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Prime Factorization
Prime: A number which has exactly two factors: one and itself (5 is prime, its two factors are 1 & 5)
Composite: A number which has more than two factors. (10 is prime, its factors are 1, 2, 5, & 10)
Factor: A number which divides into another number with no remainder.
Factor Tree: a method of finding a number’s prime factorization
7 4
Prime Factorization: expressing a number as the product of primes
Ex: prime factorization of 28 7 * 22
How to find Prime Factorization of a Number
1. Make a factor tree by breaking the number down until each factor is a prime number.
2 63
3 21
2. Circle the prime numbers
3. List out the prime factors. List them all separately
2, 3, 7, 3
4. Make into a multiplication expression using exponents
2 * 32 * 7 (this is the prime factorization of 126)
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