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Module III. Philosophy of the religion
І. Text test tasks:
1. Who is one of the founders of the Marxism?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Voltaire
C. *F. Engels
D. F. Bacon
E. I. Kant
2. Who told that the world is an objective intellect and according to logic is very close to
subjective man’s intellect?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Skovoroda
C. Kant
D. Bacon
E. *Hegel
3. Who distinguished 4 main philosophical questions: 1) What can I know? 2) What should
I do? 3) What can I expect? 4) What is man?
A. There is no correct answer
B. K. Marx
C. F. Engels
D. *I. Kant
E. F. Bacon
4. One of the main features of the Marxist philosophy is...
A. There is no correct answer
B. Man is a center of nature
C. Man is a part of nature
D. *Nature is a part of man
E. Man is a nature
5. German philosopher was one of the first to criticize Hegel and his doctrine. He
defected from Hegelian idealism to a materialistic view of man and history, where
the main accent is put on a human being, his essence, estrangement and freedom in
terms of society. Thus, moral-ethical and anthropological questions constituted the
problems field of his philosophy. He revaluated the notion of the subject (man) in
A. There is no correct answer
B. J. Fichte
C. *L. Feuerbach
D. G. Hegel
E. Kant
6. Famous representative of the German classical philosophy. His philosophy is a great
intellectual monument that greatly influenced development of the European thought of the
time. He is considered to be the father of Dialectic as a definite way of the world
comprehension and a philosophical method of cognition. He methodologically
constructed a comprehensive system of thought about the world that is objective
idealism. It believes that reality is idealistic or spiritual in nature, but that it exists
independently of us.
A. There is no correct answer
B. J. Fichte
C. L. Feuerbach
D. *G. Hegel
E. I. Kant
7. “Every event must have a cause”.
A. I. Kant
B. F. Engels
C. K. Marx
D. *G. Hegel
E. L. Feuerbach
8. How many periods of Kant’s work we can distinguish?
A. There is no correct answer
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
E. *2
9. Who is a founder of critical idealism?
A. There is no correct answer
B. J. Fichte
C. *I. Kant
D. L. Feuerbach
E. G. Hegel
10. French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher. He showed that air has weight, that air
pressure is lower to high altitudes, and that the pressure of a fluid is transmitted equally
in all directions. He also made a mechanical calculator and a syringe, and founded the
theory of probability.
A. There is no correct answer
B. G. Leibniz
C. *B. Pascal
D. Voltaire
E. D. Hume
11. Scottish philosopher, economist, and historian. He rejected the possibility of certainty in
knowledge and claimed that the sole origin of knowledge is in experience.
A. E. There is no correct answer
B. D. F. Bacon
C. C. J.-J. Rousseau
D. B. Voltaire
E. *A. D. Hume
12. French philosopher and writer, born in Switzerland. He believed that civilization warps
the fundamental goodness of human nature, but that the ill effects can be moderated by
active participation in democratic politics.
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Hume
C. *J.-J. Rousseau
D. Voltaire
E. Spinoza Baruch
13. Dutch philosopher. He believed in the absolute unity of the universe and God
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Hume
C. F. Bacon
D. Voltaire
E. *Spinoza Baruch
14. French philosopher, mathematician and scientist. He believed that that everything was
open to doubt except his own conscious experience and his existence as a necessary
condition of this: “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am).
A. There is no correct answer
B. J. Locke
C. F. Bacon
D. *R. Descartes
E. Voltaire
15. English philosopher. He was an empiricist, arguing in An Essay concerning Human
Understanding that all knowledge is based on human experience. A political liberal, he
believed that the authority of rulers is limited.
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Hume
C. Voltaire
D. R. Descartes
E. *J. Locke
16. French philosopher, writer, and critic. A leading figure of the Enlightenment, he was
chief editor of the Encyclopйdie, through which he spread and popularized philosophy
and scientific knowledge.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Voltaire
C. F. Bacon
D. *D. Diderot
E. R. Descartes
17. French writer, dramatist, and poet. He frequently came into conflict with the
Establishment as a result of his radical views. His works include Lettres philosophiques
and the satire Candide.
A. There is no correct answer
B. R. Descartes
C. *Voltaire
D. F. Bacon
E. J.-J. Rousseau
18. German philosopher and mathematician, who devised a method of calculus
independently of Newton. In philosophy he proposed that the world is composed of
single units (monads), all acting in harmony together.
A. There is no correct answer
B. *G. Leibniz
C. Voltaire
D. B. Spinoza
E. F. Bacon
19. English statesman, philosopher, and scientist. His emphasis on the observation and
classification of the natural world laid the basis of the inductive method of scientific
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Diderot
C. *F. Bacon
D. Voltaire
E. G. Leibniz
20. English statesman, philosopher, and scientist. His emphasis on the observation and
classification of the natural world laid the basis of the inductive method of scientific
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Diderot
C. *F. Bacon
D. Voltaire
E. G. Leibniz
21. “To be means to be apprehended”, who told this?
