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The History of Earth & Life
Spontaneous Generation
The idea that living things could arise from ____________ things.
Believers of spontaneous generation included great minds like:
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727)
raw meat gave birth to __________
rotting logs at the bottom of lakes & rivers
gave birth to alligators and crocodiles
Disproving Spontaneous Generation
_________________ _________(1626-1697) - a scientist who used experiments to
disprove spontaneous generation of macro (_________) organisms.
Results: ___________ flask
____________ flask
no maggots
Conclusion: Raw meat does not give rise to maggots.
With the discovery of the ________, scientists found a tiny world teeming with life.
Scientists concluded that microorganisms arise spontaneously from a “Vital Force” in the
air. In definition “Vital Force” states that ___________ arise spontaneously from the air
Disproving Spontaneous Generation of Microorganisms
Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) attempted to disprove spontaneous generation of____________.
He stated that microorganisms formed from other microorganisms, not from air.
Many skeptics still believed in the “Vital Force” & spontaneous
generation hung around for another 100 years.
_____________ ________________ (1822 - 1895) used a curve-necked flask.
This technique allowed air with the so called
“Vital Force” to mix with the broth in the flask,
but prevented _____________________ from
entering the body of the flask
– the idea that all living things come from other __________ things.
History of Earth
The solar system formed ___ _________ years ago.
Earth & other planets formed about ____ billion
years ago by repeated collisions from space debris.
2000˚ F - same as the Sun
The surface is a entirely __________
Earth & other planets formed about ___ ____________ years ago by repeated
collisions from space debris.
Millions & millions of years of _____ filled the oceans, lakes & rivers.
_________ rich oceans - green in color.
Temperature exceeds ______˚ F.
History of Earth
- 3.5 billion years ago
Early _______ activity formed earth’s atmosphere.
Early earth’s atmosphere was very inhospitable.
1. Very little O2 (__________)
2. Mostly __________ _________ ( _____ )
3. ___________
4. Methane(carbon based compound)
5. ____________(inhospitable) NH3
6. hydrogen(H2)
History of Earth
2.5 to 1.5 billion years ago
Granite continents rise from the mantle.
_____________- are cyanobacteria found around every continent that produced ___
The ____ rusted out the iron filled oceans turning all green oceans _______.
All this O2 formed the ______________ (O3) layer
protecting the Earth from harmful _________ rays,
allowing ___________-____________ organisms.
History of Earth
-225 million years ago
_______ ________) to present
day earth.
Pangaea broke apart
_______ million years ago.
The Theory of ______________ _________________
Wegener noticed similarities in _______________ from different _________
organisms from different continents
In addition Wegener noted: Fossil records show ___________ plants in the artic
Found ___________ all over the world.
• Particularly common fossil.
• Found primarily in rocks from the first half of
the Paleozoic era.
History of Earth -
after Pangaea
•as_________________ broke apart the Earth was battered by many asteroids,
volcanic eruptions & ice ages.
•66 million years ago a huge asteroid (as big as Mt. Everest) collided with the Earth,
sending debris & dust that totally blocked out the Sun.
•the Earth began another ________ ________
•all plant life died, followed by the ______________ & almost all other organisms died.
•last ice age occurred ___________ years ago.
How old is the Earth?
During the mid 1600's, Archbishop James Usher
of Ireland, calculated the age of the earth based
on the geneologies from _________ and _______.
According to Usher's calculations, the earth was
formed on October 22, _________ B.C.
Many geological structures and processes cannot be explained if the earth is
only__________ years old.
Leonardo __ ________ - painter, architect and engineer.
Calculated the sedimentation rates in the __ _____ of Italy.
Concluded it took ______________ years to form some
nearby rock deposits.
How old is the Earth???
Relative Dating:
uses ______ _______ to date fossils.
The __________ the object is the older older it is.
Examples: __________ ___________, Stack of __________.
_____I got out bread, peanut butter and jelly.
Read the following story carefully.
Then determine the correct order for the sentences.
Place numbers 1-6 next to each event. Number 1 is the
first event or the oldest that occurred.
The process of putting things in a "correct
order" based on experience is called relative dating.
Relative dating is determining whether an
object is older or younger than other objects or events.
_____I ate the sandwich.
_____I put the two pieces of bread together.
_____I spread a layer of jelly on another piece of bread.
_____I was hungry.
_____I spread a layer of peanut butter on a piece bread.
Radiometric dating:
Determines the age of an object by the natural________ of an element.
Radioactive isotope C14 decays to C12
___________- are the same element, same # of ______, but different # of
is used to date _____ or once living things
•When organisms form, it contains ______% C14
•In one ________ - _______ the organism will
have 50% C14 & 50% C12
has a half life of __________ years
C14 - red
C12 – blue
•Carbon 14 half-life is 5730 years.
•In one half-life how
much C14 - ______%.
