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Algebra I
Chapter 4 Review
Name ________________
Graph the following coordinates. List the quadrant/axis where the coordinate lies in the
coordinate plane.
1. A (–1,5) ____________
2. D (0, 0)
3. B (3, 4) ____________
4. E (–4, –2) ____________
5. C (0, –2) ____________ 6. F (3, 0)
Find the coordinate of the given points.
7. Point G ________ 8. Point H ________
9. Point K ________
Decide whether the given ordered pair is a solution of the equation.
YES NO 10. 5x + 3y = 2 (1, –1)
YES NO 11. y + 4 = –2x (–3, –2)
Find the x-intercept of the graph of each equation.
_____________ 12. 4x + 5y = 8
_____________ 13. –14 + 6y = 7x
Find the y-intercept of the graph of each equation.
_____________ 14. 12 – 12x = 3y
_____________ 15. 15 + 5y = 15x
16. Write the formula for slope: _____________ 17. Write the formula using words: ____________
Find the slope of the line passing through the points.
18. (–4, 6) , (–3, 2) ______ 19. (5, 4) , (–2, 4)
________ 20. (–3, 2) , (4, –1) _______ 21. (3, 2) , (3, –1)
Find the slope of each line on the graph to the right.
___________ 22. Line A
___________ 23. Line C
___________ 24. Line B ___________ 25. Line D
Find the value of x or y so that the line passing through the two points has the given slope.
(Set up a proportion!)
_____________ 26. (x, 9) , (3, 3) ; m = 2
_____________ 27. (8, y) , (2, –3) ; m =
Find the slope and y-intercept of the graph of the equation. (Solve for y first if necessary)
28. y – 2x = 5
29. y = 5 – 3x
30. 2x – 3y = 9
31. y = 4
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
slope =
slope =
slope =
slope =
32. y = x + 2
33. 2y – 3x = 6
34. x = 5
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
y-intercept =
slope =
slope =
slope =
slope =
35. x – y = 0
36. Explain how you can tell if two lines are parallel without graphing the lines.
37. Explain how you can tell if two lines are perpendicular without graphing the lines.
Decide whether the graphs of the given equations are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
Parallel Perpendicular Neither 38. 2y = –4x – 6
4y – 2x = 8
Parallel Perpendicular Neither 39. 2x + 3y = 5
9y + 6x – 1 = 0
Parallel Perpendicular Neither 40. 4y = 3x – 20
–4x + 3y = –15
Evaluate the function when the given domain is { 3, 0, –2}
41. f(x) = 2x – 4
42. h(x) = –3x + 1
Given f(x) = 5x – 2 and g(x) = 2x + 4 complete the following:
43. Find f(3)
44. Find x if f(x) = 8
45. Find g(–4)
46. Find x if g(x) = 18
Graph the following functions.
47. h(x) = 4x – 2
48. f(x) =
x +3
Find the domain and range of each relation and determine whether or not it is a function.
49. Domain =
50. Domain =
51. Domain =
Range =
Range =
Range =
Function? Yes or No
Function? Yes or No
Function? Yes or No
The variables y and x vary directly. Use the given values to write an equation that
relates y and x.
__________ 52. x = 7, y = 35
__________ 53. x = 22, y = 11
__________ 54. x = 4, y = 12
Graph the following direct variation equations.
55. y = –4x
56. y =
57. What is a “give away” that a function is a direct variation?
Graph the following equations using T-charts.
58. x + 4 = y
(using -1, 0, 1)
59. 2x + 2y = 4
Graph the line with the given intercepts.
60. x-intercept: –3
61. x-intercept: (4, 0)
y-intercept: 2
y-intercept: (0, 1)
Graph the following equations using slope-intercept form. (Solve for y first if necessary)
62. y = x + 2
65. 3x + 2y = –6
63. y + 4 = 10
66. x = 7
67. y = –2
64. 2x – 4y = 12
68. y = 2x – 5
Domain: x > 2
(Bonus on test!)
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