A. There is no correct answer
B. D. Hume
C. Voltaire
D. F. Bacon
E. *R. Descartes
22. During the period of New Age a lot of scientists and philosophers were trying to explain
all deep processes in the world using …
A. There is no correct answer
B. Genetics
C. Chemistry
D. *Mechanics
E. Biology
23. Leibniz doctrine about world building was called...
A. There is no correct answer
B. Methodology
C. *Monadology
D. Empirism
E. Atomism
24. What epoch was named “Dark Ages”?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Ancient time
C. *Middle Ages
D. Antique time
E. New Ages
25. Whose pen name was Francois Marie Arouet?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Spinoza
C. Bacon
D. *Voltaire
E. Leibniz
26. German philosopher and mathematician and one of the most famous people of the time.
Following English and French models, king Frederic I created Academy of Sciences
in Berlin and persuaded him to become its first president. In line with his philosophical
optimism, he supposed that the world to be formed from self-existent substances-monads,
themselves in mutual harmony and animated by a force emanating ultimately from the
divine will.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Spinoza
C. Bacon
D. Voltaire
E. *Leibniz
27. Who distinguished 3 levels of cognition: sensual, logical and intuition?
A. *Spinoza
B. J.-J. Rousseau
C. D. Diderot
D. Voltaire
E. G. Leibniz
28. English statesman, philosopher and essayist, was the greatest of those propagandists and
the founder of Empirism in philosophy. He was the first philosopher in the New Age
period to "look for a new methodology of the scientific cognition. His main task was to
find the way to more efficiently apply reason to the cognition of nature. He anticipated
the decisive role of science in the human life. In the book "Novum Organum" (1620)
he presented his "doctrine about purification of reason".
A. There is no correct answer
B. Rene Descartes
C. Voltaire
D. David Hume
E. *Francis Bacon
29. He distinguished 3 rights of an individual life: life, liberty and property.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Voltaire
C. *John Locke
D. David Hume
E. Jacques Rousseau
30. Who is a founder of Empirism in philosophy?
A. There is no correct answer
B. John Locke
C. Gottfried Leibniz
D. *Francis Bacon
E. Rene Descartes
31. Who wrote "Institutes of the Christian Religion"?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Jacob Burkhardt
C. F. Petrarch
D. G. Boccaccio
E. *J. Calvin
32. Who wrote "The Babylonian Captivity"?
A. There is no correct answer
B. G. Boccaccio
C. F. Petrarch
D. *M. Luther
E. Jacob Burkhardt
33. Who wrote "Book of the Courtier"?
A. There is no correct answer
B. N. Copernicus
C. B. Castiglione
D.J acob Burkhardt
E. *Baldassare Castiglione
34. .The belief that God is present in all things; belief in many or all gods is …
A. There is no correct answer
B. Theology
C. *Pantheism
D. Animism
E. Syncretism
35. … a 16th century movement for the reform of the Roman Catholic Church, that ended in
the establishment of the Protestant Churches.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Enlightenment
C. Secularization
D. Renaissance
E. *Reformation
36. … is a revival of art and literature under the influence of classical styles in the 14th - 16th
A. There is no correct answer
B. Secularization
C. Enlightenment
D. *Renaissance
E. Reformation
37. German Protestant theologian, the leading figure of the German Reformation. He
preached the doctrine of justification by faith (the belief that people are freed from sin by
their faith in God rather than by their good actions) and attacked papal authority. He was
excommunicated in 1521.
A. There is no correct answer
B. B. Castiglione
C. J. Burckhardt
D. J. Calvin
E. *M. Luther
38. French Protestant theologian and leader of the Reformation. On becoming a Protestant he
fled to Switzerland, where he established the first Presbyterian government, in Geneva.
A. There is no correct answer
B. N. Copernicus
C. *J. Calvin
D. M. Luther
E. F. Petrarch
39. Polish astronomer and philosopher, who proposed that sun is the center of solar system,
with the planets orbit sun, rejecting the established view that Earth was the center of
A. There is no correct answer
B. F. Petrarch
C. J. Calvin
D. M. Luther
E. *N. Copernicus
40. Swiss protestant reformer, the chief figure of the Swiss Reformation. His ideas gained
strong support in Zuich but met with fierce resistance elsewhere; he was killed in the
resulting civil war.
A. There is no correct answer
B. M. Luther
C. *U. Zwingli
D. J. Calvin
E. L. Valla
41. Italian poet and philosopher, known for the Canzoniere, a sonnet sequence in praise of a
woman called Laura.
A. There is no correct answer
B.*F. Petrarch
C. N. Copernicus
D. G. Boccaccio
E. L. Valla
42. Italian writer, poet, humanist and philosopher, famous for the collection of stories known
as the Decameron.
A. There is no correct answer
B. L. Valla
C. N. Copernicus
D. *G. Boccaccio
E. F. Petrarch
43. The system of speculative ideas about nature, which was worked out in different
philosophical doctrines is …
A. *Natural philosophy
B. Consciousness
C Outlook
D Dialectics
E. Metaphysics
44. What accident changed Luther’s life?
A. There is no correct answer
B. He liked monasteries
C. Father’s death
D. Falling in love
E. *Bolt of the lightning
45. He was born into a simple worker family in Saxony in central Germany. The boy
received a good education and decided to become a lawyer, a profession that would
have given him many opportunities for advancement. But in his early twenties, shortly
after starting his legal studies, he had an experience that changed his life. Crossing a field
during a thunderstorm, he was thrown to the ground by a bolt of lightning, and in his
terror he cried to St. Anne, the mother of Mary, that he would enter a monastery.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Giovanni Boccaccio
C. *Martin Luther
D. Jacob Burkhardt
E. John Calvin
46. To the 16th century European, the most momentous revolution of the time was not the
growth of royal power, the rise of prices or the discovery of new lands overseas, but the
movement that destroyed the West's religious unity: …
A. There is no correct answer
B. Enlightenment
C. *Reformation
D. Secularization
E. Renaissance
47. The term “Renaissance” was given currency in the 19 U century by the Swiss historian
A. There is no correct answer
B. Nicolaus Copernicus
C. John Calvin
D. *Jacob Burkhardt
E. Martin Luther
48. The study of God and religious belief; a system of religious beliefs and theory is …
A. There is no correct answer
B. History
C. *Theology
D. Dialectics
E. Metaphysics
49. Christian scholar, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into Latin (the version known as
the Vulgate).
