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Circulatory System Review (Ch.30)
What is another name of the circulatory system? (1)
What are the three major functions of the circulatory system? (1)
What are the three parts of the circulatory system? (1)
What are the four components of the blood? (2)
Which component in blood is directly related to hemophilia? Why? (1)
Compare and contrast RBC and WBC in terms of a) cell structure and b) function. (2)
Compare and contrast arteries and veins in terms of a) type of blood they carry and b)
the direction of blood flow with respect to heart. (2)
8. Why do arteries have to be more muscular and elastic than vein? (1)
9. What are two functions of capillaries? (1)
10. What are the collecting chambers of the heart? What are the pumping chambers of
the heart? (1)
11. What is the function of valves between the heart chambers? (1)
12. What side of heart contains only deoxygenated blood? Only oxygenated blood? (1)
13. What is the purpose of having four-chambered heart? (1)
14. Describe/trace the pathway of blood flow through the heart beginning with superior
and inferior vena cava. Also indicate what kind of blood is contained in each part.
Make sure you are able to label all the parts of the heart. (4)
15. What happens in the chambers during “lubb” and “dubb”? (1)
16. What are you feeling when you are taking your pulse? (1)
17. Where is a pacemaker located? What controls the pacemaker? (2)
18. What is an average adult’s blood pressure? What does each number represent? (2)
19. What makes the blood cells of different blood types distinct? (1)
20. Which blood type is universal donor? Which blood type is universal receiver? Why?
21. What are the causes of heart disease? What is atherosclerosis? (1)
Respiratory System (Ch. 30)
22. What are the functions of the respiratory system? (1)
23. Describe the pathway of an air molecule entering from the nose to the lungs. Make
sure you are able to label all the parts. (4)
24. How does the nose filter the incoming air? (1)
25. What is the “voice box” called? (1)
26. What would happen if epiglottis is not working properly? (1)
27. What is the windpipe called? (1)
28. Where does the gas exchange take place? Describe how it occurs and what two gases
are involved in the process. (2)
29. Compare and contrast inhalation and exhalation in terms of what takes place between
the capillary and the alveolus in the lungs. (2)
30. Compare and contrast inhalation and exhalation in terms of what takes place between
the lungs, rib muscles and the diaphragm muscle. (4)
31. What are two waste products of respiration? (1)
32. What are the functions of the lymphatic system? How does it help the circulatory
system? (2)