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Программа дисциплины «POLITICAL POWER: THEORETICAL DISCOURSE AND RESEARCH MODELS» для магистерской программы «Комплексный социальный анализ» направления 040100.62
«Социология» подготовки магистра
Lecturer and class teacher: Professor Valeri G. Ledyaev, PhD (University of Manchester,
Department of Government)
1. The aim of the course
The course aims to give students basic knowledge of political power and the way it is studied in
contemporary political science and sociology. The course is intended to build up a critical awareness
of the different approaches to the study of power, and the difficulties in explaining political events
through an examination of various forms and manifestations of political power. The course will help
students to form their analytical skills, abilities to define and operationalise social concepts, prepare
research programs and instruments for the empirical study of power and political influence.
2. Objectives of the course
The course seeks to develop the students’ abilities in the four main areas: (1) a conceptual analysis of “power” and other terms of political discourse; (2) different theoretical perspectives in the
study of political power; (3) research methods used in empirical studies of political power; (4) a comparison of power structures in different societies and communities. By the end of the course the students will have learned about the nature of political power, its basic forms, bases and uses; strengths
and weaknesses of major theoretical approaches and research methods used in the study of power.
3. Content of the course
The course consists of three main parts: 1) conceptual analysis of power and its forms (methodology and principles for conceptualizing political concepts; basic problems in defining power; logic
of the conceptual analysis of power; basic views on power; forms, bases and uses of power; indicators
of political power); 2) main theories of political power (Marxist and neo-Marxist explanations of the
distribution of power in modern societies; classical and modern pluralism; corporatism; classical and
modern elitism; the basis of the convergence and remaining differences); 3) research models and main
outcomes of empirical studies of political power in regions and local communities (early community
power studies in US in 1930-1940; classical community power studies (F. Hunter, R. Dahl); positional,
reputational, decisional and network approaches in the study of power; contemporary models of community power (“growth machines” and “political regimes”); power structure and regimes in Russian
cities and regions).
4. Prerequisite
By the end of this course the students will have learned about (1) political power, its basic
forms, bases and uses; (2) main theoretical perspectives on power; (3) research methods used in the
study of power; (4) some forms and manifestations of political power in Russia. The course explains
and emphasizes interrelations between conceptual analysis, theoretical explanations and the outcomes
of empirical studies of political power.
5. The methods
The following methods of teaching will be used:
 lectures (2 hours a week)
 classes (2 hours a week)
 participant presentation
 teacher’s consultations
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
 small group work
 self-study
6. Grade determination
Course grade consists of three parts:
final test (oral exam)
(50 %)
(30 %)
Teaching hours for topics and activities:
Basic views on power
Modern theories of political power
Community power studies
1. Basic views on power.
The nature of conceptual debates on power. Basic problems in defining power. Actual/potential
problem. Dispositional vs episodic conceptions of power. “The rule of anticipated reactions”. Outcome
of power. “Power to”, “power over”, “power with”. Power and luck. Power and conflict. Asymmetry
and balance in power relations. Power and interests. Agency, structure and power. Principles and logic
of the conceptual analysis of power.
Two traditions in defining power. Hobbes’ conception of power. Weber on power and authority. Behaviouralist view on power. Power as a special case of the exercise of influence (H. Lasswell).
Dahl’s “intuitive” definition of power (A has power over B to the extent that he can get B to do something that B would not otherwise do”). Debates over “faces of power”. (P. Bachrach and M. Baratz, S.
Lukes). Modern contributions to the conceptual analysis of power (P. Blau, S. Clegg, T. Wartenberg.
P. Morriss, G. Debnam, K. Dowding). The alternative tradition in conceptualizing power (T. Parsons,
H. Arend, J. Habermas). M. Foucault on power.
Forms of power. Individual and collective power. Force, coercion, inducement, persuasion,
manipulation, authority. Power and authority. Power and domination. Power and empowernment.
Lecture: Basic views on power (4 hours).
1. Two traditions in defining power.
2. Modern contributions to the conceptual analysis of power.
Seminar: Basic views on power (4 hours).
