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SCH3U-Grade 11 Chemistry
Activity Series of Metals Lab
Problem: What is the order of reactivity of the metals copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc in
single displacement reactions?
 Wellplate/Spotplate
 Small pieces of magnesium, iron, zinc and copper metal
 Dilute solutions of hydrochloric acid, copper (II) sulfate, zinc chloride, magnesium
chloride, iron (III) sulfate
 Wash bottle with distilled water
Using the well plate, combine each type of metal with each solution and with water. Look
for colour changes on the surface of the shiny part of the metal or in the solution.
Remember that some reactions are slow or you need to carefully observe them.
 Wear goggles.
 Hydrochloric acid is corrosive.
 Dispose of chemicals in the waste beaker. Do not dispose anything down the sink!
1. For each single displacement reaction that occurred, write the corresponding
balanced chemical equation.
2. Record any changes in appearance due to a chemical reaction. Make your
observations in the chart below. Keep in mind that hydrogen is a diatomic element.
Observation Chart:
If no reaction occurred, write NR Record all observations.
H2O (cold and
CuSO4 (aq)
Analyze and Interpret
1. Lithium metal reacts with water.
a) Is lithium more or less reactive than magnesium?
b) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the reaction of lithium and water.
2. Rank the metals you tested in order of reactivity, beginning with the most reactive
metal. Include the predicted placement of lithium in your ranking.
***If no reaction occurs. Write NR Use the chart provided below or develop one of
your own.
Metals that displace
Metals that Displace
Metals that
Activity Series
other metals)
hydrogen from acids
displace hydrogen
from cold water
Most Reactive
Least Reactive
a) Which was the most reactive metal that you tested?
b) Which was the least reactive metal that you tested?
3. In a paragraph, explain how the activity series can be used to predict single
displacement reactions. Consult your textbook and handouts.
4. From a previous experiment you know that lithium reacts violently with water to
form aqueous lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Given that lithium reacts with
water and that magnesium does not, do you expect lithium to react with hydrochloric
acid? If so, write a balanced chemical reaction. Justify your reasoning.
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