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The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
1) One defining characteristic of mass communication is its reliance on
A) technology.
B) sports.
C) news.
D) gossip.
E) celebrities.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Ref: 14
2) Which of the following is not a media technology?
A) Printing
B) Chemical
C) Electronic
D) Digital
E) Nano
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 14
3) Which was the first media technology?
A) Digital
B) Interpersonal
C) Electronic
D) Chemical
E) Printing
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 14
4) Which company introduced the first smart phone?
A) Sony
B) Rogers
C) Telus
D) Apple
E) Research in Motion
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 15
5) Who developed the “tetrad of media effects”?
A) Jobs
B) Lasswell
C) Brady
D) Gutenberg
E) McLuhan
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 15
6) Which of the following is not a part of the “tetrad of media effects”?
A) Enhance
B) Obsolete
C) Invent
D) Reverse
E) Retrieve
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 15
7) What made mass production of the written word possible?
A) Word processors
B) Printing
C) Movable metal type
D) Keyboards
E) Carved wooden blocks
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 16
8) Which technology allowed the mass production of images in books, magazines, and
A) Glossy paper
B) Line drawings
C) Movable metal type
D) Fulltone
E) Halftone
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 16
9) Mathew Brady used which media technology to record the U.S. Civil War?
A) Movable type
B) Sound recordings
C) Line drawings
D) Movies
E) Photography
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Ref: 17–18
10) Who transmitted the first wireless message?
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
A) Morse
B) Gutenberg
C) Farnsworth
D) Marconi
E) Bell
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Ref: 20
11) Philo Farnsworth, a pioneer in television technology, called his early invention a/an
A) image dissector.
B) electronic newspaper.
C) moving picture tube.
D) wireless imager.
E) picture detector.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 21
12) What was the name of the first human-made satellite?
A) Apollo 11
B) Skylab
C) Sputnik
D) Spacelab
E) Bolshevik
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 21
13) Which technology is capable of carrying 60 000 messages simultaneously?
A) Landlines
B) Copper wires
C) Fibre-optic cables
D) Radio waves
E) Television waves
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 22
14) What effect did binary signals have on the telephone network?
A) They had no effect on the telephone network.
B) They were necessary for the development of the smart phone.
C) Landlines were no longer necessary.
D) More calls could be carried on the same line.
E) More lines could carry fewer calls.
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 23
15) Who first saw the potential of the internet?
A) The U.S. military
B) The National Science Foundation
C) Google
D) Research in Motion
E) The Russian Navy
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 23
16) Which term is used to describe the digitization revolution?
A) Demassification
B) Digital takeover
C) Media convergence
D) Media divergence
E) Binary blitz
Answer: C
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 24
17) What do members of the virtual world Second Life call themselves?
A) Residents
B) Virtualists
C) Geeks
D) Real-lifers
E) Second-class citizens
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Type: MC
Page Ref: 25
18) What is one result of the relatively low cost of internet production and delivery?
A) The disappearance of print media
B) Lower-quality television broadcasting
C) Less original content
D) Greater control by fewer corporations
E) The democratization of mass communication
Answer: E
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 24
19) Which of the following is not a question in the Lasswell model?
A) Who says what?
B) To whom?
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
C) With what effect?
D) At what time?
E) In which channel?
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 26
20) In Lasswell’s model, a channel refers to
A) the sender.
B) the receiver.
C) the technology.
D) the message.
E) the effect.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 26
21) Steve Jobs is the founder of which company?
A) Disney ABC
B) Apple Computer
C) Research in Motion
D) Dell
E) Warner Communications
Answer: B
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 27
22) What is at the centre of the concentric circle model?
A) Audiences
B) Technology
C) Regulators
D) Communicators
E) Gatekeepers
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 27–28
23) What is the role of gatekeepers?
A) Decide what is sent to stations and networks
B) Produce the content of the media
C) Amplify the message
D) Choose the medium to transmit the message
E) Remove noise from the message
Answer: A
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 27–28
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
24) A Canadian media regulator is the
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 28
25) When mass communicators themselves interfere with the success of their own
messages by being sloppy, this is called
A) background noise.
B) semantic noise.
C) channel noise.
