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PROJECT #1: C++ with STL
This project gives you a chance to review and understand the important features that C++
and STL promise through programming practice. Please read the following instructions
Contents and Structure
The project mainly covers three features: inheritance and polymorphism, exception and
I/O, and STL.
Part 1 (40 points)
In this part, you design and implement all the classes in the UML diagram on the last
page. Polymorphism is emphasized.
a) (15) general specifications:
Data members of Student class are protected; data members of DCL (Derived
Class) are private
All member functions are public; constructors may have several parameters
Tuition rates should be class-wide constants; they are used to compute total
tuition (times credits)
Student class should have get-set functions as other classes
In Student class, functions print() and tuition() are virtual and tuition() is pure
(they must be overridden in DCL)
Print functions must print all the data members in a nice format (e.g. add “endl”;
“student name: ***”, etc)
b) (25) call print() and tuition() for the following three students using both static and
dynamic binding:
under_rate = 380.0; grad_rate = 500;
 “Mary”, “000111222”, “Junior”, 12 credits, her tuition, her gpa (4.0)
 “David”, “111222333”, graduate student, 9 credits, his tuition, his thesis (“How to
learn data structures using C++/STL?”), his gpa (3.7)
 “Jason”, “222333444”, graduate assistant, 9 credit hours, his tuition, his thesis
(“Design of efficient algorithms”), his gpa (3.9) his task (“Grading 330 projects
and implementing a data mining algorithm”), his hourPay ($20), his superviser
(“Dr. Fu”)
These are just facts data; your final output may look differently (but nicely).
Part 2 (45 points)
This part involves I/O streams, files and exceptions, and STL.
a) We should be able to guard against “unexpected” input data using exceptions when
constructing new students:
 ssn must be exactly 9 decimal digits
 gpa in [0, 4.0]
 credits in 0..18
b) Suppose that input undergraduate roster is a text file called “student.txt” (you type in
four records) in which fields are separated by white-space “ ” and records by “\n”. For
example, the first record (the fields are all in the following order: name, ssn, year, credits,
gpa) could be
Mary 000111222 Junior 12 4.0
(10) Scan (read) the file and construct students one by one. Notice that, you
should check the input data according to part a.
(5) Store the students in a list container (can insert one by one).
(5) After all students are scanned and pushed into the list, delete the last student
and insert him/her to the front as the first student.
(10) Then print out on screen all the students using list iterator in the following
Header line:
Name SSN
In each line (including the header), each field’s width is10 except “Name” whose
width is 20. The last two fields are right-justified and have two fraction digits.
Tuition must be padded with $ sign to the left. All other fields are left-justified.
(15) Then initialize a vector that contains the above list data and sort the students
according to GPA. You must use generic sort algorithm (therefore need to
overload “<” operator). After sorting, output the sorted students using the above
Submission Instruction
1) Code must be run on a UNIX machine.
2) Electrical copy by email and hard copy are required for each submission.
3) You submit one source file named as “X_Undergrad.cpp” (X is your logon username
e.g. l_fu ) and put all the drivers in the main function of class “Undergrad”. The output
order appears as required above. If you have comments or “readme” things (and you
should), put them in the beginning as a comment block.
4) File including the source file must be well-documented. Code is self-evident (e.g. clear
names) and comments are concise, sufficient, and accurate. Documenting counts 15
X: your logon username.
name: char[21];
ssn: char[10];
gpa: float;
credits: int;
void print();
float tuition();
undergrad_rate: float;
year: char*;
grad_rate: float;
thesis: char*;
char* get_year();
float get_rate();
void set_year(char*);
char* get_thesis();
float get_rate();
void set_thesis(char*);
hourPay: float;
superviser: char*;
task: char*;
char* get_superviser();
float get_hourPay();
void set_ superviser (char*);
void set_ hourPay (float);
char* get_task();
void set_task(char*);