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1. In 1869, the French finished building the _________________ Canal in Egypt.
a) Meiji Restoration.
b) Suez.
c) Zulu.
d) Opium.
2. The __________________ fought against European imperialism.
a) Meiji Restoration.
b) Suez.
c) Zulu.
d) Opium.
3. The Suez Canal linked the Mediterranean Sea to the:
a) Cortez Sea.
b) Dead Sea.
c) Red Sea.
d) Pacific Ocean.
4. They held the largest European empire in Africa:
a) Germany.
b) Spain.
c) France.
d) Italy.
5. Which two African countries stayed independent?
a) Nigeria and Sudan.
b) Liberia and Ethiopia.
c) Algeria and Senegal.
d) Libya and Somalia.
6. Why did Europeans tried to colonize Asia?
a) To get more natural resources.
b) To bring glory to their nations.
c) To have more trade with Asia.
d) All of the above.
7. When did India become a British colony?
a) 1858.
b) 1810.
c) 1910.
d) None of the above.
8. Egypt was a __________________, which meant Egypt was under Great Britain’s control and
a) Protectorate.
b) Colonize.
c) Sphere of influence.
d) Submarine.
9. In the late 19th century, Europeans saw an opportunity to __________________ the entire continent of
a) Protectorate.
b) Colonize.
c) Sphere of influence.
d) Submarine.
10. European nations each established their own __________________ in China.
a) Protectorate.
b) Colonize.
c) Sphere of influence.
d) Submarine.
11. The __________________ changed Japan’s government and helped make Japan a strong power.
a) Meiji Restoration.
b) Suez.
c) Zulu.
d) Opium.
12. At the beginning of World War I Belgium was a __________________ country.
a) Armistice.
b) Neutral.
c) Submarine.
d) Zulu.
13. __________________ is a very addictive drug.
a) Meiji Restoration.
b) Suez.
c) Zulu.
d) Opium.
14. The German use of the __________________ brought Americans to World War I.
a) Protectorate.
b) Colonize.
c) Sphere of influence.
d) Submarine.
15. An __________________ is an agreement to stop fighting.
a) Armistice.
b) Neutral.
c) Submarine.
d) Zulu.
16. The act of building an empire in foreign lands is called?
a) Zulu
b) imperialism
c) protectorate d) colonize
17. Which of the following countries didn’t colonize Africa?
a) United States.
b) Spain.
c) Germany.
d) Portugal.
18. The United States colonies in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific are:
a) Philippines, Hong Kong and Java.
b) Guam, Philippines and Hong Kong.
c) Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands and Guam.
d) Hong Kong, Guam and New Guinea.
19. The United States became a colonial power:
a) When they took control of the Hawaiian Islands.
b) All of the above.
c) In 1776.
d) After they took over Philippines.
20. What was a short term cause of the Great War?
a) Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
b) Sussex Pledge.
c) Nationalism.
d) There were only long term causes.
21. Which alliance group did the United States join?
a) Triple Entente.
b) Triple Alliance.
c) The United States never joined the War.
d) Central Powers.
22. What three countries were in the Triple Alliance?
a) Great Britain, France and Russia.
b) Germany, Russia and Italy.
c) Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
d) France, Spain and Russia.
23. What was the Triple Alliance also known as?
a) Allied Powers.
b) Zimmerman Note.
c) Sussex Pledge.
d) Central Powers.
24. What two countries where the first ones to declare war to support Austria-Hungary and Serbia?
a) Germany and Italy.
b) Germany and Austria-Hungary.
c) Germany and Russia.
d) Russia and Serbia.
25. These are weapons introduced by World War I:
a) Arrow and sword.
b) Tank and machine gun.
c) Nuclear bomb and Napalm.
d) Revolver and shotgun.
26. What three countries were in the Triple Entente?
a) Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary.
b) France, Spain and Russia.
c) Germany, Russia and Italy.
d) Great Britain, France and Russia.
27. The United States declared war on Germany on:
a) 1914.
b) 1918.
c) 1776.
d) 1917.
28. What was the Triple Entente also known as?
a) Sussex Pledge.
b) Central Powers.
c) Allied Powers.
d) Zimmerman Note.
29. What was Woodrow Wilson's response to the beginning of the War?
a) America should be neutral.
b) He had no initial response.
c) American's should fight.
d) American's should not care if they attack United States soil.
30. What was Trench Warfare?
a) The style of fighting used by submarines.
b) Italy.
c) The style of fighting used in WWI.
d) The reason for America's entry.
