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THE DEFENITION OF SEMANTICS The study of how meaning in language is created by the use and interrelationships of words, phrases, and sentences. The semantics of a programming language describe the relationship between the syntactical elements and the model of computation. Different languages have different semantic features (over and above differences in lexical semantics) the definitions of the meaning of metadata elements, as opposed to the rules for encoding or representing the values of the elements, see also syntax. Word meanings, including patterns of associated words and concepts. The names and meanings of metadata elements. Source: NISO, Understanding metadata A relationship between words, phrases or any other allowable constraint and their actual meaning. This is contrast to "Syntax". ... the branch of linguistics which studies meaning in language. The study of meaning and the development of meanings of words. The meanings assigned to symbols and sets of symbols in a language. The study of meaning (corresponding to all lexical items and to all possible sentences) The study of meaning in language, including the relationship between language, thought, and behavior. The meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text; "a petty argument about semantics" Logical Semantics Let us introduce a very simple formal language L. It will use three variables, x, y, and z; one one-place relation, m; two two-place relations, M and P; and the standard logical operation of negation, ¬. We define the syntax of L by the following rules of term formation: mvariable, e.g., mx; variableMvariable, e.g., xMy; ¬term, e.g., ¬xPy. If we now interpret the variables as people, m as male, M as married, and P as parent, the examples above will mean, respectively: x is male; x is married to y; and x is not a parent of y. L now has semantics. Of sorts. Philosophical Semantics This discipline is interested in the truth values of the propositions expressed by sentences, e.g., the sentence Connecticut is a USA state expresses a proposition that is true (T) while the sentence Canada is a USA state expresses a proposition that is false (F). It shares with logical semantics an interest in truth preservation and formulates such rules as T & T = T, i.e., if two propositions are true then their conjunction is also true. Linguistic Semantics This discipline, of which hakia.com's ontological semantics is the most advanced school, studies the meaning of sentences and texts as they are understood intuitively by native speakers. Because native speakers have internalized large lexicons, based presumably on a large ontology, as well as the rules combining word meanings into sentence meanings, making inferences, etc., ontological semantics has committed a major effort to the acquisition of such resources and discovery of such rules. This approach is called representational. Most linguistic semanticists do not have the know-how or resources to practice this approach and, intimidated by the computer scientists and engineers dominating computational/NLP semantics, attempt to take a short cut into the nonrepresentational approach by replacing the resources and the rules with logical or statistical methods to linguistic meaning. The currently still dominant "formal semantics," a combination of logical and philosophical semantics from above, replaces the meaning of the sentence as the goal of its study with the truth value, thus severely limiting the scope of linguistic meaning to what can be easily logicized. Thus, they can handle the meaning of every in every chair by applying the universal quantifier ("all") to it but are incapable of accounting for the meaning of chair. Similarly, they easily represent John loves Mary with love (John, Mary) and John hates Mary with hate (John, Mary) but cannot access the meanings of love or hate. What the formal semanticists cannot account for, which is most of linguistic semantics, they define out of semantics and out of the scope of formal methods. Semantic fields In studying the lexicon of English (or any language) we may group together lexemes which inter-relate, in the sense that we need them to define or describe each other. For example we can see how such lexemes as cat, feline, moggy, puss, kitten, tom, queen and miaow occupy the same semantic field. We can also see that some lexemes will occupy many fields: noise will appear in semantic fields for acoustics, pain or discomfort and electronics (noise = “interference”). Although such fields are not clear-cut and coherent, they are akin to the kind of groupings children make for themselves in learning a language. An entertaining way to see how we organize the lexicon for ourselves is to play word-association games. In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as inherent at the levels of words, phrases, sentences, and even larger units of discourse (referred to as texts). The basic area of study is the meaning of signs, and the study of relations between different linguistic units: homonymy, synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, paronyms, hypernymy, hyponymy, meronymy, metonymy, holonymy, exocentricity / endocentricity, linguistic compounds. A key concern is how meaning attaches to larger chunks of text, possibly as a result of the composition from smaller units of meaning. Traditionally, semantics has included the study of connotative sense and denotative reference, truth conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and the linkage of all of these to syntax. Formal semanticists are concerned with the modeling of meaning in terms of the semantics of logic. Thus the sentence John loves a bagel above can be broken down into its constituents (signs), of which the unit loves may serve as both syntactic and semantic head. In the late 1960s, Richard Montague proposed a system for defining semantic entries in the lexicon in terms of lambda calculus. Thus, the syntactic parse of the sentence above would now indicate loves as the head, and its entry in the lexicon would point to the arguments as the agent, John, and the object, bagel, with a special role for the article "a" (which Montague called a quantifier). This resulted in the sentence being associated with the logical predicate loves (John, bagel), thus linking semantics to categorial grammar models of syntax. The logical predicate thus obtained would be elaborated further, e.g. using truth theory models, which ultimately relate meanings to a set of Tarskiian universals, which may lie outside the logic. The notion of such meaning atoms or primitives are basic to the language of thought hypothesis from the 70s. Despite its elegance, Montague grammar was limited by the context-dependent variability in word sense, and led to several attempts at incorporating context, such as : situation semantics ('80s): Truth-values are incomplete, they get assigned based on context generative lexicon ('90s): categories (types) are incomplete, and get assigned based on context