
1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
How it can be measured: Mile Run, Pacer
2. Muscular Endurance
How it can be measured: Sit-ups, Push-ups*
3. Muscular Strength
How it can be measured: Push-ups
4. Flexibility
How it can be measured: Sit & Reach
5. Body Composition
How it can be measured: No Fitness Assessment
19. Circle – True or False: Someone in the 95th percentile for push-ups is better than someone in the
10th percentile. (If false, rewrite the statement to make it true!)
20. When you are exercising your heart rate increases. What happens to your frequency of breathes
and your volume of blood circulating through the body?
A) They both decrease B) They both increase C) Your frequency of breathes increases, but volume of
blood decreases.
21. List 2 foods high in calcium content:
1) Milk
2) Yogurt
Also: Cheese
22. When playing pickle ball, you have a whiffle ball, a wooden paddle with a strap at the end of a
handle and a 3 foot high net. Before you begin play what is a safety precaution you should take? (Hint:
think about the Wii controller).
Put the strap around your wrist
23. Circle – True or False: Doing more crunches is a great way to strengthen your hamstrings. (If false,
rewrite the statement to make it true!)
24. What are 3 Safety Considerations (we went over in class) when boating or swimming?
1. Wear a lifejacket
2. Swim with a buddy
3. Don’t dive in shallow water
Also: Have a ski flag on the boat, Have a fire extinguisher on the boat, Sober driver
25. What two ways can a person maintain a healthy weight?
A) Eat less food, and exercise more B) Cut down on snacks, and eat a lot of protein
to eat healthy, and maintain current level of exercise
C) Continue
26. Out of the 5 Fitness Assessments we perform in class, which two are good examples of aerobic
fitness activities?
1) Mile Run
2) Pacer
27. Circle the benefits of physical activity for lifelong health.
Longer life span
You can eat more junk food
Less stress
Better sleep
Decreased lung capacity
Lower heart rate