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American Poetry,
Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of
American Poetry and Plays, Brown University
Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document
Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming
Project of the Research Libraries Group
Primary Source Microfilm
An imprint of Thomson Gale
American Poetry,
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of
American Poetry and Plays, Brown University
Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document
Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming
Project of the Research Libraries Group
Primary Source Microfilm
An imprint of Thomson Gale
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American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holding of the Harris Collection of American
Poetry and Plays at Brown University…...…………………………….…………………vi
Unit 13 (Reels 600-649)…………………………………………………………………. 1
American Poetry, 1871-1900
from the Holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays
at Brown University
The Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, which includes a strong Canadian
literature list as well, is housed at Brown University’s John Hay Library in Providence,
Rhode Island. It began in the mid-nineteenth century as the private collection of Albert
Gorton Greene. Greene, a poet, lawyer, and judge, “collected poetry in a way unusual for
his day,” reports the catalogue for the Special Collections at Brown: “instead of
collecting only finely bound editions of the works of prominent poets, he attempted to
collect every printed volume of American and Canadian poetry and plays.”1 Collecting
American literature was unusual at the time, and collecting so broadly was certainly an
eccentric practice. After his death in 1868, most of the American literature collection was
purchased by Caleb Fiske Harris, an important collector of American poetry and plays,
who continued to build the collection. Following Harris’s death in 1881, Senator Henry
Bowen Anthony, a collector of Americana, bought the collection of about five thousand
volumes and bequeathed it to Brown in 1884. The collection has continued to grow and
today contains more than 250,000 titles.
The present Primary Source Microfilms edition of the John Hay Library’s microfilms of
its holdings covers American poetry from 1871 to 1900.2 The selection of titles for
microfilming was overseen by Rosemary Cullen, the senior scholarly resources librarian
at the John Hay Library. Cullen states that the list of about 8,500 titles is as
comprehensive as possible, and it is representative of the miscellaneous holdings of the
collection from this period.
It is the nonselective collecting principle that makes the Harris Collection one of a kind,
and the scholarly value of the archive today lies in its representation of little-known or
unknown materials and figures, along with its holdings of well-known writers who
continue to be regularly anthologized and taught. Thus, while it is certainly an important
resource for textual scholars interested in variants of words, passages, and poems, in the
“fluidity” of texts by major, canonical poets, the Harris Collection is an even more
important resource for students and scholars of American social, cultural, and literary
history, providing a wealth of materials for original research and analysis. Cullen reports
that she regularly gets mail from scholars who have looked everywhere, with no success,
to locate a text, and the Harris Collection will most likely have it. In her words, it is “the
once famous, the never famous, the obscure” that the “Harris is really best known for,”
and the value of this microform set, she adds, is that it makes available titles that are not
likely to be available elsewhere.
Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide. Ed, Leslie T. Wendel. Providence, RI:
Friends of the Library of Brown University, 1988, P. 93.
The present publication continues an earlier microfilm edition, American Poetry, 1609–1870, that was
published in the 1970s.
The collection comprises not only books of poetry but ephemeral verses, such as
pamphlets of poetry published as advertisements, that would not ordinarily have been
preserved in libraries. The rapid proliferation of mass media of ephemeral publishing,
serving diverse audiences and purposes, and the coincident impulse to collect such texts
mark a late nineteenth-century moment, and it is the collecting of disposable ephemera
that grants them their value for the present, because very few copies of such stuff survive
or are publicly accessible.
Since the Harris Collection has preserved these texts without making editorial value
judgments as to their literary merit, it has also preserved a material knowledge of books
and publishing; as Anatole France wrote, “The only exact knowledge there is is the
knowledge of the date of publication and the format of books.”3 Thus this microfilm
publication is a useful resource not only for American cultural historians and students of
literature but for scholars interested in the history of the publishing and circulation of
texts in America. The microfilm edition gives images of the physical appearance of the
volumes and indicates their dimensions with a centimeter ruler that shows the scale of the
image, which would enable research on the changing packaging of books. And poetry
volumes in the late nineteenth century not only came in different formats, but they often
came with illustrations; a microfilm edition would document this “synaesthetic” cultural
moment in American publishing that is likely indicative of a certain stage in the history
of literacy.
Walter Benjamin, in his 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical
Reproduction,” describes the modern masses as “a collectivity in a state of distraction.”4
The Harris collection of American poetry, in the spirit of the distraction that is a symptom
of the transition into modernity, documents the emergence of the masses and the
publishing boom in poetry that accompanies it. Thus the collection, useful for scholars of
book publishing and popular culture, also documents how what came to be the United
States was in a state of “distraction” in a different sense as well. For in the late nineteenth
century, the ongoing internal migration and foreign immigration rendered more
difficult—and gave a different texture to—the general Western experience of
modernization, urbanization, and industrialization.
The collection gives a sense of this peculiarly American version of late nineteenthcentury “distraction.” There is a good deal of poetry published on the themes of urban
versus rural life, on local events, and on regional experience—verse about the developing
West, the various areas of the Midwest, and the South, as well as about specific states.
Regional literature is a growing field of study, and, again, the “nonregional,” generic
mediation of poetry would complicate the questions of that field of study in a productive
way. There is also a lot of verse published in German, by native speakers, addressing
other immigrant native speakers, as well as dialect ballads—which would be of interest
for studies of dialect representation and even studies of the use of such dialect material by
twentieth-century poets.
Quoted in Walter Benjamin, “Unpacking My Library.” In Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans.