D) environmental noise.
E) messy noise.
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 29
26) Someone is watching a French movie, but that person does not understand French
very well. This is an example of
A) channel noise.
B) semantic noise.
C) a psychological filter.
D) an informational filter.
E) a physical filter.
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 29
27) Someone is drunk while watching a hockey game, and the next day cannot remember
who scored the last goal. This is an example of
A) channel noise.
B) semantic noise.
C) a psychological filter.
D) an informational filter.
E) a physical filter.
Answer: E
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 29
28) The semiotic school of thought looks at
A) the creation of meaning in communication.
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Chapter 2
the effect of filters in understanding.
the methods of message transmission.
the role of gatekeepers and regulators.
the effect of digital and wireless technologies
Type: MC
Page Ref: 29
29) The word lemon might make you think of a bitter yellow fruit. This is an example of
A) index.
B) icon.
C) signifier.
D) denotation.
E) connotation.
Answer: D
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 30–31
30) The word lemon might also make you think of a car that does not work well. This is
an example of
A) index.
B) icon.
C) signifier.
D) denotation.
E) connotation.
Answer: E
Diff: 3
Type: MC
Page Ref: 30-31
31) Which of the following is an example of an icon of Canada?
A) A map of Canada
B) A maple leaf
C) A beaver
D) Hockey
E) Maple syrup
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 30
32) In linear communication, the message goes from
A) the sender to the receiver.
B) the sender to many receivers.
C) many senders to the receiver.
D) many senders to many receivers.
E) many senders to no receivers.
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 31
33) In web communication, the message goes from
A) the sender to the receiver.
B) the sender to many receivers.
C) many senders to the receiver.
D) many senders to many receivers.
E) many senders to a no receivers.
Answer: D
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 31
34) The technology for the internet is
A) decentralized.
B) centralized.
C) regulated.
D) linear.
E) massified.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 31
35) Denotation is the same as de Saussure’s idea of
A) the signified.
B) the signifier.
C) connotation.
D) index.
E) icon.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 30
36) Photography and movies have relied on chemical technology throughout most of their
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 14
37) Traditional mass media have all adapted to digital technology.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 14
38) Apple’s iPhone was the first smart phone.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 1
Type: TF
Page Ref: 15
39) The newest distinctive medium built on digital technology is the internet.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 1
Type: TF
Page Ref: 15
40) The internet has created entirely new categories of media companies.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 15
41) The tetrad of media effects model focuses on the meaning that users make of the
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 15
42) Mass media is built on two primary technologies—analog and digital.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 14
43) There are five parts to McLuhan’s tetrad of media effects model.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 15
44) Printing was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-1440s.
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 16
45) Because it involved print media, Gutenberg’s invention had almost no social impact.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 16
46) The halftone was the technology that could mass-produce images in books,
newspapers, and magazines.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 16
47) Photography began as a digital process for creating and recording a visual message.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 17
48) The earliest movies were viewed by looking into a box.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 1
Type: TF
Page Ref: 18
49) Sound recording began as an electronic medium.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 19
50) The introduction of electricity into mass communication occurred with the telegraph.
A) True
B) False
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 19
51) The iPhone and other smart phones are the first examples of wireless communication.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 19–20
52) Many feel that Marconi is the father of telegraphy, while a Canadian, Reginald
Aubrey Fessenden, is the father of radio.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 20
53) Like movies, the earliest televisions used chemical rather than electronic screens.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 21
54) Philo Farnsworth called his invention an image projector.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 21
55) Satellite and fibre-optic technologies in the late 1900s improved the speed and
reliability of delivering mass messages.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 21
56) The American Skylab was the first human-made satellite.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 21
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
57) Cable television became more popular when it abandoned landlines and adopted an
over-the-air broadcast signal.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 22
58) The Russian navy saw potential in digitized communication for a non-centralized
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 23
59) The first version of the internet was called ARPAnet.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 1
Type: TF
Page Ref: 24
60) The melding of print, electronic, and photographic media into digitized form is called
media convergence.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 24
61) New media devices, such as BlackBerrys and Kindles, can only be used to consume
media content.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 24
62) The relatively low cost of internet production and delivery has resulted in the
democratization of mass communication.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Chapter 2
Page Ref: 24
63) The issues or events that take place in Second Life have no impact on the real world.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 25
64) A weakness of the Lasswell model is that it is not applicable to mass communication.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 26
65) The models of mass communication presented in this text are very good at explaining
the complexities of media systems.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 26
66) In the concentric circle model, the effects are at the centre.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 27-28
67) Gatekeepers are media people who make judgments on what is sent to networks,
stations, and website operators.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 28
68) Static on the radio or smudged ink in a newspaper are examples of semantic noise.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 29
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
69) Denotation is the same as de Saussure’s idea of the signified.
