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Class #:
Chemistry Unit Notes
Matter = Anything that has ________________and takes up _______________.
Even if you can’t see it or hold it (like air).
Atom = A small ______________________that makes up matter.
Named by Democritus, a Greek philosopher.
Atoms have many parts:
Electrons = Invisible, ______________________charged particles.
Nucleus = Positively charged _________________________of an atom
Protons = _______________________ charged particles in the nucleus
Neutrons = _____________________ particles in the nucleus
Niels Bohr = Designed the atomic ___________________ that we use today.
Element = Matter made of only _______________ kind of atom. Ex. Oxygen
Can be naturally made or man-made.
Symbol = contains ______________ letters. Used to save time and space
Atomic Number = the number of _____________________in the nucleus
of each atom. Ex. Oxygen = 8
Isotope = atoms of the same element but have different number of neutrons
Atomic Mass = Weighted ___________________ of the isotopes
Periodic Table of Elements
Periodic Table = Used to __________________, ____________________, and
display elements. It is organized into rows and columns by properties and
Metals = __________________ or metallic. Good ______________________of
heat and electricity. Mostly solid at room temperature. Malleable (bendable)
Non-Metals = ____________________ in appearance. __________________
conductors of heat and electricity. Mostly gases at room temperature. Brittle
Metalloids = Have characteristics of ________________& _________________.
Mostly solid at room temperature. Fairly good conductors.
Compound = More than one element ____________________together.
Compound Formula = Tells you what elements make up a compound.
Mixture = _____________________ compounds mixed together. Not bonded.
Homogenous = the ________________throughout. You cannot see a difference
Heterogeneous = Visible _____________________parts