Harry Zohn. New York: Shocken Books, 1978. P. 60.
In Illuminations, p. 239.
The archive holds many examples of poetry on domestic life, which would provide
insights into daily life or quotidian experience. Occasional verses, such as graduation
poems, poems commemorating marriage anniversaries, birthdays, and funerals, Easter
and Christmas—the microfilm set has thirteen editions of Clement Moore’s 1823 poem
“The Night Before Christmas”—are also of interest to American social and cultural
historians. Sentimental love poems, pious verses on religious topics, verses on
temperance and women’s suffrage, funerary verses, primers, alphabet rhymes, and songs
and ballads for children are other areas of study that this archive would be useful for.
Children’s verse, in particular, was a thriving genre at this time, and it is well
represented. The collection also holds a lot of poetry on American history, patriotic
poetry occasioned by the U.S. centennial, and poetry about the Civil War from both
northern and southern perspectives, including memoirs and reminiscences about the
experiences of specific regiments. Poetry about Native Americans—both eastern and
western tribes—is also well represented. In general, the representations of American
history and of race—of African Americans and Native Americans—in popular verse are
topics that this archive makes available for study.
There are also little-known African American authors in the collection, as well as
surprising items, such as an edition of Phillis Wheatley’s Poems on Various Subjects,
Religious and Moral (1773), published by W. H. Lawrence and Company in 1887 in
Denver, Colorado. This case brings up another area of interest—the history of the
American publishing industry, which, while concentrated in Boston, New York, and
Philadelphia, was once far less centralized than it has become. As a counterforce against
a modern distraction or “scattering,” many printers in many smaller cities and towns
around the United States published verse of interest to the local community.
Finally, there is a huge number of examples of oral forms such as ballads, hymns, and
songs that circulated in print in this period. These forms that rely on establishing multiple
memory paths—of regular meter, vivid imagery, sound patterns such as rhyme schemes,
alliterations, and repetitions of all sorts—also attest to the popularity of poetry as a genre.
In the nineteenth century there was an oral culture of poetry, of memorization and
recitation of poetry as a social activity, and a lot of the popular verse in the collection
records, in print, that history of an oral culture in the process of gradually being printed
out of social existence.
The availability of such archival materials makes for the infrastructure of literary
research, and this microfilm edition is invaluable for scholars and students who do not
have easy access to the Harris Collection, saving them precious travel time and funds.
The project will open up areas of research on materials that are difficult to access and
therefore in danger of being overlooked. And such material also forms an infrastructure
for new kinds of communication between archival research in social and cultural history,
textual scholarship, and literary criticism and theory.
For the archive would also be useful for scholars and critics who work on canonical
figures—from both the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. It would enable work on
literary historicizing, so to speak, of major poets by invoking the context of the history
relevant for literary production—what kinds of poetry were being published, circulated,
and read and in what format. Each social activity has its different historical trajectory,
and a poet’s response to his or her historical, social, political, and economic contexts is
always mediated by the generic rules of the medium and a historically changing concept
of what can be said and received as poetry at any given time. A poet like Emily
Dickinson, for example, was in conversation with the popular culture and the sentimental
discourses of her time, and an understanding of her work, including her radical formal
innovations, would benefit from placing her in the context of the prevailing cultural
discourses as they circulated in the convention-bound medium of poetry. How poetry
negotiates between the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions that may
determine certain aspects of literary production and generic imperatives is a crucial
question: poetry will not reduce to its diverse determining contexts, but it needs to be
placed in conversation with these contexts. And this archive would enable investigations
of poetry in its multiple contexts, as well as help keep in view the essentially popular
nature of poetry as an art form. Poetry was, in the late nineteenth century, a mass art:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has about 150 entries in this thirty-year time period;
Oliver Wendell Holmes has about sixty; John Greenleaf Whittier has eighty-two entries.
Edgar Allan Poe has sixty-one titles, in English and in French.
The archive would also be useful for work on canonical modern poets born in the last
decades of the nineteenth century, for it brings up important questions. What kinds of
verse were twentieth-century poets like Robert Frost and Edwin Arlington Robinson or
modernist poets like T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, or Wallace Stevens exposed to? What was
the popular poetic and literary cultural environment of their crucial formative years? How
did the backdrop of popular poetry affect the development of an elitist modernist
aesthetic and the inaccessibility of much of modern verse to a general audience?
Another fascinating line of work such an archive would enable is tracing the influence of
major figures like Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman,5 Ralph Waldo Emerson, or Emily
Dickinson through the verse published in the 1870–1900 period, to see how they were
appropriated and to what extent they may have reached the modern poets indirectly,
through a kind of popular-cultural mediation, as well as directly. To know what the
modern poets read and in what format would enrich our conceptualization of the
modernist turn. Dickinson, for example, was an important predecessor for Hart Crane, but
he read the only available edition of Dickinson’s work—the collection “edited by two of
her friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson,” which went through many
printings in the late nineteenth century. Thus the archive is a valuable resource not only
for American social and cultural historians but for scholars and critics who work on
canonical figures.
The archive presents the big picture—a view of poetry as a mass medium. Modernist
poets, in their effort to fashion a different readership, lost both the popular readers of
poetry and the notion of poetry as a popular art. The Harris Collection contains work by
Works by Walt Whitman are found in American Poetry, 1609–1870.
many poets I have never heard of—poets who are no longer in print or anthologized. Yet
their books went through multiple editions by major commercial publishers. There was
an audience for this material that enabled the emerging masses to see themselves as
reflected in the medium of popular poetry and its sentimental depiction of emotional lives
and subjective, private experiences. For the generic subject matter of lyric poetry
becomes a desirable commodity at a certain point in history, when the status of the
individual subject and of his or her “private” experiences comes into question, and the
historical moment shapes the sentimental forms that the representations of subjective
experience take.