1. Basic problems in defining power
2. Debates over “faces of power”.
3. The alternative tradition in conceptualizing power.
Main texts:
Ball T. Power // A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy /Ed. by R. Goodin and
P. Petit. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1995. P. 548-557 (Balleng)*.
Gohler G. ‘Power to’ and Power over’ // The Sage Handbook of Power /Ed. by Stewart R.
Clegg and Mark Haugaard. L.: Sage, 2009. P. 27-39 (Gohler_power).
File in the electronic reader.
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Hearn J. Theorizing Power. L.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. P. 3-17 (Hearn_power).
Ledyaev V. Power: A Conceptual Analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1997. P. IX-XV, 320; 171-181 (Ledyaev_eng_views) (Russian version: Власть_аналитобзоp_Ледяев).
Ledyaev V. Power: A conceptual analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998. P. 223-226
(Power forms_Ledyaev).
Ledyaev V. Power: A conceptual analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998. P. 179-199
(Forms of Power _Ledyaev) (Russian version: Формы власти_Ледяев).
Scott J. Power. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. P. 1-16 (Scott_power).
Wrong D. Power: Its Forms, Bases and Uses. NY: Harper and Row Publishers, 2002. Р. 1-13
Lukes S. Power and Authority // A History of Sociological Analysis /Ed. by Tom B. Bottomore
and Robert Nisbet. L.: Heinemann, 1978. P. 633-676.
Haugaard M. Concerted power over: Paper presented to the Interim conference, IPSA RC 36,
Galway, Friday 27th September – Saturday 28th. ‘Power with’, ‘power to’, and ‘power over’ (Concerted power over_Haugaard).
Hayward C. De-facing power. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2000 (Clarissa_Rile_Hayward]_De-Facing_Power_(Contempor(
Ледяев В.Г. Власть: концептуальный анализ // Полиc. 2000. № 1. С. 97-107
(Власть_Ледяев_ концептуальный анализ).
Ледяев В.Г. О сущностной оспариваемости политических понятий // Полис. 2003. № 2.
С. 86-95. (Оспариваемость_Ледяев и Оспариваемость_Ледяев(сокр)).
Supplementary reading:
Allen A. Rethinking power // Hypatia. 1998. Vol. 13. № 1. Р. 21-40 (Allen_Power with).
Allen A. The power of feminist theory: Domination, resistance, solidarity. Boulder: Westview
Press, 1999.
Arendt H. Communicative power // Power /Ed. by Steven Lukes. 1986. P. 59-74
Bachrach P., Baratz M.S. Power and Poverty: Theory and Practice. L.: Oxford University Press,
Bachrach P. and Baratz M.S. Two faces of power // American Political Science Review. 1962.
Vol. 56. № 4. P. 947-952 (B&B_1962).
Bachrach P., Baratz M.S. Decisions and nondecisions: an analytical framework // Аmerican Political Science Review. 1963. Vol. 57. № 3. P. 641-651 (B&B_1963).
Ball T. The Changing Face of Power // Transforming Political Discourse: Political Theory and
Critical Conceptual History. Oxford: Blackwell, 1988. P. 80-105.
Dahl R. Power The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences / Ed. By David L. Sills. Vol.
12. NY: Macmillan, 1968. P. 405-415 (Power_Dahl).
Debnam G. The Analysis of Power: А Realist Approach. L.: Macmillan, 1984.
Dowding K. Power. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1996.
Clegg S. The Theory of Power and Organization. L.: Routledge, 2013.
Foucault M. The Subject and Power // Power: Critical Concepts /ed. by John Scott. Vol 1.
London: Routledge, 1994. P. 218-233.
Foucault M. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. NY: Pantheon, 1977. P. 16-19, 25-31,
200-204, 249-255 (Power_Foucault).
French J. R. P. Jr., Raven B. The Bases of Social Power // Studies in Social Power /Ed. by Dorwin
Cartwright. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 1959. P. 150-167.
Haugaard M. Power: A Reader. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2002.
Martin R. The Sociology of Power. L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. P. 59-160.
Heywood A. Political Theory: An introduction. L.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.121-151.
Hindess B. Discourses of Power: From Hobbes to Foucault. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
Ledyaev V. Power: A conceptual analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1998 .
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Lukes S. Power: A Radical View. L.: Macmillan, 2005.
