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Biology 105 Midterm 1 v. 1 Feb. 13, 2007
1. A person is homozygous dominant for curly hair (C/c), homozygous recessive for freckles (F/f), and heterozygous for
thalessemia (T/t). The correct way to write this in genetic notation would be
a. CFT
c. CCffTt
d. CcFfTt
2. The structure of the double helix explains
a. Chargaff’s rule
c. why UV light is dangerous
b. how mutations occur
d. how protein is made
3. The direct function of genes is to
a. cause or prevent genetic diseases
c. allow sexual reproduction to occur
b. maintain function of the body
d. cause proteins to be produced
4. If both parents show a dominant trait, is it possible for their child to show the recessive trait?
a. yes
b. no
5. Which process contributes to the genetic variation needed for evolution to occur?
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both
d. neither
6. A group of 3 nucleotide bases forms a
a. ribosome
b. amino acid
c. codon
d. gene
7. What types of children, in what proportions, would be expected if a man heterozygous for the dominant condition
dimples, with a straight hairline marries a woman heterozygous for both dimples and the dominant condition Widows
a. ¼ dimples, widows peak, ¼ no dimples, widows peak, ¼ dimples, straight hairline, ¼ no dimples, straight hairline
b. ½ dimples, widows peak, ½ dimples, straight hairline
c. 9/16 dimples, widows peak, 3/16 no dimples, widows peak, 3/16 dimples, straight hairline, 1/16 no dimples, straight
d. 3/8 dimples, widows peak, 1/8 no dimples, widows peak, 3/8 dimples, straight hairline, 1/8 no dimples, straight
8. The genotype of Mr. Blake is AA Bb kk Zz Ff Oo nn
The genotype of Mrs. Blake is AA bb KK Zz Ff Oo nn
How many unique gamete types can be produced by Mr. Blake?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
9. The genotype of Mr. Blake is AA Bb kk Zz Ff Oo nn
The genotype of Mrs. Blake is AA bb KK Zz Ff Oo nn
What are the chances of Mr. and Mrs. Blake having a child with bb in his or her genotype?
a. 1
b. ½
c. ¼
d. 0
10. How does DNA convey information?
a. by using a random but sophisticated mechanism involving thermodynamics
b. by interacting with the environment
c. by using a different genetic code for each species
d. in a manner similar to the way we arrange letters of the alphabet to create words
11. Which of the following is NOT true of typical quantitative traits?
a. Their inheritance patterns are easy to follow with a Punnett square.
b. They are affected by both genes and the environment.
c .They are influenced by more than one gene.
d. They show continuous variation.
12. Which karyotype is a normal variant, causing no symptoms or disease condition?
a. XO
b. XXX
c. XXY
d. XYY
13. Which type of gene does not regulate cell growth correctly?
a. a proto-oncogene
b. an oncogene
c. a tumor suppressor gene
14. Which process produces haploid cells?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. both
d. none of these do
d. neither
15. If a woman who was a carrier for the X-linked trait colorblindness married a man with normal vision, what would
you predict about their children?
a. all of their sons would be colorblind
b. half of their sons would be colorblind
c. all of their daughters would be colorblind
d. half of their daughters would be colorblind
16. A promoter is used to start the synthesis of
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. protein
d. both a and d
17. Each unique form of the same gene is called
a. a chromatid
b. a chromosome
c. a genome
d. an allele
18. Which is the possible result of a point mutation in a gene?
a. An incorrect amino acid could be put into the protein.
b. An altered protein could be formed and cause a genetic disease
c. The protein formed by the mutant gene could be identical to the normal protein.
d. Any of these are possible.
