Download Rock Cycle Song

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Rock Cycle Song
(Sing to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Has been formed in layers
Often found near water sources
With fossils from decayers
Then there's IGNEOUS rock
Here since Earth was born
Molten Lava, cooled and hardened
That's how it is formed
These two types of rocks
Can also be transformed
With pressure, heat and chemicals
METAMORPHIC they'll become.
In your lab group, write your own poem, rhyme, song/rap, or skit about the rock
Choose one of the following:
 Acrostic poem
 Rhyme
 Song or Rap
 Skit (2-4 minutes)
 Include the names of the three rock groups:
 Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic
 Describe how each rock is formed
 Explain at least one path that one rock can take through the rock cycle
 Handwritten copy to turn in
 Only need 1 copy for entire group
 Acrostic poem will have one copy for each type of rock
 Presentation: composure, clear, voice projection
 Within time limit
 Props/visuals
 Creative
Time line: 1st day –
2nd day -