Lukes S. Power: A Radical view. L.: Macmillan, 1974. P. 21-42 (Power_Lukes).
Morriss P. Power: A Philosophical Analysis. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987.
Pansardi P. Power with // Encyclopedia of power /Ed. by Keith Dowling. L.: Sage, 2011. P.
Poggi G. Forms of Power. Cambridge: Polity, 2001.
Poulantzas N. State, Power, Socialism. Verso, 1978. P. 11-14 (Power_Poulantzas).
Power: Critical Concepts /Ed. by John Scott. Vol. 1. L.: Routledge, 1994.
Power /Ed. by Steven Lukes. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.
Scott J. Power. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. P. 16-30 (Scott_domination).
Scott J. Power. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. P. 92-109.
Swarts D.L. Bourdieu, Pierre (1930-2002) // Encyclopedia of power /Ed. by Keith Dowling. L.:
Sage, 2011. P. 74-76.
Stewart A. Theories of Power and Domination. The Politics of Empowerment in Late Modernity.
L., 2001.
Thomas G. Introduction to Political Philosophy. L.: Duckworth, 2000. P. 57-63.
Wartenberg T.E. The Forms of Power: From Domination to Transformation. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press, 1990. P. 91-114.
Wartenberg T. Forms of Power: From Domination to Transformation. Philadelphia, 1990.
P. 115-121 (Domination_Wartenberg).
Weber M. Power and Domination (Domination-authority_Weber)
Wenman M.A. Power // Political Concepts. A Reader and Guide /Ed. by Iain MacKenzie. Edinburg, 2005. P. 370-385.
Williams G. Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975) // Encyclopedia of power /Ed. by Keith Dowling. L.:
Sage, 2011. P. 26-28 (Arendt_power).
Ледяев В.Г. Власть: концептуальный анализ. М.: РОССПЭН, 2001.
Ледяев В.Г. Власть, интерес и социальное действие // Социологический журнал. 1998.
№ 1-2. С. 79-94 .
Ледяев В.Г., Ледяева О.М. Многомерность политической власти: концептуальные
дискуссии // Логос. 2003. № 4-5. С. 23-32 (Многомерность власти_Ледяевы).
Ледяев В.Г. Политика и власть как общественные явления // Политология /Под ред.
В.И. Буренко. М., 2004. С. 83-91 (Власть_учебник_Ледяев).
Ледяев В.Г. Власть // Большая российская энциклопедия. Т. 5. М.: Большая российская
энциклопедия, 2006. С. 455-458.
Ледяев В.Г. Господство // Большая российская энциклопедия. Т. 7. М.: Большая
российская энциклопедия, 2007. С. 508-509.
Лукс С. Власть. М.: ГУ-ВШЭ, 2010.
Ноговицин О.Н. Современные теории власти: текст лекции. СПб., 2005. – 40 с. (Фуко и
Олейник О.Н. Таксономия властных отношений // Политическая концептология. 2009. № 2.
С. 103-128 (Олейник_таксономия власти).
Парсонс Т. О понятии «политическая власть» // Антология мировой политической
мысли. Т. 2. - М.: Мысль, 1997, с. 479-482 (Власть_Парсонс).
Подорога В.А. Власть и познание (археологический поиск М.Фуко) // Власть: Очерки
современной политической философии Запада /Отв. ред. В.В. Мшевениерадзе. М.: Наука, 1989.
С. 206-255.
2. Modern theories of political power
“Political power” as subcategory of “power”. Forms of political power. State power. Political
coercion. Political authority. Political influence. Political manipulation. Resources of political power.
Political mobilisation. The assessment of political influence. Who governs? Who benefits? Who sits?
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Who shines? Who exercises control over ideas? Who determines political agenda? Political power and
political institutions. Basic political institutions.
