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Forensics - Chapter 9 Study Guide ANSWERS
1. Give a description of a narcotic including somatic effects and source.
Physically addicting, comes from opium, depresses the CNS, relieves pain
2. Describe the somatic and mental effects of “withdrawal” or “abstinence syndrome”.
Body chills, stomach cramps, vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations
3. Which drugs lead to physical dependence?
Barbiturates, heroin, alcohol, nicotine
4. Which drugs lead to psychological dependence?
Alcohol, heroin, cocaine, nicotine
5. What % of crime lab work is devoted to drug related evidence?
6. What kinds of things determine the intensity of a drug’s dependence?
Individual rate of metabolism, dose, route of administration, frequency of administration, bioavailability
of the active metabolite
7. What are the difference forms of marijuana and which are the more potent forms?
Hashish, loose vegetation, sinsemilla, liquid, Liquid is most potent
8. What substances serve as diluents of heroin?
Procaine, starch, quinine, mannitol
9. What is the most widely used illicit drug in the US today?
10. Which drugs are classified as a narcotic?
Heroin, morphine, codeine, opium
11. What are the different parts of cannabis and which parts contain the most THC?
Seed has the least, others include leaf, resin, bud, flower
12. Describe the effects and source of codeine.
Comes synthetically from morphine, is in opium, over-the-counter as a cough medicine, not a street
13. What drugs are derivatives of opium?
Morphine, heroin, codeine
14. What are the potential medical applications for marijuana?
Glaucoma, muscle relaxant, nausea from chemo
15. What the effects of alcohol?
Excess confidence, less concentration, impaired judgment, impaired memory and concentration
16. Describe PCP and how it is made.
Hallucinogen synthesized illegally in labs
17. Describe the use and effect of methadone
Used to lessen the desire for heroin
18. Which of the barbiturates - phenol, seco, pento,amo, buta – has the slowest absorption rate.
Phenol is the slowest
19. What are the effects of barbiturates?
Produces sleep, well-being feeling, promotes relaxation, suppresses the CNS
20. What is the purpose for the use of a mild tranquilizer?
Reduce tension
21. Which class do you find methamphetamines.
22. Classify cocaine and identify the most often route of administration.
Stimulant, most often snorted
23. What are the effects of sniffing volatile solvents?
Drowsiness, stupor, slurred speech, double vision, feeling of euphoria, damage to liver, heart, brain
24. Which drug addiction is a person least likely to overcome?
Crack cocaine
25. What are the effects of Rohypnol?
Enhanced with alcohol, odorless, colorless, tasteless,
causes drowsiness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, loss of memory
26. What are the effects of Ectasy?
Increases heart rate and blood pressure, confusion, anxiety, paranoia, hallucinogenic and amphetamine
like effects, feelings of happiness and relaxation
27. What are the effects of anabolic steroids?
Effect mood and personality, produce infertility and diminished sex drive, causes masculine effects on
women, causes depression
28. What are the 5 schedules of the CSA based on?
Medical value, potential for physical and psychological dependence, potential for abuse
29. What are designer drugs?
Chemical related to controlled substances
30. For which drug and what results come for the reagent Marquis?
Heroin turns purple
31. How and what are the results of the reagent Duquenois-Levine?
Used on marijuana, chloroform layers turn purple
32. How and what are the results of the reagent Van Urk?
Used to test for LSD, turns bluish-purple
33. How and what are the results of the Scott Test?
Tests for cocaine
34. Compare a color test to a microcrystalline test.
Microcrystalline is more specific
35. What is the first test used in drug analysis?
36. How and what the results of the Dillie-Koppanyi reagent?
Used to test for barbiturates
37. What is the most viable technique for separating and identifying a mixture of substances?