Download Name: Date 2nd Marking Period Project Period Perfect 10 Directions

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Name: __________________________________
2nd Marking Period Project
Perfect 10
Directions: Choose enough questions to make a perfect 10. Remember the number for each question is the maximum value for an excellent
response. For each response you must provide a logical answer to the question, include details to support your answer and write in complete
sentences. You need to proofread your work. To get full credit for a question, you must write at least two paragraphs and include details both
from the text and added research. REMEMBER!!! This is a project; your final product must be typed or written in blue or black ink.
Constructions such as posters should be colorful and informative
Imagine you are living in Judea
during the Roman conquest.
Write a letter to a friend
describing how you might have
felt about the Romans and what
actions you would like to see
taken to make Judea free again
Write a description of the city of
Harappa or Mohenjo-Daro that
could have been used to attract
residents to that city in ancient
India. (2)
Imagine you are living in
Jerusalem during the time of King
Solomon. Write a letter to a
friend describing the things
Solomon is doing as leader. Be
sure to mention which of these
things the people like and which
they do not like. (4)
Create a comic illustrating
Siddhartha Gautama’s journey to
enlightenment. (4)
Do you think that Jewish beliefs
and values would have spread so
widely if the lands of Israel and
Judah had not been conquered by
other peoples? Explain. (3)
Which one of the Ten
Commandments do you think is
most important today? Write a
short essay to explain your
selection. (1)
How did the belief in
reincarnation both strengthen the
division in Indian society and
provide hope for the lower
classes? (2)
Suppose you could interview
Confucius about his concept of
duty. Write five questions you
might ask him about the subject.
Include possible responses
Confucius might give (4)
Describe how rivers, mountains,
and deserts helped shape China’s
In your own words, define the
concept of filial piety as practiced
in ancient China. Does filial piety
exists in the same way in our
society today? If it has been
weakened, why? Should or
society try to strength filial piety?
How? (3)
Choose a Varna. Based on your
societal role, you must choose the
religion your Varna would take
part in. You will then create a
pamphlet supporting the beliefs
of Hinduism or Buddhism to try
and persuade someone to
convert. (5)
Design a poster promoting on of
the three belief systems fund in
Ancient China. Your poster
should include a graphic, quote,
and a motto.(5)