19. In birds, sex is determined by a ZW chromosome scheme rather than by the XY scheme seen in humans. Male birds
are ZZ and female birds are ZW. A lethal recessive allele that causes the death of the embryo occurs on the Z
chromosome of pigeons. What would the sex ratio of the offspring be in a cross between a male heterozygous for the
lethal allele and a normal female?
a. 2:1 male to female
b. 1:2 male to female
c. 1:1 female to male
d. 3:1 male to female
20. People who carry both the sickle-cell allele and the normal allele make red blood cells that have both sickle-cell and
normal hemoglobin. What is this type of inheritance called?
a. recessive
b. dominant
c. codominant
d. incompletely dominant
21. If one side of a DNA molecule read GCGAAT, the other side would be
22. If guanine (G) makes up 17% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA, then thymine (T) will make up what percent of
the bases?
a. 33%
b. 34%
c. 17%
d. you cannot tell from this information
23. In dogs, dark coat color (D) is dominant over albino (d), and short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). Determine
the genotypes of the parents in the cross below.
number of puppies of each type
dark, long X albino, short
a. Ddss X ddSs
b. DDss X ddSS
c. DdSs X ddSs
d. DDSS X ddss
24. The carriers of an X-linked recessive trait are ____ that do not express the recessive trait they carry.
a. homozygous individuals of either sex
b. heterozygous individuals of either sex
c. heterozygous females
d. heterozygous males
25. The enzyme DNA polymerase has the ability to ______ and ________ DNA chains
a. synthesize; digest
b. synthesize; protect
c. proofread; destroy
d. synthesize; proofread
26. DNA replication results in the duplication of a DNA molecule to form 2 identical offspring molecules. Which of the
following statements about DNA replication is true?
a. Of the two new DNA molecules, one contains all old DNA and the other all newly made DNA
b. Both of the new DNA molecules are entirely newly made, the old DNA was destroyed
c. Both of the new DNA molecules have half of the old DNA and are half newly made DNA
d. Both of the new DNA molecules have random patches of old DNA interspersed with patches of newly made DNA
27. If an extra nucleotide is inserted into a gene, it causes a
a. frameshift mutation
b. point mutation
c. inversion
d. none of the above
28. Which chromosomal condition causes the most serious results?
a. on e X, no other sex chromosome
b. 3 copies of X chromosome
c. one X and two Y’s
d. 3 copies of chromosome 13
29. Formation of protein in the cell cytoplasm requires the participation of:
a. bacteria
b. ribosomes
c. single-stranded DNA
30. A hypothesis that is not _________ is not within the realm of science.
a. logical
b. falsifiable
c. complex
d. double-stranded DNA
d. biological
31. DNA is made up of nitrogen-containing bases, deoxyribose sugar, and _______.
a. nitrate
b. amino acid
c. RNA
d. phosphate
32. In his research, Gregor Mendel used
a. pea plants
b. fruit flies
c. chickens
d. corn plants
33. Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a recessive allele. If a baby with this condition is born to
two phenotypically normal parents, the combination of parental genotypes can be represented as:
a. pp x PP
b. pp x Pp
c. pp x pp
d. Pp x Pp
34. The scientists who discovered the structure of DNA were:
a. Darwin and Wallace
b. Franklin and Pauling
c. Watson and Crick
35. RNA differs from DNA in which way?
a. some of the bases are different
c. the sugars are different
d. Hagley and Melroy
b. the phosphates are different
d. both a and c are correct
36. Which product was developed to help underfed people get a more nutritious diet?
a. round-up resistant soybeans
b. flavr-savr tomatoes
c. golden rice
d. all of these
37. Most information on cancer risks come from what type of studies?
a. studies of disease progression
b. epidemiological studies
c. studies of pharmaceutical action
d. DNA studies
38. Which are normally identical to one another, at least during part of their existence?
a. sister chromatids
b. homologous chrosomes
c. neither
d. both
39. Egg and sperm cells are also called
a. ribosomes
b. gametes
d. DNA
c. alleles
40. Which of the following is true of a species with a chromosome number of 2N = 16?
a. A diploid cell will have 32 chromosomes.
b. The species has 16 different types of chromosomes.
c. There are 16 homologous pairs.
d. A gamete from this species has 8 chromosomes.
