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2017/2018 Online Instructional Materials Correlation
Gateway to Technology Specialties (PLTW)
8479 - 9 weeks
Last Updated
Course Title
Course Syllabus URL
Content must address both the task/competency and the curriculum framework. Enter the
exact part of the online syllabus that addresses the task/competency.
9 weeks
Gateway to Technology Specialties
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People Skills
Demonstrate positive work
Required 1
Required 2
Demonstrate integrity.
Required 3
Demonstrate teamwork skills.
Required 4
Demonstrate self-representation
Required 5
Demonstrate diversity
Required 6
Demonstrate conflict-resolution
Required 7
Demonstrate creativity and
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
Required 8
Demonstrate effective speaking
and listening skills.
Required 9
Demonstrate effective reading
and writing skills.
Required 10
Demonstrate critical-thinking
and problem-solving skills.
Required 11
Demonstrate healthy behaviors
and safety skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 12 of workplace organizations,
systems, and climates.
Required 13
Demonstrate lifelong-learning
Required 14
Demonstrate job-acquisition and
advancement skills.
Required 15
Demonstrate time-, task-, and
resource-management skills.
Required 16
Demonstrate job-specific
mathematics skills.
Required 17
Demonstrate customer-service
Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
Demonstrate proficiency with
Required 18 technologies common to a
specific occupation.
Required 19
Demonstrate information
technology skills.
Demonstrate an understanding
Required 20 of Internet use and security
Required 21
telecommunications skills.
Addressing Elements of Student Life
Identify the purposes and goals
Required 22
of the student organization.
Explain the benefits and
responsibilities of membership
Required 23 in the student organization as a
student and in professional/civic
organizations as an adult.
Demonstrate leadership skills
through participation in student
Required 24 organization activities, such as
meetings, programs, and
Identify Internet safety issues
Required 25 and procedures for complying
with acceptable use standards.
Investigating Energy
Describe potential and kinetic
Optional 26
Compare exhaustible,
Optional 27 inexhaustible, renewable, and
non-renewable energy sources.
Optional 28
Describe global energy usage
and trends.
Optional 29
Increase energy efficiencies at
Optional 30
Calculate financial benefits of
reducing the carbon footprint.
Optional 31 Design a wind turbine.
Optional 32
Test the efficiency of a wind
turbine design.
Calculate power and work
Optional 33 expectations for the wind turbine
Exploring Sustainable Energy Solutions
Research U.S. annual energy
Optional 34 consumption, energy imports,
and energy production.
Identify the advantages and
Optional 35 disadvantages of each type of
alternative energy.
Describe the relationship
Optional 36 between alternative energies and
where they are consumed.
Identify transportation issues for
Optional 37 bringing alternative energies to
Optional 38
Research a solution to long-term
U.S. energy needs.
Present an alternative energy
Optional 39 plan for the U.S. that will reduce
dependency on fossil fuels.
Making an Impact
Chart daily water usage for the
Optional 40 school to determine
conservation improvements.
Describe environmental benefits
arising from energy
Optional 41
conservation and wastemanagement solutions.
Describe the role engineers play
Optional 42 in integrated waste-management
Compare energy conservation
Optional 43 and energy efficiency and how
they are measured.
Compare conduction,
Optional 44 convection, and radiation as
forms of energy transfer.
Optional 45
Identify materials that reduce
heat transfer.
Optional 46
Engineer a dwelling that
minimizes heat transfer.
Optional 47
Improve the design of a device
to reduce heat transfer.
History of Flight and Space Exploration
Research the history of an
Optional 48
aerospace vehicle.
Describe the flight
characteristics of a variety of
Optional 49 aircraft designs (e.g., kites,
whirligigs, model airplanes, hot
air balloons, model rockets).
Write a script for a presentation
Optional 50 that promotes an aerospace
vehicle design.
Exploring Aeronautics
Compare the forces of flight
Optional 51
(e.g., lift, drag, weight, thrust).
Describe the importance of
Optional 52 center of gravity on aircraft
Optional 53
Apply Newton’s laws to the
principles of flight.
Optional 54
Apply Bernoulli’s principle to
aircraft design.
Optional 55
Identify the tools used to design
and test aeronautic solutions.