Out of the mass medium of popular verse crystallize texts that survive, are reprinted, and
continue to be anthologized. For a scholar interested in how that happens, in all that is
involved in the process of selection and canonization, an archive such as this would again
be a valuable resource. For example, the amazing number of women poets who had
access to publication at this time is a phenomenon that raises the question of
canonization. Numerous women poets, now unknown, had many books that went through
multiple editions, published by major publishing houses. Who gets edited out? And why?
This cannot be reduced to some kind of sexist conspiracy, since women were audible and
there were also a lot of male poets who were very popular in their day but did not last.
With such an archive it would be possible to trace, decade by decade, how a literary
culture evolves by choosing the images of itself and the spokespeople it wants to
preserve, the subjects it responds to, and the language or kinds of language use that it
wants to keep hearing.
Mutlu Konuk Blasing
Professor of English
Brown University
The original microfilming of the manuscript collection took place at Brown University by
Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation
Microfilming Project of the research Libraries Group. Primary Source Microfilm
duplicated the master negative microfilm, preserving the original arrangement of items.
The Guide lists the files in the order in which they were filmed.
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow : In four volumes.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882-1883,c1880 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: 4 v. : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 600
Position: 1
Note: Title is on reel 600 position 1 through reel
602 position 1.
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1883, c1880 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xiii, 426, [1] p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 604
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882, c1878 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xii, 426, [1] p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 602
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1884 [i.e. 1883?], 1883 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: xv, [1], 492, [1] p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 604
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Complete edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882, c1878 (Cambridge : fThe
Riverside Press)
Collation: xi, [1], 435 p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 603
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow : With numerous illustrations.
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company ..., 1885, c1883
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 348 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., ports. ;
26 cm.
Reel: 605
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Diamond edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1883, c1880 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xii, 445, [2] p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 603
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1886 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xiii, [1], 519, [1] p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 605
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Household edition, with illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1886 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: xv, [3], 492, [1] p., [12] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 606
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow. : With numerous illustrations.
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company ..., 1890, c1886
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 348 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., ports. ;
26 cm.
Reel: 608
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company ..., 1891, c1886
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: [iii]-viii, [9]-348 p., [1] leaf of
plates : ill., port. ; 26 cm.
Reel: 608
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, including recent poems. : With
explanatory notes, etc. : Portrait and original
Imprint: London : Frederick Warne and Co. ...,
Collation: viii, 632 p., [1?] leaf of plates : ill.,
ports, ; 19 cm.
Reel: 606
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Household edition, with illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1891 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: xv, [3], 492, [1] p., [12] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 609
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow : With numerous illustrations.
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company ..., 1889, c1886
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 348 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., ports. ;
26 cm.
Reel: 607
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: Complete copyright edition.
Imprint: London : Henry Frowde, Oxford
University Press Warehouse ..., 1893.
Collation: viii, 878 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 610
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth
Edition: The "Albion" edition. (Reprinted from
the revised American edition), with explanatory
Imprint: London and ; New York : Frederick
Warne & Co., [1882]
Collation: x, 630 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ;
19 cm.
Reel: 607
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: A psalm of life / by Henry W. Longfellow ;
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton &
Company ..., 1892, c1891.
Collation: [29] p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 610
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: A psalm of life / [H.W. Longfellow]
Imprint: New York : Cupples & Leon, [190-?]
Collation: [16] p. : col. ill. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 611
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Selections from the writings of Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow under the days of the
year, and accompanied by memoranda of
anniversaries of noted events and of the birth or
death of famous men and women.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin & Co., 1890, c1887 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [128?] p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 612
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: A psalm of life / [H.W. Longfellow]
Imprint: London : Ernest Nister ; New York :
E.P. Dutton & Co., [190-?]
Collation: [20] p.: col. ill.; 18 cm.
Reel: 611
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Selections from the poems of Longfellow,
plead "the cause of those dumb mouths that have
no speech"
Imprint: Boston : Published by the
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals ..., 1882.
Collation: 27, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 612
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Roses and lilies from Longfellow
Imprint: Boston : De Wolfe, Fiske & Co.,
Collation: [36] p. : col. ill. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 611
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Sämmtliche poetische Werke : in zwei
Bänden / von Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. ;
Uebersetzt von Hermann Simon.
Imprint: Leipzig. : Druck und Verlag von
Philipp Reclam Jun., [1900?]
Collation: 2 v. : 1 port. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 611
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Seven voices of sympathy, the writings of
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. ; Edited by
Charlote Fiske Bates.
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1882, c1881 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: xvi, 258 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 612
Position: 5
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The seaside and fireside / by Henry W.
Longfellow ; with illustrations by John Eyre ..
Imprint: London : Ernest Nister ; New York :
E.P. Dutton & Co., [190-?]
Collation: 64 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 612
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The skeleton in armor / by Henry W.
Longfellow ; with illustrations.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood & Co., 1877
[i.e. 1876], c1876.
Collation: [48] leaves : ill. ; 24 cm.
