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Mark Twain I.S. 239
Due October 12, 2009
Exam #2 – Review Sheet
Algebraic Expressions, Properties, Divisibility, and Prime Factorization
Part 1 – Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Identity Property of Addition?
(a) 9 + 9 = 18
(b) 9 + 5 = 5 + 9
(c) 9 + 0 = 9
(d) 3 + (9 + 5) = (3 + 9) + 5
2. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Associative Property of Addition?
(a) 1 + 3 = 3 + 1
(b) 1 + (3 + 2) = (1+ 3) + 2
(c) 1 + (3 + 2) = (2 + 4) + 0
(d) 6 + 0 = 6
3. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition?
(a) (7 + 1) + 6 = 7 + (1 + 6)
(b) 1 + 6 = 3 + 4
(c) 6 + 0 = 6
(d) 1 + 6 = 6 + 1
4. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Identity Property of Multiplication?
(a) 22 × 0 = 0
(b) 22 × 3 = 3 × 22
(c) 22 × 1 = 22
(d) 22 + 0 = 22
. The number 135 is divisible by all of the following numbers except:
(a) 3
(b) 10
(c) 5
(d) 9
6. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Zero Property?
(a) 4 × 0 = 4
(b) 3 – 3 = 0
(c) 6 + 0 = 6
(d) 8 × 0 = 0
7. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Inverse Property of Addition?
(a) 5 + (-5) = 0
(b) 5 × 0 = 0
(c) 5 + 0 = 5
(d) 5 + 1 = 6
8. Which of the following correctly demonstrates the Distributive Property?
(a) 9(4 + 6) = 9 + 4 × 6
(b) 9(4 + 6) = (9 × 4) + 6
(c) 9(4 + 6) = (9 × 4) + (9 × 6)
(d) 9(4 + 6) = 9 + 10
9. Kelly put a lot of miles on her car this week and last week. This week she drove 62
miles. If she drove 137 miles this week and last week in all, how many miles did Kelly
Which of the following equations would you use to solve the problem?
(a) x + 62 = 137
(b) x – 62 = 137
(c) 137 + x = 62
(d) 137 + 62 = x
10. Anna practices guitar for 12 hours every week. She practiced some of those hours
during the week after school. She still needs to practice 4 more hours this weekend.
How many hours has she practiced this week?
Which of the following equations would you use to solve the problem?
(a) 4 – x = 12
(b) 12 + 4 = x
(c) 12 + x = 4
(d) 12 – x = 4
Mark Twain I.S. 239
Due October 12, 2009
Exam #2 – Review Sheet
Algebraic Expressions, Properties, Divisibility, and Prime Factorization
Part 2 – True or False. If the statement is FALSE, change the underlined statement to
make it TRUE.
. 1 is neither prime nor composite.
. The expression “7 less than a number” can be written as 7 – x.
. 2 + 0 = 2 demonstrates the Zero Property.
. 5 × (6 - 4) = (5 × 6) - 4 demonstrates the Distributive Property of Multiplication over
. 4 × 1 = 4 demonstrates the Identity Property of Multiplication.
. 6 + (4 + 10) = (6 + 4) + 10 demonstrates the Commutative Property of Addition.
. A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits in the number are divisible by four.
. The algebraic expression “x + 4” can be written as “a number increased by four.”
. The Distributive Property would re-write the problem 5 × 25 as 5(20 + 5) = 5 × 20 + 5.
. For the expression 10 + m, if m = 3, the answer would be 7.
Part 3 – Short answer.
1. (a) The expression “6 more than a number x” can be written as:
(b) Solve the expression if x = 24
2. Using the rules of divisibility, the number 576 is divisible by which of the following
numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Explain.
3. Use the Distributive Property to solve 9 × 74.
Part 4 – Prime Factorization. Draw factor tress for of the following numbers. Express your
answers using exponents. Box or circle your final answer.
1. 48
2. 100
Part 5 – Word Problems. Show all work.
1. Sandy got some money for her birthday. She spent $26 at the mall. She had $32 left.
How much money did Sandy get for her birthday?
(a) What does the variable stand for?
(b) Set up the equation to solve this problem.
(c) Solve the equation.
Mark Twain I.S. 239
Due October 12, 2009
Exam #2 – Review Sheet
Algebraic Expressions, Properties, Divisibility, and Prime Factorization
2. Paula worked a lot of hours at her part time job last weekend. Sunday she worked 9
hours. If she worked 20 hours on Saturday and Sunday in all, how many hours did she
work on Saturday?
(a) What does the variable stand for?
(b) Set up the equation to solve this problem.
(c) Solve the equation.
3. Sandy got some money for her birthday. She spent $26 at the mall. She had $32 left.
How much money did Sandy get for her birthday?
(a) What does the variable stand for?
(b) Set up the equation to solve this problem.
(c) Solve the equation.