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HRT 3MI – Grade 11 World Religions
Final Pretest – Buddhism
Part A – Fill in the Blanks
The Four Noble Truths
1. Life is full of _____________________________.
2. The cause of this ____________________ is ___________________________.
3. We can end suffering by putting an end to ______________________.
4. We can change our ways by following ___________________________________.
The Eightfold Path
The way of ____________________
1. Right View
2. Right ______________________
The way of_______________________
3. Right Speech
4. Right ________________________
5. Right ________________________
The way of _______________________
6. Right _________________________
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right _________________________
The Early Life of the Buddha
The Buddha’s life began when he was born into the warrior caste in Nepal and was born into the
__________________ religion. His name at birth was _________________________________________.
After meditating under the bodhi tree for 49 days, he reached nirvana. He became known as The Buddha,
meaning the “____________________________”.
True and False – correct the false statements
_____ 1. Mahayana Buddhism is focused on lay people and they are able to reach enlightenment.
_____ 2. Mandalas and prayer flags are forms of Tibetan Buddhist poetry.
_____ 3. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual and worldly authority of all Buddhists.
_____ 4. One of the Buddha’s reforms of Hinduism was the rejection of moksha.
_____ 5. Buddha left the Dharma in charge of the Buddhist faith when he died.
_____ 6. Sutra is the name for the most accepted Buddhist sacred scriptures.
_____ 7. “Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dharma” was the death of the Buddha.
_____ 8. Puja is performed by all Buddhists.
_____ 9. The Middle Way is the path of moderation in life – not ascetic and not luxurious.
_____ 10. There are many sects in Mahayana Buddhism
_____ 11. Mandalas are used in meditation and represent both the universe and palaces for holy beings.
_____ 12. Walking around stupas or other holy sites is a form of meditation.
_____ 13. Buddhist chants used in meditation was called mudras.
_____ 14. Siddhartha has sheltered in his early life because his parents were cruel.
_____ 15. Dana is a popular practice – it involves living a moral life according to the 5 precepts.
Short Answers
1. Name 3 beliefs that are common in all forms of Buddhism.
2. Name 2 practices that are specifically Zen.
3. Name 2 practices that are specifically Tibetan.
4. Name the most widely accepted Buddhist scripture? What does it contain?
5. What is the significance of the 3 Refuges?
6. What are the major festivals of the Buddhist year? When are they celebrated? (you may only known
the months for each – also keep in mind that these festivals have many different names)
7. What are 3 Buddhist symbols and their meaning?
e.g. The lotus flower
A symbol of impermanence and overcoming obstacles (grows out
of mud but does not get dirty) – a symbol for humanity (Buddha
saw people as pure and good)
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