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The actual Exam will cover World War One, World War Two, and Vietnam and will consist of
about 10-12 Questions for each of the 5 outcomes: 1. Vocab 2.. People 3. Places
4. Crucial battles/Turning Points 5. Opposing Viewpoints/Cause & Effect
Map Identification: Find the letter on the map that corresponds to the names of the places below. Put
the correct letter in the corresponding numbered space on the answer sheet.
1. North Vietnam
2. South Vietnam
3. Laos
4. Cambodia
5. Thailand
6. China
7. Hanoi
8. Saigon
9. Haiphong
10. Dien Bien Phu
____11. Attrition
____12. Ho Chi Minh Trail
____13. DMZ
____14. COSVN
____15. Huey
____16. search & destroy
____17. Gulf of Tonkin
____18. Ia Drang
____19. M16
____20. Joint Chiefs of Staff
____21. Danang
____22. Rolling Thunder
____23. Nguyen Cao Ky
____24. Maxwell Taylor
____25. Lyndon B. Johnson
____26. Robert McNamara
____27. William Westmoreland
____28. C. Turner Joy
____29. ARVN
____30. Hue
A. Secretary of Defense under Kennedy & Johnson
B. basic infantry weapon used after 1965 by US
C. where the US Marines landed (Mar 1965)
D. commanding General MACV 1965-68
E. US Ambassador to S. Vietnam (1964-65)
F. practice of killing more soldiers than the enemy does.
G. became Premier of South Vietnam after Khanh
H. one of the ships attacked by N. Vietnam (Aug 1964)
I. famous helicopter used in the Vietnam War
J. bombing campaign conducted against N. Vietnam
K. location of attack on the USS Maddox
L. President of the US between 1963-68
M. area between North Vietnam & S. Vietnam
N. South Vietnamese Army
O. headquarters of NVA/VC operations in S. Vietnam
P. tactics employed by Westmoreland to defeat NVA
Q. Old imperial capital of Vietnam
R. site of first battle between US & NVA troops
S. leaders of all military branches-advisors to the President
T. logistical supply route for NVA
Multiple Choice:
31. In 1961 American troops were sent to South Vietnam to
A. provide helicopter transport, advice & training to the South Vietnamese army.
B. fight the Viet Cong in the countryside.
C. protect Saigon from enemy attack.
D. attack North Vietnam
32. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
A. Was passed by Congress with only two dissenting votes.
B. Gave the President broad powers to wage war.
C. marked the beginning of U.S. escalation of the war.
D. all the above.
E. none of the above.
33. Lyndon Johnson’s chief aim in Southeast Asia was to
A. establish a colony in Vietnam.
B. halt the spread of Communism in Asia.
C. draw the Soviet Union into a long expensive war.
D. make Vietnam’s oil supplies available to the U.S.
34. Johnson chose not to run for reelection in 1968 primarily because of
A. opposition to the war in Vietnam.
B. his decision to support Hubert Humphrey.
C. the violence of the Civil Rights movement.
D. his failure to get legislation passed by Congress.
35. After the 1968 Tet Offensive Americans began to believe
A. that Communism was taking over the world.
B. we were winning the war.
C. that the war in Vietnam was not winnable.
D. that we needed to send more troops to
36. Why did the United States get involved in the war?
A. Because it was willing to help the French in return for French support for NATO
B. Because it opposed the spread of Communism.
C. Because past U.S. administrations feared the domestic political stigma of being thought “weak” on
D. Because once engaged even a little, the prospect of disengagement raised troubling questions of U.S.
credibility, prestige, and honor.
E. All of the above.
37. Many people have tried to explain the “lessons” of Vietnam. Which of the following is NOT a lesson
“learned" from the Vietnam war?
A. Military recruitment: An army of draftees can effectively fight an unpopular war.
B. Foreign policy: Don’t try to defend an ally that is not willing to defend itself.
C. Strategy: Don’t do things half way; fight to win or don’t fight at all.
D. Politics: Shield national security judgments from partisan domestic politics to the extent possible.
E. Civil-military relations: Senior civilian decision-makers should never take advice from the uniformed
military uncritically.