Marxist and Neo-Marxist theories of political power. Classical Marxism. Evolution of Marx’
explanation of political power. State as an instrument of the dominant class. Relative autonomy of the
state. “Functionalist” model of the state in capitalist society. Neo-Marxism (A. Gramsci, L. Althusser,
N. Poulantzas). Instrumentalist interpretation of the state in capitalist society (R. Miliband). “State in
capitalist society”. Structuralist interpretation of state as a capitalist state (N. Poulanzas, C. Offe). “A
capitalist state”. Strategic-relational approach (B. Jessop). Tripartite typology of “levels of power”
(R. Alford and R. Friedland). “Situational power”, “institutional power”, “systemic power”, their manifestations and interrelation (E.O. Wright). Class interpretations of domination in the USSR and modern Russia. Relevance of Marxist explanations of political power to modern Russian politics.
Elitism. Classical elitism. (W. Pareto, G. Mosca, R. Michels). Democratic elitism (M. Weber,
J. Schumpeter, J. Higley). Ch.W. Mills “The Power Elite”. Institutional elitism (T. Dye). Non-Marxist
class-domination theories of power (W. Domhoff). Corporatism and neo-corporatism (Ph. Schmitter).
Elitism in Russia (O. Gaman-Golutvina, O. Krystanovskaya).
Pluralism. Classical pluralism (A. Bentley, D. Truman, D. Riesman). Absence of power elite in
modern democracies. Institutional pluralism (R. Dahl, G. Sartory, N. Polsby). Society is a struggle of
competing groups within an arena refereed by the state. Polyarchy. Multiply memberships. Conflicting
allegiances to diverse groups. Multiply sources of power. Non-cumulative resources of power. The
separation of economic from political power. “Competitive equilibrium”. The neutrality of the state.
Separation of governmental power: plurality of competing governmental agencies, divisions and
branches, existence of political parties Absence of dominant ideology. Modern pluralism. Hyperpluralism (T. Lowi, D. Yates). Stratified pluralism (Truman II, R. Dahl, R. Waste). Privatized pluralism
(G. McConnell, R. Bauer). Reformed pluralism (J. Richardson, A. Jordan). Neo-pluralism
(Ch. Lindblom). Consociationalism (A. Lijphart). Relevance of pluralist explanations to modern Russian politics. The convergence between theoretical perspectives on power.
Lecture: Modern theories of political power (6 hours).
1. Forms and manifestations of political power.
2. Marxist theories of political power.
3. Modern elitism.
4. Modern pluralism.
Seminar: Modern theories of political power (4 hours).
1. Class theories of political power.
2. Elitism.
3. Pluralism.
Main texts:
Birch A. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy. L.: Routledge, 1999. P. 28-32,
137-159 (Polpower_Birch) or
Ледяев В.Г. Политическая власть: концептуальный анализ // Политическое
консультирование. 2009. № 4. С. 27-45 (Политическая власть_Ледяев_2009).
Dobratz B., Waldner L., Buzzell T. Power, Politics, and Society: An Introduction to Political
Sociology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2012. P. 10-23, 51-63, 117-121 (Dobratz_polpower).
Ледяев В.Г. Социология власти. М., 2012. С. 66-68, 128-141 (Плюрализм_Ледяев).
Domhoff G.W. Who Rules America? Power and Politics in the Year 2000. L.: Mayfield
Publishing Company, 1998. P. 1-9, 11-12, P. 16-23, 28-32 (Domhoff_Power in America).
Dye T. Top Down Policymaking. NY: Chatham House Publishers, 2001 (Dye_Top_down)
Higley J., Pakulski J. Elites, Elitism and Elite Theory: Unending Confusion? [Paper prepared
for Research Committee on Political Elites (RC02) (Elitism_Higley).
Jessop B. Developments in Marxist theory // The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology
/Ed. By Kate Nash and Alan Scott. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. P. 7-16 (Jessop_Marxism_power).
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Mills C.W. The Higher circles // The Power Elite. With a New Afterword by Alan Wolfe. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2000. P. 3-29 (Mills_1956_Circles).
Mills C.W. The power elite // The Power Elite. With a New Afterword by Alan Wolfe. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2000. P. 269-297 (Mills_1956_Elite) (Russian version: Миллс_1956).
Smith M. Pluralism // Marsh D., Stoker G. Theory and Methods in Political Science. L.: Macmillan, 1995. P. 208-227 (Marsh).
Taylor G. Marxism // Marsh D., Stoker G. Theory and Methods in Political Science. L.:
Macmillan, 1995. P. 248-267 (Marsh).