How old is the
organism? _____
• In two half-lives how
much C14 - ______%.
How old is the
organism? ______
C14 dates objects up to 50,000 years old
Isotope potassium 40 has a half-life of ___ _______ & was used to date the earth.
_____________ _________ suggest that the EARTH IS 4.6 BILLION
Life on Earth?
In the 1920s, Alexander Oparin and J. B. S. Haldane proposed an idea for how life
may have originated on Earth.
They stated - early atmosphere contained
_______ _______ O2
H2 gas
__________ ________ & _____________(CH 4)
_____________ & __________ stated that, as the earth cooled these gases
condensed & collected in a “primordial soup”.
These elements, triggered by ___________ combined to form __________, the
building blocks for life.
Stanley _______ & Harold ____ set up Oparin’s hypothesis.
The experiment was successful as it produced _________
molecules from _______________ substances.
From ______ to ______ billion years ago the earth was
very in hospitable.
By 3.9 billion, the earth cooled and water vapor _________in
the atmosphere,filling the oceans for millions & millions of years.
___________ _______ - pools of water that contain
the essential ingredients for life.
Simple organic (carbon) molecules changed into _______, ______ & _______ _____.
Protocells are formed from the complex organic molecules.
____________ are the first cells(a living
thing enclosed by a ____________).
Protocells formed between 3.9-3.5 billions of years ago.
Prokaryotes cells that lack _____________.
_____________ from protocells.
no ____ in atmosphere, therefore anaerobic
heterotrophs - consumed organic molecules
______________ (make their own food)
evolved after prokaryotes
make glucose by ________________, not __________________
Photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved due to an increase in atmospheric______ levels.
Eukaryotes - cells that contain organelles.
as _____ levels rose lightning converted
much of the O2 into _______.
This ozone layer protected more advance organisms, such as eukaryotes.
______________ Theory - explains how eukaryotic plant & animal cells evolved.
After the formation of eukaryotes came _________-__________ organisms.
Geological Time Scale Cenozoic
Put the following in order from primitive to more advance:
1. _________ era
Explosion of Life
Reptile & dinos
Multi-cellular organisms
2. _________ era
Homo sapiens
3. _________ era
Pangaea- broke up 245 million years ago
4. _________ era
__________ (1809-1882)
Between 1831 and 1836 Charles Darwin traveled around the world on ____ _______.
He was hired to chart the eastern coastline of __________ _____________.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
the process by which different kinds of organisms are thought to have _______ or
_________ over a long period of time.
He eventually settled on four main points of the theory.
Adaptation: all organisms adapt to their environments.
Variation: all organisms are variable in their traits.
Over-reproduction: all organisms tend to reproduce beyond their environment's
capacity to support them
Natural Selection - Since not all organisms are equally well adapted to their
environment, some will survive and reproduce better than others.
Sometimes this is also referred to as "survival of the fittest”.
Three types of Natural Selection
1. ____________ selection favors the __________
phenotype out of a range of phenotypes.
2. ____________ selection favors individuals at _____
____________ of variation: selection is against
the middle of the curve.
3. ___________ selection tends to favor phenotypes
at one ___________ of the range of variation.
Evidence of Evolution
1. Fossil
A ______ is a trace of a previously
existing organism. They come in many forms.
Most fossils occur in _____________ rock.
Fossils can be found totally preserved in ____________ & _________.
Evidence of Evolution continue
2. ______________ ______________
The structures of many similarly related organisms have many similarities. For
example, the forelimbs of mammals contain the same number of bones in the
human forearm.
_____________ structures are structures that
share a___________ ancestry. The forelimbs
of all vertebrate are constructed from the same
array of bones.
______________ structures are structures that have a similar ____________
but do not share a common ancestry.
___________ structures are considered to be evidence
of an organism’s evolutionary past. They are bones
or other structures that are _______ in size and appear
to have no use or a less important use than in other organisms.
Examples: Human _______ & __________
Ostrich & penguin ___________
3. _____________ _____________
Every organism is composed of the
same nitrogen bases(__________) that
make up DNA.
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The ____________ the similarity in are
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the _______ sequence, the more closely _____________ they are.are
Evidence of Evolution continue
4. Embryology
_____________ is the study of the
embryo(early stage of development).
Many organisms share similarities in
the embryo stage.
The human embryo develops
and then loses artifacts like
_______ pouches and ________.
Convergent evolution
___________ species have _________ adaptations to similar environments.
Divergent evolution or Adaptive evolution
The evolution from a ___________ ancestor to a variety of species.
__________ _____________.
Another example of Divergent evolution / Adaptive evolution
Darwin’s finches –
presently there are 13 species of finches.
Darwin suggest that they
came from __________ ___________.
Mimicry -
is the ____________ of one
organism (mimic) to another.
Extinction –
the process in which
groups of organisms (species)
_______ out.
Over ____ per cent
of the species that
have ever live have gone _______.