38.When the United States took charge of the war, a major impact on Vietnamese society was a dramatic
A. reduction in religious intolerance
B. expansion of political democracy
C. influx of money and technology
D. improvement in education
39. The War Powers Act was designed to ensure that
A. the President would have to obtain congressional support for long-term use of U.S. troops abroad
B. Congress would decide when and where to send United States troops
C. the President’s power to wage war would be virtually eliminated
D. a national referendum would have to be held before United States troops could be sent abroad.
40. The shooting of students at Kent State University came during demonstrations against the
A. war in general
B. renewed bombing in the North
C. mining of Haiphong Harbor
D. invasion of Cambodia
41. What European colonial power had held Vietnam (or Indochina) since the late 1800's?
A. France
B. Belgium
C. Britain
D. Spain
42. On what date did Saigon finally fall to the Communists?
A. May, 1968
B. January 1980
C. March 1971
D. April , 1975
43. What site marked the first major battle between U.S. forces and the regular army of the NVA?
A. An Loc.
B. the Ia Drang valley.
C. Khe Sanh
D. Hue
44. The first American soldier killed by hostile action in Vietnam October 21, 1957.
A. PFC Robert Wilson
B. Captain Harry Cramer
C. Lt. Col. William B. Nolde
D. Sgt. William Westmorland
45. The last American soldier to die in combat in Vietnam, January 27, 1973.
A. Lt. Col. William B. Nolde
B. Sgt. William Westmorland
C. PFC Robert Wilson
D. Captain Harry Cramer
46. The only person ever convicted of war crimes in the My Lai massacre trial was
A. Capt. Ernest Medina
B. Lt. Philip Caputo
C. Lt. William Calley
D. Capt. Hugh Thompson
47. This U.S. General constantly pushed for more American ground troops in Vietnam. He believed
a battle of attrition would win the Vietnam War and instituted “Search-and-Destroy” missions.
A. William Westmorland
B. Paul Harkins
C. Norman Swartzkopf
D. Colin Powell
48. Initially U.S. Secretary of Defense in the Kennedy & Johnson administrations (1961- 1968).
Before that, he had been president of Ford Motor Company. advocating increasing US involvement
in Vietnam, he started to question US policy by 1966.
A. Henry Kissinger
B. William Fulbright
C. Robert McNamara
D. William Calley
49. A Defense Department analyst working for the Rand Corporation, he secretly copied Top Secret
U.S. government documents and revealed their contents to the newspapers.
A. William Calley
B. Henry Kissinger
C. Daniel Elsberg
D. Robert McNamara
50. The concept of winning over the civilian population's allegiance to anticommunist ideals, rather than
controlling territory or killing the most people. This was the crucial battle in Vietnam. The US operated
under this principal into the mid 60s.
A. Shock & Awe
B. Search & Destroy
C. Seek & Find
D. Hearts & Minds
1. Which of the axis powers was the first to attack a neighboring country?
A. Germany
B. Japan
C. Italy
D. Denmark
2. What was the name of the first country annexed by Germany?
A. Austria
B. Czechoslovakia
C. Poland
D. France
3. What country had a civil war between fascists & socialists in 1936, and became the site where Germany &
Italy could test their newest weapons and tactics of war?
A. Greece
B. Bulgaria
C. Portugal
D. Spain
4. The top-secret project carried out by U.S. scientists to develop the atomic bomb was called;
A. The Holocaust
B. Operation Torch
C. Operation Bravo
D. The Manhattan Project
5. Hitler’s attempt to annihilate all of Europe’s Jews is know as;
A. The Anschluss
B. The Holocaust
C. The New Crusade
D. The Thousand-year Reich
6. In an attempt to satisfy Hitler’s desire to rebuild Germany, the British and French agreed to give in to Hitler’s
demands and give Germany the “The Sudatenland” in the western part of Czechoslovakia.
This policy of giving in became known as;
A. “Cowardice”
B. “Appeasement”
C. “Anschluss”
D. “Mollification”
7. Instead of a military occupation of all of France, Hitler allowed some French government officials to operate
a “puppet government” run by officials who would collaborate with the Nazi’s. This government was allowed
to “rule” the south-eastern part of France. It became known as the ____ Government.
A. Vichy
B. Shadow
C. Traitorous
D. Normandy
8. Germany’s generals devised a new type of warfare which relied on fast movement and coordinated air and
ground attacks. This new type of warfare was called;
A. Wermacht
B. Luftwaffe
C. Blitzkrieg
D. Panzermachen
9. Which of the following was NOT one of the “Axis Powers”.
A. Germany
B. Italy
C. Japan
D. China
10. After Hitler’s armies marched into this country, Britain & France finally declared war on Germany.
A. Poland
B. Belgium
C. Holland
D. Denmark
11. What country signed a secret agreement with Germany stating that their two countries would not attack each
other & would share in a division of Poland.