41. In which phase of mitosis do the sister chromatids become separated?
a. prophase
b. interphase
c. anaphase
d. metaphase
42. What is the primary reason for including a control in the design of an experiment?
a. to demonstrate in what way the experiment was performed incorrectly
b. to insure that the results obtained are due to a difference in only one variable
c. to provide more data so a more sophisticated statistical analysis can be performed
d. to test the effect of more than one variable
43. Which gene, if accidentally moved from the Y chromosome to the X chromosome, can make an XX person
inheriting that chromosome male?
a. sry
b. pku
c. tdf
d. ekg
44. Which process is seen in meiosis but not mitosis?
a. chromosome replication
b. crossing over
c. spindle formation
d. all are seen in both mitosis and meiosis
45. Lori Brown has blood type B; her brother Sam has blood type A; their mother, Mrs. Brown, has blood type O. What
is Lori’s genotype?
a. definitely IBIB
b. definitely IAIB
c. definitely IBi
d. either IBIB or IBi
46. Bacteria can distinguish between their original DNA and DNA sequences introduced by scientists from other
a. true
b. false
47. VNTR sequences
a. are only seen in some people
c. can cause serious mutations
b. are associated with genetic disease
d. are found in different numbers in different people
48. What is the name for a picture of a person’s chromosomes, cut out with the homologs placed together?
a. tetrad
b. centromere
c. karyotype
d. diploid
49. DNA and protein are both long, unbranched molecules made of many small subunits put together. The subunits for
protein are ____, while those of DNA are ____.
a. nucleotide bases; amino acids
b. amino acids; phosphate
c. amino acids; nucleotide bases
d. phosphates; nucleotide bases
50. Which can amplify a small sample of DNA (increase the amount of DNA in it)?
a. a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) machine
b. an electron microscope
c. a DNA fingerprint
d. chorionic villus sampling
51. In the scientific method, you design and carry out experiments which will test ______ based on your ________.
a. conclusions/hypothesis
b. predictions/hypothesis
c. predictions/conclusions
d. hypotheses/conclusions
Biology 105 Midterm 1 v. 2 Feb. 13, 2007
1. Which of the following is true of a species with a chromosome number of N = 16?
a. A diploid cell will have 16 chromosomes.
b. The species has 16 different types of chromosomes.
c. There are 8 homologous pairs.
d. A gamete from this species has 32 chromosomes.
2. Which process produces diploid cells in the human body?
a. meiosis
b. mitosis
c. both
d. neither
3. The behavior of cancer cells differs from that of normal cells in which way?
a. cancer cells do not make a good contact with their neighbors
b. cancer cells will grow on top of each other
c. cancer cells can secrete chemicals causing blood vessels to grow to them
d. cancer cells may differ from normal cells in all of these ways.
4. To be useful in science, a hypothesis must be:
a. simple
b. logical
c. testable
d. detailed
5. Pieces of DNA that differ in length from person to person are the basis for:
a. genetic engineering
b. nondisjunction
c. DNA fingerprinting
d. amniocentesis
6. Which organism was favored for genetic research in the early 1900’s (after Mendel) due to its small size and quick
generation time?
a. fruit flies
b. bacteria
c. chickens
d. pea plants
7. If one nucleotide is accidentally changed for another, it causes a
a. frameshift mutation
b. point mutation
c. inversion
d. none of the above
8. If guanine (G) makes up 23% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA, then thymine (T) will make up what percent of
the bases?
a. 23%
b. 54%
c. 27%
d. you cannot tell from this information
9. In the process called transcription:
a. DNA is used to make more DNA
b. DNA is not used
c. messenger RNA and transfer RNA are used to make a protein sequence
d. messenger RNA is synthesized
10. It is possible to take a gene from a human being, put it into bacteria, and have those bacteria produce the protein
coded for by that human gene. The human protein produced in this way is indistinguishable from the protein produced
in human cells. From this we can conclude that
a. Bacteria and humans must be closely related.
b. Bacteria normally contain many human proteins.
c. The way proteins are produced from genes must be the same in humans and bacteria.
d. Human cells and bacterial cells are identical.
11. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of metabolism caused by a recessive allele. If a baby with this condition is
born to two phenotypically normal parents, the combination of parental genotypes can be represented as:
a. pp x PP
b. pp x Pp
c. pp x pp
d. Pp x Pp
12. A human embryo with which of the following chromosomal abnormalities will never develop into a viable embryo?
a. XO
b. YO
c. XYY
d. XXY
13. Lori Brown has blood type B; her brother Sam has blood type A; their mother, Mrs. Brown, has blood type O. What
is the genotype of Mr. Brown?
a. ii
b. IAi
c. IBi
14. Genetically modified animals have been produced that make human proteins that we can extract and use.
a. true
b. false
15. Which differs greatly between cows and humans?
a. the way in which the DNA molecule is put together
c. the number of genes
b. the order, or sequence, of bases on the DNA molecule
d. how the DNA is used in the cell
16. In the scientific method, you design and carry out experiments which will test ______
a. conclusions/hypothesis
b. predictions/conclusions
c. predictions/hypothesis
d. hypotheses/conclusions
17. DNA polymerase
a. attaches subunits together to make DNA
c. does both jobs
based on your _________.
b. takes off subunits of DNA that were not added correctly
d. does not do either job
18. If a woman is colorblind (an X-linked condition), you can be certain that
a. her mother is also colorblind
b. her father is also colorblind
c. all of her sisters and brothers are also colorblind
d. all of her brothers, but not necessarily her sisters, are also colorblind
19. Which of the following is not a component of a nucleotide?
a. amino acid
b. phosphate group
c. sugar
d. nitrogenous base
20. A person is homozygous recessive for curly hair (C/c), heterozygous for freckles (F/f), and heterozygous for
thalessemia (T/t). The correct way to write this in genetic notation would be
a. cFT
c. ccFfTt
d. cFfTt
21. Homologous chromosomes interact with each other during
a. mitosis
b. meiosis
c. both
d. neither
22. The sex chromosomes in birds are called Z and W. Which chart reflects the predictions we would make based on
the hypothesis that, in birds, femaleness is caused by having only one Z chromosome?
23. Gametes are always:
a. diploid
b. haploid
c. recessive
d. defective
24. DNA replication results in the duplication of a DNA molecule to form 2 identical offspring molecules. Which of the
following statements about DNA replication is true?
a. Of the two new DNA molecules, one contains all the old DNA and the other all newly made DNA
b. Both of the new DNA molecules are entirely newly made, the old DNA was destroyed
c. Both of the new DNA molecules have half of the old DNA and are half newly made DNA
d. Both of the new DNA molecules have random patches of old DNA interspersed with patches of newly made DNA
25. The genotype of Mr. Blake is AA Bb kk Zz Ff Oo nn.
The genotype of Mrs. Blake is AA bb KK Zz Ff Oo nn.
How many unique gamete types can be produced by Mrs. Blake?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
26. The genotype of Mr. Blake is AA Bb kk Zz Ff Oo nn
The genotype of Mrs. Blake is AA bb KK Zz Ff Oo nn
What are the chances of Mr. and Mrs. Blake having a child with the kk genotype?
a. 1
b. ½
c. ¼
d. 0
27. Which chromosomal condition causes the least serious results?
a. one X, no other sex chromosome
b. 3 copies of X chromosome
c. one X and two Y’s
d. 3 copies of chromosome 13
28. A PCR machine requires the use of a special type of DNA polymerase because of the _____ it needs to use.
a. high heat
b. high pressure
c. toxic chemicals
d. mutagens
29. In which phase of mitosis do chromosomes line up in the center of the cell?
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. anaphase
d. telophase
30. What types of children, in what proportions, would be expected if a man homozygous for the dominant condition
dimples, with a straight hairline marries a woman heterozygous for both dimples and the dominant condition Widows
a. ¼ dimples, widows peak, ¼ no dimples, widows peak, ¼ dimples, straight hairline, ¼ no dimples, straight hairline
b. 3/8 dimples, widows peak, 1/8 no dimples, widows peak, 3/8 dimples, straight hairline, 1/8 no dimples, straight
c. ½ dimples, widows peak, ½ dimples, straight hairline
d. 9/16 dimples, widows peak, 3/16 no dimples, widows peak, 3/16 dimples, straight hairline, 1/16 no dimples, straight