31. What was the Lusitania?
a) A train in Europe.
b) The style of fighting used in WWI.
c) An American Passenger Ship.
d) A German Submarine.
32. What was the Sussex Pledge?
a) An alliance between France and Canada.
b) A promise not to attack neutral ships.
c) An alliance between Germany and Mexico.
d) An American Passenger Ship.
33. What was the reason for American Entry in WWI?
a) Lusitania Sinking.
b) Sussex Pledge being broken.
c) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
d) All of the above.
34. What did the Zimmerman note propose?
a) An alliance between France and Canada.
b) America entering the War.
c) The War's end.
d) An alliance between Germany and Mexico.
35. In what year did the World War I end?
a) 1776.
b) 1917.
c) 1914.
d) 1918.
36. Who was Woodrow Wilson?
a) A Woman's Rights activist.
b) The Dictator of Germany.
c) An American General during the Revolutionary War.
d) The American President during the Great War.
37. Which side of Alliances won the Great War?
a) It was a tie.
b) Triple Entente.
c) Italy.
d) Triple Alliance.
38. What were "U-boats"?
a) Passenger ships.
b) Undersea boats, also known as German Submarines.
c) Unimportant boats that did nothing in the War.
d) Planes.
39. What was another name for WWI?
a) The Civil War.
b) The Revolutionary War.
c) World War Two.
d) The Great War.
40. What group was formed to ensure that there wouldn't be another war after WWI?
a) Zimmerman Note.
b) Alliances.
c) Lusitania.
d) League of Nations.
41. What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
a) The treaty of Versailles started WWI.
b) Said Germany wouldn't harm innocent passengers.
c) Proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany.
d) Ended WWI.
42. Wilson’s Plan included:
a) “Peace without victory,” and self-determination.
b) To end secret deals between nations, and neutral ships to be safe even in times of war.
c) The formation of the League of Nations.
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.
43. The Treaty of Versailles laid out a harsh punishment for Germany, including:
a) Germany lost all its colonies in Africa and Asia, the army was limited to 100,000 soldiers.
b) Germany had to accept total blame for starting the war and had to pay 37 billion dollars for
c) Germany was not allowed to build submarines, and had to return land won from France in 1871.
d) None of the above.
e) All of the above.
44. What new nations were created from lands lost by Russia after WW I?
a) Austria, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.
b) Poland, Austria, Finland, Latvia, and Hungary.
c) Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia.
d) Iraq, Palestine, France, Turkey, and Hungary
45. Which of the following were consequences of WW I?
a) Austria and Hungary became separate nations, and the Ottoman Empire ended.
b) Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were created, Turkey became an independent country.
c) Italy, Poland, and Romania gained lands from the old empire of Austria-Hungary.
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.
46. Who was the last Russian tsar?
a) Alexander III.
b) Nicholas II.
c) Nicholas I.
d) Alexander I.
47. The 1904-1905 Revolution in Russia began after the Russians lost what war?
a) Six Day War.
b) Russo-Japanese War.
c) Boxer Rebellion.
d) Franco-Prussian War.
48. What exiled revolutionary led the Bolsheviks to take power in 1917?
a) Kerensky.
b) Metz.
c) Lenin.
d) Stalin.
49. Russian losses in which war led to the end of the Russian dynasty?
a) World War I.
b) Vietnam War.
c) World War II.
d) Korean War.
50. What family had ruled Russia for 300 years, 1613-1917?
a) Romanovs.
b) Stuarts.
c) Petersons.
d) Hapsburgs.
51. Which of these was NOT a promise of the Bolsheviks?
a) White Russian Control.
b) Bread, Land, Peace.
c) Revolution Now.
d) All Power to the Soviets.
52. Which side won the Civil War in Russia, 1917-1921?
a) Greens.
b) Whites.
c) Blues.
d) Reds.
53. In 1918 why did Russia sign a harsh peace treaty with the Germans?
a) Her losses at battles such as Tannenberg.
b) Her troops wanted to change to the German side.
c) Propaganda made the Allied side reject the Russians.
d) The Germans had been pushed back to the border.
54. Who was the head of the Provisional Government in 1917 who made mistakes such as not arresting
Lenin and continuing to fight in World War I that led to his downfall?
a) Alexander Kerensky.
b) Joseph Stalin.
c) Rasputin.
d) Karl Marx.
55. The Russian lawmaking body was called the?
a) Parliament.
b) General Assembly.
c) Duma.
d) Congress.