A. There is no correct answer
B. St. Basil
C. St. Anselm
D. St. Ambrose
E. *St. Jerome
50. French scholar, theologian, and philosopher, famous for his tragic love affair with his
pupil Heloїse.
A. There is no correct answer
B. St. Ambrose
C. Eusebius
D. *Peter Abelard
E. Johannes Erigena
51. Italian philosopher, theologian, and Dominican friar. He introduced the work of Aristotle
to Christian Western Europe and devised the official tenets of the Roman Catholic
A. There is no correct answer
B. St. Anselm
C. Johannes Erigena
D. Peter Abelard
E. *Thomas Aquinas
52. Christian theologian and bishop of Hippo in North Africa. His writings, such as
Confessions and the City of God, dominated subsequent Western Christian Theology.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Clement of Alexandria
C. Origen
D. *St. Augustin
E. Quintus Tertullianus
53. “The best wisdom is a wisdom of whole world”, who told this?
A. There is no correct answer
B. St. Augustin
C. Clement of Alexandria
D. Origen
E. *Quintus Tertullianus
54. The last and the highest stage of the development of the West religious philosophy of
Middle Ages, which is characterized by connection of theological-dogmatic ideas and
rational methodology is called ...
A. There is no correct answer
B. *Scholastic
C. Gnoseology
D. Ontology
E. Deism
55. “Believe to understand”, who told this?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Origen
C. Quintus Tertullianus
D. *St. Augustin
E. Clement of Alexandria
56. “Cognize God through soul and soul through God”, who told this?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Justin Martyr
C. Origen
D. Clement of Alexandria
E. *St. Augustin
57. Who distinguished 2 types of the world cognition: revelation and natural cognition?
A. M. Luther
B. Justin Martyr
C. Origen
D. *Quintus Tertullianus
E. St. Augustin
58. Christianity discovers it as a special state of human soul.
A. Anthropocentrism
B. Theocentrism
C. Creationism
D. Spirituality
E. *Faith
59. World outlook considered man not only as a natural and physical creature but also as a
spiritual personality. Antique philosophy came to conclusion about existence of body and
soul in the human nature.
A. Symbolism
B. Creationism
C. Faith
D. *Spirituality
E. Anthropocentrism
60. Christian world outlook stands for the idea of creation of the world out of nothing.
A. Symbolism
B. Spirituality
C. *Creationism
D. Faith
E. Theocentrism
61. The idea about man as the center and master of the created world, the highest aim
of God's creation.
A. Symbolism
B. *Anthropocentrism
C. Faith
D. Theocentrism
E. Creationism
62. The idea of a single God is …
A. Faith
B. Spirituality
C. *Theocentrism
D. Anthropocentrism
E. Creationism
63. Teaching about God is …
A. Dialectics
B. History
C. Metaphysics
D. Mythology
E. *Theology
64. The first Christians appeared in …?
A. *1 - 2 c. AD
B. 3 - 4 c. AD
C. 2 - 1 c. BC
D. 4 - 5 c. AD
E. 2 - 3 c. AD
65. Idea about personal God-creation. What’s definition?
A. Animalism
B. Animism
C. Mythology
D. Illusion
E. *Impersonal Absolute
66. Discipline that attempts to express the content of a religious faith as a coherent body of
propositions is …
A. Philosophy
B. Culture
C. Axiology
D. Ethics
E. *Theology
67. Method of investigating the nature of truth by critical analysis of concepts and
hypotheses is …
A. Axiology
B. Culture
C. Logic
D. *Dialectic
E. Metaphysics
68. Branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of ultimate reality is …
A. Culture
B. *Metaphysics
C. Ethics
D. Gnoseology
E. Logic
69. Principles or standards of human conduct, sometimes called morals (Latin mores,
“customs”), and, by extension, the study of such principles, sometimes called moral
philosophy is …
A. Gnoseology
B. Epistemology
C. *Ethics
D. Axiology
E. Logic
70. A theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
thinking is …
A. Ethics
B. Metaphysics
C. Axiology
D. Logic
E. *Gnoseology
71. The study of man is …
A. Dialectics
B. Logic
C. Epistemology
D. Axiology
E. *Philosophical anthropology
72. … is concerned with such issues as the nature of the ultimate reality,
philosophy of religion, philosophy of mind, personal identity, freedom of will and