A. Austria
B. Hungary
D. Rumania
12. After conquering Poland in less than a month, German troops stopped to regroup and resupply their armies.
The French were reluctant to attack the German’s “Siegfried Line” of defenses. As a result there was very little
fighting done in the winter of 1939-40. In the United States this period was known as;
A. “The short-lived peace”
B. “The Great Pause”
C. “The Phony War”
D. “The Non-War”
13. The General who was so successful in North Africa that he became known as the “Desert Fox” was;
A. Irwin Rommel
B. George S. Patton
C. Hienz Guderian
D. Bernard Montgomery
14. The first Naval battle in military history in which the two fleets engaged in battle but never fired a single
shot at one another from their massive deck guns became known as the battle of
A. Leyte Gulf
B. Midway
C. The Coral Sea
D. Guadalcanal
15. Hitler’s attempt to “bring Britain to her knees” through a program of massive bombings of British cities
including London & Coventry became known in Britain as;
A. “Hell-fire”
B. The Blitz
C. “The Lightning Raids”
D. “The Great Trial”
16. In August of 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt & Winston Churchill met in a battle-camoflaged warship off the
coast of Newfoundland to set out the Allied war aims, even before the U.S. had joined the war. This statement
of war aims is known as
A. the Atlantic Charter
B. the Newfoundland Plan
C. the New World Order
D. the New Freedom
17. What was the name of the battle that is considered to be the “Turning-Point” of the Pacific War?
A. Guadalcanal
B. Midway
C. Tarawa
D. Iwo Jima
18. What was the name of the battle that is considered to be the “Turning-Point” of the war in North Africa?
A. El Alamein
B. Kasserine Pass
C. Tunis
D. Alexandria
19. What was the name of the battle that is considered to be the “Turning-Point” of the war in Eastern Europe?
A. Stalingrad
B. Kiev
C. Moscow
D. Minsk
20. The Allied plan for the invasion of Europe was code-named
A. Operation Torch
B. Operation Barbarossa
C. Operation Overlord
D. Operation Market Garden
21. After the Allied victory in North Africa, Churchill urged the Americans to strike at the “soft under-belly of
the Axis”.
Where did the U.S. decide to attack?
A. Greece
B. The south coast of France.
C. Albania
D. Sicily
22. Which was the first of the Axis Powers to surrender to the Allies?
A. Italy
B. Germany
C. Japan
D. Bulgaria
23. Which was the last of the Axis Powers to surrender to the Allies?
A. Italy
B. Germany
C. Japan
D. Bulgaria
24. Which battle marked the first appearance of “Kamikaze” attacks on U.S. warships?
A. Guadalcanal
B. Tarawa
C. Iwo Jima
D. Leyte Gulf
25. From December 1944-January 1945 Germany fought an all-out attempt to break through the Allied lines
with a surprise
thrust through the Ardennes Forest. This month-long battle was known as the battle of
A. Desperation
B. Belgium
C. the Bulge
D. the Panzers
26. Franklin D. Roosevelt
27. Joseph Stalin
28. Winston Churchill
29. Charles DeGualle
30. Benito Mussolini
31. Heideki Tojo
32. Adolf Hitler
33. Mao Zedong
34. Chiang Kai-shek
35. Harry S. Truman
A. the founder of Fascism & Italy's wartime leader
B. U.S. President who ordered the 1st use of Atomic bombs
C. Chinese Nationalist leader
D. Minister of War in Japan
E. USSR leader who signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler
F. Wrote Mein Kampf while in prison
G. Leader of the “Free French” forces
H. Chinese Communist leader
I. British Prime Minister in World War II
J. President of the United States when war began
36. Country whose army was the first to enter Berlin in 1945
37. The only country ever bombed with an Atomic bomb
38. The site of the Allied landing on “D-Day”
39. The only Western European country to successfully defend itself against Germany's invasion attempt.
40. Where the “Vichy Government” cooperated with Nazi rule.
41. This country's civil war between Fascists & Socialists became a practice ground for Germany & Italy's
42. The western part of this country was given to Germany at the Munich Conference.
43. When Japan occupied this country the U.S. cut off it's exports of oil to Japan.
44. The invasion of this country prompted France & Britain to declare war on Germany.
45. Country to whom Gen. Douglas MacArthur promised, “I Shall Return”.
46. Japan took control of this country in 1931, set up a “puppet government” & renamed the country
47. This country was annexed by Germany in the “Anschluss” before World War II.
48. The site of the first Japanese attack on the United States Pacific Fleet.
49. The U.S. wanted to preserve the “Open Door” to trade with this country.
50. The first Fascist country in Europe.
1.(1) What was the nickname the U.S. soldiers used to refer to themselves?
