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Teacher: Rosemarie O’Neill
9th Grade Accelerated Biology
Homework: Unit Test on Tuesday
Block: 1 and 2
Week of: March 6-10,2017
Spring 2016 Week 8
Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of this unit on the chemicals which make up a living organism.
Activity: Complete the warm up
and go over.
Assessment: Correct answers
Finish Reviewing for test by going
over the Keystone questions dealing
with the Chemicals of Life Unit.
Assessment: Correct answers
Activity: Introduce the next unit on cells.
Assessment: Student part.
Homework: Cell note sheets due on Thursday
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the structures and functions of cells and cell organelles.
Activity: Chemicals of Life Test
Activity: Chemical of Life Test
Activity: Work on Cell Note sheet
Assessment: Test Scores
Assessment: Test Scores
Assessment: Correct answers
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells but not found in
prokaryotic cells.
Activity: Complete warm up.
Activity: Complete lecture on
Activity: Complete remaining parts of the
Review eukaryotic cell structures
Eukaryotic cells.
cell lab. Compose and labeling the diagrams
already discussed.
of the 3 types of cells plus a virus
Assessment: Student part.
Assessment: Student part.
Assessment: Correct procedure
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the cellular structure common to all eukaryotic cells but not found in
prokaryotic cells.
Activity: Review eukaryotic cell
structures already discussed.
Assessment: Student part.
Activity: Pass out diagram of
bacteria/prokaryotic cells. Lecture
structures common to all bacteria
Assessment: Student part.
Activity: Discuss what items must be present
for bacteria to survive.
Assessment: Student part.
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the structure of bacteria cells and what they require to live and
Activity: Pass out diagram of
Activity: Set up part A of bacteria
Activity: Lecture reproduction of bacteria,
bacteria/prokaryotic cells and
how bacterial reproduction can be
continue discussing bacteria.
controlled and both the good and
Lecture structures common to all
bad aspects of bacteria
bacteria cells. Discuss what items
must be present for bacteria to
Assessment: Student part.
Assessment: Correct procedure
Student participation