Download Geography Review 1. A) Label the top of world map #1 8000 BCE

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Geography Review
A) Label the top of world map #1 8000 BCE – 600 CE.
B) Sketch/shade/color the regions of the following early river-valley civilizations:
Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus and China (Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han). To the left of the
map, write these civilizations and indicate their dates.
C) Indicate the Bantu migration in Africa.
D) Indicate the Mauryan and Gupta empires in India.
E) Indicate the basic outline and date of the Roman Empire at its height.
A) Label the top of this map 600 – 1450.
B) Sketch/shade/color in the spread of Islam, so that the map indicates by date
the extent of the Islamic world. Include both overland expansion and the
diffusion of the religion via the Indian Ocean Maritime System.
C) Indicate the Byzantine Empire.
D) Show the extent of the Mongol Empire and the spread of the Black Death.
E) Indicate the Aztec and Inca empires in the Americas.
A) Label it 1450 – 1750.
B) Indicate European exploration abound Africa and into the Indian Ocean basin,
and also the Columbian Exchange, including the directionality of primary food
and animal exchanges.
A) Label it 1750 – 1914.
B) Indicate where and when the following took place: 1. Start of Industrial
Revolution. 2. American Revolution. 3. French Revolution. 4. Latin American
wars for independence. 5. Scramble for Africa. 6. European imperialism in China
and Japan.
A) Label it 1914 – Present.
B) Put a mushroom cloud on Japan to indicate the Nuclear Age.
C) Indicate to the left of the map the dates of World War I, World War II, the
Cold War (and its two primary opponents).
D) Illustrate in whatever fashion you like the challenges facing the world today:
Globalization, Terrorism, Demographic/Migration Pressures, the Wealth Gap
(between developed and developing world), Industrialization of China & India,
and Environmentalism.
Reproduce the CollegeBoard’s world regions map, including the legend. In the
space below map #6, write the major religions we’ve studied this year, and where
and when they originated.
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