A. "Sammies"
B. "G.I. Joes"
C. "doughboys"
D. "Yankees"
2. (1) What was the name given to the middle ground between the enemy trenches on the Western front?
A. "the meat-grinder"
B. "the furnace"
C. "no man's land"
D. "the gateway to hell"
3. (1) What was the name of Wilson’s plan for world peace after World War I?
A. “The Sussex Pledge”
B. “The 14 Points of World Peace”
C. “The 1000 Points of Light”
D. “The 14 Points of World Peace”
4. (1) Which of the following is NOT one of the new weapons that were first used extensively in
World War I.
A. The machine gun.
B. The aircraft carrier
C. The tank
D. Poison Gas
5. (1 ) What was the name given to the "mental illness" that afflicted many soldiers who fought in World War I,
including the British poets Wilfred Owen & Siegfried Sassoon?
“Combat Fatigue”
“Trench Shock”
“Shell Shock”
“War Trauma”
6. (1) In the 1916 presidential election, Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan was
A. “He kept us out of war”
B. “We must be prepared for war”
C. “Remember the Maine”
D. “We must make the world safe for Democracy”
7. (1) What was the name of the U.S. Army training camp built in Louisville to train troops for
fighting in World War I?
A. Camp Zachary Taylor
B. Camp Theodore Roosevelt
C. Camp James Madison
D. Camp Franklin Pierce
8. (1) What new weapon of World War I caused the U.S. to become concerned about violations of
“International Law” and the rights of neutrals.
A. The Zeppelin
B. The Machine Gun
C. Poison Gas
D. The U-boat
9. (2) Who was the Louisville newspaper editor who coined the phrase, "To Hell with the Hoehenzollerns &
the Hapsburgs"?
A. Henry Watterson
B. Isaac W. Bernheim
C. Barry Bingham
D. Gene Snyder
10. . (2) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, Which character is the last to die?
A. Muller.
B. Kat.
C. Paul.
D. Kemmerich.
11. (2) According to the Kentucky Living article “Kentuckians in the Great War”, what Kentuckian was the
first U.S. soldier killed in battle in World War I?
A. Sgt. Alvin York
B. Cpl James B. Gresham
C. Sgt William Sandlin
D. Pvt John J. Pershing
12. (2) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, Who dies as Paul carries him to safety?
A. Kat.
B. Kropp.
C. Muller.
D. Haie Westhus
13. (2) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, Which character has a knack for finding food?
A. Kropp
B. Kat
C. Paul
14. (2) According to the Kentucky Living article "Kentuckians in the Great War", Who was the
Kentuckian who won the Medal of Honor for wiping out 3 German machine gun nests?
A. Sgt. Alvin York
B. Cpl. James B Gresham
C. Sgt. William Sandlin
D. Pvt. John J. Pershing
15. (2) Who was the General who led the American Expeditionary Force in World War I?
A. Harry S. Truman
B. Douglas MacArthur
C. George S. Patton
D. John J. Pershing
16. (2) The assassination of what world leader was the spark that ignited World War I?
A. Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany
B. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria
C. Czar Nicholas II of Russia
D. Woodrow Wilson of the United States
17. (3) According to the Kentucky Living article "Kentuckians in the Great War", What Kentucky county
holds the distinction of being the only county in the nation that, because of volunteers, did not have to
draft a single soldier?
A. Jefferson County
B. Fayette County
C. Oldham County
D. Breathitt County
18. (3) What small European country’s neutrality was violated by Germany?
A. France
B. Belgium
C. Switzerland
D. Italy
19. (3) What Allied country suffered the fewest deaths in the war?
A. Japan
B. The United States
C. France
D. Britain
20. (3) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, What nationality is the soldier whom Paul
stabs to death?
21. (3) Which European country was the first to declare war (July 28)?
A. Austria-Hungary
B. Germany
C. Russia
D. France
22. (3) German foreign minister Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to the German ambassador
of what country, asking them to join in an alliance with Germany if the U.S. entered the
war on the Allied side?
A. Mexico
B. Canada
C. Columbia
D. Cuba
Ottoman Empire
30. (4) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, What did Kantorek encourage his students to do about
the war
A..Avoid it at all costs.
B. Fight if conscripted; otherwise live at peace.
C. Emigrate to America.
D. Patriotically enlist at once.
31. (5) According to the book excerpt entitled, "To Hell With the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs",
what "significant social change" took place in Louisville at midnight August 31, 1917?