A) True
B) False
Answer: True
Diff: 2
Type: TF
Page Ref: 30
70) A picture of a maple leaf is an icon of Canada.
A) True
B) False
Answer: False
Diff: 3
Type: TF
Page Ref: 30
71) One defining characteristic of mass communication is its reliance on
Answer: technology
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 14
72) Marshall McLuhan believed that we should ask questions about the impact of any
new technology. His model is called the_________________.
Answer: tetrad of media effects
Diff: 2
Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 15
73) Mass production of the written word was made possible by the invention of _________________.
Answer: movable metal type
Diff: 2
Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 16
74) The technology that could mass-produce images in books, newspapers, and
magazines is called the _________________.
Answer: halftone
Diff: 2
Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 16
75) The first sound recording machine was the _________________, which was invented
by Thomas Edison in 1877.
Answer: phonograph
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 19
76) Philo Farnsworth, while out plowing the field, came up with a concept that led to his
invention of the _________________.
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: television
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Chapter 2
Page-Ref: 21
77) More than 50 years ago the Russians orbited__________________, the first humanmade satellite.
Answer: Sputnik
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 21
78) Corning Glass developed __________________ capable of carrying light at
incredible speeds.
Answer: fibre optic cables
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 22
79) The U.S. military developed a system of linked computers called
Answer: ARPAnet
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 24
80) A digitization revolution, called __________________ , is in progress.
Answer: heterogeneous
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 24
81) _________________ is a virtual world of more than 8.5 million members worldwide.
Answer: Second Life
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 25
82) __________________is a narrative model that poses four questions: Who says what?
In which channel? To whom? With what effect?
Answer: The Lasswell model
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
83) Gatekeepers, a technologically based medium, regulators, and amplification are all
parts of the _________________.
Answer: concentric circle model
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 27–28
84) The __________________ school of thought looks at the creation of meaning in
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Answer: semiotic
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Chapter 2
Page-Ref: 29–30
85) A situation where every point in the network can send and receive messages is called
__________________ communication.
Answer: web
Diff: 2 Type: FIB
Page-Ref: 31
86) Please match the items in the column with no repeats.
I. Johannes Gutenberg
II. Samuel Morse
III. Thomas Edison
IV. Reginald Fessenden
V. Philo Farnsworth
A. Movable metal type
B. Telegraph device
C. Phonograph
D. Radio broadcast
E. Image dissector
Answer I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E
Diff: 2
Page-Ref: 16–21
87) Please match the items in the column with no repeats.
I. Lasswell model
II. Tetrad of media effects
III. 21st century models
IV. Concentric circles
V. Semiotics
A. Four questions
B. Enhance, obsolete, retrieve, everse
C. Linear, mass, web communication
D. Gatekeepers, regulators, filters
E. Connotation, denotation
Answer I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E
Diff: 2
Page-Ref: 15, 25–31
88) Describe McLuhan’s “tetrad of media effects.” Choose one media technology and
analyze its effects using this model.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Ref: 15
The Media of Mass Communication, 6Ce – Vivian, Maurin
Chapter 2
89) Compare two of the mass communications models. Which do you think is the best
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Ref: 25–31
90) Discuss the origins and the various impacts of the internet. How is the internet
different from other media technologies?
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Ref: 22–24
91) Second Life is a virtual world of more than 8.5 million members. Discuss the various
impacts, both positive and negative, that Second Life may have on the real lives of
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Ref: 25
92) Use examples to describe how media technology can have important social impacts.
Diff: 3
Type: ES
Page Ref: 14–24