A. Gnoseology
B. Epistemology
C. *Metaphysics
D. Ontology
E. Dialectics
73. The study of being is …
A. Logic
B. Epistemology
C. Philosophy
D. *Ontology
E. Axiology
74. The study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy is …
A. Ontology
B. *Axiology
C. Logic
D. Gnoseology
E. Epistemology
75. The study of the laws of thought and forms of argument is …
A. Ethics
B. Ontology
C. Axiology
D. Epistemology
E. *Logic
76. Branch of philosophy that addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the theory
of knowledge is …
A. Ethics
B. Ontology
C. Axiology
D. *Epistemology
E. Logic
77. “Tartarus” …
A. there is no correct answer
B. is a place where soul gets purifies
C. has no existence
D. *is a place of eternal damnation
E. is just a belief
78. Who was the first to define the transmission of the soul?
A. Epicures
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Democritus
E. *Pythagoras
79. The soul …
A. There is no correct answer
B. confined to a certain physical gesture
C. *survives bodily death
D. is Alive
E. is mortal
80. Reincarnation is …
A. all answers are correct
B. changing of one life form into another
C. rebirth as to fulfill certain obligations yet to be performed in the previous birth
D. simply life after life
E. * transmigration of the soul
81. According to Chinese philosophy, what are the main five organs of the human organism?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Heart, stomach, kidneys, liver, intestine
C. *Heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen
D. Heart, liver, spleen, lungs, stomach
E. Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, stomach
82. According to Chinese philosophy, what are 5 elements of making universe?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Earth, water, air, fire, powder
C. Tree, earth, water, air, fire
D. *Tree, fire, earth, metal, water
E. Tree, fire, powder, earth, water
83. Chinese philosophy based on Dao, or fundamental principle underlying the universe,
incorporating the principles of Yin and Yang and emphasizing humility and religious
A. Fetishism
B. Monism
C. Confucianism
D. Buddhism
E. *Daoism
84. Siddartha Gautama. Born an Indian prince, he renounced wealth and family and after
achieving enlightenment while meditating, taught all who came to learn from him.
A. Prophet Mohammad
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. *Buddha
E. Confucius
85. .Chinese philosopher. His ideas about the importance of practical moral values formed
the basis of the philosophy of Confucianism.
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Socrates
D. Buddha
E. *Confucius
86. In Chinese philosophy two beginnings: light and dark, active and passive, male and
female are ...
A. Deo and Dao
B. Yin and Dao
C. *Yang and Yin
D. Daoism and Confucianism
E. Dao and Yang
87. “Four noble truths” - one of the features of...
A. *Buddhism
B. Daoism
C. Neo-Platonism
D. Stoicism
E. Islam
88. What is the book of Ancient Indian school, which contains the expressions about
philosophical understanding of the world?
A. Upanishads
B. Empirists
C. Atmans
D. *Vedas
E. Brahmins
89. What is the main notion of Daoism?
A. Deo
B. Monism
C. Yin
D. *Dao
E. Yang
90. Way or universal force harmonizing nature.
A. Deo
B. Monism
C. Yin
D. *Dao
E. Yang
91. Symbol of Sun or the active, masculine principle of life. Give right answer.
A. Deo
B. Monism
C. Yin
D. Dao
E. *Yang
92. Symbol of shadow or passive, feminine principle of life. Choose the right answer.
A. Monism
B. *Yin
C. Deo
D. Dao
E. Yang
93. Concentration, contemplation and ecstasy. What does it mean?
A. *Stages of meditation
B. Animal sacrifice
C. Material science
D. Moral disciplines
E. Physical disciplines
94. What does Buddha from Sanskrit mean?
A. Delicate
B. Universal
C. Smart
D. Dark
E. *Awakened
95. Caste, comprising manual workers.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Brahmin caste
C. *Shudra caste
D. Vaisya caste
E. Kshatriya caste
96. Caste, comprising farmers and merchants.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Brahmin caste
C. Shudra caste
D. *Vaisya caste
E. Kshatriya caste
97. Caste, comprising warriors and rulers.
A. There is no correct answer
B. Brahmin caste
C. Shudra caste
D. Vaisya caste
E. *Kshatriya caste
98. The highest caste, comprising the priests.
A. There is no correct answer
B. *Brahmin caste
C. Shudra caste
D. Vaisya caste
E. Kshatriya caste
99. How many casts does the caste division of society in India include?
A. 8
B. 5
C. *4
D. 3
E. 2
What is mгyг from Sanskrit?
A. Intuition
B. Religion
C. Woman
D. Man
E. *Illusion
View that after the death the human beings live again in other forms. What is this?
A. Fetishism
B. *Reincarnation
C. Animism
D. Religion
E. Syncretism
Who wrote this? "Religion is based on revelation. Revelation is something what
opens to me and cognition is something what I do open".
A. H. Skovoroda
B. K. Marx
C. Socrates
D. *M. Berdyayev
E. I. Kant
History plays a … role with regard to philosophy, for not only do philosophers
do philosophy while teaching the history of philosophy, but they also involve themselves
in the critical examination of the principles that underlie historical investigation itself,
creating a philosophy of history.
A. Material
B. Empirical
C. Theoretical
D. Practical
E. *Dialectical
… is the self-consciousness of a tribe, where development of the individual selfconsciousness is not observed. What is this?
A. *Mythology
B. Outlook
C. Animism
D. Fetishism
E. Syncretism
As used originally by ancient Greeks, the term … meant the pursuit of knowledge
for its own sake.
A. Epistemology
B. *Philosophy
C. Axiology
D. Ontology
E. Culture
Who described Philosophy as “… nothing but the true knowledge of things”?
A. T. Shevchenko
B. G. Hegel
C. H. Spencer
D. I. Kant
E. *J. Locke
Philosophy is destined to be in opposition to the empirical reality, to the every
day world, to see imperfection of society, to destroy habitual stereotypes and
superstitions, to search for possibilities to make the world more human.
A. Mythological function
B. Vital-practical function
C. Cognitive function
D. Methodological function
E. *Critical function
Who wrote this? "Religion is based on revelation. Revelation is something what
opens to me and cognition is something what I do open".
A. H. Skovoroda
B. K. Marx
C. Socrates
D. *M. Berdyayev
E. I. Kant
The specific feature of the … is fixed in the very etymology of the word
"religion" that in Latin means "object to worship" or the service and worship of God
or the supernatural.
A. *religious outlook
B. scientific outlook
C. general outlook
D. philosophical outlook
E. mythological outlook
… is directed at realization of the man's own position in life. It consists of the
program of behavior, life projects and orders.