Reel: 613
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Les sept poëmes de Longfellow
sur l'esclavage. 1re partie / traduction et histoire
par Julien Duchesne.
Imprint: Nancy : Imprimerie Berger-Levrault et
Cie ..., 1885.
Collation: 15 p. ; 22 cm.
Reel: 612
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Hiawatha / Longfellow.
Imprint: New York and ; Boston : H.M.
Caldwell Co., publishers, [189-?]
Collation: 288 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 17
Reel: 613
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; with illustrations from
designs by Frederic Remington.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1891, c1890 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: xviii, 242 p., [23] leaves of plates :
ill., ports. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 613
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Edition: Minnehaha edition, with illustrations.
Imprint: Chicago : Geo. M. Hill Co., c1898.
Collation: 188, [6] p., [30] p. of plates : ill. ; 20
Reel: 614
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: Boston ; New York ; Chicago ; San
Francisco : Educational Publishing
Company, [1898]
Collation: 224 p. : 1 ill. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 614
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; with illustrations from
designs by Frederic Remington.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1895, c1890
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: xiii, [1], 180 p., [23] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 613
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; with introduction by
Nathan Haskell Dole.
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell &
Co., publishers, c1898.
Collation: xvi, 297 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
ill. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 615
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / Henry C.
Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus
Company c1898.
Collation: 219, [19] p., [7?] leaves of plates :
ill. ;c17 cm.
Reel: 613
Position: 5
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: London : Published by J.M. Dent and
Co. ..., 1898.
Collation: vi, 198 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ;
16 cm.
Reel: 615
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Edition: Minnehaha edition, with illustrations.
Imprint: New York : The F.M. Lupton
Publishing Company ..., c1898.
Collation: 256 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 614
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow ; with one hundred original
Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, 1898.
Collation: 304 p., [11] leaves of plates : ill.,
ports. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 615
Position: 3
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Edition: Minnehaha edition, with illustrations.
Imprint: Chicago : Thompson & Thomas,
Collation: [iii]-vi, [2], 256, [6] p., [30] p. of
plates : ill., ports. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 616
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; with biographical
introduction, notes and appeldix by Henry
Ketcham ; with sixteen full page half tone
Imprint: New York : A.L. Burt Company,
Publishers, c1900.
Collation: iv, [2], v-xvii, [1], 276 p., [16] leaves
of plates : ill. ; 22 cm.
Reel: 616
Position: 5
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; with illustrations,
notes, and a vocabulary.
Imprint: Boston ; New York ; Chicago :
Houghton, Mifflin and Company ..., c1898
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: [2], 193 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ;
18 cm.
Reel: 616
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Hiawatha / by H.W. Longfellow.
Imprint: Chicago : W.B. Conkey
Company, [1900]
Collation: 192 p., [4] leaves of plates : ill.,
ports.; 16 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: "There was a little girl" / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated by Bertha M.
Imprint: New York : R. Worthington ..., c1883
(New York : Julius Bien & Co., lith[ographers]
Collation: [19] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 14 x 22 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The story of Hiawatha / illustrations by
Robert Smith ; abridged for the use of schools by
E. Norris.
Imprint: Boston ; New York ; Chicago ; San
Francisco : Educational Publishing Company,
Collation: [3]-132 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill.
(some col.) ; 18 cm.
Reel: 616
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Three books of song. / By Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, 1872.
Collation: iv, 203,[1] p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The song of Hiawatha / by Henry W.
Longfellow ; with biographical introduction,
notes and appendix by Henry Ketcham.
Imprint: New York : A.L.Burt,
publisher, [1900]
Collation: xvii, [1], 276p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 616
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Three books of song. Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: London : George Routledge
and Sons ..., 1872.
Collation: iv, 203,[1], 15, [1] p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 4
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Twenty poems from Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow / illustrated from paintings by his son
Ernest W. Longfellow.
Imprint: Boston ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company ..., 1884 [i.e. 1883], c883
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 61 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill., 1 port. ;
24 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 5
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Valda dikter / af Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow. ; Tolkade af Hjalmar Edgren ..
Imprint: Goteborg : Wettergren &
Kerber, [1892]
Collation: XVI, 368 p., [1] leaf of plates :b1
port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Voices of the night, Ballads and other
poems / by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: New York : Hurst & Co., publishers,
122 Nassau St., [188-?]
Collation: 130, [3]-106, [6] p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Ultima Thule / by Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: London : George Routledge
and Sons ..., 1880.
Collation: 63 p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 617
Position: 6
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Longfellow.
Imprint: London : Ernest Nister ; New York :
E.P. Dutton & Co., [189-?]
Collation: [8] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 17 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Ultima Thule / by Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, (Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 61 p., [1] leaf of plates. 1 port. ; 18
Reel: 617
Position: 7
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: London : Pictorial Literature
Society ..., [188-?]
Collation: [12] p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 5
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Ultima Thule / by Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1881[?], c1880 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: 61 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18
Reel: 617
Position: 8
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton &
Company ..., c1885.
Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 6-7
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Ultima Thule / by Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882, c1880 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: 61 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18
Reel: 618
Position: 1
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: London : John Walker &
Co. ..., [1888]
Collation: [12] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 19 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 8
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Voices of the night and other poems / by
H.W. Longfellow ; with biographical sketch by
N.H. Dole.
Imprint: New York ; Boston : Thomas Y.
Crowell & Company ..., c1893.
Collation: xliv, 303 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 619
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and
Company..., 1889, c1885.
Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 9
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Voices of the night and other poems / by
H.W. Longfellow ; with biographical sketch by
N.H. Dole.
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell &
Company, publishers, c1899.
Collation: xliv, 303 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 619
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton &
Co. ..., [189-?]
Collation: [12] p. : ill. ; 12 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 10
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Voices of the night, Ballads and other
poems / by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: New York : R. Worthington, Publisher,
Collation: 295, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates: 1 ill. ;
20 cm.
Reel: 620
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton &
Company ..., c1890, c1885.
Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 11
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882
Title: Voices of the night, Ballads and other
poems [microform] / by Henry Wadsworth
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell &
Co., 46 East Fourteenth Street, [1890 or 1891]
Collation: 295, [17] p. ; 19 cm
Reel: 620
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The village blacksmith / by Henry W.
Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: London : Castell Brothers ; New
York : E. & J.B. Young & Co., [1888]
Collation: [32] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 13 cm.
Reel: 618
Position: 12
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: Voices of the night, Ballads and other
poems, / by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company,
publishers, 1896.
Collation: 119, [11] p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 620
Position: 3
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow. poems and prose, including Outremer Hyperion, Kavanagh, The poets and poetry
of Europe, &c. : With life of Longfellow / by
Robert Cochrane ..
Imprint: Edinburgh : W.P. Nimmo, Hay, &
Mitchell, 1888.
Collation: xxx, [2], 576 p., [10] leaves of
plates : ill., ports ; 24 cm.
Reel: 621
Position: 1
Author: Longsdorf, Owen E.
Title: "Ziita Kii", or, Songs from silence, Owen
E. Longsdorf.
Imprint: Williamsport, PA : Scholl Brothers,
steam printers, 1885.
Collation: 62 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 627
Position: 2
Author: Loomis, Charles Battell, 1861-1911
Title: Just rhymes / by Charles Battell Loomis ;
illustrated by F.Y. Cory
Imprint: New York : R.H. Russell, 1899
Collation: 70, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm
Reel: 627
Position: 3
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The wreck of the Hesperus / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and
Company ..., 1887, c1886.
Collation: [30] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 621
Position: 2
Author: Loomis, Clara J.
Title: Verse and prose Clara J. Loomis.
Imprint: Springfield, Mass. : Cyrus W. Atwood,
printer, 1887.
Collation: 299, [1] p. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 627
Position: 4
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The wreck of the Hesperus / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated.
Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and
Company ..., 1888, c1886.
Collation: [30] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 621
Position: 3
Author: Loomis, Eben Jenks, 1828-1912.
Title: Wayside sketches Eben J. Loomis.
Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1894.
Collation: 188 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 627
Position: 5
Author: Loomis, Submit Chesebrough.
Title: Poetry and prose. / By Submit
Chesebrough Loomis (Goden Rod.)
Imprint: New York : Geo. H. Burnham & Co.,
Collation: xvii, [3], 304 p., [2] leaves of
plates : 1 col. ill., 1 port. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 1
Author: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 18071882.
Title: The writings of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, : with bibliographical and critical
Edition: Large-paper edition.
Imprint: [Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company], 1886 (Cambridge :
Printed at the Riverside Press)
Collation: 11 v. : 1 facsim., 5 ports. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 622
Position: 1
Author: Lord, Alice Emma Sauerwein, 18481930.
Title: A symphony in dreamland / Alice E. Lord.
Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons ...,
Collation: v, [1], 90 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 2
Author: Longfellow, Samuel, 1819-1892,
Title: Hymns and verses Samuel Longfellow.
Imprint: Boston and ;aNew York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1894 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], 142 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 627
Position: 1
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lord, Alice E.
Title: A vision's quest. : A drama in five acts,
representing the hopes and ambitions, the love,
marriage, pleadings, discouragements, and
achievements of Christopher Columbus,
discoverer of America. / By Alice E. Lord.
Imprint: Baltimore : Cushing &
Company, 1899.
Collation: 123 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 3
Author: Lord, C. C. (Charles Chase), 18411911.
Title: Poems of Penacook / by C.C. Lord.
Imprint: [Hopkinton? N.H.] : C.C. Lord, c1892.
Collation: 118 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 9
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Beads of morning. William S. Lord.
Imprint: Evanston, Ill. : University Press Co.,
Collation: 60 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 10
Author: Lord, Augustus Mendon, 1861-1941.
Title: Belongings / by Augustus Mendon Lord.
Imprint: Providence : [s.n., 190-?]
Collation: 12 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 4
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Blue and gold William S. Lord.
Imprint: Chicago : Printed at The Dial Press,
Collation: 104 p. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 1
Author: Lord, Augustus Mendon, 1861-1941.
Title: A book of verses. / Augustus Mendon
Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : Privately printed,
Collation: 58 p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 5
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Blue and gold William S. Lord.
Imprint: Chicago : A.C. McClurg and
Company, 1896, c1895.
Collation: 104 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 2
Author: Lord, C. C. (Charles Chase), 18411911.
Title: Abraham Kimball : medley / by C.C. Lord.
Imprint: [Hopkinton? N.H.]: C.C.Lord, c1892.
Collation: 54 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 6
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Heigh-ho! My laddie, O! and other child
verses / by William S. Lord.
Imprint: Evanston, Ill. : The Enterprise, [188-?]
Collation: 13 leaves ; 16 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 3
Author: Lord, C. C. (Charles Chase), 18411911.
Title: The Lookout and other poems / by C.C.
