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Ch. 10 Absolutism
Match each item to the statement listed below.
a. greatly interested in the westernization of Russia
b. powerful French minister under Louis XIII
c. controlled Brandenburg-Prussia at the end of the Thirty Years’ War
d. war to reduce power of Holy Roman Empire
e. shift in European alliances to maintain balance of power
f. religious reformers
g. war that led to reduction of French power
h. reward system to control nobles
i. agents for the monarchy
j. gave all Habsburg lands to Maria Theresa
k. Catholic claimant to the British throne
l. controlled Prussia during Seven Years’ War
____ 1.
____ 2.
____ 3.
____ 4.
____ 5.
____ 6.
____ 7.
____ 8.
____ 9.
____ 10.
Cardinal Richelieu
Thirty Years’ War
Peter the Great
“service nobility”
Pragmatic Sanction
Great Elector
Frederick the Great
Diplomatic Revolution
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 11. Cardinal Richelieu believed in
a. a strong monarchy.
c. representative government.
b. a weak monarchy.
d. a powerful noble class.
____ 12. The Thirty Years’ War was
a. fought to reduce the power of the Huguenots.
b. about the succession of the French throne.
c. fought to reduce the power of the Holy Roman Empire.
d. about the growing power of the French.
____ 13. Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s most important contribution was to the French
a. government.
c. military.
b. economy.
d. system of philosophy.
____ 14. Louis XIV oversaw all of the following EXCEPT
a. exploration and colonization in North America.
b. establishment of a strong monarchy.
c. expansion to the Rhine River.
d. colonization in the West Indies.
____ 15. Other countries felt that France’s expansionist goals
a. gave Europe a balance of power.
b. upset the balance of power.
c. gave Europe an unfavorable balance of trade.
d. damaged European prospects overseas.
____ 16. Peter the Great did all of the following EXCEPT
a. strengthen the army.
b. take over the Orthodox Church.
c. freed some serfs.
d. achieved an alliance with the Ottoman Turks.
____ 17. Catherine the Great’s main accomplishment was
a. westernization of the serfs.
b. expansion to the Black Sea and into Asia.
c. establishment of a representative government.
d. an alliance with the Turks.
____ 18. Poland was easily attacked because
a. infighting made it weak.
b. its expansionist attitudes angered other Europeans.
c. it was financially weak.
d. it did not maintain a standing army.
____ 19. The Pragmatic Sanction allowed
a. Maria Theresa to be elected empress.
b. Maria Theresa to inherit Habsburg lands.
c. Bavaria to gain independence.
d. Brandenburg-Prussia to gain independence.
____ 20. The Holy Roman Empire could best be described as
a. unified and powerful.
c. expansionist minded.
b. diverse and conflicted.
d. a colonizing power.
____ 21. The Hohenzollerns gained power by
a. defeating the Habsburgs.
c. claiming Catholic lands.
b. creating alliances through marriage.
d. unifying German states.
____ 22. The Diplomatic Revolution
a. allowed nations to establish embassies.
b. set rules for negotiating treaties.
c. shifted traditional European alliances.
d. allowed colonies to participate in international diplomacy.
____ 23. Mary Tudor’s biggest efforts in England were her attempts
a. at European expansion.
c. to make England Catholic.
b. at colonization in England.
d. to make England Protestant.
____ 24. Elizabeth I faced
a. a Spanish attempt to restore Catholicism to England.
b. Spanish attempts to reform the Anglican Church.
c. French attempts to gain land bordering the Atlantic.
d. Russian attempts at expansion.
____ 25. Elizabeth’s biggest domestic problem was the Puritans, who wanted to
a. reform Parliament.
c. restore Catholicism.
b. reform the Anglican Church.
d. overthrow the monarchy.
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.
____ 26. Henry IV converted to Calvinism in order to unify France.
____ 27. Cardinal Richelieu created a system that strengthened the role of the clergy in French government.
____ 28. Under Louis XIV France became less tolerant toward other religions.
____ 29. The Treaty of Utrecht was designed, in part, to limit France’s power.
____ 30. Peter the Great moved the capital of Russia in order to escape western influence.
____ 31. Peter the Great made the position of czar more powerful.
____ 32. Catherine the Great was more successful at domestic rule than foreign policy.
____ 33. The Pragmatic Sanction allowed Maria Theresa to become empress.
____ 34. Brandenburg-Prussia grew in strength after Frederick William unified all the armies into one.
____ 35. Frederick William I lived extravagantly in an attempt to copy Louis XIV’s show of power.
____ 36. The Diplomatic Revolution was the result of attempts to curtail French power.
____ 37. The Seven Years’ War began in North America, but involved all of Europe.
____ 38. Mary I married Philip II of Spain as part of her attempt to restore Catholicism to England.
____ 39. Elizabeth I’s rule was weakened by a Puritan Parliament that blocked financing for her programs.
____ 40. James I’s difficulties with Parliament resulted from his attempts to restore Catholicism.
Complete each sentence or statement.