A. Component of outlook
B. Component of cognition
C. Philosophical component
D. *Motivating-active component
E. Value component
… of outlook proves the one to be not only a sum of knowledge but also the
reference of a man to the world, others and oneself.
A. Component of outlook
B. Component of cognition
C. Philosophical component
D. Motivating-active component
E. *Value component
… is represented as a sum of ideas and knowledge about the world in general
and the place of man in it.
A. *Component of cognition
B. Component of outlook
C. Philosophical component
D. Motivating-active component
E. Value component
Forms and historical types of outlook are …
A. There is no correct answer
B. methodological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
C. *mythological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
D. cognitive, value and motivating-active constituent elements
E. vital-practical and theoretical constituent elements
Basic levels of outlook are …
A. There is no correct answer
B. methodological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
C. mythological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
D. cognitive, value and motivating-active constituent elements
E. *vital-practical and theoretical constituent elements
Basic components of outlook are …
A. there is no correct answer
B. methodological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
C. mythological, religious and philosophical constituent elements
D. *cognitive, value and motivating-active constituent elements
E. vital-practical and theoretical constituent elements
"Man" and "the world" are the key notions of …
A. *Outlook
B. Nation
C. Science
D. Philosophy
E. Love
"Here is a definition of (subjective) truth: holding fast to an objective
uncertainty in an appropriation process of the most passionate inwardness is the truth,
the highest available for an existing individual".
A. *Kierkegaard
B. Z. Freud
C. Socrates
D. Plato
E. J. Goethe
"The masses fear the intellectual, but it is stupidity that they should fear, if they
only realized how dangerous it really is".
A. H. Skovoroda
B. Socrates
C. K. Marx
D. I. Kant
E. *Johann Goethe
"… Rules of Philosophy".
A. Twelve
B. Five
C. *Ten
D. Nine
E. Eight
History plays a … role with regard to philosophy, for not only do philosophers
do philosophy while teaching the history of philosophy, but they also involve themselves
in the critical examination of the principles that underlie historical investigation itself,
creating a philosophy of history.
A. Methodological
B. Empirical
C. Theoretical
D. Practical
E. *Dialectical
Etymologically from Greek sophia means …
A. Sympathy
B. Love
C. Respect
D. Friendship
E. *Wisdom
Etymologically from Greek philos means …
A. Sympathy
B. *Love
C. Respect
D. Friendship
E. Wisdom
Who is one of the founders of Marxism?
A. A. Comte
B. Voltaire
C. *F. Engels
D. F. Bacon
E. I. Kant
Who distinguished 4 main philosophical questions: 1) What can I know? 2) What
should I do? 3) What can I expect? 4) What is man?
A. A. Comte
B. K. Marx
C. F. Engels
D. *I. Kant
E. F. Bacon
What are three historical types of outlook?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Empirical, methodological, theoretical
C. Religious, practical, mythological
D. Methodological, religious, philosophical
E. *Mythological, religious, philosophical
A person’s attitude to life; a view; what is likely to happen in future is …
A. Theory
B. Consciousness
C. *Outlook
D. Practice
E. Criticism
… outlook appeared in the period of decay of the tribal system society.
A. Methodical
B. Philosophical
C. Methodological
D. Mythology
E. *Religious
… function proves philosophy to be able to influence the formation both of mass
outlook and outlook position of an individual.
A. Mythological
B. *Vital-practical
C. Methodological
D. Critical
E. Cognitive
The main … task of philosophy is to ground and prove truth in the scientific
A. Mythological
B. Practical
C. Critical
D. Cognitive
E. *Methodological
What is a function of philosophy that is directed at comprehension of integrity of
the world, at cognition of the background and preconditions of interconnection between
man and the world, at systemic-theoretical, logical-consequent and argumentative solution
of the outlook problems?
A. Mythological
B. Critical
C. Methodological
D. *Cognitive
E. Practical
Who was the first mentioned the term “philosophy”?
A. Epicures
B. Plato
C. *Pythagoras
D. Socrates
E. Aristotle
Who told that the world is an objective intellect and according to logic is very
close to subjective man’s intellect?
A. Shevchenko
B. Skovoroda
C. Kant
D. Bacon
E. *Hegel
According to outlook philosophy is...
A. it’s basis
B. one of its causes
C. *one of its types
D. one of its basic principles
E. one of its components
What is dualism?
A. There is no correct answer
B. Understanding of a man from 5 viewpoints
C. Understanding of a man from 4 viewpoints
D. Understanding of a man from 3 viewpoints
E. *Understanding of a man from 2 viewpoints
Perception of the world where reality and illusion, natural and supernatural,
objective and subjective are based, is one of the essential features of the mythological
outlook. What does it mean?
A. Fetishism
B. Outlook
C. Animism
D. Mythology
E. *Syncretism
… is the self-consciousness of a tribe, where development of the individual selfconsciousness is not observed. What is this?
A. Fetishism
B. Outlook
C. Animism
D. *Mythology
E. Syncretism
What are the constituent elements of outlook?