Imprint: [Hopkinton? N.H.] : C.C. Lord, c1891.
Collation: 54 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 7
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Jingle and Jangle : and other verses for
and about children / by William S. Lord.
Imprint: Chicago ; New York ; Toronto :
Fleming H. Revell Company, 1899, c1898.
Collation: [2], 58 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 4
Author: Lord, C. C. (Charles Chase), 18411911.
Title: Mary Woodwell : a medley / by C.C. Lord.
Imprint: [Hopkinton? N.H.] : C.C. Lord, c1891.
Collation: 54 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 628
Position: 8
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: To an English sparrow / by William S.
Lord ; cover design and sketches by Elizabeth
Imprint: Evanston, Illinois : William S. Lord,
Collation: [10] p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 5
Author: Shelton, Julia Finley.
Title: A voice from the South. / By Laura
Imprint: Nashville, Tenn. : Southern Methodist
Publishing House, 1883, c1882.
Collation: 249 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 10
Author: Lose, G. W. (George William), 18521927.
Title: Ester and other poems. G.W. Lose, A.M.
Imprint: Columbus, Ohio : The Lutheran Book
Concern, 1883.
Collation: vi, [2], 116 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 1
Author: Lord, William S. (William Sinclair),
Title: Verses, / William S. Lord.
Imprint: Chicago : Press of Adam Craig & Co.,
Collation: 63 p., [1] leaf of plates ; 22 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 6
Author: Loskiel, George Henry, 1740-1814.
Title: Extempore on a wagon : a metrical
narrative of a journey from Bethlehem, Pa., to
the Indian town of Goshen, Ohio, in the autumn
of 1803, / by George Henry Loskiel, Episcopus
Fratrum. ; Translated with notes by J. Max
Imprint: Lancaster, Pa. : Published by Samuel
H. Zahm & Co., 1887.
Collation: 45, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ;
25 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 2
Author: Loring, Fred W. (Frederick
Wadsworth), 1848-1871.
Title: The Boston Dip, and other verses. / By
Fred W. Loring.
Imprint: Boston : Loring, publisher, ..., c1871.
Collation: 63 p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 7
Author: Loring, George B. (George Bailey),
Title: An oration, delivered at Lexington on the
dedication of the town and memorial hall, April
19, 1871, : being the 96th anniversary of the
Battle of Lexington. / By Dr. George B. Loring. ;
with the proceedings and a historical appendix.
Imprint: Boston : Press of T.R. Marvin & Son,
Collation: 76 p. ; 25 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 8
Title: Pictures for our darlings
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop & Co.,
publishers ..., c1877.
Collation: [94] p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 3
Title: Household primer
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop and Company ...,
Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 4
Author: Loring, Mattie Balch.
Title: The stranger / by Mattie Balch Loring.
Imprint: New York ; London and ; Montreal :
Published by the Abbey Press ..., c1900.
Collation: [2], 80 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 629
Position: 9
Author: Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924.
Title: Ballad of the lost hare / by Margaret
Imprint: [Boston] : D. Lothrop & Co., c1882.
Collation: [26] p., [7] leaves of plates : col. ill. ;
23 x 31 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 5
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924.
Title: The minute man : a ballad of "The shot
heard round the world" / by Margaret Sidney.
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop and Company,
Collation: 29, [2] p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 6
Author: Lovering, J. F. (Joseph Foster), 1835Title: Patriotism : A discourse: delivered at
Gettysburg, July 21st, 1878, before the
Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the
Republic. / by Rev. J.F. Lovering, Chaplain-inchief, G.A.R.
Imprint: [Penn.?] : Chill W. Hazzard,
print., 1878.
Collation: 20 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 3
Author: Loudoun, Robert.
Title: Songs of Venice. : And other poems / by
Robert Loudoun.
Imprint: Cleveland, O[hio] : William W.
Williams, 1885.
Collation: 168 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 7
Author: Lowe, A. T. (Abraham Thompson),
Title: Old age birthday poems / by A.T. Lowe.
Imprint: [Boston :bL.G. Lowe, 1889]
Collation: 72 p., [1] leaf of plats : 1 port. ;
Reel: 631
Position: 4
Author: Louthan, Hattie Horner, b. 1865.
Title: Thoughts adrift / by Hattie Horner
Imprint: Boston : Richard G. Badger, The
Gorham Press, 1902.
Collation: 56, [2] p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 8
Author: Lowe, J. Ross.
Title: The ballad of Blinkus. / By J. Ross Lowe.
Imprint: St. Louis : Howard Scott, 1879.
Collation: [14] p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 5
Author: Love, W.D. (William Dare), Jr.
Title: Poems of W.D. Love, Jr.
Imprint: Columbia, S.C. : W.D. Love, Jr., 1884.
Collation: x., 90 p. ; 11 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 9
Author: Lowe, Martha Perry, 1829-1902.
Title: Bessie Gray ; and, Our stepmother / by
Martha Perry Lowe ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Company ...,
Collation: 32 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 6
Title: Love and Literature : a comedy in five
Imprint: Lexington, Ky. : Printed privately,
Collation: 81 p. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 630
Position: 10
Author: Lowe, Martha Perry, 1829-1902.
Title: The immortals Martha Perry Lowe.
Imprint: Boston : The Botolph Book Co.,
Collation: 38 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 7
Author: Loveman, Robert, 1864-1923.
Title: A Book of verses / by Robert Loveman.
Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott
Company, 1900.
Collation: 95, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 1
Author: Lowe, Martha Perry, 1829-1902.
