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Chronic Disease Assistance Plan (C-DAP)
Management Computer Application
On 21st February 2003, the Ministry of Health launched the “Chronic Disease Assistance Plan
(C-DAP)” which has made thirty-six prescription drugs available free of charge, not only at the
public health dispensaries, but also in any of approximately 240 private pharmacies, nationwide.
The programme now treats the chronic diseases of:
Glaucoma and
Some cardiac diseases
Mental Depression
Enlarged Prostate
The population 60 years and over, persons (of any age) in receipt of disability assistance grants
and children under the age of 18 were eligible to participate.
Information Technology (IT) System Requirements
An IT system was required for the management of the two major tasks of NIPDEC in the day-today CDAP operations. These tasks are:
Inventory Management
The effective management of in-warehouse inventories as well as keeping track of the expected
inventory levels at all the various programme dispensing agents (private pharmacies).
Prescription (Rx) Processing
Tracking the distribution of Rx pads and the timely processing of dispensing agent professional
fee payment claims.
In addition to these programme specific requirements the IT System must also satisfy the
following design constraints.
Fast Setup – Must be operational within a month from original project conception
Flexible – Must be adaptable to changes in the CDAP; can accept data from disparate sources
Robust – Must easily handle an expected exponential influx of data
Networked – Allow multiple points of user access on the present computer network
Easy Management – NIPDEC staff must be able to easily install, deploy and backup the system
Secure – Can be password protected and able to track user changes in data
Ease of Use – Simple, intuitive graphical user interface
Cost Effectiveness – Low cost IT solution
IT Solution
The Computer Department of NIPDEC Pharmaceutical Division developed a client server
solution, initially between two Microsoft Access databases. One database acted as the client and
the next as the server.
The client database held all user interface related objects, whilst the server database only held the
actual CDAP database tables.
This solution fits all the requirements for the IT System, but the server was later upgraded to a
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database to efficiently manage the ever-increasing data volume.
System Modules
The CDAP software application is composed of six main modules, each of which are constantly
being reviewed and refined based upon system user requests or programme wide changes in the
CDAP. These modules have been detailed below.
Inventory Processing
This module handles all inventory related aspects of the CDAP. These activities include:
Stock Receipts:
The recording of inventory received from NIPDEC Pharmaceutical
Division’s main stores.
Pharmacy Requisitioning: Recording all CDAP pharmacy inventory requests, and the
quantities supplied.
Print Delivery Notes:
A specialised screen that allows for the batched printing of
pharmacy request delivery notes.
View Inventory Balances:
Allows summary to individual transaction level viewing of all
inventory transactions.
Rx Processing
All Rxs and pharmacy professional fee claims are entered and processed in this module. Major
activities include:
View/Edit Rxs:
All Rxs in the CDAP programme can be entered, viewed and / or
edited here
Pharmacy Claims:
All pharmacy claims can be entered, viewed and / or edited here.
All payment invoices based on claims are created here as well.
Import Rx Data:
An external data entry company prepares and enters most of the
Pharmacy claim and Rx data. Additional digitised data is received
from pharmacies using handheld devices onto which an application
(iPharm) is installed. Both sets of data can be imported here.
Rx Corrections:
Here a log of all pharmacy claim Rxs, where necessary data was
not completed by the claiming pharmacy is kept. Pharmacies are
then given notification of all incomplete claim Rxs, which they
would correct, then later re-submit for payment.
Accounts Payable
All pharmacy claim payment activities, with the exception of the creation of the actual invoices,
are done using this module. This module is comprised of the following:
Payment Adjustment:
Any alterations to pharmacy claim payments are made here.
Payment Reports:
Both summarised and detailed pharmacy payment reports for each
payment cycle are generated here.
C-DAP Monitoring
CDAP monitoring staff uses this module to schedule their pharmacy visits, record relevant
findings from these visits and monitor individual patient usage of the CDAP.
Visit Scheduling:
Trips to CDAP pharmacies can be planned and a visit list prepared.
Visit Data Sheet:
The observations and findings of these scheduled visits can be
recorded here.
Patient Usage Monitor:
Summarised and detailed data on a patient’s entire history within
CDAP can be viewed here.
File Maintenance
Administration and maintenance of important CDAP data is done in this module. The list of the
items in the CDAP is maintained here, all payment cycles and the list of holders of iPharm
handheld devices are also monitored here.
All major reports currently derived from the CDAP can be accessed from this module. Major
report categories currently available include:
Pharmacy Payment claim reports
Consumption Analysis, batch and summary stock balances.
Monitoring: Pharmacy Monitoring forms used by Monitors when verifying CDAP pharmacy
inventory balances
Patient Inventory Usage
Pharmacy listings, activity reports
Prescription: Rx Pad allocations and usage
The greatest strength of the current system is its flexibility to adjust to the changing requirements
of the CDAP. As a result, whilst the current system is in production, it is constantly under
review and development as more efficient means of managing the CDAP are suggested.