A. Main components of outlook and basic levels of outlook
B. Basic forms and historical types of outlook
C. Basic levels and forms and historical types of outlook
D. *Basic components of outlook, basic levels and forms and historical types of outlook
E. Basic components and basics levels of outlook
It is a vision of the world from the only-center position of a man. What is the
A. Nation
B. *Outlook
C. Thought
D. Society
E. Science
Logic is …
A. a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
B. the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
C. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
D. the study of being
E. *the study of the laws of thought and forms of argument
Axiology is …
A. the study of the laws of thought and forms of argument
B. the study of being
C. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
D. a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
E. *the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
Philosophical anthropology is …
A. the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
B. *the study of man
C. a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
D. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
E. the study of being
Ontology is …
A. the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
B. a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
C. the study of the laws of thought and forms of argument
D. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
E. *the study of being
Metaphysics is …
A. a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
B. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
C. the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
D. *it is concerned with such issues as the nature of the ultimate reality, philosophy of
religion, philosophy of mind, personal identity, freedom of will and immortality
E. the study of being
Gnoseology (epistemology) is …
A. the study of values, including Aesthetics, Ethics and political philosophy
B. the study of man
C. the study of sources, essence and laws of development
D. *a theory of knowledge, study of the essence, forms and principles of cognition and
E. the study of being
What are two kinds of reason?
A. Spiritual and material
B. *Practical and theoretical
C. Historical and theoretical
D. Theoretical and empirical
E. Practical and empirical
What definition of philosophy seems to you the most appropriate?
A. Philosophy is wisdom of love
B. Philosophy is a study about a man
C. Philosophy is a science of sciences
D. Philosophy is a state of soul
E. *Philosophy is love of wisdom
Perception of the world where reality and illusion, natural and supernatural,
objective and subjective are based, is one of the essential features of the mythological
outlook. What does it mean?
A. Fetishism
B. Outlook
C. Animism
D. Mythology
E. *Syncretism
… any philosophical problem is studied in the context of God.
A. *Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. Gnosticism
… the study which explains the contradiction of the idea of God as Absolute and
the existence of the world evil.
A. Theocentrism
B. *Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. Gnosticism
… everything around is determined by God and eventually reaches its aim.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. *Theologism
D. Personalism
E. Gnosticism
…God is Absolute Personality, which served as a sample for man creating.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. *Personalism
E. Gnosticism
… derived from the Greek word - “revealed knowledge”.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Gnosticism
According to …, sparks or seeds of the Divine Being fell from this transcendent
realm into the material universe, which is wholly evil, and were imprisoned in human
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Gnosticism
Reawakened by knowledge, the divine element in humanity can return to its
proper home in the transcendent spiritual realm.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Gnosticism
… was the first to prove the possibility to combine the Bible beliefs with the
Greek philosophy.
A. St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. *Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… conceived of God as a being without attributes, better than virtue and
knowledge, better than the beautiful and the good, a being so exalted above the world that
an intermediate class of beings is required to establish a point of contact between him and
the world.
A. St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. *Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
These beings … found in the spiritual world of ideas-not merely ideas in the
Platonic sense, but real, active powers, surrounding God as a number of attendant beings.
A. St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. *Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
According to …, all these intermediate powers are known as the Logos, the divine
image in which persons are created and through which they participate in the deity.
A.St. Aquinas
B.St. Augustine
C.*Philo of Alexandria
According to …, an individual's duties consist of veneration of God and love and
righteousness toward others.
A. St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. *Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
According to …, humans are immortal by reason of their heavenly nature, but just
as degrees in this divine nature exist, degrees of immortality also exist. Mere living after
death, common to all humanity, differs from the future existence of the perfect souls, for
whom paradise is oneness with God.
A. St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. *Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… in ancient and especially in medieval philosophy and theology, the divine
reason that acts as the ordering principle of the universe.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Logos
… is “present everywhere” and seems to be understood as both a divine mind and
at least a semiphysical force, acting through space and time. Through the faculty of
reason, all human beings (but not any other animals) share in the divine reason.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Logos
The Greek word … being translated as “word” in the English Bible: “In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . And
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us . . .”
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Logos
… was identified with the will of God, or with the Ideas (or Platonic Forms) that
are in the mind of God.
A. Theocentrism
B. Theodicy
C. Theologism
D. Personalism
E. *Logos
… born in what is now Souk-Ahras, Algeria, in ad 354, brought a systematic
method of philosophy to Christian theology.
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
Who wrote the Confessions and the City of God?
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… argued that religious faith and philosophical understanding are complementary
rather than opposed and that one must “believe in order to understand and understand in
order to believe.”
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… considered the soul a higher form of existence than the body and taught that
knowledge consists in the contemplation of Platonic ideas as abstract notions apart from
sensory experience and anything physical or material.
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… came to a pessimistic view about original sin, grace, and predestination: the
ultimate fates of humans
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
His view of human life was pessimistic, asserting that happiness is impossible in
the world of the living, where even with good fortune, which is rare, awareness of
approaching death would mar any tendency toward satisfaction.
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… believed that without the religious virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which
require divine grace to be attained, a person cannot develop the natural virtues of
courage, justice, temperance, and wisdom.
A. St. Aquinas
B. *St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
Philosophic and theological movement that attempted to use natural human
reason, in particular, the philosophy and science of Aristotle, to understand the
supernatural content of Christian revelation.
A. Skeptics
B. Stoics
C. Sophists
D. Epicureans
E. *Scholasticism
The ultimate ideal of the movement was to integrate into an ordered system both
the natural wisdom of Greece and Rome and the religious wisdom of Christianity.
A. Skeptics
B. Stoics
C. Sophists
D. Epicureans
E. *Scholasticism
Throughout the … period, philosophy was called the servant of theology, not only
because the truth of philosophy was subordinated to that of theology, but also because the
theologian used philosophy to understand and explain revelation.
A. Skeptics
B. Stoics
C. Sophists
D. Epicureans
E. *Scholasticism
… was called the Angelic Doctor and the Prince of Scholastics
A. *St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… combined Aristotelian science and Augustinian theology into a comprehensive
system of thought that later became the authoritative philosophy of the Roman Catholic
A. *St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
Who wrote Summa Theologica?