Title: The olive and the pine Martha Perry
Edition: Second edition.
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Company, 1893.
Collation: viii, 156, [1] p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 8
Author: Loveman, Robert, 1864-1923.
Title: Poems Loveman.
Imprint: Tuscaloosa, Alabama : Burton, 1893.
Collation: 82 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowe, Martha Perry, 1829-1902.
Title: The story of Chief Joseph / By Martha
Perry Lowe. ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop & Company ...,
Collation: 40 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 9
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The cathedral ; and, The Harvard
commemoration ode. / By James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1877, c1869.
Collation: 96, [2] p. : ill. ; 13 cm.
Reel: 632
Position: 4
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The beggar ; Forgetfulness. / By James
Russell Lowell. ; illustrated by Louis K. Harlow.
Imprint: Boston : Samuel E. Cassino, c1892.
Collation: [13] leaves : ill. (come col.) ; 23 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 10
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell : with illustrations.
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1897 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xvii, [3], 515 p., [12] leaves of
plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 633
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The Biglow papers. / By James Russell
Lowell. ; with a preface by Thomas Hughes,
Edition: Authorised copyright edition.
Imprint: London : Trübner & Co. ..., 1880.
Collation: lxviii, 140, [2], 141 p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 631
Position: 11
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The courtin' / by James Russell Lowell ;
illustrated by Winslow Homer.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1874, c1873.
Collation: [19] leaves, [7] leaves of plates : ill. ;
26 cm.
Reel: 633
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The Biglow papers / by James Russell
Imprint: Lonodn : George Routledge
and Sons ..., 1886.
Collation: 384 p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 632
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Early poems. / By James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: New York : John W.Lovell
Company ..., [1890?]
Collation: 172 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 633
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The Biglow papers / edited, with an
introduction, notes, glossary, and copious index,
by Homer Wilbur, A.M. ..
Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company,
publishers, [188-?]
Collation: 192 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 632
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Early poems. / By James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, publisher,
Collation: 172 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 633
Position: 4
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The Biglow papers / by Homer Wilber [i.e.
Wilbur] A.M., Pastor of the First Church in
Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, [1899]
Collation: 221, [3], 16 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 632
Position: 3
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The early poems of James Russell
Lowell. / With biographical sketch by
Nathan Haskell Dole.
Imprint: New York ; Boston : Thomas Y.
Crowell & Co. ..., c1892.
Collation: xvi, 364, [4] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 634
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: A fable for critics, / by James Russell
Lowell ; with vignette portraits of the authors de
quibus fabula narratur.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1891, c1890 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], 101, [2] p. : ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 635
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
Title: The early poems of James Russell
Lowell. [microform] / With Biographical
sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell &
Co., publishers, c1893
Collation: xviii, 311 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 16 cm
Reel: 634
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Favorite poems. / By James Russell
Lowell. ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1877.
Collation: 108, [4] p. : ill. ; 13 cm.
Reel: 635
Position: 4
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Fireside travels. / By James Russell
Edition: Fourteenth edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1887 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [6], 324 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 635
Position: 5
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Early poems / by James Russell Lowell.
Edition: [Exmoor edition]
Imprint: New York : Home Book
Company ..., [189-?]
Collation: v, [1], 5-229 p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 634
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The early poems of James Russell Lowell :
including The Biglow Papers / with biographical
sketch by Henry Ketcham.
Imprint: New York : A.L. Burt,
publisher, c1900.
Collation: xvii, [1], 447 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 635
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Gems from Lowell.
Imprint: New York : Cupples & Leon
Company, [190-?]
Collation: [24] p. : col. ill., 1 port. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Heartsease and rue / by James Russell
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1888 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: viii, [2] 218 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: A fable for critics, / by James Russell
Lowell ; with vignette portraits of the authors de
quibus fabula narratur.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1890 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], 101, [3] p. : ports. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 635
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Heartsease and rue / by James Russell
Imprint: London : Macmillan and Company,
Collation: viii, [2], 218 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Lowell leaflets : poems and prose
passages from the works of James Russell
Lowell, for reading and recitation / compiled by
Josephine E. Hodgdon ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston ; New York ; Chicago :
Houghton, Mifflin and Company ..., c1896
(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: 102 p. : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Heartsease and rue James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1889, c1888 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: viii, [2], 218 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 4
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal and
other poems / Lowell ; with introduction
and notes by Francis R. Lane.
Imprint: Boston and ; Chicago : Allyn and
Bacon, c1900.
Collation: xii, [2], 72, [8] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 4
Title: The independent in politics : an address
delivered before the Reform Club of New York,
April 13, 1888 / by James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1888 (s.n. : The Knickerbocker Press)
Collation: 27, [3] p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 5
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: A Moosehead journal. / By James Russell
Lowell. ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor and Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1877.
Collation: 95 p. : ill. ; 13 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 5
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Selected poems, with "His message, and
how it helped me."
Imprint: London : "Review of Reviews"
Office, ..., 1895.
Collation: 60, iv p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 636
Position: 6
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Odes, lyrics, and sonnets from the poetic
works of James Russell Lowell
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1892, c1890 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: 193 p. ; 18 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 6
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: James Russell Lowell's Vision of Sir
Launfal and other poems / edited by Mabel
Caldwell Willard.
Imprint: Boston. ; New York. Chicago. : Leach,
Shewell, & Sanborn, c1896.