Wright E.O. Class and politics // The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1993. P. 143-150 (Wright_Power) (Russian version: Класс и политика_Райт).
Supplementary reading:
Alexander J. Performance and power. Cambridge: Polity, 2011.
Bellamy R. Developments in pluralist and elite approaches // The Blackwell Companion to
Political Sociology / Ed. By Kate Nash and Alan Scott. Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. P. 17-28
Birch A. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Democracy. L.: Routledge, 1999. P. 28-32,
137-159 (Polpower_Birch).
Dahl R. Modern Political Analysis. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1991. P. 39-48; 71-80.
Dunleavy P., O’Leary B. Theories of the State: The Politics of Liberal Democracy. L. Macmillan,
Views: (Domhoff_Alternative theoretical views)
Dye T., Zeigler H. The Irony of Democracy. Pacific Grove: Brooks, 1990. P. 2-19; 416-422; 429436 (Dye_elitism) (Russian version: Дай_элитизм).
Evans M. Elitism // Marsh D., Stoker G. Theory and Methods in Political Science. L.: Macmillan,
1995. P. 228-246 (Marsh).
Gel’man V., Tarusina I. Studies of political elites in Russia: issues and alternatives // Communist
and Post-Communist Studies. 2000. Vol. 33. № 2. P. 311-329 .
Hartmann M. The sociology of elites. L.: Routledge, 2007.
Hicks A., Lechner F.J. Neopluralism and neofunctionalism in political sociology // The Handbook of Political Sociology. States, Civil Societies, and Globalisation /Ed. by Thomas Janoski, Robert
R. Alford, Alexander M. Hicks and Mildred A. Schwartz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2005. P. 54-71 (Handbook of Political Sociology: 54-64).
Jessop B. The state and power // The Sage Handbook of Power /Ed. by Stewart R. Clegg and
Mark Haugaard. L.: Sage, 2009. P. 367-382 (Jessop2009)
Kryshtanovskaya O. The Russian elite in transition // Journal of Communist studies and Transitional Politics. 2009. Vol 24. № 4. Р. 585-603 (Крыштановская_2009).
Ledyaev V. Power: A Conceptual Analysis. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 1997. P. 211-222
Ledyaev V. Domination, power and authority in Russia: basic characteristics and forms // The
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 2008. Vol. 24. No 1. Р. 17-36 (Domination_Ledyaev) (Russian version: Ледяев В.Г. Власть, авторитет и господство в России: основные
характеристики и формы // Административная реформа в контексте властных отношений:
сравнительная перспектива /Под ред. А.Н. Олейника и О.В. Гаман-Голутвиной. М.: РОССПЭН,
2008.С. 58-93 (Власть, авторитет, господство_Ледяев).
Lijphart A. Democracy in Plural Societies: A Comparative Explanation. New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1977.
McFarland A. Power and Leadership in Pluralist Systems. Stanford: Stanford University Press,
1969. P. 15-52.
McLennan G. Pluralism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Miliband R. The State in Capitalist Society. L.: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1969.
Orum A.M., Dale J.G. Political Sociology. Power and Political Participation in the Modern
World. 5th edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. P. 121-155 (Power in
Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Rule making, rule breaking, and power // The Handbook of Political
Sociology. States, Civil Societies, and Globalisation /Ed. by Thomas Janoski, Robert R. Alford,
Alexander M. Hicks and Mildred A. Schwartz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. P. 3353 (Handbook of Political Sociology: 33-53).
Schwarzmantel J.J. Structures of Power: An Introduction to Politics. NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1987.
P. 110-154.
Scott J. Who Rules Britain? Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991.
Taylor G. Marxism // Marsh D., Stoker G. Theory and Methods in Political Science. L.:
Macmillan, 1995. P. 248-267 (Marsh).
Ашин Г.К., Охотский Е.В. Курс элитологии. М., 1999 (Элитизм_Ашин).
Гаман-Голутвина О.В. Политические элиты России. М.: РОССПЭН, 2006.
Гудков Л.Д., Дубин Б.В., Левада Ю.А. Проблема «элиты» в сегодняшней России. М.: Фонд
«Либеральная миссия», 2007 (Элита_Гудков и др.)
