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1. Physics
2. Scientific Method
Observe a Problem
Make a Hypothesis (testable)
Predict Results of the Hypothesis
Perform Experiments to Test
Analyze the results
3. Hypothesis
4. Scientific Law or Principle
5. Theory
6. Magnitude
7. Dimensions
8. Scientific Notation
9. Accuracy
10. Precision
11. Significant Figures
12. Dimensional Analysis
13. Relative
14. Speed
15. Velocity
16. Acceleration
17. Free Fall
20. Vector Quantity
21. Scalar Quantity
22. Components of a Vector
24. Projectile Motion
25. Satellite
26. Model
27. System
29. Frame of Reference
30. Average Velocity
31.Instantaneous Velocity
32. Displacement
33. Calibrate
34. Infer
35. Force
36. Contact Forces
37. Field Forces
38. Force Diagram
39. Free-Body Diagram
40. Equilibrium
41. Inertia
42. Newton’s 1st Law
43. Newton’s 2nd Law
44. Newton’s 3rd Law
45. The Normal Force
46. Impulse
47. Momentum
48. Elastic/Inelastic
49. Rotation
50. Axis of Rotation
51. Revolution
52. Tangential Speed
53. Centripetal Force
54. Centrifugal Force
55. Torque
56. Lever Arm
57. Center of Gravity
58. Center of Mass
59. Stability
60. Rotational Inertia
61. Rotational Velocity
62. Angular Momentum
63. Kinetic Energy
64. Potential Energy
65. Temperature
66. Absolute Zero
67. Thermal Equilibrium
68. Calorie
69. Thermostat
70. Specific Heat
72. Conduction
73. Convection
74. Radiation
75. Newton’s Law of Cooling
76. The Greenhouse Effect
77. Evaporation
78. Condensation
79. Regelation
80. Phase Change
81. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
82. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
83. Entropy
84. Transverse Waves
85.Longitudinal Waves
86. Node
87. Anti-Node
88. Reflection
89. Refraction
90. Interference
91. Electrostatics
92. Charge
93. Coulomb’s Law
94. Conductor
95. Insulator
96. Semiconductor
97. Superconductor
98. Induction
99. Polarized
100. Electric Field
101. Electric Potential Energy
102. Voltage
103. Resistor
104. Capacitor
105. Direct Current
106. Alternating Current
107. Inductor
108. Diode
109. Transister
110. Ohm
111. Ampere
112. Watt
113. Circuit
114. Series Circuit
115. Parallel Circuit
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