A. The city's 1st Republican Mayor took office.
B. Louisville movie theaters were opened to blacks for the first time.
C. The closing of the "red light district" (houses of prostitution) on Green Street.
D. Women were given the right to vote in local elections for the first time.
32. (5) According to the book excerpt entitled, "To Hell With the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs", what
Louisville company was owned by a "Socialist" who saw the war as a "capitalist scheme" to gain
international markets?
A. Fischer Packing Company
B. Philip Morris Tobacco Company
C. The Ford Motor Company
D. Hillerich & Bradsby (Louisville Slugger)
33. (5) In the Wilfred Owen poem, The Parable of the Old Man and the Young, what did the
"Old Man" most likely represent?
A. World Leaders
B. His father
C. Religious leaders
D. the angel of death
34. (5) According to the book excerpt entitled, "To Hell With the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs", the
federal Alien Property Office seized the "vast Boche estate" of young German Baron von Zedwitz in
June 1918. What was done with his seized farmland in the early 1920's?
A. It was seized by the city and turned into Iroquois Park by the city.
B. It was seized by the city and turned into what is now Kentucky Kingdom.
C. It was seized by the city and turned into what is now Churchill Downs.
D. It was seized by the city and was turned into Seneca Park & Bowman Field.
35. (5) According to the book excerpt entitled, "To Hell With the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs",
how many soldiers died in Louisville's Camp Zachary Taylor as a result of the flu?
A. 1,500
B. 500
C. 2,500
D. 250
36. (5) To gain support for their war effort, the British promised two traditional enemies that they
would support the establishment of an autonomous "homeland" for their people. Which of
the following is the territory they promised to give them.
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. The Philippines
D. Palestine
37. (4) In the book, ,All Quiet on the Western Front, What prompts Detering to desert?
A. A letter from his wife.
B. The loss of an arm.
C. The sight of cherry trees.
D. The scent of the ocean.
38. (5) In the poem, Dulce et Decorum Est, what was Wilfred Owen trying to tell his "friend" back home?
A. that it is fit and proper to die for one's country.
B. that he wished he had never volunteered for the army.
C. to send him more mail from home.
D. that he should not be teaching children that it is glorious to die for one's country.
39. (5) How did World War I affect American trade with European nations?
Trade with Britain increased & trade with Germany decreased.
Trade with Germany increased & trade with Britain decreased.
Trade with both Britain & Germany increased.
Trade with both Britain & Germany decreased.
40. (5) How did Britain violate international law in World War I?
A. By placing mines in the English Channel
B. By using poison gas against German troops
C. By allowing British merchant ships to fly the flags of neutral countries.
D. By sinking German passenger liners
41. (5) What new weapon, which was a hazard to both attacker and defender, was first used in war
by Germany in 1915 and is outlawed by international treaty today?
A. the Zeppelin
B. poison gas
C. biological agents
D. the flame-thrower
42. (5) According to the Kentucky Living article "Kentuckians in the Great War", how many of Kentucky's
2,418 war dead were battle related?
A. 1,235
B. 890
C. 204
D. 1,548
43. (4) What event in Russia made Wilson state that the “world must be made safe for democracy”?
A. The Russian Army’s loss at Tannenburg
B. Russia was invaded by Japan
C. A revolution drove the Czar from the throne
D. German Army troops captured Moscow
44. (4) On what date was the Armistice signed?
A. August 1, 1914
B. July 1, 1915
C. November 11, 1918
D. April 6, 1917
45. (4) At what battle did the British lose 20,000 men in one day?
A. the battle of Verdun
B. the battle of the Somme
C. the 1st battle of Ypres
D. the battle of Belleau Wood
46. (4) What battle was a result of General von Falkenheyn’s plan to “Bleed France to Death”?
A. the battle of Verdun
B. the battle of the Somme
C. the 1st battle of Ypres
D. the battle of Belleau Wood
47. (4) Which battle stopped the German advance in 1914, leading to their retreat and entrenchment to hold their gains.
A. the battle of Verdun
B. the battle of the Somme
C. the 1st battle of Ypres
D. the 1st battle of the Marne
48. (4) Which battle was Germany’s 1st big victory on the Eastern Front & Russia’s 1st big defeat?
A. the battle of Verdun
B. the battle of the Somme
C. the battle of Chateau Thierry
D. the battle of Tannenburg
49. (5) What was the name of the British ocean liner which the Germans sunk on the afternoon of
May 7, 1915, killing 1198 people, including 128 Americans?
A. The Arabic
B. The Sussex
C. The Lusitania
D. The Mauritania
50. (5) Which of the following was NOT one of the reasons the U.S. finally joined the war in 1917,
on the side of the Allies?
A. The Zimmerman telegram
B. The Russian Revolution
C. Germany’s resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
D. The bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.