Крыштановская О. Анатомия российской элиты. М.: Захаров, 2005.
3. Community power studies
Distribution of political power in cities, towns and communities as a subject of study in political
science and sociology. Early empirical studies of power in local communities (R. and H. Lynd,
W. Warner, A. Hollingshead). Floyd Hunter’s study of Atlanta. Reputational method. The structure of
power in Atlanta: polity-makers and policy-executors. Indicators of elite’s unity. Wealth as the main
resource of power. Informal mechanisms of power. Criticism of the elitist methods of studying power in
communities (R. Dahl, N. Polsby). Robert Dahl’s study of New Haven. Decision-making approach.
Pluralist patterns of power in New Haven. Indicators of pluralism. Absence of the ruling elite.
Specialisation of influence in major institutional sectors. G.W. Domhoff vs R. Dahl. Network analysis as
a method of studying power. Synthetic approaches to the study of power in communities (R. Presthus,
R. Agger, D. Goldrich, B. Swanson). The community power continuum. Diversity of urban regimes and
types of power structure in communities. Variables in community decision-making (T.N. Clark).
International comparative studies (D. Miller). Multidimensional conceptions of power in community
power studies. Matthew Crenson’s study of the pollution issue. Manifestations of non-decisionmaking in
community power. John Gaventa’s test of three-dimensional power in Appalachia.
Modern power studies in American and European communities. Political economy of “place”.
“Growth machines” thesis (H. Molotch, J. Logan). “Rentiers” and other key actors in urban growth
coalitions. “Regime theory” (S. Alkin, C. Stone). Clarence Stone’s study of regime in Atlanta. Building
regimes and collective action problem. Urban regime and governance. Types of urban regimes. Criticism
of political economic approaches. Urban political regimes in European cities. Relevance of machine and
regime models for the study of urban and regional politics in Russia.
Russian region as a subject of study in political science and sociology. Empirical studies of regional elites (V. Gel’man, N. Lapina, A. Chirikova, A. Duka, A. Starostin; D. Lane, N. Melvin,
M. McAuley, K. Matsuzato). Regional context of Russian politics. Federalism and regional autonomy
under Yeltsin. “Power vertical” and narrowing of regional politics under Putin. Power potential of
basic actors and institutions in Russian regions. Changing role of governor in modern Russian politics.
Concept of “caciquismo” (K. Matsuzato). Power resources of local bureaucracy. Federal agencies and
structures in regional political life. Local business as a political actor. Limited role of local legislatures.
Intra-elite relationships in Russian regions. Governing coalitions. Various models of relationships between business community and political authorities (“patronage”, “partnership”, “suppression”, “privatization of power” (state capture), “bargaining”. “Systemic power of business” in Russia. Resources
of power and influence of different regional actors. Changing bases of power and relationships be7
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
tween federal and regional elites. Formal and informal practices in regional politics. Composition and
background of regional elites in Russian regions. The role of sub-national institutions and elites in
democratic state building.
Lecture: Community power studies (4 hours).
1. Three stages in the history of community power studies:
2. Classical empirical studies of power.
3. Modern stage in community power studies.
4. Relevance of machine and regime models for the study of urban and regional politics in Russia.
Seminar: Community power studies (6 hours).
1. Floyd Hunter’s study of Atlanta.
2. Robert Dahl’s study of New Haven.
3. Alternative approaches to the study of power in local communities.
4. Modern power studies in American and European communities.
5. Russian region as a subject of study in political science and sociology.
Main texts:
Aiken M. and Mott P.E. Introduction // The Structure of Community Power /Ed. by Michael
Aiken and Paul E. Mott. New York: Random House, 1970. P. 193-202 (Methods_Aiken_1970).
Dowding R. Growth coalitions // Encyclopedia of power /Ed. by Keith Dowling. L.: Sage,
2011. P. 298-299 (Growth machines_Dowding)
Dowding K. Explaining urban regimes // International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 2001. Vol. 25. № 1. Р. 7-19 (Regimes_Dowding_2001).
Gel’man V., Ryzhenkov S. Local regimes, sub-national governance and the ‘power vertical’ in
contemporary Russia // Europe-Asia Studies. 2011. Vol. 63. № 3. Р. 449-465 (Gelman_regimes_2011).
