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Name: _____________________________
Period: _________________
Date: ____________
Illuminating Photosynthesis Read the
introduction. Read the introductory poem. Click on “The Cycle” at the top of the box.
1. What gas does the child provide for the plant to use?
2. What gas does the plant provide for the child to use?
3. According to this animation, what 3 main things does the plant need for photosynthesis to occur?
Click on “The Atomic Shuffle” at the top of the box.
4. What type of molecule is shown in the leaf? ________________________________________________
5. Draw one of the molecules below, as it is shown in the leaf.
6. According to the reading, these molecules “do not come from the tap.” What two places do they come
(2) ___________________________
7. What is “stripped” from each water molecule? ______________________________________________
8. From where does the cell get the energy to do this? __________________________________________
9. The stripped molecules form pairs. Where does it go after this? _______________________________
10. What gas enters the leaf? _______________________________________________________________
11. This gas enters through “holes” in the leaf. What are they called? _______________________________
12. What molecule is formed once again?
13. Another molecule is formed (“and boy is it sweet”). Draw this molecule below as shown.
14. What is the name of this molecule? ________________________________
Click on “Three Puzzlers.” Answer each of the following questions, and explain in your own words.
15. Can a tree produce enough oxygen to keep a person alive? Explain.
16. Can a plant stay alive without light?
17. Can a plant survive without oxygen? Explain.
Diffusion and Osmosis
1. What is a solution?
2. Explain the difference between the solute and solvent.
Diffusion Animation:
3. What TWO things do you notice about the movement of the particles?
4. At the beginning of the animation, how many particles are on each side of the membrane?
5. Are the particles moving in only one direction, or are they moving in both directions?
6. What is osmosis?
Genetics Science Learning Center
Click on the link under "Basics" on the left side of the screen called "Tour the Basics" …….What is a Gene?
1. What does DNA stand for? ______________________________________________________________
2. Why is DNA called a blueprint? ___________________________________________________________
3. The "twisted ladder" shape of the DNA molecule is called a ____________________________________
4. A DNA strand is made of ______________ which make up ______________ which make up sentences.
5. These “sentences” are called ____________________________________________________________
What is a Gene? Hint - Look at the navigation bar at the top, you'll need to click on "What is a Gene" to
6. What is a gene? _______________________________________________________________________
7. Blood cells use a protein called ___________________________________ to capture and carry oxygen.
8. When a gene is changed, it is said to be ____________________________________________________
9. A mutation in the hemoglobin gene causes what disorder? ____________________________________
What is a Chromosome?
10. If you stretched out all the DNA from a single cell, how long would it be? _________________________
11. How many chromosomes are in a human cell? ___________ a mosquito? ________ a carp? _________
What is Heredity?
12. The passing of traits from parents to child is the basis of _______________________________________
13. Every child receives____________ of its chromosomes from his mother and half from his ___________
14. When a sperm and egg join, they create a single cell called a ____________________________________
15. Each child inherits a ___________________________________________________ set of chromosomes.
“What is a Trait?”
16. Give an example of a physical trait: ______________________________________________________
17. A dog fetching a bone is an example of what kind of trait? ____________________________________
18. Scientists describe the set of information for each form of trait as an ____________________________
Read the text on this page and view the animation, you can slow down the video by clicking step by step
through the phases. Which stage does the following occur?
1. Chromatin condenses into chromosomes _________________________________________________
2. Chromosomes align in center of cell ______________________________________________________
3. Longest part of the cell cycle. ____________________________________________________________
4. Nuclear envelope breaks down. __________________________________________________________
5. Cell is cleaved into two new daughter cells. ________________________________________________
6. Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles. ________________________________________________
Watch the video carefully. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color
because one is an exact duplicate of the other.
1. How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis? _________________________________
2. How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis? ______________________________________
3. What happens to the centrioles during mitosis? _______________________________________________
4. Identify the stages of these cells:
Complete the following table:
What happens during this phase?
Early Prophase
Go to View the animation and sketch the cell in:
Click on the Whitefish embryo and the onion root tip. For each organism, identify the stage of mitosis.
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
View 5
Use the space below to draw the four stages of mitosis your own way, be sure to represent the major events of
each phase. Click on “Meiosis”. Click on “Start the Animation”. Watch the animation and read the
descriptions under the animations. Answer the questions below.
1. The process of meiosis begins with a __________________________________________________ cell.
2. Identify the following phases of meiosis based up on the descriptions below. Make sure to identify
whether the phase is a part of Meiosis I or Meiosis II by placing a I or a II after the name of the phase.
A. ____________________________Tension from the spindle fibers align the tetrads at the equator.
B. ________________________Spindle formation begins and the centrosomes begin moving toward the poles.
C._____________________________ Tetrads are created. Crossing-over occurs.
D._____________________________ Cleavage furrow forms beginning the process of Cytokinesis I.
E._____________________________ Chromatids separate and begin moving to the poles.
F._____________________________ Tension from spindle fibers align chromosomes at the metaphase plate.
G.____________________ Chiasmata break apart and sister chromatids begin migrating toward opposite poles.
H._____________________________ Cleavage furrow forms beginning the process of Cytokinesis ** Note: It is sometimes easier to
google Lewport Meiosis page.
1. How many chromosomes does the cell in this animation start with? _____________________________
2. The homologous chromosomes are represented by similar ____________________________________.
3. Copies of chromosomes are held together by the ___________________________________________.
4. Each chromosome finds its _____________________________________________________________.
5. How many chromosomes are at each pole of the cell?
6. During Meiosis II, chromosomes line up again along the cell’s _________________________________.
7. Only _____________________________________ copy of each chromosome moves towards the poles.
8. New membranes form around each __________________________________.
9. Each cell divides, forming a total of _______________ cells. Click on “General Biology” and then click on
10. Explain the difference between the cells that begin the process of meiosis to the cells, which are the
final product of meiosis. ________________________________________________________________
Click on “Step-Through” and answer the following questions.
11. When does DNA replication take place? ___________________________________________________
12. Meiosis consists of two cell divisions: __________________________ & _________________________
13. Centrosomes (aka centrioles) migrate to __________________________________________________.
14. The pairing of homologous chromosomes is called __________________________________________.
15. Crossing over points are called __________________________________________________________.
16. What happens in metaphase I? __________________________________________________________
17. What happens in anaphase I? ___________________________________________________________
18. In prophase II, are the cells diploid or haploid? ______________________________________________
19. What organelle divides in anaphase II? ____________________________________________________
20. What happens in telophase II? __________________________________________________________
21. Read the conclusion. Describe the genetic makeup of each of the four daughter cells produced by
meiosis. _____________________________________________________________________________
Click on “Check Your Understanding”. Take the quiz and answer the following questions.
22. With respect to meiosis, when does DNA replication occur? ____________________________________
23. When does crossing-over occur? _________________________________________________________
24. During which phase do chromosomes ling up along the equator? _______________________________
25. During which phase does the nuclear membrane form around the chromosomes? __________________ Click on “How Cells Divide”.
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
One cell division
Two cell divisions
Chromosomes pair up
Spindle fibers form
Centromeres do not divide in metaphase
Centrioles appears
Two daughter cells
Four daughter cells