Download Physical Anthropology Genetics Worksheet 1

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Physical Anthropology Genetics Worksheet
1. What sorts of gametes can be produced by these individuals: AaBBCc; Aabbcc; AaBbccDd.
2. Complete Punnett Squares for the following matings. AABb X Aabb and AaBb X AaBb
3. From the above matings, what percentage of offspring from each will be AAbb? Aabb? AABB?
4. Hitchhiker’s Thumb is inherited as a recessive trait and Darwin’s tubercle is inherited as a dominant. If both
parents are heterozygous for each of the traits, how many of their children will phenotypically show neither trait?
How many will be carriers of hitchhiker’s thumb? How many will have Hitchhiker’s Thumb?
5. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have come home from the hospital with their new baby. Mr. Smith is blood type AB, Mrs.
Smith is type B. Their friends say that their child looks nothing like either of them. The child is type O. Have
they come home with the wrong baby? Why?
6. You are blood type A and are hiking with friends Sean, Keith, Susie, and Sara who have types AB, B, O, and A,
respectively. If each time you go hiking, someone falls and is seriously hurt and in need of a transfusion, who
can give who blood?
You can get blood from:
Sean can get blood from:
Susie can get blood from:
Sara can get blood from:
Keith can get blood from:
7. In the following pedigree, determine whether the trait is dominant or recessive and label each lettered
individual’s genotype.
Mode of inheritance:____________.
Enter genotypes of these people:
C =
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