31. A(n) _____ is used to see whether a person has the correct numbers and types of chromosomes.
a. karyotype
b. genotype
c. genome
d. autosome
32. A cell can correctly read and translate genes from
a. itself only
b. other cells in the same body
c. other cells from the same species
d. any other cell in the world
33. What is the purpose of an experimental control?
a. to prevent changes from occurring during an experiment
b. to make sure the experiment comes out the way it should
c. to test the effects of changing one variable while keeping other variables the same
d. to make discoveries
34. Who was involved in showing that DNA consists of a long, thin molecule with a repetitive structure?
a. Franklin
b. Chargaff
c. Griffith
d. Watson and Crick
35. If a diploid organism has three different chromosomes (n = 3), it can produce ________ different combinations of
maternal and paternal chromosomes when forming gametes (disregarding crossing over).
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
d. 32
36. Which have the same genes but not always the same alleles?
a. sister chromatids
b. homologous chromosomes
c. neither
d. both
37. Which best describes the relationship between proteins, RNA, and DNA in humans?
a. protein makes DNA which makes RNA
b. RNA makes DNA which makes protein
c. DNA makes RNA which makes protein
d. DNA makes protein which makes RNA
38. Which type of gene does not regulate cell growth correctly?
a. a proto-oncogene
b. an oncogene
c. a tumor suppressor gene
39. Which of the following would cause a frameshift mutation?
a. an insertion
b. an inversion
c. a base-pair substitution
d. both b and c
d. none of these
40. If one side of a DNA molecule read GCGAAT, the other side would be
41. In dogs, dark coat color (D) is dominant over albino (d), and short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). Determine
the genotypes of the parents in the cross below.
number of puppies of each type
dark, long X albino, short
a. Ddss X ddSs
b. DDss X ddSS
c. DdSs X ddSs
d. DDSS X ddss
42. Clover leaves have various patterns of light and dark areas of the leaf. When clover plants with a light spot in the
center are crossed with clover plants with a light band around the leaf edge, the offspring have both a light spot in the
center and a light band around the edge. This type of inheritance is
a. codominance
b. dominance
c. incomplete dominance
d. none of these
43. How many nucleotide bases are needed to code for one amino acid?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
44. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Most of the genes on the X chromosome are involved in controlling female sexual characteristics
b. In the absence of the sry gene, a fetus will develop ovaries.
c. The Y chromosome is smaller and carries fewer genes than the X chromosome.
d. None of these statements are false.
45. A tall, sterile male with small testes and some breast enlargement probably has the chromosomes:
a. XX
b. XXY
c. XY
d. XYY
46. A woman and her husband are of normal appearance, as is their son, but their daughter has albinism. Albinism is
therefore most likely caused by:
a. a dominant X-linked gene
b. a recessive X-linked gene
c. a dominant autosomal gene
d. a recessive autosomal gene
47. Humans have
a. about the same number of genes as other mammals
c. fewer genes than other mammals
48. Alleles are different forms of the same
a. chromatid
b. gene
b. more genes than other mammals
d. the same number of genes as all other organisms on
c. chromosome
d. genome
49. Which molecule forms a bridge, or link, between an amino acid and a codon during protein synthesis?
a. protein
b. rRNA
c. mRNA
d. tRNA
50. When the expression of a trait is influenced by the action of several to many genes, the pattern of inheritance is
a. complete dominance
b. incomplete dominance
c. polygenic inheritance
d. multiple alleles
51. Amino acids are found in _______; while __________ make up the DNA.
a. nucleotide bases; proteins
b. proteins; phosphates
c. proteins; nucleotide bases
d. phosphates; nucleotide bases
Key midterm 1
Ver. 1
ver 2
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. b
10. d
11. a
12. d
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. a
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. c
21. b
22. a
23. a
24. c
25. d
26. c
27. a
28. d
29. b
30. b
31. d
32. a
33. d
34. c
35. d
36. c
37. b
38. a
39. b
40. d
41. c
42. b
43. a
44. b
45. c
46. b
47. d
48. c
49. c
50. a
51. b