Optional 56
Identify the characteristics of an
Analyze the features and
Optional 57 benefits of a variety of wing
Describe the components (e.g.,
fuselage, empennage, high-lift
Optional 58 devices, wings, undercarriage,
propulsion, instruments) that
control an aircraft in flight.
Optional 59
Design a Styrofoam glider
airfoil and empennage.
Traveling and Living in Space
Research the history and
Optional 60 development of rocketry, space
flight, and living in space.
Optional 61
Describe the principles of
Describe how design decisions
Optional 62 will affect a rocket’s
Describe the forces that a rocket
Optional 63 must overcome to leave Earth’s
Optional 64
Define the forces that sustain
Optional 65 Design a lunar rover.
Identify engineered solutions for
Optional 66 safe travel and living conditions
in space.
Exploring Chemical Engineering
Compare the functions of a
Optional 67 chemist to those of a chemical
Describe the science and
Optional 68 engineering behind making ice
Optional 69 Design an adhesive.
Optional 70
Solve an engineering problem
related to a deepwater oil spill.
Exploring Nanotechnology
Optional 71 Define nanometer.
Optional 72 Identify nanoproducts in society.
Identify tools and processes used
Optional 73 to manipulate matter at the
Optional 74
Describe the effects of
nanotechnology on society.
Exploring Applied Physics
Optional 75
Identify the six simple machines
and their applications.
Optional 76
Compare the three classes of
Optional 77
Describe how machines help use
energy efficiently.
Optional 78
Identify mechanical advantage
for simple machines.
Optional 79
Compare kinetic and potential
Calculate the relative kinetic
energy of a moving object,
Optional 80
based on the mass and speed of
the object.
Adhere to classroom, lab, and
Optional 81 manufacturer safety guidelines
for using tools and machines.
Optional 82
Evaluate a model, based on a
design problem.
Optional 83
Analyze a product through
testing methods.
Optional 84
Improve a product through
engineered modifications.
Exploring Electricity
Describe atomic components
Optional 85 (e.g., protons, neutrons,
electrons) and their functions.
Optional 86
Interpret the atomic number of a
variety of elements.
Optional 87
Identify metals, metalloids, and
nonmetals on the periodic table.
Identify materials as conductors,
insulators, or semiconductors,
Optional 88 based upon the number of
valance electrons and position
on the periodic table.
Describe how atoms retain their
Optional 89 composition, using the law of
Optional 90
Describe electron flow between
Optional 91
Define current, voltage, and
Optional 92
Measure voltage and current,
using a multimeter.
Optional 93
Describe the properties and
characteristics of a magnet.
Demonstrate the characteristics
Optional 94 and functions of an
Optional 95
Demonstrate the functions of a
DC motor and its components.
Optional 96
Demonstrate the functions of a
generator and its components.
Describe the function of an
Optional 97 electromagnet in a DC motor
and generator.
Optional 98
Compare basic motors with
Exploring Electronics
Optional 99
Construct series, parallel, and
combination electrical circuits.
Optional 100
Sketch circuit diagrams, using
standardized schematic symbols.
Optional 101
Test electrical circuits, based
upon circuit diagrams.
Integrate electronic components
(e.g., DC sources, lamps,
Optional 102 switches, diodes, light emitting
diodes, resistors, capacitors) into
Compare the operations of fixed
Optional 103 resistors, variable resistors, and
photo resistors.
Optional 104
Interpret the value of a fixed
resistor from its color code.
Optional 105
Measure voltage, current, and
resistance, using a multimeter.
Optional 106
Calculate voltage, current, and
resistance, using Ohm’s law.
Optional 107
Construct a circuit that uses a
transistor as a switch.
Exploring Digital Electronics
Optional 108
Determine outputs/outcomes of
logic scenarios.
Identify the functions of NOT,
Optional 109 AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and
XOR logic gates.
Optional 110
Correlate truth tables to logic
Optional 111
Convert binary to base-10
Optional 112
Convert ASCII to binary
Optional 113
Graph a digital wave form for a
binary sequence.
Optional 114 Diagram electronic circuits.
Construct circuits with
Optional 115 transistors that operate as
Identify digital logic
components (e.g., sensors, gates,
Optional 116
outputs) used in existing
electronic devices.
Optional 117 Construct digital logic circuits.
Optional 118
Test electronic device solutions
that use logic systems.