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Name______________________ Notes – Cultural Variation – Chapter 2, Section 2 (pp. 30-39)
What are certain cultural traditions that people are expected to follow when eating a Japanese meal?
PICTURE pp. 31: In what ways is this Indian wedding different from a traditional American wedding?
What do we have in common?
Cultural Universals-__________________________________________________________________
George Murdock
Examined ____________________________________________________________________
What universals did he find? ______________________________________________________
How was the make-up of the family different from culture to culture? ____________________________
Variation Among Societies – What did Margaret Mead’s study?
Compare the Arapesh and Mundugumor cultures.
The Arapesh
The Mundugumor
Where does power come from for the Mundugumor man?
What did Mead conclude based on her research?
Sociology in the World Today: Language and Culture pp. 34
“Think about it” - What is Whorf’s main point about language?
Ethnocentrism - _______________________________________________________________________
Cultural Relativism - ____________________________________________________________________
What does cultural relativism help anthropologists and sociologists understand?
From Case Studies pp 37 – What is cultural discontinuity?
Why might this be a problem for students?
Variation Within Societies
What are subcultures that sociologists recognize?
What are some examples of subcultures and areas in the US?
MAP pp 38: What states have the highest number of immigrants?
What types of questions might sociologists have based on the information on this map?
What is a counterculture?
How do countercultures affect society?
What does cultural variation within a society give rise to?
Why is it important that sociologists maintain an attitude of cultural relativism?