Harding A. The history of community power // Theories of Urban Politics. Second edition / Ed.
by Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio. London: Sage, 2009. P. 27-39 (History of community
Lapina N., Chirikova A. Power and Elites in the Russian Regions // Sociological Research,
Margetts H. Reputational analysis Encyclopedia of power /Ed. by Keith Dowling. L.: Sage, 2011. P. 570571 (Reputational analysis).
Mossberger K. Urban regime analysis // Theories of Urban Politics. Second edition / Ed. by
Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio. London: Sage, 2009. P. 40-54 (Urban regime analysis_Mossberger).
Orum A. Introduction to Political Sociology. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1978. P. 160193 (Compower_Orum_1978).
Scott J. Studying power // The Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology /Ed. by Kate Nash
and Alan Scott, 2004. P. 82-94 (Methods_Scott).
Ледяев В.Г. Классические методики определения субъектов политической власти:
западный опыт // Политическая наука в современной России. Ежегодник РАПН. М., 2004. С. 3355 (Метисслвласти_Ледяев).
Ледяев В.Г. Изучение власти в городских сообществах: основные этапы и модели
исследования // Неприкосновенный запас. 2010. № 2. С. 23-48 (НЗ_Ледяев).
Supplementary reading:
Clark T.N. The Concept of power // Community Structure and Decision-Making: Comparative
Analysis /Ed. by Terry N. Clark. San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1968. P. 72-81, 91126.
Clark T.N. Community Structure, decision-making, budget expenditures and urban renewal in
51 American communities // American Sociological Review. 1968. Vol. 33. № 4. P. 576-593
MODELS» для направления 040100.62 «Социология» подготовки магистра магистерской программы
«Комплексный социальный анализ»
Clark T.N. Community power and decision-making: a trend report and bibliography. Prepared
for international sociological association under the auspicies of the International Committee for social
science information and documentation // Current Sociology. 1972. Vol. 20. № 2.
Community power and public policy // Community Power: Directions for Future Research /Ed.
by Robert J. Waste. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1986.
Community Structure and Decision-Making: Comparative Analysis /Ed. by Terry N. Clark. San
Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1968.
Dahl R.A. Who Governs: Democracy and Power in an American City. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.
Davidson M., Martin D. Urban politics. Critical Approaches. L.: Sage, 2014.
Domhoff G.W. Who Really Rules? New Haven and Community Power Reexamined. Santa
Monica: Goodyear Publishing Company, 1978.
Domhoff G.W. Basics of Studying power // (Domhoff_Basics)
Domhoff G.W. Why San Francisco is different: progressive activists and neighborhoods have
// (San-Francisco_Domhoff).
Dowding K., Dunleavy P., King D., Margetts H., Rydin Y. Regime politics in London local
government // Urban Affairs Review. 1999. Vol. 34. № 4. P. 515-545 (Regime_London_Dowdingetal).
Geddes M. Marxism and urban politics // Theories of Urban Politics. Second edition / Ed. by
Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio. London: Sage, 2009. P. 55-72.
Harding A. Review article: North American urban political economy, urban theory and British
research // British Journal of Political Sociology. 1999. Vol. 29. P. 673-698 (Regimes_Harding_1999).
Hunter F. Community Power Structure. A Study of Decision-makers. Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 1953
Harding A. Is there a ‘new community power’ and why should we need one? // International
journal of urban and regional research. 1996. Vol. 20. № 4 Р. 637-652 (Regimes_Harding_1996)
John P., Cole A. When do institutions, policy sectors, and cities matter? Comparing Networks
of local policy makers in Britain and France // Comparative Political Studies. 2000. Vol. 33. № 2. P.
248-268 (John-Cole_Regimes).
John P. and Cole A. Local Governance in England and France. London: Routledge, 2001.
Koсh F. Housing Markets and Urban Regime: The Case of Warsaw // Urban Governance in Europe
/Ed. by edited by Frank Eckardt Frank and Ingemar Elander. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag,
2009. PP. 333-357. (Regimes_Koch_2009).
Kulcsar L.J., Domokos T. The post-socialist growth machine: the case of Hungary // International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 2005. Vol. 29. № 3. Р. 550-563 (KulszarDomokos_2005).