A. *St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
…made many important investigations into the philosophy of religion, including
an extremely influential study of the attributes of God, such as omnipotence,
omniscience, eternity.
A. *St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
… also provided a new account of the relationship between faith and reason that
the truths of faith and the truths of reason cannot conflict but rather apply to different
A. *St. Aquinas
B. St. Augustine
C. Philo of Alexandria
D. Plato
E. Kant
Which philosophy is characterized by: “In this view of the universe, known as
Mechanism, science took priority over spirituality, and the surrounding physical world
that we experience and observe received as much, if not more, attention than the world to
A. the Middle Ages
B. the Renaissance
C. *the Enlightenment
D. the German philosophy
E. the Neoclassic philosophy
Which philosophy is characterized by: “The aim of human life was no longer
conceived as preparation for salvation in the next world, but rather as the satisfaction of
people’s natural desires. Political institutions and ethical principles ceased to be regarded
as reflections of divine command and came to be seen as practical devices created by
A. the Middle Ages
B. the Renaissance
C. *the Enlightenment
D. the German philosophy
E. the Neoclassic philosophy
Which philosophy is characterized by: “knowledge is not innate, but comes only
from experience and observation guided by reason”?
A. the Middle Ages
B. the Renaissance
C. *the Enlightenment
D. the German philosophy
E. the Neoclassic philosophy
… saw God as the cause of the great mechanism of the world, a view more in
harmony with science than with traditional religion.
A. *Deism
B. Mechanism
C. Empirism
D. Materialism
E. Pantheism
According to … the universe is completely explicable in terms of mechanical
A. Deism
B. *Mechanism
C. Empirism
D. Materialism
E. Pantheism
…a doctrine that affirms that all knowledge is based on experience, and denies the
possibility of spontaneous ideas or a priori thought.
A. Deism
B. Mechanism
C. *Empirism
D. Materialism
E. Pantheism
Who wrote Novum Organon?
A. *F. Bacon
B. F. Leibnitz
C. Rene Descartes
D .Benedict Spinoza
E. D. Diderot
ІІ. Situational problem:
1. What did Buddha preach in his first sermon?
*Four noble truths
Two noble truths
Six noble truths
Three noble truths
Five noble truths
2. What does BRAHMA mean from Sanskrit?
A. * reality
B. release
C. the wheel of rebirth
D. punishment and reward
E. illusion
What does Buddha mean from Sanskrit?
A. God
B. beloved
C. concentrated
D. contemplated
E. * awakened
What does KARMA mean from Sanskrit?
A. reality
B. release
C. the wheel of rebirth
D. * punishment and reward
E. illusion
What does MAYA mean from Sanskrit?
A. reality
B. release
C. the wheel of rebirth
D. punishment and reward
E. * illusion
What does MOKSA mean from Sanskrit?
A. reality
B. * release
C. the wheel of rebirth
D. punishment and reward
E. illusion
7. What does SAMSARA mean from Sanskrit?
A. reality
B. release
C. * the wheel of rebirth
D. punishment and reward
E. illusion
8. What introduces the system of knowledge that is based on reason?
A. Mythology
B. * Philosophy
C. Religion
D. Eastern type of cultural development
E. Western type of cultural development
9. What is the religion of the majority of the Indians?
A. * Hinduism
B. Brahmanism
C. Buddhism
D. Islam
E. Christianity
10. Which of the following groups was not one of the Indian castes or classes?
A. Brahmin
B. Kshatriya
C. Vaisya
D. Sudra
E. * Jodhpurs
ІІІ. Tests for pictures
1. Which option has the incorrect form? (See Figure 1)
A. Being of bodies and processes
B. Being of man
C. Being of spiritual (ideal)
D. Being of social
E. *Being of God
2. Which option has the incorrect form? (See Figure 1)
A. Being of bodies and processes
B. Being of man
C. Being of spiritual (ideal)
D. Being of social
E. *there is no correct answer
3. The figure shows the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have
ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most
common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence,
omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary
existence. (See Figure 2)
A. *god
B. theology
C. religion
D. animism
E. pantheism
4. The figure shows the supernatural creator and overseer of the universe. Theologians have
ascribed a variety of attributes to the many different conceptions of God. The most
common among these include omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence,
omnibenevolence (perfect goodness), divine simplicity, and eternal and necessary
existence. (See Figure 2)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. theology
C. religion
D. animism
E. pantheism
5. What is the translation of the word “religion” from Latin? (See Figure 3)
A. god, idol
B. person
C. faith, cult
D. worshiping
E. *shrine
6. What is the translation of the word “religion” from Latin? (See Figure 3)
A. god, idol
B. person
C. faith, cult
D. worshiping
E. *there is no correct answer
7. What science has outlook of universe into natural and supernatural, material and
spiritual? (See Figure 4)
A. philosophy
B. mythology
C. theology
D. *religion
E. science
8. What science has outlook of universe into natural and supernatural, material and
spiritual? (See Figure 4)
A. philosophy
B. mythology
C. theology
D. *there is no correct answer
E. science
9. Which of the following options doesn’t define the state of nirvana? (See Figure 5)
A. *greed, hatred, delusion
B. the peace of mind
C. enlightenment
D. giving up obsession
E. ecstasy, pleasure
10. Which of the following options doesn’t define the state of nirvana? (See Figure 5)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. the peace of mind
C. enlightenment
D. giving up obsession
E. ecstasy, pleasure
11. … is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
(See Figure 6)
A. Сult
B. *Faith
C. Confession
D. Prayer
E. Eucharist
12. … is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
(See Figure 6)
A. Cult
B. *There is no correct answer
C. Confession
D. Prayer
E. Eucharist