Collation: v, [1], 114, [2] p. ; 17 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: On democracy : an address delivered in
the town hall, Birmingham, on the 6th of
October, 1884, / by His Excellency, the Hon.
James Russell Lowell, D.C.L., LL.D., American
minister in London, president.
Imprint: Birmingham [England] : printed by
Cond Bros. ..., [1884]
Collation: 15 p. : 22 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 7
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Last poems of James Russell Lowell
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1895 (Cambridge :fThe
Riverside Press)
Collation: 47 leaves : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Last poems of James Russell Lowell
Edition: Second edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1895 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: 47 leaves : 1port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 637
Position: 8
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1877, c1876.
Collation: ix, [1], 406 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 640
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Poems of James Russell Lowell / with
biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole.
Imprint: New York ; Boston : Thomas Y.
Crowell & Company ..., c1898.
Collation: [2], xvii, [1], 495 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 638
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Complete edition.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1877.
Collation: [1], ix, 453 p. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 640
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Poems of James Russell Lowell / with
biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole.
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell
Company, publishers, c1898.
Collation: [2], xix, [1], 675 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 638
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Osgood and
Company, 1880, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: ix, [1], 422 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 641
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Poems of James Russell Lowell / with
biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole.
Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell &
Co., publishers, c1898.
Collation: [2], xvii, [1], 503 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 639
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1881, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: ix, [1], 422 p. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 641
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James R. Lowell. :
Complete in two volumes.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1873.
Collation: 2 v. : 1 port. ; 15 cm.
Reel: 639
Position: 2
Note: Title is on reel 639 position 2 through reel
640 position 1.
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell. : With numerous illustrations]
Edition: New revised edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [2], xii, [2], 422 p., [33] leaves of
plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 642
Position: 1
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1882, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], ix, [1], 422 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 642
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell : with illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1888, c1885 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], ix, [3], 422 p., [11] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 26 cm.
Reel: 645
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1890 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: xi, [1], 550 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 645
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1884, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: ix, [1], 422 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1
port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 643
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell. : With numerous illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1890 (Cambridge :fThe
Riverside Press)
Collation: xiv, [2], 507 p., [41] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 646
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell : with illustrations.
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1885 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: ix, [3], 422 p., [12] leaves of
plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 643
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Imprint: Boston and ; new York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1890 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xi, [1], 550 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 646
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Imprint: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and
Company, 1886, c1885 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], ix, [1], 472 p. ; 16 cm.
Reel: 644
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Poems / by James Russell Lowell.
Edition: Vignette edition, / with one hundred
new illustrations by Edmund M. Ashe.
Imprint: New York : Frederick A. Stokes
Company, publishers, c1894.
Collation: vii, [1], 337, [5] p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 647
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell : with illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1887, c1885 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], ix, [3], 422 p., [11] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 26 cm.
Reel: 644
Position: 2
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The complete poetical works of James
Russell Lowell
Edition: Cambridge edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1896 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [2], xvii, [2], 492 p., [1] leaf of
plates : 1 port. ; 22 cm.
Reel: 647
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Selections from the writings of James
Russell Lowell : arranged under the days of the
year, and accompanied by memoranda of
anniversaries of noted events and of the birth or
death of famous men and women.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin & Co., 1890, c1887 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: [109] p. ; 14 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 3
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell ; with illustrations.
Edition: Household edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : New York :
Houghton, Mifflin and Company,
c1897(Cambridge : The Riverside Press)
Collation: [1], xvii, [3], 515 p., [12] leaves of
plates : ill., ports. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 648
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: Violets from Lowell
Imprint: New York : Cupples & Leon
Company, [189-?]
Collation: [24] p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 4
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal. / By James
Russell Lowell.
Edition: Twelfth edition.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1871.
Collation: 33, [1] 12 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 5
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The poetical works of James Russell
Lowell. : With numerous illustrations.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1897 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: xx, [2], 515 p., [41] leaves of plates :
ill., 1 port. ; 23 cm.
Reel: 648
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The power of sound. : A rhymed lecture /
by James Russell Lowell.
Imprint: New York : The Gilliss Press, 1896.
Collation: x, [2], 35, [1] p. ; 21 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 1
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal. / By James
Russell Lowell.
Edition: Thirteenth edition.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood & Co., 1875.
Collation: 33 p. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 6
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The rose / by James Russell Lowell ; with
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood & Co., 1878, c1877.
Collation: [18] leaves : ill. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 2
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal. / By James
Russell Lowell. ; Illustrated.
Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and
Company, late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields,
Osgood, & Co., 1876.
Collation: 78 p. : ill. ; 13 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 7
American Poetry
Unit 13: Reels 600-649
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal / by James
Russell Lowell ; illustrated.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, c1876 (Cambridge : The
Riverside Press)
Collation: 78 p. : ill. 14 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 8
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal / by James
Russell Lowell ; with designs by E.H. Garrett.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1891, c1890 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: 48 leaves : ill., 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 9
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal / by James
Russell Lowell ; with designs by E.H. Garrett.
Imprint: Cambridge : Printed at the Riverside
Press, 1891, c1890.
Collation: 48 leaves : ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 10
Author: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891.
Title: The vision of Sir Launfal / by James
Russell Lowell ; with designs by E.H. Garrett.
Edition: Tenth edition.
Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1893, c1890 (Cambridge :
The Riverside Press)
Collation: 48 leaves : ill., 1 port. ; 19 cm.
Reel: 649
Position: 11
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