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Chapter 12 Section 1
Name_________________________ Period______
(With brief explanation and dates - if given.)
Water Frame: 1769
 Could produce dozens of threads at the same time.
 Lowered cost of cotton
 Increased speed/textile production
(Place & People - if given.)
Richard Arkqright
 Englishman
Improvement on textile mills in regards to the old style water frame
(spinning machine). Early 1790s
Samuel Slater
Skilled British mechanic that
improved the spinning machine.
Eli Whitney introduced
interchangeable parts & a
proposal for mass production of
Gun production
--Produced slowly--No interchangeable parts—
Was improved in 1798
Describe factors and people
involved in the chain of events that
led to the growth of manufacturing
and industry in the US.
Industrial Revolution
Growth of Manufacturing
Cause & Effect Chart
Need for Change
Beginning/1700 majority of people in Europe & US were farmers.
Families produced textiles> very slow—Hand looms to weave
Some skilled workers produced hand made items in their shops.
Textile Industry
1769 – Richard Arkwright invents large spinning wheel called water frame.
Early 1790s Sam Slater improves textile manufacturing.
Mass Production
1798- Eli Whitney gives a proposal for mass production of guns.
He also introduces the idea of interchangeable parts for machines.
1. Why was manufacturing in Great Britain in the early years more successful than in the U.S.?
2. What event encouraged the growth of American manufacturing? Why?
MYTON 2010