13. When was Christianity officially established as the religion of the Roman Empire? (See
Figure 7)
A. the 4th century BC
B. *the 4th century AD
C. the 1st century BC
D. the 1st century AD
E. the 2nd century BC
14. When was Christianity officially established as the religion of the Roman Empire? (See
Figure 8)
A. the 4th century BC
B. *there is no correct answer
C. the 1st century BC
D. the 1st century AD
E. the 2nd century BC
15. What is the compulsory prayer of a Muslim called requiring praying five times a day at
respective timings facing towards the direction of Mecca? (See Figure 17)
A. haj
B. *salat
C. zakat
D. medina
E. eid
16. What is the compulsory prayer of a Muslim called requiring praying five times a day at
respective timings facing towards the direction of Mecca? (See Figure 8)
A. haj
B. *there is no correct answer
C. zakat
D. medina
E. eid
17. The holy book of Muslims is called….? (See Figure 8)
A. Bible
B. Tora
C. *Quran
D. Old Testament
E. Exodus
18. The holy book of Muslims is called….? (See Figure 8)
A. Bible
B. Tora
C. *there is no correct answer
D. Old Testament
E. Exodus
19. The type of outlook where reality and illusion, natural and supernatural, objective and
subjective are fused. (See Figure 9)
A. philosophy
B. *mythology
C. theology
D. there is no correct answer
E. science
20. The type of outlook where reality and illusion, natural and supernatural, objective and
subjective are fused. (See Figure 9)
A. philosophy
B. *mythology
C. theology
D. there is no correct answer
E. science
21. … was born Prince Siddhatha Gotama in Kapilavatthu, near the present-day border of
India and Nepal. (See Figure 10)
A. Jesus Christ
B. *Buddha
C. Prophet Mohamed
D. The apostle Peter
E. Paul the Apostle
22. … was born Prince Siddhatha Gotama in Kapilavatthu, near the present-day border of
India and Nepal. (See Figure 10)
A. Jesus Christ
B. *there is no correct answer
C. Prophet Mohamed
D. The apostle Peter
E. Paul the Apostle
23. The figure shows one of Hinduism gods, the maintainer of the order. (See Figure 11)
A. *Vishnu
B. Shiva
C. Brahma
D. Buddha
E. Jesus Christ
24. The figure shows one of Hinduism gods, the maintainer of the order. (See Figure 11)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. Shiva
C. Brahma
D. Buddha
E. Jesus Christ
25. The figure shows the writings that describes the life of Jesus. (See Figure 12)
A. Bible
B. Tora
C. Quran
D. Old Testament
E. *Gospels
26. The figure shows the writings that describes the life of Jesus. (See Figure 12)
A. Bible
B. Tora
C. Quran
D. Old Testament
E. *there is no correct answer
27. The number 1 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
28. The number 1 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. *Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
29. The number 2 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. *there is no correct answer
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
30. The number 2 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. *Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
31. The number 3 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. *Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
32. The number 3 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. *there is no correct answer
D. Christianity
E. Judaism
33. The number 4 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *Christianity
E. Judaism
34. The number 4 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *there is no correct answer
E. Judaism
35. The number 7 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. *Judaism
36. The number 7 on the figure is the symbol of… (See Figure 13)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity
E. *there is no correct answer
37. The figure shows is the Bishop of Rome and as such, is leader of … (See Figure 14)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *Christianity
E. Judaism
38. The figure shows is the Bishop of Rome and as such, is leader of … (See Figure 14)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *there is no correct answer
E. Judaism
39. The Dalai Lama is a lineage of religious officials of …(See Figure 15)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *Buddhism
E. Judaism
40. The Dalai Lama is a lineage of religious officials of … (See Figure 15)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *there is no correct answer
E. Judaism
41. The figure shows Mecca the Holy Place of … followers (See Figure 16)
A. *Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
E. Judaism
42. The figure shows Mecca the Holy Place of … followers (See Figure 16)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. Buddhism
E. Judaism
43. What is the compulsory prayer of a Muslim called requiring praying five times a day at
respective timings facing towards the direction of Mecca? (See Figure 17)
A. haj
B. *salat
C. zakat
D. medina
E. eid
44. What is the compulsory prayer of a Muslim called requiring praying five times a day at
respective timings facing towards the direction of Mecca? (See Figure 17)
A. haj
B. *there is no correct answer
C. zakat
D. medina
E. eid
45. … are a list of religious and moral imperatives that, according to Judeo-Christian
tradition, were authored by God and given to Moses on the mountain. (See Figure 18)
A. *Commandments
B. Salat
C. Eightfold Noble path
D. Quran
E. Gospels
46. … are a list of religious and moral imperatives that, according to Judeo-Christian
tradition, were authored by God and given to Moses on the mountain. (See Figure 18)
A. *there is no correct answer
B. Salat
C. Eightfold Noble path
D. Quran
E. Gospels
47. The figure shows the theorist of Christianity. (See Figure 19)
A. I. Kant
B. *there is no correct answer
C. Plato
D. Dalai Lama
E. Giordano Bruno
48. The figure shows the theorist of Christianity. (See Figure 19)
A. I. Kant
B. *Thomas Aquinas
C. Plato
D. Dalai Lama
E. Giordano Bruno
49. The figure shows the symbols of… (See Figure 20)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *Christianity
E. Judaism
50. The figure shows the symbols of… (See Figure 20)
A. Islam
B. Daoism
C. Hinduism
D. *there is no correct answer
E. Judaism