Hoffman-Lange U. Positional power and political influence in the Federal Republic of Germany // European Journal of Political Research. 1989. Vol. 17. № 1. P. 51-76 (Hoffman-Lange_Posit).
Matsuzato K. From communist boss politics to post-communist caciquismo // Communist and
Post-Communist Studies. 2001. Vol. 34. № 2. P. 175-201 (Matsuzato).
Miller D.C. International Community Power Structures. Comparative Studies of Four Worlds
Cities. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1970.
Logan J., Molotch H. Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
Molotch H. The city as growth machine // American Journal of Sociology. 1976. Vol. 82. № 2.
Р. 309-355 (Molotch_1976).
Orum A.M., Dale J.G. Political Sociology. Power and Political Participation in the Modern
World. 5th edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. P. 164-182.
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The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Pickvance C. Marxist theories of urban politics // Theories of Urban Politics /Ed. by David
Judge, Gerry Stoker and Harold Wolman. L.: Sage, 1995. P. 253-275.
Polsby N. Community Power and Political Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.
Р. 14-44
Stone C.N. Regime Politics: Governing Atlanta, 1946-1988. Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 1989.
The Search for Community Power /Ed. by Willis D. Hawley and Frederick M. Wirt. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1968. P. 41-64; 200-210.
Strom E. In search of the growth coalition. American urban theories and the redevelopment of
Berlin // Urban Affairs Review. 1996. Vol. 31. № 4. P. 455-481 (Strom_1996).
Turovsky R. The influence of Russian big business on regional power: models and political
consequences // Politics in the Russian Regions / Ed. by Graeme Gill. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. P. 138-160.
Walton J. Substance and artifact: The current status of research on community power structure
// American Journal of Sociology. 1966. Vol. 71. № 4. P. 430-438 (Walton_1966).
Гельман В. Власть, управление и локальные режимы в России // Неприкосновенный
запас. 2010. № 2. С. 53-62 (Режимы_Гельман_НЗ).
Гельман В., Рыженков С. Локальные режимы в крупных городах России: введение в
тему // Неприкосновенный запас. 2010. № 2. С. 49-52 (Режимы_Гельман и Рыженков_НЗ).
Ледяев В.Г. Социология власти. М.: НИУ ВШЭ, 2012.
Ледяев В.Г. Социология власти: исследование Флойда Хантера // Социологический
журнал. 2001. № 1. С. 96-114 (Хантер_Ледяев).
Ледяев В.Г. Кто правит? Дискуссия вокруг концепции власти Роберта Даля //
Социологический журнал. 2002. № 3. С. 31-68 (Даль_Ледяев).
Ледяев В.Г. Эмпирическая социология власти: теория «машин роста» // Власть,
государство и элиты в современном обществе /Под ред. А.В. Дуки и В.П. Мохова. Пермь:
Пермский государственный университет, 2005. С. 5-23 (Машины роста_Ледяев).
Ледяев В.Г. Городские политические режимы: теория и опыт эмпирического
исследования // Политическая наука. 2008. № 3. С. 32-60 (Политнаука-3-2008-печать1: 32-60).
Ледяев В.Г., Ледяева О.М. Многомерность политической власти: опыт эмпирического
исследования // Элиты и власть в российском социальном пространстве / Под ред. А.В. Дуки.
СПб.: Интерсоцис, 2008. С. 187-205 (SP06_Kniga: 187-205).
Чирикова А.Е. Региональные элиты в России. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2010. С. 44-115; 184-231
Basic problems in defining power.
Basic forms and manifestations of power.
Main traditions in defining power.
Debates over “faces of power”.
Basic forms and indicators of political power
Marxist theories of political power.
Robert Alford and Roger Friedland: Tripartite typology of “levels of power”.
C.W. Mills on power in America.
W.Domhoff on power in America.
History of community power studies.
Floyd Hunter’s study of Atlanta.
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«Комплексный социальный анализ»
14. Robert Dahl’s study of New Haven.
15. Growth machines and urban regimes.
16. Basic methods of identifying community leaders.
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