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Scientific Method Example
Name : _______________________
(print first name & last initial)
Manipulated/Independent Variable: (the one thing changed to see what will happen)
Responding/Dependent Variable (what happens when one thing is changed)
Controlled/Constant Variable (things that must remain the same because only one variable can be tested at a time)
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Question: The scientific method starts when you ask a question about something that you see or observe. How, What, When, Where,
Who, Which or Why? In order for the scientific method to answer the question it must be about something that you can
measure, preferably with a number.
Write a question by plugging the MV and RV into the three models below and use the one that sounds the best.
Model 1
Model 2
What is the affect of _____try A_here_____ on ______try B_here____?
(manipulated variable)
(responding variable )
To what extent does the ____try A here____ affect _____try B here___?
(manipulated variable)
(responding variable)
Model 3
Which ______try A here__________ (verb) _______try B here________?
(manipulated variable)
(responding variable)
2. Hypothesis: Construct a hypothesis, an educated guess, about how things work:
If I change_________________________________________________________________________________ then something that might happen
3. Materials: Don’t do this section unless your teacher tells you to
This is a list of all the materials you will need to test your experimental hypothesis.
4. Procedure: Don’t do this section unless your teacher tells you to
These are the exact instructions you followed to test your hypothesis. The procedure is how other scientists will do your
experiment in order to get the same results as you did.
Over – More on the back side
5.Results: Data Chart: This is what happened when you followed your procedure.
(be sure to use metric data whenever possible)
(the number of rows in your chart will change if you do more or less trials)
(the number of columns will change depending on how many ways change the
manipulated variable)
______________________________ (manipulated
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Add up trials
Total divided by
number of trials
5. Results: Data Graph You analyze your measurements by making a data graph to see if your hypothesis was true or false.
(your vertical number scale will change depending on how large the numbers
are that you have to graph.)
yyy Y axis (y is high)
variable here
X axis
label manipulated variable here _______________________________________
6. Conclusion: In the first part of the conclusion tell if your hypothesis was write or wrong in the second part of the conclusion explain
what your data graph says.
My hypothesis was _________________________(correct or incorrect) as the_______________________________________
Metric Mnemonic: (write it out)
Q_________________ H__________________ M______ P__________________ R_________ C_________________________
Six steps of the scientific method: (write out the step headings)
(hint: they are the numbered section titles of each section above)
1. Q______________________________
2. H______________________________
3. M_____________________________
4. P______________________________
5. R______________________________ (Part 1 = Data) __________________ and (Part 2 = Data)______________________
6. C______________________________