41. The ____________________ was caused by Protestant kingdoms rebelling against the Holy Roman Empire.
42. The palace at ____________________ drained French finances but also centralized Louis XIV’s power.
43. Other European countries united against Louis XIV’s France in order to maintain a ____________________.
44. Czar Peter the Great moved Russia’s capital to ____________________ in order to be closer to the west.
45. Peter the Great created a system of ____________________ to make the nobles more dependent on him.
46. Infighting and a weak government led to the partitioning of ____________________.
47. The _________________________ created a strong army to build their power.
48. The Diplomatic Revolution made ____________________ Prussia’s ally.
49. England was under constant pressure from ____________________ attempts to restore Catholicism.
50. ____________________ objected to the Anglican Church’s resemblance to Catholicism.
51. The French monarch Henry IV
a. converted to Protestantism.
b. converted to Catholicism.
c. ordered taxes for non-Catholics.
d. expelled Jews and Muslims from France.
How does this relate to the Edict of Nantes?
52. Richelieu set up a system that used intendants, who were
a. powerful regional landlords.
b. locally elected governors.
c. members of the civil service.
d. the monarch’s representatives.
How did this affect French government?
53. Louis XIV believed in
a. religious freedom.
b. a government with power at the local level.
c. the right to expand France’s territories.
d. the divine right of kings.
How is Versailles related to this?
54. The War of Spanish Succession dealt with
a. Spain’s attempt to take hold of the Holy Roman Empire.
b. France’s attempt to take hold of the Holy Roman Empire.
c. France’s claim to the Spanish throne.
d. Spain’s claim to the Spanish throne.
How did this war affect Great Britain?
55. Peter the Great’s attitude towards the West could best be described as
a. distrust.
b. contempt.
c. admiration.
d. fear.
How did this affect Peter’s rule of Russia?
56. “Service nobility” meant that
a. nobles were rewarded according to government service.
b. non-nobles were rewarded with government service.
c. servants of nobility could buy their freedom.
d. the nobility were required to serve in the army.
How did this affect government power?
57. Frederick William I of Prussia made his empire stronger by
a. establishing colonies.
b. building a strong army.
c. allying with France.
d. allying with England.
How did Frederick William I affect everyday life in Prussia?
58. The Seven Years War’ was fought
a. in Europe and North America.
b. in Europe and Asia.
c. only in Europe.
d. only in Prussia.
What were the long-term effects of the war?
59. England’s House of Commons was made up of gentry, who were landowners, and burgesses, who
a. were nobles.
b. were merchants or professionals.
c. represented the clergy.
d. represented laborers.
How did Elizabeth manage Parliament?
60. James I’s main problem was a
a. failed attempt to reform the Anglican Church.
b. difficult relationship with France.
c. difficult relationship with Parliament.
d. failed attempt to restore Catholicism.
How did James’s troubles affect England?
Short Answer
61. Who was Catherine of Aragon’s only daughter?
62. Mary Queen of Scots was married twice, but with which husband did she have her son, the future king of
63. How many of Henry VIII’s six wives are shown on this chart?
64. James I also claimed the Scottish throne. What other throne might he have claimed. Why?
65. If Philip II and Mary I had had a child, would that child have been able to claim the throne from Elizabeth?
Why or why not?
66. Describe Cardinal Richelieu’s methods to strengthen the French monarchy.
67. How was Russia isolated from the rest of Europe?
68. How did the Seven Years’ War differ from other European wars?
69. How did Elizabeth I handle attempts to restore Catholicism to England?
70. How was Elizabeth’s rule different from those of other monarchs?
71. Compare and contrast the rules of Louis XIV and Frederick William I.
72. Compare and contrast Peter the Great and Catherine the Great.
73. During the 17th and 18th centuries, Europe occasionally made changes to maintain a balance of power. In the
long term, who benefited from this the most? Why?
74. Compare and contrast Britain’s and France’s approaches to their religious problems.
75. Consider the rules of Louis XIV, Peter the Great, Frederick the Great, and Elizabeth I. Who was most
successful and why?