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Classwork practice: Ratios, Rates, and Unit Rates
Write each ratio three ways. Simplify your ratios.
1. Pumpkins to Ghosts_____________________
3. Total pictures to Pumpkins__________________
2. Witches to total pictures____________________
4. Ghosts to other pictures____________________
5. In 7th period, all 28 students have either a cat or a dog.
If the ratio of cat to dog owners is 5:2, how many own a
cat? _____________
6. 36 toddlers dressed as either witches or ghosts for
Halloween at a ratio of 5:7. How many kids are
Find the UNIT RATE (6-8). Include your units! Circle your answer.
7. 1132 miles in 5 hours
8. 78 pages in 12 minutes
9. 35 laps in 85 minutes (fraction form)
10. Which is the better deal: 20 pounds pet food for
$14.99 or 50 pounds for $37.99? Show evidence.
11. Hamburger sells at $6 for 3 pounds. How much will
she pay for 5 pounds? 10 pounds?
12. An adult blinks about 450 times in 30 minutes. A 12year old blinks about 150 times in 15 minutes. How many
more times does an adult blink in 60 minutes than a 12year old?
13. Sara can type 90 words in 4 minutes. About how
many words would you expect her to type in 10 minutes
at this rate?